ARI publication list 2002 - Department of Environment, Land, Water

Arthur Rylah Institute for Environmental Research publication list 18 August 2004.
ARI Publication list 2002
Refereed Journal Articles
1. Alexander, J.S.A., Scotts, D.J. and Loyn, R.H. (2002) Impacts of timber harvesting on mammals, reptiles and
nocturnal birds in native hardwood forests of East Gippsland, Victoria: a retrospective approach. Australian Forestry
65(3): 182-210
2. Bearlin, A., Schreiber, E.S.G., Nicol, S.J., Starfield, A.M. and Todd, C.R. (2002) Identifying the weakest link:
simulating adaptive management of the re-introduction of a threatened fish. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and
Aquatic Sciences 11: 1709-1716
3. Bowyer, J.C., Newell, G.R. and Eldridge, M.D.B. (2002) Genetic effects of habitat contraction on Lomholt's treekangaroo (Dendrolagus lumholtzi) in the Australian Wet Tropics. Conservation Genetics 3: 61-69
4. Brown, G.W. (2002) The distribution and conservation status of the reptile fauna of the Murray River region in
Victoria. Victorian Naturalist 119(3): 133-143
5. Bunce, A., Norman, F.I., Brothers, N. and Gales, R. (2002) Long-term trends in the Australasian gannet (Morus
serrator) population in Australia: the effect of climate change and commercial fisheries. Marine Biology 141: 263269
6. Cheal, D.C. (2002) Acacia obtusifolia - introduction and spread in native bush. Victorian Naturalist 119(5): 231-232
7. Clemann, N. (2002) A herpetofauna survey of the Victorian alpine region, with a review of threats to these species.
Victorian Naturalist 119(2): 48-58
8. Clemann, N. (2002) Notes on the threatened endemic Victorian Alpine Bog Skink Pseudemoia cryodroma
Hutchinson and Donnellan 1992 (Scincidae: Lygosominae): a range extension, habitat preferences and identification
diffuculties. Herpetofauna 32(1): 49-53
9. Coates, F., Walsh, N.G. and James, E.A. (2002) Threats to the survival of the Grampians Pincushion Lily (Borya
mirabilis, Liliaceae) – a short-range endemic from western Victoria. Australian Journal of Systematic Botany 15:
10. Forsyth, D.M., Coomes, D.A., Nugent, G. and Hall, G.M.J. (2002) The diet and diet preferences of ungulates (Order:
Artiodactyla) in New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Zoology 29: 323-343
11. Gillespie, G.R. (2002) Impacts of sediment loads, tadpole density, and substratum on the growth and development of
tadpoles of the Spotted Tree Frog Litoria spenceri: an in-stream experiment. Biological Conservation 106: 141-150
12. Kefford, B.J., Papas, P.J., Crowther, D. and Nugegoda, D. (2002) Are salts toxicants? Australasian Journal of
Ecotoxicology 8(2): 63-68
13. Kingsford, R.T. and Norman, F.I. (2002) Australian waterbirds - products of the continent's ecology. Emu 102: 4770
14. Koehn, J.D. (2002) Fish of the Murray River. Victorian Naturalist 119(4): 152-159
15. Korner, S., Schreiber, E.S.G. and Walz, N. (2002) Herbivory on submerged macrophytes. Who's to blame?.
Verhandlungen der Internationalen Vereinigung fur theoretische und angewandte Limnologie 28: 967-970
16. Loyn R.H. (2002) Patterns of ecological segregation among forest and woodland birds in south-eastern Australia.
Ornithological Science 1: 7-27
17. Loyn, R.H. and Loyn, J.A. (2002) Albert’s Lyrebird foraging from epiphytes in rainforest sub-canopy. Australian
Bird Watcher 19(6-7): 203-204
18. Loyn, R.H., Lumsden, L.F. and Ward, K.A. (2002) Vertebrate fauna of Barmah Forest, a large forest of River Red
Gum Eucalyptus camaldulensis on the floodplain of the Murray River. Victorian Naturalist 119(3): 114-124
Arthur Rylah Institute for Environmental Research publication list 18 August 2004.
