Minutes - Keynsham Town Council

Keynsham Public Art Advisory Group
Tuesday 12 January 2016, 16.00 (4.00pm)
Venue: Keynsham Town Council offices
Cllr Lisa O’Brien (Chair), Cllr Clive Fricker, Cllr Zoe Wilkins, Sheila Crocombe, Jo
Swift, Ann Cullis, Cllr Alan Hale, Joe Tymkow
Guests: John Wilkinson (B&NES Divisional Director, Community Regeneration; Ben
Woods, B&NES Group Manager for Economy & Culture)
Minutes sent for information – Jon Folly (Capita); Diana Hatton & Abigail Branagan
(project managers); Sebastien Boyesen (artist)
1. Apologies
Sara Dixon, Danny Ollis
2. Minutes of last meeting 23 July 2015 – attached
The minutes were approved. There were no matters arising.
3. Review of project management, matters arising & actions
John Wilkinson (B&NES Divisional Director, Community Regeneration) and Ben
Woods (B&NES Group Manager for Economy & Culture) introduced themselves.
JW explained that LOB had requested that Ben Woods, B&NES Group Manager for
Economy & Culture (AC’s manager) undertake a review of the project management
processes, both the installation period and the launch event.
Concerns had been expressed about how B&NES had managed the Clocktower
project; JW stated that it is right to review all projects, and note learning points for
improvement in future. The review focussed on actions and decisions made since
the last AAG meeting (23 July). The key points are:
 Keynsham has a great Clocktower and there has been good feedback from
 BW has done a review and LOB has seen the report
 The emphasis should be on how B&NES would do it differently in the future
LOB emphasised that it was important to have a review in order to address the
issues and problems that occurred. She suggested it would be useful if AC could
present her statement/report to the AAG.
JW presented on five key areas, identifying learning points. The minutes record
comments from the AAG in relation to each.
1] Physical/build projects
B&NES Project Delivery Division (Derek Quilter’s team) should have been more
involved, earlier. In future, projects of this scale and complexity will be managed by
Derek’s team. There should be a clear and formal separation between the ‘client’
(the AAG) and delivery (B&NES Project Delivery). BW noted that there have been
other examples of projects where there should have been better separation.
2] How B&NES works in partnership
Departments and partners need to improve how they work with each other and
challenge each other to ensure a good process and outcome. In particular, everyone
needs to avoid a ‘group’ mind-set, and ensure that all issues are questioned and
ZW felt that generally there had been good debate and questioning.
LOB felt that sometimes the AAG had not been specific enough on details when
signing-off stages of the project. For example: the AAG did not see a detailed design
for the clock-face, so the final version is slightly different to the earlier drawings; the
coloured glass samples had a more intense colour.
There was further discussion re colour. AH agreed with LOB and would like the
colour to be more intense in daylight. LOB suggested that stronger LED lighting
(during the day as well) would resolve this, including more light to the clock-face
AH expressed the view that final payment should not be made until this is resolved.
3] ‘Optimism bias’
There should have been more ‘pessimism’ on the timescales, with more contingency
built in. It should have been identified at 23 July (or earlier) that 1 week’s
contingency was insufficient – this would have enabled action to be initiated two
months earlier.
LOB and CF agreed, and noted that the original completion target had been May
2015; so even though an additional 4 months was agreed, there was still delay.
All agreed that the artist was also tending towards ‘optimism bias’, convinced he
could catch up.
4] Communications
Communications were not as good as they should have been, and it was agreed that
the artist did not keep people informed about delays and problems.
The minutes of 23 July AAG did not capture in sufficient detail what had been agreed
about the launch event.
ZW felt that there should have been more intervention with the artist – visiting his
workshop to check progress – and also in-depth checking of progress with his subcontractors.
AH stated that in his view there should be a penalty, with a proportion of the final fee
owing to the artist with-held.
AC noted that the artist cannot, and will not, be paid until the Clocktower has been
formally handed over to B&NES ad accepted as an asset. The budget is held by
Derek Quilter and therefore he will make the decision.
AC confirmed that Diana Hatton (public art project manager, working to AC) had
completed the tasks she was asked to do, and had been paid.
