Curriculum Vitae - British Renal Society


Curriculum Vitae

Nizam Mamode


Address: Renal Offices, 6th Floor

Borough Wing

Guys Hospital

Great Maze Pond

London SE19RT

Tel . 02071888476

Current Position

Consultant Transplant Surgeon (Appointed Feb 2002)

Reader in Transplant Surgery

Guys and St Thomas Foundation Trust

Great Ormond Street Hospital

Kings College London


Qualifications : MD Glasgow 2000

FRCS (Gen) 2000

FRCS 1991

MBChB 1987

BSc 1984

Awarded National Bronze Award for Clinical Excellence 2008

Recent grants

Chief Investigator:

NIHR Research for Patient Benefit : PB-PG-1010-23108 – Are prophylactic antibiotics necessary before laparoscopic living kidney donation? A randomised, controlled trial.

£248 382. Awarded 2011.

St John’s Ambulance Brigade Transplant Fellowship £6000: Combined bone marrow and renal transplantation to induce tolerance. Awarded 2011.

Healthcare Association. £6125. Combined bone marrow and renal transplantation to induce tolerance. Awarded 2011.

Analysis of T cell function after B cell depletion. Guys Biomedical Research Centre £10 000

Awarded 2010.

Guys and St Thomas Charitable Foundation Grant no G101007. Awarded Dec 2010 (24 months): £84 000 for ‘Quantitative assessment of psychosocial benefit after living donor transplantation.’

Astellas International Pharma: £100 000 for randomized controlled trial of rituximab in renal transplantation. Awarded 2010

Kidney Patients Association: T cell function and Rituximab. £75 000 . Awarded 2008

St John’s Ambulance Brigade Transplant Fellowship £6000: Laparoscopic transplantation.

Awarded 2007


Guys and St Thomas’ Charitable Foundation: Virtual Reality Nephrectomy £180 000.

Awarded 2003-2005

Current projects

Rituximab in Renal Transplantation

I am chief investigator of a large multicentre, investigator led randomised controlled trial of rituximab for induction in renal transplantation. This study will assess the safety and efficacy of using B cell depletion to permit minimisation of immunosuppression. In addition, the effects of B cell depletion on T cell responses and B cell reconstitution will be studied. It has been funded, is on the NIHR CLRN portfolio and has ethical and MHRA approval.

Recruitment has now started.

Randomised controlled trial of antibiotics in laparoscopic donor nephrectomy

I am chief investigator of this pan-London study which is funded by the NIHR. The study will examine the role of antibiotics in these patients as well as studying wound healing and factors affecting this.

Antibody Incompatible Transplantation

I am Clinical Lead for the Guys Antibody Incompatible Transplant Programme, the largest in the UK; I have an ongoing study assessing the effect of B cell depletion on T cell responses in blood group incompatible transplant patients. Recruitment has ceased and data are currently being analysed. This project was carried out at Guys but has involved collaboration with a national study of blood group incompatible patients (the ABOUT-K study run by Dr

Simon Ball in Birmingham). Furthermore I am principal investigator for a new multicentre study of eculizumab in highly sensitized patients.

Laparoscopic Renal Transplantation

I have developed an animal model for laparoscopic renal transplantation (which has not yet been successfully performed elsewhere), which has involved collaboration with Prof

Campistol in Barcelona, and with the surgical department at St Georges hospital. The model is being refined with a view to translation to human subjects later this year.

Tolerance in Renal Transplantation

I have set up a programme to introduce combined bone marrow and renal transplantation, to induce tolerance; this has involved collaboration with Prof Spitzer at Harvard University. I lead a large group which is developing this including haematologists and immunologists from

Guys and St Thomas Hospital, Kings College Hospital and Kings College. This procedure has not yet been performed in Europe and we hope to perform our first case in early 2011.

Clinical Programmes

Laparoscopic donor nephrectomy

I introduced this procedure to the Trust in 2004, in collaboration with Dr Kandaswamy from the University of Fairview, Minnesota. Since then we have successfully performed over 600 procedures, with excellent results, and are recognised as being one of the 3 main centres for this operation in the UK. I have mentored 3 consultants from other Trusts and set up a national Training Fellowship for Laparoscopic Donor Nephrectomy in conjunction with the

Royal Free Hospital, funded by the Royal College of Surgeons.

Antibody incompatible transplantation

I introduced this programme into the Trust in 2005, and we have now successfully performed over 50 such transplants, making Guys one of the 3 main centres in the UK in this field.

Currently we receive referrals from a number of hospitals outside London and I have recently introduced a programme of paediatric blood group incompatible transplantation, the only one in the UK.

Transplantation in HIV positive recipients

I introduced this into the Trust in 2006; these patients were not previously transplanted and few centres in the UK are carrying out such transplants.


Outcome of surgical complications following simultaneous pancreas–kidney transplantation

Banga N, Hadjianastassiou VG, Mamode N, Calder F, Olsburgh J, Drage M, Sammartino C,

Koffman G and Taylor J. Nephrol Dialysis Transplant 2011 (in press)

Is laparoscopic donation safe for paediatric recipients? - a study of 85 paediatric recipients comparing open and laparoscopic donor nephrectomy.