19. Lumsden, L.F., Bennett, A.F. and Silins, J.E. (2002) Location of roosts of the lesser long-eared bat Nyctophilus
geoffroyi and Gould's wattled bat Chalinolobus gouldii in a fragmented landscape in south-eastern Australia.
Biological Conservation 106: 237-249
20. Lumsden, L.F., Bennett, A.F. and Silins, J.E. (2002) Selection of roost sites by the lesser long-eared bat
(Nyctophilus geoffroyi) and Gould's wattled bat (Chalinolobus gouldii) in south-eastern Australia. Journal of Zoology,
London 257: 207-218
21. Mac Nally, R., Bennett, A.F., Brown, G.W., Lumsden, L.F., Yen, A. Hinkley, S., Lillywhite, P. and Ward, D.
(2002) How well do ecosystem-based planning units represent different components of biodiversity? Ecological
Applications 12(3): 900-912
22. Norman, F.I., Gibson, J.A.E., Jones, R.T.and Burgess, J.S. (2002) Klarius Mikkelsen's landing site: some further
notes on the 1935 Norwegian visit to the Vestfold Hills, East Antarctica Polar Record 38: 232-328
23. Robley, A.J., Short, J. and Bradley, S. (2002) Do European Rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus) impact on the
population ecology of the Burrowing Bettong (Bettongia lesueur)? Wildlife Research 29: 423-429
24. Russell-Smith, J., Ryan, P.G. and Cheal, D.C. (2002) Fire regimes and the conservation of sandstone heath in
monsoonal northern Australia: frequency, interval, patchiness. Biological Conservation 104: 91-106
25. Saunders, G., Kay, B., Mutze, G. and Choquenot, D. (2002) Observations on the impacts of rabbit haemorrhagic
disease on agricultural production values in Australia. Wildlife Research 29: 605-613
26. Schreiber, E.S.G., Lake, P.S. and Quinn, G.P. (2002) Facilitation of native stream fauna by an invading species?
Experimental investigations of the interaction of the snail Potamopyrgus antipodarum (Hydrobiidae: Prosobranchia)
with native benthis fauna. Biological Invasions 4: 317-325
27. Short, J., Kinnear, J.E. and Robley, A.J. (2002) Surplus killing by introduced predators in Australia – evidence for
ineffective anti-predator adaptations in native prey species? Biological Conservation 103: 283-301
28. Stuart, I.G. and Berghuis, A.P. (2002) Upstream passage of fish through a vertical-slot fishway in an Australian subtropical river. Fisheries Management and Ecology 9(2): 111-122
29. Stuart, I.G. and McKillup, S. (2002) The use of sectioned otoliths to age barramundi (Lates calcarifer) (Bloch 1790)
[Centropomidae]. Hydrobiologia 479(1): 231-236
30. Thornton, I.W.B., Runciman, D., Cook, S., Lumsden, L.F., Partomihardjo, T., Schedvin, N.K., Yukawa, J. and
Ward, S.A. (2002) How important were stepping stones in the colonisation of Krakatau? Biological Journal of the
Linnean Society 77: 275-317
31. Todd, C.R., Jenkins, S. and Bearlin, A.R. (2002) Lessons about extinction and translocation: models for eastern
barred bandicoots (Perameles gunnii) at Woodlands Historic Park, Victoria, Australia. Biological Conservation 106:
