Kevesther Pty Ltd t/a Associated Intelligence Analysts 25 Russell Street | Kallangur Qld 4503 +61 7 3285 5958 | +61 7 3285 2724 | Course Enrolment Form Personal Details Please use BLOCK letters and print details in full. All areas MUST be completed. Title Family name Given name/s Gender ☐ Male DOB ☐ Female Address Suburb State Home phone Mobile Work phone Email Are you of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander origin? Postcode ☐ Yes, Aboriginal ☐ Yes, Torres Strait Islander ☐ No ☐ Australia ☐ Other: please specify below Country of birth ☐ Australia ☐ Other: please specify below Country of citizenship Australian citizenship status ☐ Australian citizen ☐ Australian permanent resident ☐ Temporary resident visa ☐ Student visa ☐ Visitors visa ☐ Business visa ☐ Holiday visa ☐ Other: please specify Emergency Contact Emergency contact name Contact № Relationship Employer Details Employer Employer contact Employment status Phone ☐ Full time ☐ Part time Fax ☐ Casual Location of employment © Kevesther Pty Ltd T/a Associated Intelligence Analysts Course Enrolment Form Page 1 Version: 11.0 January 2014 Kevesther Pty Ltd t/a Associated Intelligence Analysts 25 Russell Street | Kallangur Qld 4503 +61 7 3285 5958 | +61 7 3285 2724 | Language, Literacy & Numeracy ☐ No If no, what is your first language? How well do you speak English? ☐ Very well ☐ Well ☐ Not well Do you need assistance to understand English? ☐ Yes ☐ No Is English your first language? ☐ Yes ☐ Not at all Disability Status Are you a person with a permanent disability? ☐ Yes ☐ No If yes, do you require any special assistance? Please specify below Education History What was the highest level you achieved at high school? ☐ Year 8 or below ☐ Year 9 or equivalent ☐ Year 10 ☐ Year 11 ☐ Year 12 ☐ Did not attend school What was the last year you attended school? Do you have any other qualifications? ☐ Yes ☐ No ☐ Certificate III ☐ Certificate IV ☐ Certificate I ☐ Certificate II ☐ Diploma ☐ Advanced Diploma or Associate Degree ☐ Bachelor Degree or higher ☐ Miscellaneous Enrolment Details Course № Course name: Recognition of Prior Learning Are you eligible for recognition of prior learning (RPL)? (please read our RPL brochure or seek assistance from an instructor) ☐ Yes ☐ No Do you want assistance in assessing your eligibility for RPL? ☐ Yes ☐ Yes ☐ No ☐ No Have you made application for RPL? © Kevesther Pty Ltd T/a Associated Intelligence Analysts Course Enrolment Form Page 2 Version: 11.0 January 2014 Kevesther Pty Ltd t/a Associated Intelligence Analysts 25 Russell Street | Kallangur Qld 4503 +61 7 3285 5958 | +61 7 3285 2724 | Enrolment Agreement Associated Intelligence Analysts will provide training and assessment services outlined on our brochure, and as negotiated with the participant/employer. Associated Intelligence Analysts reserves the right to negotiate with participants/employers on a case by case basis and will formalise such negotiated arrangements in writing prior to commencement. Services Associated Intelligence Analysts agrees to provide the training outlined in our brochure including any arrangements pre-negotiated and documented with the participant/employer. The services can only be successful with full participation of the participant and (where applicable) his/her employer/supervisor. The participant acknowledges this and will make every effort reasonable and possible to complete the training program. The participant and Associated Intelligence Analysts agree that no set time limits apply to completing the training unless otherwise stated in alternative agreements between the participant and/or employer and Associated Intelligence Analysts. Should Associated Intelligence Analysts be unable to complete its responsibilities for the delivery of training, Associated Intelligence Analysts will work with another provider to continue with the training. Each party agrees that, where applicable, any training (other than distance or online) offered by Associated Intelligence Analysts, notice of a minimum 48 hrs must be given by the participant/employer of postponement to trainers/assessors of Associated Intelligence Analysts if postponement of the training/assessment is to occur. This does not include online learning and assessment or distance based learning and assessment. Participants agree that if they intend to seek RPL, this will be noted on the enrolment form (where indicated) and an application made as soon as practicable after enrolment. Participants further agree that, unless negotiated with Associated Intelligence Analysts, applications for RPL (not including evidence) will be submitted within two weeks of confirmation of enrolment being received. Where RPL forms a component of the full qualification (e.g. one or more units of competency) full qualification fees are due and payable unless prior arrangements have been made in writing between the participant and Associated Intelligence Analysts. Fees & Refunds Information on fees and charges have been read and agreed to in accordance with the Fees and Charges Policy of Associated Intelligence Analysts. Information on Fees and Charges can be requested by contacting the office on 1300 852 242. Cancellation Information on cancellation is available at via selecting the Student Handbook. Agreement Acceptance The information I have provided in this enrolment form is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. I confirm that I have read and understand the Student Handbook on the Associated Intelligence Analysts website. In signing this enrolment form, I confirm that I request enrolment and that Associated Intelligence Analysts has provided me with sufficient information on the delivery and assessment arrangements for this qualification. My decision to complete and submit this enrolment form has been completed without coercion. Signature: Date: If you are under 18, you must have a parent or guardian sign below to confirm that they understand the terms of this agreement. Parent/Guardian Name: Signature: Date: © Kevesther Pty Ltd T/a Associated Intelligence Analysts Course Enrolment Form Page 3 Version: 11.0 January 2014