Chandak P, Kessaris N, Durkan A, Owusu-Ansah N, Patel J, Rastogi P, Veitch P, McCarthy

H, Marks S, Mamode N. Nephrol Dialysis Transplant 2011 (in press)

ELPAT’s New Classification for Living Organ Donation. Dor FJMF, Massey EK, Frunza M,

Johnson R, Lennerling A, Lovén C, Mamode N, Pascalev A, Sterckx S, Van Assche K,

Zuidema WC, Weimar W. Transplantation 2011 May 15;91(9):935-938.

Laparoscopic donor nephrectomy does not compromise outcomes for pediatric transplant recipients

Mamode N, Johnson RJ, Hadjianastassiou V. Transplantation 2011 May 15;91(9):1005-9

B cells in renal transplantation: pathological aspects and therapeutic interventions. Barnett N, Dorling A, Mamode N. Nephrol Dial Transplant 2011;76:767-774.

Vascular Access for Haemodialysis in the Elderly

Swindlehurst N, Swindlehurst A, Lumgair H, Rebollo Mesa I, Mamode N, Cacciola R,

Macdougall I. J Vasc Surg 2011 Apr;53(4):1039-43

South Asian patients awaiting organ transplantation in the UK

Perera S, Mamode N. Nephrol Dialysis Transplant 2011 Apr;26(4):1380-4

Rituximab may not lead to increased infection rates in transplant recipients

Drage M, Hadjianastassiou V, Dorling A, and Mamode N. Am J Transplant 2010;10:2723-4

High anti-A titres may not preclude ABO-incompatible renal transplantation: an autoantibody could be the culprit. Barnett N, Nightingale A, Maggs T, Needs M, Williams E, Curran D,

Mamode N. Nephrol Dial Transplant. 2010 Jul 28

Intermittent antibody-based combination therapy removes alloantibodies and achieves indefinite heart transplant survival in presensitized recipients.

Shariff H, Tanriver Y, Brown KL, Meader L, Greenlaw R, Mamode N, Jurcevic S.

Transplantation. 2010 Aug 15;90(3):270-8

Riley P, Marks SD, Desai DY, Mushtaq I, Koffman G, Mamode N. Challenges facing renal transplantation in pediatric patients with lower urinary tract dysfunction.

Transplantation. 2010 Jun 15;89(11):1299-1307.

Maple NH, Hadjianastassiou V, Jones R, and Mamode N. Understanding risk in living donor nephrectomy J Med Ethics. 2010 Mar;36(3):142-7


Chandak P, Kessaris N, Challacombe B, Olsburgh J, Calder F, Mamode N.

How safe is hand-assisted laparoscopic donor nephrectomy?--Results of 200 live donor nephrectomies by two different techniques.

Nephrol Dial Transplant 2009 24(1); 293-7

Ahmad N, Ahmed K, Mamode N

Does Nephrectomy of failed allograft influence graft survival after re-transplantation?

Nephrol Dial Transplant 2009: 24(2): 639-42

Kessaris N, Mukherjee D, Chandak P, Mamode N

Renal transplantation in identical twins in United States and United Kingdom

Transplantation 2008: 86(11); 1572-7

Ahmed K, Ahmad N, Khan MS, Calder F, Taylor J, Mamode N

Influence of number of re-transplants on renal graft outcome

Transplant Proc. 2008 Jun;40(5):1349-52

Ahmad N, Ahmed K, Khan MS, Calder F, Mamode N, Taylor J, Koffman G

Living unrelated donor renal transplantation; an alternative to living related donor transplantation?

Annals of Royal College of Surgeons 2008; 90 (3) :247-50

Murphy D, Challacombe B, Olsburgh J, Calder F, Mamode N, Khan MS, Mushtaq I,

Dasgupta P.

Ablative and reconstructive robotic-assisted laparoscopic renal surgery.

Int J Clin Pract. 2008 62(11); 1703-8

Hadjianastassiou V, Johnson R, Rudge C and Mamode, N

Mortality and Morbidity after 2509 Living Donor Nephrectomy Procedures

American Journal Transplantation 2007: 7 (11); 2532-7

Kohle N, Mamode N, Van der Walt J, Pattison J

Regression of post-transplant Kaposi's sarcoma using sirolimus.

Int J Clin Pract. 2006 Nov;60(11):1509-12.

Telementoring facilitates independent hand-assisted laparoscopic living donor nephrectomy.

Challacombe B, Kandaswamy R, Dasgupta P, Mamode N

Transplant Proc 2005 37(2):613-6

Cutting CW, Khan MS, Mamode N, Koffman G, Heaton N.

A case report of a spontaneous subcapsular hematoma leading to rupture of the liver in a patient following a renal transplant.

Transplantation. 2004 Oct 15;78(7):1090-1

Challacombe B, Mamode N.