32.van der Ree, R. and Loyn R.H. (2002) The influence of time since fire and distance from fire boundary on the
distribution and abundance of arboreal marsupials in eucalyptus regnans-dominated forest in the Central Highlands of
Victoria. Wildlife Research 29: 151-158
Books, Book Sections, Theses
1. Loyn, R.H., McNabb, E.G., Volodina, L. and Willig, R. (2002) Modelling distributions of large forest owls as a
conservation tool in forest management: a case study from Victoria, southeastern Australia. Pp 242-254 In Newton, I.,
Kavanagh, R., Olsen J. and Taylor, I. (Eds) Ecology and Conservation of Owls. CSIRO Publishing, Collingwood
2. McNabb, E.G. (2002) Notes on the diet and observations of the Southern Boobook (Ninox novaeseelandiae) in
southern Victoria. Pp 193-198 In Newton, I., Kavanagh, R., Olsen J. and Taylor, I. (Eds) Ecology and Conservation
of Owls. CSIRO Publishing, Collingwood
3. Soderquist, T.R., Lowe, K.W., Loyn, R.H. and Price, R. (2002) Habitat quality in Powerful Owl (Ninox strenua)
territories in the Box-Ironbark forest of Victoria, Australia. Pp 91-99 In Newton, I., Kavanagh, R., Olsen J. and
Taylor, I. (Eds) Ecology and Conservation of Owls. CSIRO Publishing, Collingwood
Arthur Rylah Institute for Environmental Research publication list 18 August 2004.
Published conference proceedings
1. Loyn, R.H., McCulloch, E., Millsom, R., Living, L., Fisher, B,. Saunders, K.N. and Leeke, S. (2002) Changes in
numbers of water birds in Western Port, Victoria, over quarter of a century (1973-1988). Pp 49-64 In Macwhirter, N.,
Macwhirter, P., Saglioco, J.L. and Southwood, J. (Eds) Le Naturaliste in Western Port 1802-2002 Commemorative
Seminar Proceedings, Cranbourne VIC, April 2002. Department of Infrastructure and Mornington Penninsula Shire,
2. Cottingham, P., Howell, G., Bennett, P., Boehm, J., Doolan, J., Hannan, G., Harris, J., Hart, B., Koehn, J.,
Metzeling, L., Quinn, G., Shirley, M., Stewardson, M. and Thoms, M. (2002) Perspectives on the Scientific Panel
approach to determining environmental flows for southeastern Australian rivers. In Proceedings of a workshop held
at the Department of Natural Resources and Environment, Melbourne, 3rd December 2001. Technical Report 2/2002.
Cooperative Research Centre for Freshwater Ecology, Canberra
3. Koehn, J. and Nicol, S. (2002) Native fish in the Murray-Darling Basin – 2051. Pp 52-55 In Green Words &Images
and Waschka, M. (Eds) Murray-Darling Basin 2051 : setting the vision : biodiversity workshop proceedings,
Canberra, 25-26 October, 2001. World Wide Fund for Nature, Sydney
Popular articles
1. Clancy, T., Bearlin, A., Lumsden, L. and Temby, I. (2002) A structured decision-aiding approach for the
establishment of an alternate camp site for the grey-headed flying-fox Pteropus poliocephalus in Melbourne. Abstract
from the 10th Australasian Bat Society Conference, Cairns, Queensland. April 2002. Australasian Bat Sociey
