LAL_equipment_list - Indico

Preliminary list of the instruments LAL can provide during the two weeks of the EDIT
school (email from Nicoleta and Veronique 21/07/2010):
- SiPM detectors (producer: Hamamatsu, total area 1&9mm^2, pixel size:
25um, 50um, 100um);
- Keithley source meter 2611; it serves as power supply for SiPM detectors and it allows also their DC
characterization (IV reverse and forward curves);
- voltage amplifier: Miteq, 0,01-500 MHz / 50ohms/ 45dB/ 5mV RMS noise;
- power supply for the amplifier;
- oscilloscope Tektronix TDS5054 (500MHz, 5Gs/s): it serves for AC characterization (gain,
capacitance, dark count rate), but also as interface for waveforms acquisition to the computer;
- LMS climatic chamber: 0 to 40°C temperature range;
- Pt100 temperature probe, measured by a Keithley 2000 multimeter;
- computer with LabView vi's for the instruments control (GPIB connections) and data analysis;
- all the cables required for the connections.
This set-up is completely stand-alone; it allows a DC and AC dark characterization of the devices. It
can be mounted at CERN in one day and half.
For the light characterization, we can provide a picosecond laser diode system "Pilas" (wavelength:
633nm), an optical fiber and neutral filters of different densities.
If we add these instruments to the previous set-up (very easy to be done, not more time required), a
qualitative light characterization can be done:
e.g. waveform acquisitions with synchronous trigger, building of the charge histogram with single
photoelectrons pulsed light.
The last step in the characterization would be the Photon Detection Efficiency (PDE) measurement.
If we intend to perform this measurement as a function of the wavelength, the following
instruments has to be add to the previous ones:
- monochromator;
- xyz translation tables and a mechanical support for mounting of different detectors;
- calibrated detectors (e.g. PIN, PMT) and associated power supply's and amplifiers;
- optical bench and a black box and all required connectors.
The only instruments we can provide for such set-up are calibrated PIN and PMT detectors.
Do you think that another laboratory could provide the other instruments?
Of course if these instruments can be available, a combination between these and our instruments
can be done to obtain a complete set-up for the SiPM characterization. But of course it becomes
more ambitious and also it requires a lot of calibration work before the school (may be one week or
even more??) If not all the instruments can be available, maybe a second solution can be envisaged,
showing the principle of the PDE measurements and performing the measurement using few LED's
at different wavelengths (we can provide LED with wavelengths of 460nm, 520nm, 600nm).