CB ARC Guidelines rev 4 - Cypress Breeze Plantation


Cypress Breeze Plantation HOA, Santa Rosa Beach, Florida is an environmentally planned residential and recreational community developed to establish a comfortable and friendly living community. Single family homes within Cypress Breeze Plantation need stringent architectural controls. Cypress Breeze Plantation HOA continues to be developed over a period of several years and will consist of many different types of housing and numerous recreational amenities. The chief mechanism for maintaining the desired degree of aesthetic cohesion between and within the various types of housing will be the use of mandatory architectural controls.

Single family detached housing will be one form of residential development in terms of land area within Cypress

Breeze Plantation HOA. Most single family residences will overlook some form of open space amenity. Some w i l l be located adjacent to the beautiful pool while others will overlook pristine nature preserves. Great care has been taken in the overall design of Cypress Breeze Plantation to preserve and enhance the natural environment.

Construction within the single family neighborhoods and in all other areas of Cypress Breeze Plantation should reflect this concern for nature rather than impose upon it.

Cypress Breeze Plantation HOA strongly believes that the key to achieving the proper sense of community and continuity of design lies in the formulation and consistent application of strict architectural guidelines pursuant to Article

3 of the Declaration of Cypress Breeze Plantation. As is the case in all other development within Cypress Breeze

Plantation, individual residential building and site designs will require review and approval by the Cypress Breeze

Plantation HOA Architectural Review Committee. It is not the intent of this document to severely limit the design process, stifle creativity or curtail imaginative solutions to design problems. It is the expressed purpose of these guidelines to serve as a logical starting point for the lot owner, architect and builder; and ultimately to provide the type of cohesive living environment which will insure the maintenance of overall visual integrity and protect the privacy and property values of each resident; while still allowing each lot o wner reasonable opportunity to tailor a home t o meet their individual needs.

It must be noted that the content of this document are "guidelines" and, in general, should be adhered to in the vast majority of cases. However, where it can be shown that the intent of specific guidelines can be achieved through other than the prescribed means, the Cypress Breeze Plantation HOA Architectural Review Committee may, at its sole discretion, grant a variance. In addition, as development proceeds and additional knowledge is gained with regard to alternative solutions to problems encountered, the Cypress Breeze Plantation HOA Architectural

Review Committee may amend these guidelines. In this regard, the Cypress Breeze Plantation HOA Architectural

Review Committee should be contacted prior to commencement of site and building to design to obtain the most current edition of these guidelines.

The major areas of design review to be undertaken by the Cypress Breeze Plantation HOA Architectural

Review C o m m i t t e e shall consist of, but not be limited to: building site and drainage, exterior architectural design and detailing and site lighting .

. All exterior horizontal and vertical site, building improvements and alterations must b e a p p r o v e d b y t h e Cypress Breeze Plantation HOA Architectural Review Committee prior to the commencement of construction . Owners not required to be pre-approved by the Cypress Breeze Plantation HOA

Architectural Review Committee are still required to construct any vertical site, building improvements and alterations consistent with these restrictions.

The Cypress Breeze Plantation Architectural Review Committee reserves the right during construction to the proposed improvements as a part of its approval process, to enter into the lot or parcel to inspect the proposed improvements to assure their compliance with the approved plans and specifications.

The Cypress Breeze Plantation Architectural Review Committee requires the payment of an administration fee at the time of application. The fee is $100.00



In reviewing Site/Drainage Plans for homes to be construction within Cypress Breeze Plantation , the

Architectural Review Committee will review requirements regarding the building set-back and ground coverage requirements, tree preservations and site drainage requirements an on-site parking requirement.

A. Building Set-Back and Ground Coverage Requirements:

Each single family lot within Cypress Breeze Plantation HOA has been reviewed on an individual basis with regard to its relationship to adjacent uses and adequacy of buildable land, and building set-back lines have been adjusted as a result of this review. The Recorded Plat should be consulted to obtain the correct building set-backs for each particular lot.

The prescribed building set-backs are measured from the applicable property line to the nearest vertical construction over eighteen inches (18") in height. Roof/gutter overhangs may encroach into prescribed set-backs up to thirty inches (30”). No other s i t e improvements are permitted with prescribed set-back areas other than approved access drives, landscaping and/or patio decks less than eighteen inches (18") above existing grade.

It should be noted that the Developer retains a utility easement along front and side lot property lines as shown on the recorded plat. This easement may include construction of a pedestrian/bike path along which coincide with road right of way.



With regard to ground coverage, the total lot area covered by building(s), patio/deck(s), driveway and walkways shall not exceed fifty percent (50%) of the total site area.