Newsletter 18: 16-17
2. Koehn, J. (2002) Freshwater invaders in Victoria. Under Control – Pest Plant and Animal News 22: 12-14
3. Loyn, R.H. (2002) Migration patterns of bush birds. Interpretive Birding Bulletin 5(4): 9-12
4. Lumsden, L. (2002) The impact of a large number of ticks on a Gould's Wattled Bat Chalinolobus gouldii.
Australasian Bat Society Newsletter 18: 51
5. Lumsden, L. and Bennett, A. (2002) Adapting to habitat change in rural environments: a comparison of the roosting
ecology of the lesser long-eared bat Nyctophilus geoffroyi and Gould's wattled bat Chalinolobus gouldii in contrasting
rural landscapes. Australasian Bat Society Newsletter 18: 20-21
6. Lumsden, L.F. and Bennett, A. (2002) Remnant trees on farms: important habitat for bats. Australian Farm Journal
BUSH 2002: 4-5
7. Papas, P.J. and Kefford, B. (2002) Bugs in streams give clues on rising salinity. Victorian Landcare and Catchment
Management 17: 8
8. Raadik, T.A. and Kuiter, R.H. (2002) Kosciuszko Galaxias: a story of confusion and imminent peril. Fishes of
Sahhul 16(2): 830-835
Technical and published reports
1. Clunie, P.E., Ryan, T., James, K. and Cant, B. (2002) Implications for rivers froms salinity hazards: scoping study.
Report to the Murray-Darling Basin Commission. Department of Natural Resources and Environment, Heidelberg
2. DNRE (2002) Options for the establishment of an alternate campsite for the Grey-headed Flying-fox Pteropus
poliocephalus in Melbourne, Grey-headed Flying-fox Alternate Campsite Task Force (Chair T. F. Clancy).
Department of Natural Resources and Environment
3. Raadik, T.A. (2002) Barred Galaxias recovery project 13695 - final report, Endangered Species Program. Report to
Environment Australia, Canberra. Department of Natural Resources and Environment, Heidelberg
Arthur Rylah Institute for Environmental Research publication list 18 August 2004.
4. Ryan, T., Aland, G. and Cogle, A. (2002) Environmental condition of the upper Mitchell River system:water
quality and ecology. Department of Natural Resources, Heidelberg and Department of Primary Industries, QLD
Arthur Rylah Institute for Environmental Research publication list 18 August 2004.
ARI Publication List 2003
Refereed Journal Articles
1. Bowyer, J.C., Newell, G.R., Metcalfe, C.J. and Eldridge, M.D.B. (2003) Tree-kangaroos (Dendrolagus) in Australia:
are D. lumholtzi and D. bennettianus sister taxa? Australian Zoologist 32: 207-213
Brown, G.W. (2003) An observation of feeding by the Regal Skink Ctenotus regius Storr, 1971. Herpetofauna
33(1): 37-38
3. Brown, G.W., Cherry, K.A., Nelson, J.L. and Grgat, L.M. (2003) A survey of the terrestrial vertebrate fauna of
the Menindee Lakes, western New South Wales. Australian Zoologist 32(3): 381-400
Cheal, D.C. (2003) Palmiers du Territoire du Nord de l'Australie. Le Palmier 14(36): 10-15
5. Choquenot, D. and Ruscoe, W.A. (2003) Landscape complementation and food limitation of large herbivores:
habitat-related constraints on the foraging efficiency of wild pigs. Journal of Animal Ecology 72(1): 14-26
6. Coomes, D.A., Allen, R., Forsyth, D.M. and Lee, W.G. (2003) How reversible are the impacts of introduced deer in
New Zealand forests? Conservation Biology 17: 450-459
Ebner, B., Raadik, T.A., and Ivantsoff, W. (2003) Threatened fishes of the world: Craterocephalus fluviatilis
McCulloch, 1913 (Atherinidae). Environmental Biology of Fishes 68(4): 390
8. Forsyth, D.M., Coomes, D.A. and Nugent, G. (2003) Framework for assessing the susceptibility of management
areas to deer impacts. Science for Conservation 213: 1-39
9. Forsyth, D.M., Hone, J., Parkes, J.P., Reid, G. and Stronge, D. (2003) Feral goat control in Egmont National Park,
New Zealand, and the implications for eradication. Wildlife Research 30: 437-450
10. James, K.R., Cant, B.L. and Ryan, T.J. (2003) Responses of freshwater biota to rising salinity levels and
implications for saline water management: a review. Australian Journal of Botany 51(6): 703-713
11. Kefford, B.J., Papas, P.J. and Nugegoda, D. (2003) Relative salinity tolerance of macroinvertebrates from the
Barwon River, Victoria, Australia. Marine and Freshwater Research 54: 755-765
12. King, A., Humphries, P. and Lake, P.S. (2003) Fish recruitment on floodplains: the role of patterns of flooding and
