AMERICAN SOCIETY OF NAVAL ENGINEERS TIDEWATER SECTION (ASNE-TW) 2015/2016 ACADEMIC YEAR SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY, ENGINEERING, AND MATH (STEM) DEWITT DAVIS AWARDS FUNDING APPLICATION - DUE MARCH 27, 2015 ASNE’s mission is to advance the knowledge and practice of naval engineering in public and private applications and operations, to enhance the professionalism and well-being of members, and to promote naval engineering as a career field. The field of naval engineering can encompass naval architecture; marine, ocean, mechanical, structural, civil, environmental, aeronautical, electrical and electronic engineering; and the physical sciences. ASNE Tidewater provides financial support to schools and clubs in the Tidewater area of Virginia for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) programs. Applications to be completed yearly. Yearly award amounts are not to exceed $500 per school/club. The number of awards each year is based on funding availability. SCHOOL/ORGANIZATION/CLUB INFORMATION School/Organization Name Date Street Address City State Zip Program Contact Telephone Telephone E-Mail Address PROGRAM INFORMATION Program Name Number of Students Amount Requested Description of Program – basic description including how this program supports ASNE’s mission (attach additional information) Other Sources of Funding (include funding amounts) Program Awards PLANNED APPLICATION OF FUNDING Description and Cost of Equipment, Materials, or Services (attach catalog/additional information if available) In the event I am awarded funding, I agree to use this funding for the described STEM activities. To the best of my knowledge, the information provided is factual and complete. Date Signature Submit application via email by March 27, 2015 to Ms. Jan Schuler-Rivas:; (757) 545-4013 x1041 ASNE-TW Rev. 2014.09.02 Page 1 of 1