Laparoscopic live donor nephrectomy.

Nephrol Dial Transplant. 2004 Dec;19(12):2961-4.

Mamode N, Sutherland DE.

Transplantation for diabetes mellitus.

Br J Surg. 2003 Sep;90(9):1031-2

Mamode N, Docherty G, Lowe GD, Macfarlane PW, Martin W, Pollock JG, Cobbe SM.

The role of myocardial perfusion scanning, heart rate variability and D-dimers in predicting the risk of perioperative cardiac complications after peripheral vascular surgery.

Eur J Vasc Endovasc Surg. 2001 Dec;22(6):499-508.

Effectiveness of Surveillance of Infrainguinal Grafts

Teo NB, Mamode N, Murtagh A, Breslin P, Pollock JG

European Journal of Surgery 2001; 167: 605-609

A pregnant patient with bilateral ischaemic limbs

Teo NB, Mamode N, Lieberman DP

Postgraduate Medical Journal 2000; 76(900): 666-7

Failure to improve outcome in acute mesenteric ischaemia

Mamode N, Pickford I, Leiberman DP

European Journal of Surgery 1999 165(3) 203-8

N Mamode, RN Scott

Graft type for femoro-popliteal bypass surgery.

Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2000;(2):CD001487. Review

Paterson HM, Mamode N

A rare cause of crepitus

Postgraduate Medical Journal 1998; 74:867; 57-58

Price JF, Mamode N, Smith FB, Woodburn KR, Rumley A, Lowe GDO, Fowkes FGR

Haemostatic and rheological factors as predictors of restenosis following percutaneous transluminal angioplasty

Eur J Vasc Endovasc Surgery 1997;14:392-398

Mamode N, Scott RN, McLaughlin SC, McLelland A, Pollock JG

Perioperative Myocardial Infarction In Peripheral Vascular Surgery

British Medical Journal 1996; 312: 1396-7

Mamode, N

Torture and war. Medical associations should try to stop torture in Israel

British Medical Journal, 1996 312;57

Mamode N, Cobbe SM, Pollock JG

Symptoms of Coronary Artery Disease Predict Risks of Surgery

British Medical Journal 1995 311;628-9

Mamode N, Cobbe SM, Pollock JG

Infarcts after surgery

British Medical Journal 1995 310;1215-6

Mamode N, Mercer K, Gilmour DG

Gastroenteritis causing critical limb ischaemia

Br J Clinical Practice 1996;50(7):410

Mamode N, Reid AW

Haemorrhage following penetrating gluteal trauma

British Journal of Surgery 1994

81:2 203-204

Invited talks

Which donors should we use?

British Transplant Society 2011

Blood group incompatible transplantation

Oxford Transplant Symposium Oct 2010

What should we do about kidney perfusion?

European Renal Association- European Dialysis Transplant Association Munich June 2010

Antibody incompatible transplantation: State of the Art. Keynote speaker at British

Transplant Society Live Donor Forum, London Nov 2009

Hand-assisted live donor nephrectomy

International Hand-Assisted Extra-peritoneal Live Donor Nephrectomy Course

London Sept 2009

Recent developments in surgical techniques in transplantation

National Croatian Urology Congress Split, Croatia Sept 2009

Vascular access in children

Kings College Hospital, 2 nd

national vascular access day, London Jan 2009

Peritoneal access

Kings College Hospital, national access day, London January 2008

Antibody removal in transplantation

Fourth Croatian Urological Congress, Osijek, Croatia 2007


Middle Eastern Transplant Congress

Kuwait 2006

Living donor transplantation

Third Croatian Urological Congress, Osijek, Croatia Sep 2005

Hand-assisted laparoscopic donor nephrectomy

Association of Surgeons of Great Britain and Ireland, Glasgow 2005


I am co-editing a book entitled ‘Abdominal Transplantation: State of the Art’ with Dr Rajah

Kandaswamy from the University of Fairview Medical Centre, Minnesota, to be published by

Blackwell in 2011.

International collaborations

I am developing an animal model for laparoscopic renal transplant implantation, in collaboration with Prof Campistol at the Hospital Clinic, Barcelona. Additionally I am setting up a new programme of combined bone marrow and renal transplantation to induce tolerance at Guys Hospital, in collaboration with Prof Tom Spitzer of Harvard University, Boston.

I am co-chair of the Renal Transplant Group of the European Society of Transplantation.

I am a member of the steering group of the ELPAT (Ethical, Legal and Psychological aspects of Transplantation) group in the European Society of Transplantation.

I am a member of the executive of the Education Committee of the European Society of


Other expertise

I am a member of the College of Experts for the NIHR HTA programme

I am a Specialist Adviser to NICE

I am a reviewer for Transplant International and Nephrology, Dialysis and Transplantation.

I authored ‘The Provision of Renal Transplant Services’, a document for national circulation on behalf of the British Transplant Society

I am on the editorial board for the Transplantation Research journal.