B. Tree Preservation and Site Drainage Requirements

A tree and topographic survey reflecting existing s i t e conditions is required for each lot as part of the submission to the Architectural Review Board. This survey should include the location, size and common name of all trees over six inches (6”) in diameter (measured four feet (4') above existing grade) as well as significant clusters of smaller trees.

Existing topography should be shown using a one foot contour interval.

In an effort to retain as much natural foliage as possible, single family lots within Cypress Breeze Plantation have been left at their natural grade. It is realized that not all trees can be save and incorporated into the final site design; however, care should be taken to retain as many of the existing trees as possible. The

Cypress Breeze Plantation HOA Architectural Review Committee may, at its sole discretion, require significant site plan revisions in ord er to save specimen trees. Care should be taken in the placement of fill, excavation for utility lines and/or the cutting of drainage swales with regard to the impact on nearby trees. Trees indicated to be saved on the approved site plan which are lost as a result of construction or during the first year following the issuance of an occupancy permit, must be replaced in a manner agreeable to the Architectural Review Committee. Proposed site grading should be indicated on the site plan and should direct storm water run-off toward the front and rear of the lot. In no case should run-off be directed onto adjacent lots. Care should be taken to provide splash pads or other methods to prevent erosion at downspout-outlets. For lots adjacent to the pool, additional care should be taken in routing storm water run-off towards the front of the lot.

In accordance with accepted environmental design standards, roadways in some areas within the single family lot areas of

Cypress Breeze Plantation have been constructed with shallow side swales to facilitate handling of storm water run-off.

Lot owners will be required to place a pipe under their drives to accommodate this drainage. The

C o u n t y B u i l d i n g D e p a r t m e n t should be contacted regarding the t he, size and location of this pipe, and it should be shown on the site plan submitted to the Cypress Breeze Plantation HOA Architectural Review


C. On-Site Parking Requirements:

To reduce the likelihood of overflow parking, each residential s i t e plan submitted for review to the Cypress

Breeze Plantation HOA Architectural Review Committee shall provide for a minimum of four (4 ) on-site parking spaces; two of which shall be at least partially screened from direct view b y passing motorists. The required screening may be accomplished through the use of dense 1andscaping, a carport, garage or walled-in motor court. If a carport or garage is chosen , it should not open onto the roadway side of the lot when the lot is of sufficient width to allow side entry. For any carport or garage that does need to open onto the roadway adequate landscaping shall be in place to prohibit direct view into the garage/carport by p pavers. In no case shall the Cypress Breeze Plantation HOA Architectural Review Committee approve the subsequent conversion of a garage or carport space into habitable living space unless the parking requirements noted above continue to be met.


In order to insure both an aesthetically cohesive living environment and allow the maximum design flexibility for the individual resident, design of single family home within Cypress Breeze Plantation HOA shall not be limited to a particular architectural style; but, shall focus on quality of design and compatible use of e xterior buildin g and landscape materials.

Exterior building materials shall b e c o n s t r u c t ed o f s t u c c o o r h a r d i - p l a n k .

Concrete block shall be cover ed with stucco. Roof materials shall consist of clay tile, a facsimile of clay may be acceptable if it is appropriate to the overall building design or metal of type and gauge that has been approved by the Cypress Breeze Plantation HOA Architectural Review Committee . All exposed metal surfaces must be anodized or painted. All exposed metal flashing or vents must be painted to match the adjacent roof or wall color.

For homes where the original construction did not utilize roof materials consisting of clay tile or metal of type and gauge approved by the Cypress Breeze Plantation HOA Architectural Review Committee, the replacement roof (whether replaced due to age/wear or to weather/fire/vandalism damage) will consist of clay tile or metal of type and gauge approved by the Cypress Breeze Plantation Architectural Review Committee.

Service yards should be screened from view by means of architectural fencing which should be of compatible design w i t h the main residential structure. In short, the ov erall building appearance when combined with existing and proposed site landscape materials should reflect and enhance the natural environment of Cypress

Breeze Plantation .

The minimum heated building area shall be one thousand six hundred (1600) square feet. If more than a one story str ucture is proposed, a minimum of one thousand (1000) be constructed on the ground (first) floor. The remaining minimum square footage shall be constructed on the second floor to meet the minimum square footage of 1600 square feet.

Height restriction: There shall be a thirt y-five (35) foot height limitation above the finished grade,


A. Site Lighting:

Exter ior building and site lighting should be held to a minim um and shall be designed to reduce off-site intrusion of on-sit e gener ated lighting. In this regard, exterior building light in g should either be recessed under roof overhangs or generated from low –level landscape highlighting variety.