life history strategies. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 60(7): 773-786
13. Loyn, R.H., Runnalls, R.G., Forward, G.Y. and Tyers, J. (2003) Territorial Bell Miners and other birds affecting
populations of insect prey Science 221: 1411-1413
14. Mallen-Cooper, M. and Stuart, I. (2003) Age, growth and non-flood recruitment of two potamodromous fishes in a
large semi-arid/temperate river system. River Research and Applications (online)
15. McNabb, E., McNabb, J. and Barker, K. (2003) Post-nesting home range, habitat use and diet of a female Masked
Owl Tyto novaehollandiae in western Victoria. Corella 27(4): 109-117
16. Parkes, D., Newell, G.R. and Cheal, D.C. (2003) Assessing the quality of native vegetation - the Habitat Hectares
approach. Ecological Management and Restoration 4: S29-S38
Books, Book Section, Theses
1. Kunz, T.H. and Lumsden, L.F. (2003) Ecology of cavity and foliage roosting bats. Pp3-89 In Kunz, T.H. and
Fenton, M.B. (Eds) Bat Ecology. The University of Chicago Press, Chicago
Cheal, D.C. and Coman, B. (2003) Pest plants and animals. Pp 457-473 In Attiwill, P. and Wilson, B. (Eds)
Ecology: An Australian Perspective. Oxford University Press, South Melbourne
3. Dorrough, J. and Carter, O. (2003) Herbivore grazing and plant conservation. In C.L. Brown,C.L., Hall, F. and J.
Mills (Eds) Plant conservation: Approaches and techniques from an Australian perspective. Australian Network for
Plant Conservation, Canberra.
Arthur Rylah Institute for Environmental Research publication list 18 August 2004.
Published conference proceedings
1. Koehn, J. (2003) Rationale, results and management implications of recent carp research in Australia. Pp 11-19 In
Managing invasive freshwater fish in New Zealand. Proceedings of a workshop hosted by Science & Research Unit,
Department of Conservation, 10-12 May, 2001, Hamilton. Department of Conservation, Wellington
2. Koehn, J.D. (2003) Riverine aquatic protected areas: protecting species, communities or ecosystem processes? Pp
614-624 In Beumer, J.P., Grant, A. and Smith, D.C. (Eds) Aquatic Protected Areas - What works best and how do we
know? Proceedings of the World Congress on Aquatic Protected Areas, Cairns, Australia-August 2002. University
of Queensland Printery, St. Lucia
3. Lintermans, M. and Raadik, T. (2003) Local eradication of trout from streams using rotenone: the Australian
experience. Pp 95-111 In Managing invasive freshwater fish in New Zealand. Proceedings of a workshop hosted by
Science & Research Unit, Department of Conservaion, 10-12 May 2001, Hamilton, NZ. Department of Conservation,
4. Newell, G., Griffioen, P. and Cheal, D. (2003) Effects of 'greenhouse' warming scenarios upon selected Victorian
plants and vegetation communities. Pp 53-54 In Howden, M., Hughes, L., Dunlop, M., Zethoven, I., Hilbert, D. and
Chilcott, C. (Eds) Climate change impacts on biodiversity in Australia. Outcomes of workshop sponsored by the
Biological Diversity Advisory Committee. CSIRO Sustainable Ecosystems, Canberra
5. Raadik, T.A. (2003) Government overview and perspectives: 5.6 Victoria. Pp 55-58 In Phillips, B. (Compiler)
Managing Fish Translocation and Stocking in the Murray-Darling Basin, workshop held in Canberra 25-26
September 2002: Statement, recommendations and supporting papers. World Wildlife Fund for Nature Australia,
6. Yunusa, I.A.M., Brown, G.W., Kwong, R.M., Ronnfeldt, G.R., Slater, T., Crouch, A. and Unkovich, M. (2003)
Integrating biodiversity and productivity on intensive farms: a potential role for shelter-belts in the Victorian
Riverina. Pp 255-277 In Wilson, B.P. and Curtis, A. (Eds) Agriculture for the Australian Environment. Proceedings
of the 2002 Fenner Conference on the Environment. Johnstone Centre, Charles Sturt University, Albury
Popular articles 2003
1. Cheal, D.C. (2003) Bogong High Plains after the 2003 fires. Victorian Naturalist 120(5): 201-203
2. Clemann, N. (2003) The Mountain Dragon Tympanocryptis diemensis (Gray, 1841): a complex issue (with notes on
the conservation of the 'Anglesea' Mountain Dragon). Monitor 11(2): 1-8
Heislers, A. and Loyn, R. (2003) Wings over Western Port. Bird Observers Club of Australia, Nunawading
Lumsden, L. and Bennett, A. (2003) Bats and paddock trees. Insights from recent research. Information Sheet.
