Hortonville Area School District Curriculum Writing Peer Review Process Curriculum Authors: _________________________________________ Date: _____________ TITLE of Course Reviewed:_______________________________________________________ 2010-2011 Train ALL STAFF on BYOC Define Terms 2011-2012 Write Curriculum -CCSS if available - BYOC PEER REVIEW Data Warehouse implementation 2012-2013 Benchmark all Courses- RTI ,PLCStaff ,Data Warehouse training 2014-2015 Implement SmarterBalanced Assessment Focus on Formative Assessment Peer Review Process 1. Staff members will be assigned to a curriculum writing team (these are the staff members who wrote the curriculum). They must gather a PEER REVIEW TEAM (the writers and their colleagues looking at the curriculum for quality) which must include: a. The Curriculum Authors b. A colleague from outside department c. Someone who teaches above OR below grade level (within your department if applicable) 2. The PEER REVIEW TEAM previews the Build Your Own Curriculum (BYOC) course document, meets to discuss this document, and finally completes page 2 and 3 of this document as a team. 3. Upon review of the course, the PEER REVIEW TEAM makes a recommendation for level of publication. 4. An administrator will sign off. 5. This form should be completed as a PEER REVIEW TEAM. In other words, all members of the team can collectively submit this ONE form. 6. You are not required to serve as a reviewer, but can chose to do so when asked. 7. The 7 Hour Requirement Reimbursement form is separate from this form; each staff member is responsible for filling out their own 7 Hour Requirement Reimbursement Page | 1 form. HASD Curriculum Writing Peer Review Team Rubric Peer Review Team: (Please sign this form.) 1. ___________________________________________________ 2. ___________________________________________________ 3. ___________________________________________________ As a group, double check and approve below: Overview Unit(s) Topic(s) Learning Targets Aligned to State Standards, Writing Standards, Technology Standards Please circle the closest description in each category below for the curriculum your team is reviewing: CATEGORY *Requirements 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Alignment 3. Operational All requirements are met with minimal standards. Emerging One requirement was not completely met. *Please circle missing requirement on left. All Learning Targets are present, clear, understandable, and measurable/assessable. Most Learning Targets are present, clear, understandable, and measurable/assessable. Some Learning Targets are present, clear, understandable, and measurable/assessable. All Learning Targets are aligned to the appropriate standards. Most Learning Targets are aligned to the appropriate standards. Some Learning Targets are aligned to the appropriate standards. No Learning Targets are aligned to the appropriate standards. Activities are present throughout each unit. Most activities are present throughout each unit. Activities are sporadic throughout the document. No activities present Course Overview Unit(s) Topic(s) Learning Targets Learning Target (* see notes below grid) 1. 2. Highly Effective All requirements are met with quality. Content Writing International Technology Literacy Activities As seen through the four lenses (see attached) Mechanics No misspellings or grammatical errors Minimal misspellings and/or mechanical errors Moderate misspellings and/or grammatical errors Materials and Resources If present, check here. _______ n/a n/a Not Present More than one requirement was not completely met. *Please circle missing requirements on left. No Learning Targets present Significant number of misspellings and/or grammatical errors. If not present, check here. _______ *NOTES: Each topic features at least one Learning Target (LT). Each LT begins with a verb that completes the sentence, “The student will ______.” Examples of LT’s can be found in the Knowledge Taxonomy Verb List on page Page | 2 6 at http://www.leadered.com/pdf/R&Rframework.pdf Example: Students will be able to throw a baseball using a 90° angle with their arm and leading with the opposite foot. Does the scope and sequence of the curriculum (a planned amount of topics to cover and the order in which they are presented) appear to flow? Yes _____ No _____ If you checked no, please explain: Based on the categories above, please check the following description that best describes the effectiveness of the document in its entirety: _____Not Present ______Emerging ______Operational ______Highly Effective Based on the above, please circle one option for recommendation below. Curriculum must be “Operational” or “Highly Effective” to be published: a. Remain at PENDING i. Major changes needed b. Move to BEING REVISED i. Some changes necessary c. Move to PUBLISHED i. Nothing needed until staff requests modification What specific changes need to be made to this course? Administrator signature: _________________________________________ Date: __________ Page | 3 Page | 4