Area wide lighting should be of the low intensity, low-level landscape highlighting variety. Up and/or d o w n -lighting of trees is greatly discouraged. Use of high-level, area-wide lighting will not be p e r mitted because of the light intrusion onto off-site areas.

1. Site Landscaping:

In general, it shall be the primary goal of landscaping to enhance existing plant material to insure overall building and site design compatibility with that of the surrounding environment. Appropriate Landscape

Plans should be included at similar stages of submission with site and Architectural plans for review and approval by the Architectural Review Committee. The preservation of existing trees and other site foliage should be of major concern in the early stages of Site/Landscape design. The Architectural Review

Committee strongly encourages a "planned” natural _ look, _ emphasizing native plants and ground cover with balanced grassed areas. Plant materials should be sized for relatively immediate e f f e c t . The use of the plan materials which provide a seasonal color change is encouraged.

Care should be taken in the placement of plan materials at driveway cuts so as not to obstruct drive sight distance. All landscaped areas should be irrigated. As mentioned in a previous s ection, possible w ater body shoreline erosion should be taken into consideration in the design and implementation of the Landscape Plan.



In order to provide a systematic and u n i f o r m r e v i e w of proposed residential construction, the Cypress Breeze

Plantation HOA Architect ural Review Committee procedures are established herein.



Preliminary Approval:

The procedure for obtaining preliminary approval of architectural plans in order to receive a Cypress

Breeze Plantation HOA Building permit for commencement of construction within Cypress Breeze Plantation

HOA , requires that an Application form f for Construction of Residential Structures be completed (see

Exhibit “A” attach ed herein).

This form and required ap plication fee must be submitted to the Architectural Review Committee by 1:00 p.m. of the Monday preceding the Cypress Breeze Plantation HOA Architectural Review Committee meeting, which is held as necessary. It is suggested that the Architect or Owner submit the roof color or the exterior stain of the proposed structure with this application.

Plans may be submitted for conceptual si t e approval an d conceptual elevation approval. The requirements for each are as follows:

1 . Conceptual S i t e Approval.

a. Building set-backs should be in accordance those established on the subdivision plat.

b. The outline of the building perimeter walls are to be shown on the site plan. Decks, walks, drives, courtyards, service appropriate materials. A roof material plan is necessary for the approval. The house must be located with proper dimensions. A one-eighth (l/8") inch scale should be used .

2. Conceptual E l e v a t i o n Approval.

a Elevations, site plan and floor plan (dimensions and details not necessary) should be submitted. b.

Elevations should equal to final working drawings. Should be one-eighth (1/8) inch scale. c.

Elevation should be of sufficient clarity so as to adequately illustrate the exterior portion of the building and structures.

B. Final Approval Architectural:

In conjunction with the Application form for Residential or Commercial Construction, architectural plans must be submitted for review and approval.

Final acceptable architectural plans consist of the following documentation:

1. Site Plan (scale l/8" = l") including:

a. Property lines; b. Access street in front of lot; c. Driveway, walks and patios (indicate type of material.

d. Culverts and direction of drainage; e. Drainage and gradi ng plan wi th contours indicating finish grade.

Finish grading contours are required where the elevation of the finish floor is three (3) feet or more above the center elevation of the lot; f. Service yard--vertical and horizontal sections; g. Elevations of lot corners, center of lot, culvert inverts, edge of roadway and finished floor elevations; h. Tree survey showing location a nd species of tr ees s i x ( 6 ) inches or larger in diameter.

Indicate trees to be removed within ten (10) feet from the perimeter of the structure with an ("x"). In all cases, the final decision to remove any trees will be made during the review of the stakeo ut of the property; i . Location a i d identification of special features, e.g. ponds, nearby drainage ditches, lakes, holding lagoon, easements. j. Indicate th e position of any structure on adjacent lots by marking the front and rear corners of these structures.

2. Roof Plan. Roof Plan must clearly specify materials and design/pitch.

3. Elevation drawings must include all four elevations. Elevations must indicate rough and finished grade elevations, and finished floor elevations above mean sea level. It is suggested that the grade contours be shown by a dotted line. Elevations must be of sufficient detail as to depict the exterior design of the structure, its related materials, exterior window and door design and other related detailing. (min. scale ¼” = 1’0”)

4. Floor plans (scale ¼” = 1’0”) with dimensions required.

Dotted line of roof overhang must be on the floor plan.

5. Detail drawings of: a. Typical wall section; b. Patio wall section, if appropriate – vertical and horizontal details; c. Plans that incorporate a fireplace must also include the use of a metal windscreen at the chimney termination in addition to the manufactur er’ s cap, and other features that are necessary or desirable for clarity and understanding.

