Summer 2015 Newsletter Dear Parents/Carers, As the end of term is fast approaching I would like to inform you of the dates and times of forthcoming school events. Year 6 Leavers Wednesday 15th 9.15am St Richard’s Church Mass July EYFS/KS1 Thursday 16th July 9.10am School hall Presentation Assembly KS2 Presentation Friday 17th July 9.10am School hall Assembly Year 6 Leaver’s Thursday 16th July 2.30pm School hall Assembly The organisation of the classes for September will be as follows: Year 6 Parents/Carers welcome All EYFS/KS1 Parents/Carers KS2 Parents /Carers Year 6 Parents/Carers EYFS Building Olympic Building Nursery - Mrs Ormshaw and Mrs Rhodes Class 4 – Mrs Jones Reception 1 - Miss Hutchison Class 3 – Miss Donnelly Reception 2 - Miss Reynolds Class 5 – Miss Cartney St Richard’s Building Class 6 – Mr Sullivan Class 1 – Miss Mc Knight Class 8 – Miss Martins Class 2 – Miss Bradbury Class 11 – Miss Broadbent Class 7 – Miss L. Hegarty The main building Class 13 – Mrs Toal Class 9 – Miss Corrigan Class 10 – Miss McGinn Class 12 – Miss K Hegarty Mr Keyworth Once again, FANTASTIC Key Stage 2 Sats results for our Year 6 pupils in 2015. Mathematics Spelling, Grammar & Punctuation Writing Reading L4+ 98% 91% L5+ 74% 87% L6 20% 15% 98% 96% 59% 54% 11% Mrs Toal, Miss Broadbent and Mr Keyworth are delighted with the way the Year 6 pupils have responded and maintained the tradition of consistently high SATs results. The new curriculum tests undertaken by our Years 3, 4 and 5 pupils have also gone very well and continue to provide an important platform for when they reach Year 6. Mrs Jones and Miss Donnelly both new to the role of teaching Year 2 have risen to the challenge and again achieved results above local and national averages. Our two Year 1 classes both achieved over 90% pass rate in the national Phonic assessments. This result was significantly above local and national averages. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all our children and staff who have worked extremely hard all year to make this another successful year. We have had a number of other academic successes this year. The quality of computing provision at St Richard’s has been recognised by NAACE, who awarded the school the prestigious ICT Mark following the scrutiny of teaching and learning. This is the third time we have achieved this prestigious award. Looking forward, we will be applying for the OFSTED recommended 360 degree e- safety mark. Work towards achieving this is already underway. The Primary Science Quality Mark is an award scheme to enable schools across the UK to evaluate, strengthen and celebrate their science provision. We have recently submitted an application for this award and expect to achieve it. This will be the second time we have received this award. We have also this year achieved the Primary Geography Quality Mark; this is awarded by the Geographical Association in recognition of the high standard and quality of the geography provision within our school. At the end of this term, two of our Teachers will be leaving, Miss Duignan will be returning home to Ireland and Miss Willars will be taking up a teaching post nearer to her home. I would like to thank both teachers for their contribution to St Richard’s and wish them both our very good wishes for their future. I would also like to welcome Miss Cartney, Miss Mc Ginn and Miss Corrigan who will be joining our teaching staff in September. I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your continued support and wish you and your families an enjoyable summer break. I look forward to welcoming the children back to school on Thursday 3rd September. If the weather is appropriate the children can continue wearing their summer uniform until the half term holiday in October. Kind regards, S.Sesnan Headteacher