Department of Sustainability and Environment, Heidelberg and Deakin University, Burwood
Technical and published reports
1. Carter, O., Murphy, A.M. and Cheal, D.C. (2003) Natural Temperate Grassland. Department of Natural Resources
and Environment, Heidelberg
2. Cottingham, P, Bunn, S, Price, P, Lovett, S. (Eds.) (2003) Managing wood in streams. River and Riparian Land
Management Technical Guideline Update No. 3, July 2003. Land and Water Australia, Canberra. (contributors
include Koehn, J. and Nicol, S.)
3. Cottingham, P., Stewardson, M., Crook, D., Hillman, T., Roberts, J. and Rutherford, I. (2003) Environmental flow
recommendations for the Goulburn River below Lake Eildon. Cooperative Research Centre for Freshwater Ecology
Technical Report 01/2003. Cooperative Research Centre for Freshwater Ecology, Canberra
4. Forsyth, D.M., Webster, R., Warburton, B., Nugent, G., Coleman, M.C., Thomson, C., Nugent, G., Arnold, G.,
Carter, C. and Link, W.A. (2003) Effect of habitat, season, trap shyness and timing on RTC estimates (R10506).
Landcare Research, New Zealand
Arthur Rylah Institute for Environmental Research publication list 18 August 2004.
5. King, A., Brooks, J., Quinn, G., Sharpe, A. and McKay, S. (2003) Monitoring programs for environmental flows in
Australia - a literature review. Department of Sustainability and Environment, Heidelberg; Sinclair, Knight, Merz;
Cooperative Research Centre for Freshwater Ecology and Monash University
6. Robley, A.J. and Wright, J. (2003) Adaptive experimental management of foxes. Annual Report Year 2 July 2002 June 2003. Parks Victoria Technical Series. Parks Victoria, Melbourne
7. Zampatti, B.P., Koster, W. and Crook, D. (2003) Assessment of the rock-ramp fishway at Dights Falls, lower
Yarra River, Melbourne. Department of Sustainability and Environment, Heidelberg
Arthur Rylah Institute for Environmental Research publication list 18 August 2004.
ARI Publication List 2004 to June
Refereed journal articles
1. Berger, L., Spear, R., Hines, H, B., Marantelli, G., Hyatt, A. D., Olsen, V., McDonald, K. R., Clarke, J., Gillespie,
G., Mahony, M., Sheppard, N., Williams, C. and Tyler, M. (2004). Mortality in amphibians due to chytridiomycosis
increases in winter and with lower experimental temperatures. Australian Veterinary Journal 82: 31-36
Clemann, N., McGee, T. and Odgers, J. (2004) Snake management on private properties in Melbourne, Australia.