I am a co-author on the third edition of the ‘United Kingdom Guidelines for Living Donor

Kidney Transplantation’, published by the British Transplant Society and British Renal

Association, 2011.


I organise and teach a group of medical students each term, have 2 SSC students and act as

Clinical Advisor to 8 students.

I have completed the TAIP and Educational Supervisor course and organise and teach on the teaching programme for our postgraduate surgical juniors.

I have mentored 3 UK consultants in laparoscopic donor nephrectomy, as well as a consultant from the Polyclinico Gemmelli, the principal hospital in Rome, where I helped start the laparoscopic donor nephrectomy programme.

I have previously organised 3 international course on living donation at Guys Hospital.

Doctoral thesis

As a British Heart Foundation Fellow I obtained an MD for work on factors influencing perioperative myocardial infarction in vascular patients

Oral presentations at international and national meetings

Severe unexplained TMA after ABOi, a contraindication to retransplantation?

Forman CJ, Pullar B, and Mamode N

European Society of Transplantation Congress Glasgow Sept 2011

Successful outcomes after minimising antibody modulation in blood group incompatible kidney transplantation

Mamode N, Hadjiansastassiou V, Dorling A, Kenchayikoppad, S, Barnett N.

European Society of Transplantation Congress Glasgow Sept 2011

Interventions for pre-existing bladder dysfunction in paediatric renal transplant patients

Al-Khudairi N, Riley P, Desai DY, Reid C and Mamode N

European Society of Transplantation Congress Glasgow Sept 2011

Eculizumab for salvage in post-transplant thrombotic micro-angiopathy

Barnett ANR, Hadjianastassiou V, Shaw O, Das P, Chowdhury P, Dorling A, Mamode N

European Society of Transplantation Congress Glasgow Sept 2011

Low titre ABO-incompatible deceased donor renal transplantation in paediatric patients: a new approach to long waiting lists

Barnett N, Marks S, Reid C, Maggs T, Hadjianastassiou VG, Jennings C, Scanes M, Vaughan

R, Mamode N

European Society of Transplantation Congress Glasgow Sept 2011

A Single Centre Experience of Early Cannulation FlixeneTMGrafts in

Patients with Difficult Vascular Access. K Sritharan, S Turner, J Taylor, G Koffman, N

Mamode, & F Calder. Vascular Access Society 2011.

ELPAT’s New Classification for Living Organ Donation. Pascalev A, Dor FJMF, Massey

EK, Frunza M, Johnson R, Lennerling A, Lovén C, Mamode N, Sterckx S, Van Assche K,

Zuidema WC, Weimar W. World Congress of Nephrology Vancouver 2011.

ELPAT’s New Classification for Living Organ Donation. Mamode N, Massey EK, Frunza

M, Johnson R, Lennerling A, Lovén C, Pascalev A, Sterckx S, Van Assche K, Zuidema WC,

Weimar W, Dor FJMF. British Transplant Society March 2011

Higgins RM, Hudson A, Johnson RJ, Fuggle S, Dyer P, Taube D, Galliford J, Mamode N,

Ball S, Ravanan R, Torpey N, Thuraisingham R, Newstead C, Bradley A. UK Registry of

Antibody Incompatible Transplantation 2001-2010

British Transplant Society March 2011

Barnett N, Marks S, Reid C, Maggs T, Vaughan R, Mamode N

A new approach to the paediatric deceased donor renal transplantation waiting list: low titre

ABO-incompatible transplantation.

British Transplant Society March 2011

Higgins RM, Hudson A, Johnson RJ, Fuggle S, Galliford J, Taube D, Mamode N, Ball S,

Ravanan R, Torpey N, Thuraisingham R, Gupta A, Newstead C, Bradley A. UK Registry of

Antibody Incompatible Transplantation 2001-2010. XXIII International Congress of

Transplantation Society, Vancouver, August 2010.

Higgins R, Johnson R, Hudson A, Fuggle S, Taube D, Galliford J, Mamode N, Ball S,

Ravanan R, Torpey N, Bradley A. UK Registry of Antibody Incompatible Transplantation

2001-2009. British Transplantation Society, March 2010

Successful minimisation of perioperative antibody modulation in ABOi renal transplantation.

N Mamode, D Curran, L Burnapp, V Hadjianastassiou British Transplant Society 2010

Defining Success in Living Donor Transplantation: should Patient Reported Outcome

Measures (PROMs) influence the limits of living donation? L Forster, J Weinmann, L

Burnapp, N Mamode. ELPAT Congress Rotterdam 2010

Patient Reported Outcome Measures (PROMs) in Living Donor Transplantation: Recipient

Expectations Exceeded while Concerns Remain Regarding Initial Donor Recovery. L

Forster, J Weinmann, L Burnapp, N Mamode. ELPAT Congress Rotterdam 2010

Confidentiality in living organ donation: contradictions between donor and recipient autonomy. N Mamode. ELPAT Congress Rotterdam 2010

Autonomy and Paternalism in living donor transplantation

N Mamode ELPAT Congress Rotterdam 2010

Successful Paediatric ABO Incompatible Renal Transplantation (ABOiRT) with Quadruple

Immunosuppression and B Lymphocyte Depletion

Marks SD, Sebire NJ, Bradley S, Wright E, Mamode N.

