OUT OF THE LAB Get the characterization lab sheet and file from your advisor. Talk to the designer before starting the characterization and learn about the upper and lower limits of the frequency sweep. Upper Limit : …… Hz Lower Limit: ……… Hz Determine the characterization points of the device under test. Draw the characterization points of the device under test. Point 1 Point 3 Point 2 Point 4 IN THE LAB Prepare a device holder according to the given design. Place the device into the device holder. Place the coil into the coil holder. Note the coil name that you use, specify its properties. Coil …………………… Resistance of the coil: …………… Ω Turn on, and adjust the LDV. Make the necessary connections to the oscilloscope. You need help, ask for it. Talk to your advisor. Try to obtain a clean signal. Obtain the optimum configuration for the coil. Try to obtain the maximum amplitude by changing the distance and position of the coil. Determine the optimum placement by looking at the location where maximum amplitude occurs. Measure and note the distance between the coil and the device under test. Coil distance: ………… mm Start the first phase of the characterization, i.e. run the Matlab program to determine the spectrum of the device. Save .mat and .fig files (peak and figures)according to the folder structure explained below. Folder structure: <Device name (According to the concept below.)> <Characterization point name(Full_Range)> <Date of the characterization> Figures and matlab files( peak.fig; phase.fig; mat.mat) Write down the locations. Location of peak.fig: ……………………\ ……………………\ ………………………\ peak.fig Location of the phase.fig : ……………………\ ……………………\ …………………\ phase.fig Location of the mat.mat file : ………………\ ……………………\ …………………\ mat.mat Talk to the designer and the advisor about the results and determine the critical frequency ranges. Frequency Frequency Frequency Frequency Frequency Frequency Frequency range range range range range range range 1: 2: 3: 4: 5: 6: 7: ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… Hz Hz Hz Hz Hz Hz Hz - ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… Hz Hz Hz Hz Hz Hz Hz Start the characterization for the critical ranges, save the files according to the given folder structure. Record the frequency range as the name of the .mat and .fig files. Folder structure: <Device name (According to the concept below.)> <Characterization point name(Full_Range)> <Date of the characterization> Figures and matlab files( peak.fig; phase.fig; mat.mat) Write down the locations. Location of peak.fig: ……………………\ ……………………\ ………………………\ peak.fig Location of the phase.fig : ……………………\ ……………………\ …………………\ phase.fig Location of the mat.mat file : ………………\ ……………………\ …………………\ mat.mat Show the results to the designer or the advisor. Determine if any change is needed and talk to advisor. Make the reliability tests after finishing characterization by making it function for a long interval of time. DEVICE NAME CONCEPT1: 1-Material_type(Cu,FR4,St,Al) 2-Dimension(1 for 1D, 2 for 2D etc.) 3-Shape name(G gimballed, X not gimballed, T torsional, C Cantilever) 4-Part number 1 Name of the device to be characterized will be given to you by the research assistant.