OFFICIAL – SENSITIVE – COMMERCIAL (once completed by the applicant) Application for Defra approval of a disinfectant under The Diseases of Animals (Approved Disinfectants) (England) Order 2007 No. 448, for the purposes of The Animal Health Act 1981 (Office use only) APHA Office Address: Defra Disinfectant Approvals Administration Room SE175 Stewart Stockman Building Animal and Plant Health Agency Woodham Lane New Haw Addlestone Surrey KT15 3NB Date received: Signed: Reference: Before submitting an application please read the guidance document on how to fill out this form 1. Information is required for all applications 1.1 Name of applicant’s company1 1.2 Name of applicant’s company representative 1.3.1 Address of applicant 1.3.2 Address of manufacturing site (if different to 1.3.1) Postcode Postcode 1.4 Telephone number (including international dialling code where appropriate) 1.5 Email Address 1.7 Company VAT number 1.6 Fax Number 1To safeguard information about your product, this is the person the Animal and Plant Health Agency will use in all correspondence. This should be the person who signs the form. There may be other representatives we can communicate with and the names of these should be made known to us at your earliest convenience. APHA DDA1v2 September 2015 Page 1 of 6 OFFICIAL – SENSITIVE – COMMERCIAL (once completed by the applicant) 2. Parent Product Information 2.1 Parent product name (must be unique within the Defra list) 2.2 Physical form in which the disinfectant is to be tested and sold 2.3 Batch number of the disinfectant sample 2.4 Date sample was manufactured 2.5 Expiry date of disinfectant sample 2.6 Storage instructions 2.7 Product composition including dyes, perfumes, etc. Substance CAS number % active biocide in this substance % of substance used in your product* Active biocide or inert substance (i.e. non-biocidal) Total 100% *see guidance document on how to fill out this form 2.8 Directions for use 2.9 Proposed use Please tick if any information has been supplied separately .......................................................................... APHA DDA1v2 September 2015 Page 2 of 6 OFFICIAL – SENSITIVE – COMMERCIAL (once completed by the applicant) 3. Complete this table for new tests only, i.e. not trade name applications Please complete this table for ’parent’ products indicating which Order(s) you are applying for approval under, the dilution and the fee being paid. Solid products will be tested at a concentration of 1g to (x) millilitres of water. 1 2 3 4 5 Disease Orders Fees per test (GB£) Tick to select State the dilution to be made to your product prior to testing (i.e. end-use concentration). To be stated as 1 part disinfectant to x parts water. Cost (GB£) Foot and Mouth disease 1920 Swine Vesicular disease 1920 Diseases of Poultry and the Avian Influenza and Influenza of Avian Origin in Mammals 1040 Tuberculosis 1300 1400 1620 *General Orders 715 815 Total Administration fee 1000 VAT (add 20%. UK only) Final total * This category is for approval for use against animal diseases (other than the four specific named disease Orders above) under the appropriate legislation, and for general use where there is a statutory requirement for an approved disinfectant to be used. See details of the test methods and the challenge pathogens used for the approval test. APHA DDA1v2 September 2015 Page 3 of 6 OFFICIAL – SENSITIVE – COMMERCIAL (once completed by the applicant) 4. Complete this table for trade name (back to back) approved products only Manufacturers of an approved disinfectant may make it available under different tradenames or supply it to a distributor wishing to make it available under a different name. The disinfectant approved and supplied must be identical to the product originally tested and approved. Please provide details as requested in the table below, for any new tradename for which ‘back to back’ approval is being sought. It is an offence to label and market a product as Defra approved unless the name has been added to the Defra list at *Proposed back to back approved product tradename (must be unique within the Defra approved disinfectants list) Company name and address Company representative’s name, email address and telephone number Company representative’s signature Name: Name: Sign: Address: Email: Date: Phone: Postcode: Name: Name: Sign: Address: Email: Date: Phone: Postcode: Name: Name: Sign: Address: Email: Date: Phone: Postcode: *the name must be unique within the Defra approved disinfectants list. Please write exactly how you prefer it to appear on the list i.e. upper/lower case characters. Please tick if any information has been supplied separately APHA DDA1v2 September 2015 Page 4 of 6 OFFICIAL – SENSITIVE – COMMERCIAL (once completed by the applicant) 5. Applicant’s Declaration Approval of disinfectants by the Secretary of State does not relieve manufacturers of their obligation to obtain other statutory or non-statutory clearance, or of their general responsibilities to users of their products. Attention is also drawn to legal requirements regarding classification, packaging, labelling and provision of information on dangerous goods, both for supply and transport. Advice on these may be sought from the Health and Safety Executive It is an offence to make a false claim on this application form. I confirm on behalf of the company named on this form that product named on this form is compliant with all relevant legislation for it to be marketed and sold in the UK. Company Representative’s Signature (person named at 1.1) Date Signed on behalf of (company name) Confidentiality of data Commercial information supplied to APHA/Defra and laboratories carrying out testing will be treated as confidential. Any personal data supplied on this form or provided separately by you in connection with this application will be used to contact you and process your application. Such data will be stored on a database for the purpose of administering the disinfectant approvals mechanism and disclosed to the laboratories that undertake statutory testing. Names and addresses of manufacturers and distributors of disinfectants approved for statutory use under the Animal Health Act will be publically available on GOV.UK. To submit this application for the initial assessment described in the guidance document for this form send one copy by post to: Defra Disinfectant Approvals Administration Room SE175 Stewart Stockman Building Animal and Plant Health Agency Woodham Lane New Haw Addlestone Surrey KT15 3NB We aim to acknowledge receipt of your application within five working days. Please do not send samples until you have received a response to your initial application APHA DDA1v2 September 2015 Page 5 of 6 IMPORTANT INFORMATION - LABELLING REQUIREMENTS You must use the templates below to prepare labels for the inner and outer packaging for disinfectant samples you intend to submit to APHA for the purpose of this application for Defra approval. Failure to comply with these instructions and the legal requirements for classification, labelling and packaging for supply and transportation of your product (the CLP Regulations) will result in APHA rejecting the samples and halting your application. NB: If you are submitting a market-ready container bearing labels and pictograms that already comply, please contact the disinfectant approvals team at for instructions on sample submission. For example, your product may already be marketed as Defra approved and you wish to submit an application for approval testing. OUTER PACKAGE LABEL REQUIREMENTS Disinfectant Samples Delivery address: Bacteriology Department Defra Disinfectant Approvals (building 17) Animal and Plant Health Agency Woodham Lane Addlestone Surrey KT15 3NB Disinfectant Name Batch Number Expiry Date Contents (sample volume) MSDS enclosed (tick) Compliant with CLP Regulations (tick) Signed : INNER PACKAGE LABEL (SAMPLE CONTAINER) REQUIREMENTS Disinfectant Samples for Defra Approval Efficacy Testing Disinfectant Name Batch Number Expiry Date Sender: Company Name Contents: samples (tick to confirm tests required and sample volumes enclosed) FMDV SVDV NDV single triple TB single triple GO single triple MSDS enclosed (tick) Compliant with CLP Regulations (tick) Signed : APHA DDA1v2 July 2015 Page 6 of 6