International Paediatric Nephrology Association New York 2010

Preoperative decline in titres and lack of antibody rebound in ABO incompatible transplantation with anti-CD20 therapy

N Mamode, D Curran, L Burnapp, J Scoble, G Koffman, F Calder

British Transplantion Society 2009

Safety of laparoscopic procurement in 306 paediatric live donor recipients: an analysis of UK

Transplant data

N Mamode, Johnson R, Hadjianastassiou V

British Transplantion Society 2009

Antibody Combination Therapy Extends Heart Allograft Survival in Presensitised Murine


H Shariff, Y Tanriver, K Brown, N Mamode, S Jurcevic

British Transplantion Society 2009

Laparoscopic procurement results in better outcomes for pediatric recipients; an analysis of

306 cases. N Mamode, Johnson R, Hadjianastassiou V.

American Transplant Congress 2009

Patient defined success one year after live donor kidney transplantation: a study of patient reported outcomes (PROMS)

L Forster, J Weinnman, L Burnapp, N Mamode

American Transplant Congress 2009 sCD30 in HLA antibody incompatible renal transplantation. N Kessaris; P Chandak; N

Mamode; R Vaughan; G Koffman

International Transplant Congress Brisbane 2008

(published as abstract: Transplantation. 2008; 86(2S): 587)

Causes of early graft failure and outcome of SPK and PAK. UK experience 2001-5

R Cacciola, A Hudson, N Mamode

British Transplant Society 2008

The introduction of laparoscopic donor nephrectomy in the United Kingdom: Results from

UK Transplant

V Hadjianastassiou, R Johnson, N Mamode

American Transplant Congress San Francisco 2007

How Safe is Laparoscopic Donor Nephrectomy in the United Kingdom? – data from the UK

Transplant Registry in 2509 patients

N Mamode,V Hadjianastassiou, R Cacciola, R Johnson

British Transplantion Society 2007

Renal transplantation in identical twins in USA and UK between 1988 and 2004

Ni Kessaris, D Mukherjee, P Chandak, N Mamode

British Transplantion Society 2007

The safety of hand assisted laparoscopic donor nephrectomy compared with open donation for all living donors. Chandak P, Challacombe B, Kessaris N, Olsburgh J, Calder F, Mamode

N 44th ERA-EDTA Congress, 2007 Barcelona

Renal transplantation in identical twins in USA and UK

N Kessaris, D Mukherjee, N Mamode

American Transplant Congress Boston 2006

Living donors will accept high surgical risks

H Maple, A Halley, N Mamode

British Transplant Society 2006

Hand Assisted Laparoscopic Bilateral Native Nephrectomy

Jonathon Olsburgh, Ben Challacombe, Shamim Khan, Prokar Dasgupta, Nizam Mamode

World Congress of Urology Amsterdam 2005

Transplant tourism: An audit of live donor renal transplant from abroad

MJ Ahmed, K Shiu, C Plymen, I MacDougal, H Cairns, SP Kon and N Mamode.

British Transplantion Society 2005

Gadolinium-enhanced MRI detects only a third of accessory arteries in live kidney donors

D Mukherjee, D Hodgson and N Mamode

British Transplantion Society 2005

Transatlantic telementored hand-assisted laparoscopic live donor nephrectomy

Challacombe B, Khan S, Kandaswamy R, Rane A, Dasgupta P, Mamode N

British Association Urological Surgeons Harrogate 2004 (BJU Int 2004;93:13)

Bilateral native nephrectomy in renal transplant recipients: More amenable due to hand assisted laparoscopy (HAL)? Godbole, H.C., Challacombe,B, Mamode, N. 22nd World

Congress on Endourology/SWL 20th Basic Research Symposium, 2004 Bombay

The following presentation won the clinical prize in the Young Surgeons

Forum of the European Vascular Society:

Mamode N, Lowe GDO, Martin W, Macfarlane PW, Pollock JG, Cobbe SM

Reducing the risks of vascular surgery: the role of hypercoaguability, heart rate variability and radionuclide scanning

European Vascular Society, Paris Oct 1998

Mamode N, Docherty G, Pollock JG, Lowe GDO, Cobbe SM

Preventing Myocardial Infarction: The Role of Hypercoaguability

International Congress on Vascular Disease Prevention, Glasgow May 1998

Mamode N, McQuiston A, Pollock JG, Martin W, Cobbe SM

Dipyridamole-thallium scanning and the prediction of perioperative myocardial infarction: a prospective, blinded study

British Cardiac Society, May 1997

Mamode N, McQuiston A, Cobbe SM, Pollock JG, Martin W

A prospective, blinded assessment of the value of quantitative dipyridamole-thallium scanning in the prediction of perioperative myocardial infarction following peripheral vascular surgery