6. Specifications: A n y specifications\ that will clarify the plans or related materials.

7. Exterior clay tile or metal roof selections, exterior siding/stucco selections, stain selections, and other selections.

C. Final Approval - Landscape:

The procedure of obtaining final approval for beneficial occupancy of a residential structure within Cypress

Breeze Plantation HOA.

1. Landscaping Plan: Property owners are requested to submit a landscape plan prior to completion of the project, or 60 days in advance of issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy, whichever occurs first. Each owner will be required to submit the appropriate landscape plan to ensure that great care has been taken in the overall landscape design c o n s i s t e n t w i t h t h e Cypress Breeze Plantation community’s objective to preserve and enhance the natural environment.

2 . On-Site · Landscaping: Prior to receiving final and complete Architectural Review Committee approval of each residential structure, the appr oved landscaping plan must be executed and completed

within two (2) months after completion of the structure.

D. Owner/Builder Rules and Standards

The following will apply to any and all construction, improvement, alteration or maintenance of any structure, to any change to the exterior of any structure and to grading, excavating, tree removal, landscaping or any other change to the grounds of a single-family, multi-family or commercial site within Cypress Breeze Plantation. In the event a violation of these rules and standards and preceding guidelines takes place, the construction or work being performed will cease until conformance is achieved. Infractions of the construction rules may be cause for a $500.00 fine per infraction and/or suspension of a contractor or subcontractor from the community. The approved contractor is responsible for any/all subcontractor’s actions relative to these rules and standards.


All general contractors must be licensed in the State of Florida.


No lot clearing or placement of portable toilets will be permitted until all required governmental permits are obtained.

Contractors are required to place silt fencing around the job site to avoid trash and debris from blowing onto other existing home sites, or onto streets after the site is cleared for construction. Contractor will provide emergency contact numbers to the Architectural Review Committee.


Prior to commencing work, a portable toilet must be placed on the job site and in a manner to least disturb other residences and other construction. Positioning of the toilet on the job site will be coordinated with the Architectural

Review Committee. The toilet should be positioned as far off of the street as possible.


All construction traffic will access the community through the streets shared by all other homeowners. Construction vehicles must park only on the lot under construction or on the street in front of the home or building under construction.

Absolutely no use of adjacent lots is allowed without prior written permission from the property owner. When parking on the street all four tires of the vehicle should be on the road surface. Construction vehicles cannot remain on property overnight. There will be no washing of vehicles/trucks on Cypress Breeze Plantation streets. If a landscape truck or trailer is parked in the street during landscape installation, it will be required to place safety cones on the street side of the truck front and rear.


The construction working hours are currently from 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m., Monday through Saturday, with light work, low noise on Sunday’s or holidays.


All construction sites must be maintained in a neat and orderly fashion. All contractors are required to provide at least one trash dumpster for every residence or building under construction. Dumpsters must be emptied on a regular basis. The builder is responsible for trash that blows off the site and will retrieve such trash immediately. No trash will be stockpiled on the lot. There will be no stockpiling or dumping on adjacent lots or on streets. Contractors will use only the utilities provided on the site on which they are working. Trash, litter, construction debris, empty paint and sheetrock mud containers will be picked up and put into the dumpster at the end of each day.

E. Plan Approval and Fees

In order to obtain final approval from the Cypress Breeze Plantation HOA Architectural Review

Committee, all of the outlined criteria must be observed and approved.

The Architectural Review Committee

Submission fees are as follows and no plans will be accepted for review by the Architectural Review Committee until receipt of the applicable submission fee and the completed application for Residential Construction.

Architectural Review Committee Submission Fees (nonrefundable):

Single Family Residence

Landscaping Plan





Pools, Decks, Fences, Enclosing

Covered Area

Approval for re-staining house

(unless the same color)

Approval for Replacing E x t e r i o r




S i d i n g / Stucco (unless same material)50

Approval for Replacing Roof $50

Concepts $50

Architectural Review Committee Compliance Deposit:

The Cypress Breeze Plantation Architectural Review Committee requires that each owner submitting plans and specifications for a proposed construction or improvement will place in escrow with the CBP ARC a sum of money, which will be a compliance deposit. The purpose of the compliance deposit is to provide the ARC with the funds to pay for attorney fees to enforce compliance. The funds constituting the compliance deposit will be held in a noninterest bearing account. The deposit amounts will not constitute a limit on the owner’s liability but will be applied against the total cost of enforcement of these provisions including, without limitations, the cost of removal or restoration, construction in accordance with the approved plans and specifications, attorney’s fees and court costs.

The amount of the compliance deposit is computed as follows:

Single Family Residence






Contact the Cypress Breeze Plantation ARC at: arb@cypressbreezehoa.com

ARC revised 2/26/13
