Altrincham Grammar School for Girls

Altrincham Grammar School for Girls
Specialist Language College with Teaching School Status
Cavendish Road, Bowdon, Altrincham, Cheshire. WA14 2NL
Telephone: 0161 912 5912 Fax: 0161 941 7400
Email: Website:
Sixth Form Telephone: 0161 912 5911 Fax: 0161 928 5232
PE Department Fax/Tel: 0161 929 7240 Tel: 0161 912 5907
Headteacher: Mrs M Speakman
Thank you for showing an interest in the advertised post. I am pleased to supply you with details
about the school and the position.
Altrincham Grammar School for Girls is an 11-18 state-funded grammar school with Academy and
Language College status. We are also proud to have been selected as one of the first 100 National
Teaching Schools in England, confirming AGGS’ reputation for excellence and its outstanding
contribution to improving the educational system as a whole. The school is also part of the Bright
Futures Educational Trust which includes a secondary school, primary schools, a specialist support
school and a sixth form college in East Manchester. We are privileged to have the opportunity to
take the lead in improving the education and life chances of so many young people.
There are currently 1269 pupils on roll, 324 in the Sixth Form. They comprise between 35% to 40%
of the upper ability range and almost all of the Sixth Form students go on to study at a Higher
Education establishment. The school is heavily oversubscribed and admission is by the school’s
entrance examination. Most of our pupils return to the Sixth Form and they are joined by a number
of new students who join us for their A Level studies.
The Sixth Form Centre is within a short walk of Main School but many A Level lessons are taught on
the Main School site.
The original school was opened in 1910. A new block for English, Drama and Mathematics opened in
March 2002 and the new library was completed in September 2002. An additional building
programme was completed in December 2006, providing modern Science laboratories, as well as
improved accommodation for staff and administration.
2009-2010 saw another exciting new building programme. This has enhanced classroom provision
for the History, Geography and I.T. departments and provided a state of the art Training Room to
enhance our Teaching School provision.
The facilities for staff are impressive, with a large staffroom and a separate staff dining room.
November 2012
Our most recent inspection was in September 2008 and, as in our 2005 inspection, we achieved
Grade One (OUTSTANDING) in every category. The full report is available on the website but a
synopsis follows:
Overall Effectiveness
Examination results are exceptionally high but the school shows no complacency and the school’s
leadership is firmly focused on further improvements. Students work very hard, behave impeccably
and display excellent attitudes to learning. The impact of Language College and Training School
status permeates the life of the school and is very effective in providing many enriching
opportunities for students and increases their impressive achievement. One parent wrote, reflecting
the views of many, “The school engenders a very special sense of pride in its students and will
stretch them to reach their potential and obtain a great sense of achievement.”
The end of Key Stage 3 National Assessments revealed that students reached very high attainment
levels in English, Mathematics and Science. Outstanding progress was made throughout the school
in the GCSE examinations in 2009. The proportion of students achieving the highest A*/A grades is
four times the national average. This represents exceptionally high standards and outstanding
Students achieve outstandingly well because the teaching throughout the school is of a consistently
high quality. The relationships between teachers and students are first class and built upon mutual
trust and understanding. Students say that teachers are approachable and always available.
Exceptional Leadership and Management
The school is superbly lead by the Headteacher and colleagues speak openly of her inspiration, drive
and determination to attain increasingly higher achievements for the school and its students.
Overall the leadership and management of the school are outstanding.
The skills of staff at all levels are greatly enhanced by the school’s excellent provision for training and
development. Governors are very well informed through the information they receive from the
school’s leadership. Since the last inspection the standards which students attain continued to rise.
There is a trend of year-on-year improvement.
Positive influence of Specialist Language College Status
The impact of Language College status has been excellent. There is an extensive choice of languages
which students may learn. The numbers of students opting for extra languages is growing and the
participation in the sixth form is increasing too. Grades achieved in examinations at GCSE, AS and A2
are very high and represent outstanding achievement.