Human Dimensions of Wildlife 9(2): 133-142
3. Dorrough, J., Yen, A.L., Turner, V., Clark, S.G., Crosthwaite, J. and Hirth, J.R. (2004) Livestock grazing
management and biodiversity conservation in Australian temperate grassy landscapes Australian Journal of
Agricultural Research 55(3): 279-295
4. Forsyth, D.M., Duncan, R.P., Bomford, M. and Moore, G. (2004) Climatic suitability, life-history traits,
introduction effort and the establishment and spread of introduced mammals in Australia. Conservation Biology 18:
5. Forsyth, D.M., Tustin, K.G., Gaillard, J.M. and Loison, A. (2004) Gestation date rather than maternal attributes
predict foetal sex ratio in the highly dimorphic and polygynous Himalayan tahr. Behavioural Ecology 15: 572–578
6. Huynh, T.T., McLean, C.B., Coates, F. and Lawrie, A.C. (2004) Effect of developmental stage and peloton
morphology on success in isolation of mycorrhizal fungi in Caladenia formosa (Orchidaceae) Australian Journal of
Botany 52(2): 231-241
7. Jackson, J.E., Raadik, T.A., Lintermans, M. and Hammer, M. (2004) Alien salmonids in Australia: impediments to
effective impact management, and future directions. New Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research 38:
8. Kefford, B.J., Papas, P.J., Metzeling, L. and Nugegoda, D. (2004) Do laboratory salinity tolerances of freshwater
animals correspond with their field salinity? Environmental Pollution 129(3): 355-362
Koehn, J.D. (2004) Carp (Cyprinus carpio) as a powerful invader in Australian waterways. Freshwater Biology 49:
10. McDonald-Madden, E., Elgar, M.A. and Handasyde, K.A. (2004) Responses to threat by female bobucks,
Trichosurus caninus, during different stages of offspring development. Behavioural Ecology and Sociobiology (56):
11. Norman, F.I. and Cooper, C. (2004) Recoveries, recaptures and resightings of Australasian gannets Morus serrator
banded at Lawrence Rocks, Victoria. Corella 28: 24-30
12. O'Connor, J.P. and Mahoney, J. (2004) Observations of ovariuan involoutuion in the Australian grayling
(Prototroctes mareana). Ecology of Freshwater Fish 13(1): 70-73
13. Parkes, D., Newell, G. and Cheal, D. (2004) The development and raison d'etre of 'habitat hectares': A response to
McCarthy et al. (2004). Ecological Management and Restoration 5(1): 28-29
14. Todd, C.R., Nicol, S. and Koehn, J.D. (2004) Density-dependance uncertainty in population models for the
conservation of trout cod, Maccullochella macquariensis. Ecological Modelling 171: 359-380
15. Walsh, C.J., Papas, P.J., Crowther, D., Sim, P.T. and Yoo, J. (2004) Stormwater drainage pipes as a threat to a
stream-dwelling amphipod Austrogammarus australis, in south-eastern Australia. Biodiversity and Conservation 13:
16. Warman, L.D., Forsyth, D.M., Sinclair, A.R.E., Freemark, K., Moore, H.D., Barrett, T.W., Pressey, R.L. and White,
D. (2004) Species distributions, surrogacy, and important conservation regions in Canada. Ecology Letters 7: 374–
Arthur Rylah Institute for Environmental Research publication list 18 August 2004.
17. Young, W.J., Chessman, B.C., Erskine, W.D., Raadik, T.A., Wimbush, D.J., Tilleard, J., Jakeman, A.J., Varley, I.
And Verhoeven, T.J. (2004) Improving expert panel assessments through the use of a composite river condition
index - the case of the rivers affected by the Snowy Mountains hydro-electric scheme, Australia. River Research and
Applications (online)
Technical and published reports
Murray-Darling Basin Commission (2004) Native Fish Strategy for the Murray-Darling Basin 2003-2013. MurrayDarling Basin Commission, Canberra (contributors include Koehn, J. and Nicol, S.)