3rd International Conference of Nuclear Cardiology, Florence April 1997

Published as abstract: Journal of Nuclear Cardiology, 1997,4(1) S54

Mamode, N and Howlett, J on behalf of SVAG

A prospective audit of the risk of perioperative myocardial infarction following aortic surgery in Scotland

Symposium on Audit in Surgical Practice, Royal College of Surgeons, Edinburgh March

1997 (published as abstract)

Mamode N, McLaughlin SC, McFarlane PW, Pollock JG and Cobbe SM

The value of clinical risk factors in the prediction of perioperative myocardial infarction in peripheral vascular surgery

XVIIIth Congress of the European Society of Cardiology Aug 1996

N Mamode, A Rumley, GDO Lowe, JG Pollock, SM Cobbe

Hypercoaguability and the risk of perioperative myocardial infarction in peripheral vascular surgery

XVIIIth Congress of the European Society of Cardiology Aug 1996

Haemostatic factors, hypercoaguability and the risk of perioperative myocardial infarction

Mamode N, Rumley A, Lowe GDO, Cobbe SM, Pollock JG

13th International Congress on Fibrinolysis and Thrombolysis, Barcelona June 1996

Published as abstract: Fibrinolysis 1996;10:132

Haemostatic factors and the risk of perioperative myocardial infarction in peripheral vascular surgery

Mamode N, Rumley A, Lowe GDO, Cobbe SM, Pollock JG

38th Annual World Congress of Angiology, Koln, Germany June 1996

Haemostatic factors and the risk of perioperative myocardial infarction in peripheral vascular surgery

Mamode N, Rumley A, Lowe GDO, Cobbe SM, Pollock JG

3rd International Fibrinogen Symposium, Ulm Germany May 1996

Mamode N, Scott RN, McLaughlin SC, McLelland A, Pollock JG

Perioperative Myocardial Infarction In Peripheral Vascular Surgery

European Society for Surgical Research, Southampton, March 31 1996

Thrombotic mediators, markers of endothelial turnover and perioperative cardiac morbidity

Mamode N, Rumley A, Lowe GDO, Cobbe SM, Pollock JG

7th Mediterranean Congress of Angiology and Vascular Surgery, Cyprus, March 1996

Fibrin Turnover, Markers of Endothelial Damage and Mortality Following Reconstructive

Vascular Surgery

Mamode N, Woodburn KR, Rumley A, Pollock JG, Lowe GDO.

Forum on Angiology at Vascular Surgical Society Meeting, Edinburgh Nov 1994

Myocardial infarction following vascular surgery

Mamode N, Scott RN, McLelland A and Pollock JG

First Congress Asian Vascular Society, Japan, Nov 1994

Perioperative cardiac morbidity in vascular patients

Mamode N and Pollock JG

5th Mediterranean Congress of Angiology and Vascular Surgery, Corsica

June 1994

Minidose Warfarin and low dose aspirin in peripheral arterial disease

Reid DB, Mamode N, Pollock JG and Lowe GD

5th Mediterranean Congress of Angiology and Vascular Surgery, Corsica

June 1994

Raised levels of interleukin-6 in peripheral arterial disease

Reid DB, Mamode N and Pollock JG

5th Mediterranean Congress of Angiology and Vascular Surgery, Corsica June 1994

Relation of haemorheological variables to the angiographic extent of peripheral arterial disease

Woodburn K, Lowe GDO, Rumley A, Love J, Mamode N and Pollock JG

5th Mediterranean Congress of Angiology and Vascular Surgery, Corsica

June 1994

Poster Presentations

Barriers to living donation: a qualitative study of recipient anxieties

Qureshi S, Weinmann J, Mamode N

European Society of Transplantation Congress Glasgow Sept. 2011

Is Intravenous Immunoglobulin an Effective Treatment for Acute Antibody-Mediated


Galloway L, Cheng I, Dorling A, Hilton R, Mamode N

European Society of Transplantation Congress Glasgow Sept. 2011

ELPAT’s New Classification for Living Organ Donation. Dor FJMF, Massey EK, Frunza M,

Johnson R, Lennerling A, Lovén C, Mamode N, Pascalev A, Sterckx S, Van Assche K,

Zuidema WC, Weimar W.

ERA-EDTA. Prague 2011.

The Importance of T cell Memory in HLA specific Antibody incompatible Renal


Shaw O, Barnett N, Kenchayikoppad S, Mamode N, Vaughan R

American Transplant Congress May 2011

The memory response predicts outcome in HLA incompatible renal transplantation

Barnett N, Shaw O, Drage M, Hadjianastassiou V, Olsburgh J, Vaughan R, Mamode N

British Transplant Society March 2011

The effect of pre-existing HLA antibodies on graft outcome and biopsy proven acute rejection after HLA incompatible transplantation

Kenchayikoppad S, Shaw O, Barnett N, Mamode N, Vaughan R

British Transplant Society March 2011

Efficacy if IvIG in the management of acute antibody mediated rejection

Galloway L, Cheng I, Mamode N, Hilton R, Dorling A

British Transplant Society March 2011

Eculizumab for salvage in post-transplant thrombotic micro-angiopathy

Barnett N, Hadjianastassiou V, Shaw O, Das P, Chowdhury P, Dorling A, Mamode N

British Transplant Society March 2011

Barriers to living donation: a qualitative study of recipient anxieties

Qureshi S, Weinmann J, Mamode N.