Effectiveness of the Sixth Form
The sixth form provides an outstanding education for all its students. Standards are exceptionally
high and achievement is outstanding. Students speak enthusiastically about the very effective
November 2012
transition, which is due to the extensive guidance available when choices need to be made. An
overwhelming percentage of students (99%) continue to study for A levels following their success in
AS levels in Year 12. (Every student leaving sixth form in 2009 accepted or deferred a place at
university or in higher education.) The leadership and management of the sixth form is outstanding.
The quality of teaching and learning is outstanding with particular strengths in the subject
knowledge of teachers.
Altrincham Girls’ Grammar School is a high-performing school, consistently in the top 5 state schools
in the North of England and typically in the top 10 nationally. At A2 Level this year24% of students
achieved 4 A*/A grades. At KS4 the percentage of A*/A grades was 88% with 100% of girls
achieving 5 A* - C including English and Mathematics. At KS5 99.8% of grades were A – E; 79.7%
were A*/A (excluding General Studies) and 24.5% were A*.
More than 95% of GCSE candidates continue into the Sixth Form, where they are joined by 10-20
girls who actively seek to join us from other schools. Over 98% of the girls continue their studies in
Higher Education, with an average of 10-20 taking up places at Oxford or Cambridge.
The school is proud of the wide range of extra-curricular activities offered to the pupils. In
September 2007 the school received an OFSTED survey inspection on Learning Outside The
Classroom and, once again, all areas inspected were deemed OUTSTANDING. All members of staff
are committed to offering a wide range of additional support and extra-curricular activities and
candidates may wish to make reference to their interest in supporting our provision in their
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As a Teaching School with Language College status, we are committed to providing opportunities for
all staff to develop their skills and strengths and make a contribution to our international dimension.
Language College status, which we have held since 2002, has brought an exciting new dimension to
the school’s ethos; it enables us to enhance our pupils’ educational experience and offer them extra
opportunities. AGGS also makes a significant contribution to learning in the wider community
through the provision of evening classes and support for language learning in other schools.
Girls and staff take advantage of the range of extra-curricular classes offered and the opportunity to
become involved in the many school and work-experience exchanges and other trips and
expeditions which are organised regularly. The school has thriving partnerships with schools in
countries within Europe and as far afield as China and South Africa.
Recently we were granted, for the fourth time, the DfEs’ International School Award in recognition
of the school’s success in embedding the international dimension within the curriculum and beyond.
As a Teaching School we have a commitment to offering high-quality training and professional
development to our own staff, those within our Teaching School alliance and beyond. Teaching
Schools are central to school-to-school improvement and the moral imperative is clear. As a
Teaching School we also seek to identify and nurture leadership potential, provide first-class initial
teacher training and engage with partners in research and innovative practice.
We offer a comprehensive range of training programmes to enhance Teaching and Learning. All
staff are expected to participate in these programmes working alongside staff from other schools.
There are also opportunities to train as mentors, coaches and facilitators.
Collaboration is clearly the way forward. Staff involved in supporting other schools bring back new
skills and knowledge to AGGS to benefit our own pupils and gain excellent career development in
the process. All members of staff at AGGS are expected to share the Teaching School vision.
As a grammar school, we are aware of the need to ensure that all students are stretched and
challenged and, as a Lead Gifted and Talented School, this aspect of the school’s work is being
successfully developed.
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The school’s pastoral system is the backbone to ensuring that every pupil is able to meet her
potential. The Senior Tutors have a strategic Teaching and Learning responsibility. We work closely
with our parents through the P.T.A. and the Parents’ Forum.
Girls play an active role in contributing to the success of the school through the School Council and
the Pupils’ Forum.
The school has close links with external support services and a Relate Counsellor is employed to
support pupils within school.
Sixth Form students act as mentors to Year 7-11 pupils and, in addition, Year 11 Prefects hold rôles
of responsibility in Main School.
Further information about the school, a copy of the school’s prospectus and the most recent OFSTED
inspection are available from the school’s website.
AGGS is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and
expects all staff to share this commitment. Any successful applicant will be required to undertake an
Enhanced Disclosure check by the Criminal Records Bureau. This post is exempt from the
Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974.