5] Report on project management
Following discussion, it was agreed that AC’s statement/report will be circulated to
all. JW stated that he and BW will decide how to implement learning points for future
LOB felt that it would be useful to summarise the main headings:
 Fabrication (resin panels)
 Plinth (excavation of foundations)
 Communications
 Lighting
Launch event
Learning points
The report is attached with learning points highlighted.
Comments or queries should be addressed to benjamin_woods@bathnes.gov.uk
4. ‘Snagging’ of Clocktower; completion statement; maintenance
AC reported that a snagging meeting took place 8 Jan with Jake Williams (B&NES
Project Delivery), Sebastien Boyesen, Diana Hatton, and herself.
There are no out-standing technical snagging issues (as distinct from suggested
improvements to lighting). The artist will now issue a letter confirming completion
and handover of asset to B&NES. B&NES (Derek Quilter) will formally accept the
asset, and it will be included in the Council’s Public Liability Insurance schedule.
An ongoing annual maintenance agreement has been agreed between B&NES Arts
Development and B&NES Property Services. The cost of this will be covered in the
Arts Development budget. An inspection will be undertaken in May, when the artist
will brief and train B&NES Property Services on specific technical features of the
Clocktower. The first routine annual maintenance will be in Sept/Oct 2016.
5. Booklet and other information
The AAG agreed previously that a booklet will be produced, explaining the
background to the project, the community involvement, and a ‘key’ to each of the
AC reported that the artist has supplied most of this information (attached), together
with a set of high quality photographs of every image.
AC suggested two alternative options for producing a booklet:
1/ B&NES Council produces the booklet in consultation with the AAG (in which case,
the booklet would have to be designed in accordance with B&NES Council branding
and design look, and using our approved/preferred suppliers for both design and
print). AC showed an example – Victoria Art Gallery catalogue.
2/ Keynsham Town Council produces the booklet, with funding from B&NES Council
(in which case, KTC can choose its own designer and printer, and the AAG can
decide how they want the booklet to look). B&NES logo and acknowledgement
would have to be included.
Following discussion, it was agreed to go for option 1 – B&NES to produce the
Points of agreement were:
 Make a charge for the booklet (not free) – the income can go towards costs of
producing the booklet and the maintenance costs.
 Size A5; 1,000 print run (option to re-print)
 The images can also be used for postcard and to create a website.
It would be nice to include an image of the Mary Fairclough map in the library.
Text will include: intro by LOB; words from artist about his approach; list of all
community groups who took part; key to images.
Action AC to obtain additional info from artist
Action AC to contact designer
Early versions of a proposed design will be circulated to the AAG.
Small metal plaque with date and name of artist
It was agreed that a small metal plaque can go in the paving near the Clocktower.
Alternatively, an acknowledgement could be put in the window of the library.
Action AC to enquire with B&NES Property Services
6. Other projects update
Timeline fund-raising
JS updated that KTC will be submitting three grant applications.
It was agreed that the AAG will review in May. If the applications are not successful,
we will review the previous quotes and consider the less expensive fabrication
LOB noted that the Timeline sub-committee had been time-limited, to support the
schools project and the design process – therefore the project will now be overseen
by the AAG.
Time Capsule: wording for dedication plaque
AC updated that the time capsule will be buried in the open area at the top of the
steps from Bath Hill. A stone paving marker will mark the location – B&NES Project
Delivery will procure and cover the cost of this.
Following discussion, it was agreed that the dedication is:
Keynsham Time Capsule
Buried 2016
A reflection of our town
It was queried whether the 1960s time capsule (now on display in the library) would
be re-buried with the new one.
Action AC confirm the wording to B&NES Project Delivery.
7. AOB
Keynsham Roundabout Arts Trail
JT has been discussing the future of the Roundabout Arts Trail with the previous coordinator – JT has now taken on this role. Some of the participating artists would like
to move the date back to September, as this works better than July.
There was further discussion of arts opportunities more generally, and whether the
former fire station may be available for use. ZW suggested that there is a need for
someone to co-ordinate and develop various projects. LOB stated that the
suggestion will be brought to the Keynsham Arts Joint Committee (next meeting in
Date of next meeting
No meeting date set at present.
Minutes AAG 120116