British Transplant Society March 2011

Heroism, paternalism and autonomy in living donation

Mamode N

British Transplant Society March 2011

Implications and management of incidental adrenal swelling in patients undergoing laparoscopic donor nephrectomy

Ali, A, Hubbard J, Mamode N

British Transplant Society March 2011

Early ultrasound after living donor transplantation allows immediate correction of arterial obstruction in recipients with a native urine output

Pullar B, Forman C, Rottenberg G, Calder F, DRage M, Koffman G, Mamode N,

Hadjianastassiou V, Taylor J, Olsburgh J.

British Transplant Society March 2011

DC Donor organs give comparable results to DB donor organs in SPK transplantation

Aughwane P, Banga P, Pullar B, Forman C, Calder F, Drage M, Koffman G, Taylor J,

Mamode N, Olsburgh J, Hadjianastassiou V.

British Transplant Society March 2011

High pre-transplant serum ATPase activity may be protective against rejection at six months in recipients of ABOi living kidney transplants

Balasubrasamaniam G, Dorling A, Mamode N, Hilton R, Fairbanks L, Marinaki A, Vaughan


British Transplant Society March 2011

Total Symptom Burden in Renal Transplant Patients - A Cause for Concern

M Afshar, E Murphy, F E M Murtagh, N Mamode

British Transplantion Society 2010

ABO Incompatible Transplantation with minimal therapy; avoiding IvIgG and postoperative immunoabsorption

N Mamode, D Curran, L Burnapp, F Calder

European Society of Transplantation Paris 2009

Plasma exchange versus antibody specific immunoabsorption for antibody removal prior to

ABO and HLA incompatible transplantation

N Mamode, D Curran, L Burnapp, J Scoble, G Koffman, F Calder

British Transplantion Society 2009

The use of extended criteria donors: a single centre experience

S Fernandez-Diaz, J Sarker, J Taylor, G Koffman, N Mamode

British Transplantion Society 2009 sCD30 in HLA and ABO incompatible renal transplantation

N Kessaris, P Chandak, R Vaughan, G Koffman, N Mamode

British Transplantion Society 2009

Patient defined success one year after live donor kidney transplantation: a study of patient reported outcomes (PROMS)

L Forster, J Weinnman, L Burnapp, N Mamode

British Transplantion Society 2009

Transplant tourism from the UK; what is the outcome?

T Gount, H Lumgair, N Jayasooriya, C Ondhia, T Raj, P Carmelo, N Kessaris, N Mamode, R


British Transplantion Society 2009

A single program experience of increasing living donation kidney transplants

G Page, R Vaughan, P Donohoe, M Roseke, M Webb, C Farmer, R Hilton, N Mamode, L

Burnapp, G Koffman, J Scoble.

British Transplantion Society 2009

Lack of antibody rebound following blood group incompatible transplantation with anti-

CD20 conditioning

N Mamode, F Calder. AST Winter Congress, Banff Canada 2009 sCD30 in HLA antibody incompatible renal transplantation

N Kessaris, P Chandak, N Mamode, R Vaughan, G Koffman

International Transplant Congress, Sydney 2008

Lack of Antibody Rebound after ABO incompatible transplantation

N Mamode, D Curran, L Burnapp, F Calder

British Transplantion Society 2008

K Ahmed, N Ahmad, G Koffman, F Calder, J Taylor, N Mamode

What happens after a third, fourth and fifth kidney transplant?

British Transplantion Society 2008

Low rate of rejection after transplantation in HIV positive patients

N Mamode G Koffman, R Hilton

British Transplantion Society 2008

Early outcome after extended criteria living donation

Mamode N, Hart J, Lee M

American Transplant Congress 2008

Donor Specific Antibodies are of value in risk evaluation for loss of graft function in Kidney

Transplant patients with Diffuse C4d staining on kidney biopsy.

Sarah de Freitas, Robert Vaughan, Nizam Mamode, Ross Nortley, Robert Hangartner,

Jennifer E Else, and Patrick J O'Donnell

American Society of Nephrology 2007

Living Kidney Donors Will Accept Extreme Risks Irrespective Of Pre-Op Education

Hannah Maple, Myfanwy Morgan, Roger Jones, Nizam Mamode

British Transplantion Society 2007

Outcomes After Bladder Augmentation

Nilesh Pareek, Paul Riley, Stephen Marks, Nizam Mamode

British Transplantion Society 2007

Angela Halley, Hannah Maple, N Mamode

Is quality of life better after laparoscopic living donor nephrectomy?

British Transplantion Society 2006

Marginal kidneys: Extending the pool, or expanding the complications?

Al-Khoury, N Kessaris, J Taylor, N Mamode

British Transplantion Society 2006

Donor Renal Function Post Laparoscopic Nephrectomy

– No Cause For Alarm

N Mamode, F Calder, A Qureshi and H Bhogal

British Transplantion Society 2006

Transplanting patients repeatedly: Is it worth doing?

N Ahmad, K Ahmed, F Calder, G Koffman, N Mamode

British Transplantion Society 2006

Association of HLA phenotypes of patients on waiting list with sensitization and waiting time for renal transplantation.

N Kessaris, S Fernandez-Diaz, F Calder, J Taylor, G Koffman, N Mamode.

British Transplantion Society 2006

Long-term Outcome of Controlled Non-Heart Beating Renal Transplantation: a Ten Year


A Yavari, MJ Ahmed, F Calder, A Heads, G Koffman, J Taylor and N Mamode

British Transplantion Society 2005

Positive B-Cell cross-match when using Rituximab in desensitization prior to renal transplantation.

MJ Ahmed, O Shaw, R Vaughan, N Mamode, SP Kon and H Cairns

British Transplantion Society 2005

Is renal transplantation in the over-65’s justified?

R Devlin, G Koffman and N Mamode

British Transplantion Society 2005

Paediatric renal transplantation into the hostile bladder – when is best to intervene?

R Kumar, O Harvey, N Pareek and N Mamode

British Transplantion Society 2005

Recipient renal function after laparoscopic donor nephrectomy is related to operative parameters in the donor

F Calder and N Mamode

British Transplantion Society 2005

Living Unrelated Renal Transplantation – A Good Alternative to Living Related


N Ahmad, MJ Ahmed, A Yavari, A Heads, G Koffman and N Mamode

British Transplantion Society 2005

The rights of donors, recipients and patients awaiting transplantation

N Mamode, N Pace.

British Transplantion Society 2004

Recent Continuing Education

GCP, Chief Investigator and Pharmaco-vigilance refresher courses Oct 2011.

European Society of Transplantation September 2011.

British Transplant Society April 2011

British Transplant Society April 2010

Teaching the teachers course March 2010 (Guys Hospital)

PhD supervisors’ course Kings College Nov 2009

British Transplant Society April 2009 (3 days)

AST Winter Congress Banff 2009 (2 days)

MRC Centre for Transplantation Study Day on Medical Ethics Dec 2008

Teaching and Assessment in Practice. 2 day course, Royal College Surgeons Dec 2008

British Transplant Society 2008

American Transplant Congress San Francisco 2007

British Transplant Congress 2007

British Transplant Congress 2006

American Transplant Congress Seattle 2005

British Transplant Society Belfast 2005

International Transplant Congress Vienna 2004

British Transplant Society April 2003 London

International Transplant Society August 2002 Miami

European Vascular Society, Oct 2001, Lucerne

Transplantation 2001, June 2001, Leeds (1 day)

International Vascular Access Congress, May 2001, London (3 days)

British Transplantation Society, March 2001, Oxford (3days)

Other awards

Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow Travelling Fellowship 1994

The award of this fellowship enabled me to spend two weeks visiting Prof Mangano’s

Institute of Perioperative Ischaemia Research in San Francisco. This has been a source of profuse publication in this field, and I was able to engage in useful discussion and study techniques of continuous ECG and blood pressure analysis.

Medico-political work:

Chair of Consultants Negotiating Committee (2002- 2004)

In this role I have successfully negotiated a new contract for 30 000 English consultants, worth over £400 million. This has involved managing a team of 15 doctors and meeting with health ministers and senior civil servants.

Chair of Junior Doctors Negotiating Committee (Sept 1997-Sept 2000)

I led negotiations on behalf of the UK’s 35 000 junior doctors and have recently negotiated a new contract for juniors worth over £400 million. This has given me invaluable experience of management and negotiation. I ran a team of 8 doctors, and was supported by

two members of the JDC secretariat. We met regularly with senior civil servants, Health

Ministers and other key players in the NHS. I have attended several negotiating skills courses and have developed a clear understanding of the make-up of the modern NHS. In addition to the contract negotiations, I formulated and presented the annual evidence to the Doctors and

Dentists Review Body and represented junior doctors at a European level and at the GMC.

Member of National Junior Doctors Committee: Executive Committee 1996-Sept 2000

Member Scottish Council for Postgraduate and Dental Medical Education (this body has

Health Board status and holds the budget for all junior doctors and dentists in Scotland)


Member Permanent Working Group of European Junior Doctors 1998-1999

Member of BMA Council Sept 2000-2002

Other interests

I am an active rock and ice climber, with extensive experience both in Scotland and abroad, including first ascents in the Himalayas and Andes, and a trip to the Arctic.

I was a member of Council of the British Transplant Society from 2006-2011 and a member of the Advisory Council of CORESS from 2008 to 2011. I was a member of the Council of the British Chapter of Transplant Surgeons from 2008-2011.

I examine for the MRCS for the Royal College of Surgeons of Glasgow.
