2014 Revere High School Senior Prom Guidelines and Dance Contract Where: The Tangier, Akron, Ohio When: Saturday, May 17, 2014 Time: 7:00 p.m. to 11:30 p.m. Dinner will be served at 7:45 p.m. Ticket sales: Tickets should be purchased online through EZpay under “Activity Fee.” Late tickets must be purchased in-person directly from Miss Gobrogge with cash or check made payable to Revere Senior Class. Price includes: admission, dinner, beverages, dancing, and entertainment. Now—May 2 @ 3:00 p.m. After above deadline—May 9 @ 3:00 After May 9 @ 3:00 $50 (on EZpay) $75 (in-person purchase only) NO TICKETS WILL BE SOLD You must have the following items ready when picking up your ticket(s) from Miss Gobrogge: 1. Signed contract by you and your parent/guardian (even if you are 18 years or older). 2. Signed contract by your guest and his/her parent/guardian and, if not an RHS student, signed by guest’s school principal. If your guest is a high school graduate, he/she only needs to sign the form. 3. Non-RHS student must have a valid ID on dance night and must be at least in high school and cannot be older than 22. *There will be NO REFUNDS after May 2. This contract must be filled out completely (on back or below) by each student and returned to Miss Gobrogge at the time of ticket retrieval. Read all information carefully. Ticket Policy: 1. All tickets must be retrieved from Miss Gobrogge by the senior student. Students are responsible for completing and submitting their prom contract when they come to pick up their tickets. Parents should not come to the school to get tickets for students. This makes is difficult and sometimes impossible to ensure the senior student has everything required completed and on file. 2. Tickets are numbered and correspond with attendees at time of pick up. Tickets may NOT be given, sold, or exchanged to other students. 3. Each student is allowed to purchase a maximum of two tickets; one for self and one for a guest. 4. Guest is permitted into event only in the company of the Revere senior and must leave when the senior leaves. 5. All Revere rules of conduct apply to guest, as well as to the senior. RHS senior is responsible for his/her guest at all times. 6. The person who purchased the tickets may change “dates”, if he/she returns original ticket and turns in a signed contract for his/her new “date.” 7. NO REFUNDS will be given to students who do not show up for any reason (including suspension from school) or are not allowed to enter due to improper behavior, dress code violation, or use/possession of alcohol, tobacco, or drugs. 8. Guests must be at least in high school and no older than 22. Dress Code: Basic concepts of the school dress code policy will be enforced. Attire that is overly revealing, extremely short, low cut, or excessively sheer is not appropriate for any school activity. Please keep this in mind when renting or purchasing your attire. Please choose wisely and check with a school administrator prior to the dance if you are in doubt. Males are to keep their dress shirts on during the dance. Dance Rules: 1. You and your guest are not to use profane language, drugs, alcoholic beverages, or tobacco. 2. Students dancing or behaving inappropriately will be escorted out of the dance and will not be given a refund. This includes any sexually explicit-type of dancing. If prom attendees are escorted out of the dance, parents will be notified. 3. Any student who is on suspension or expulsion may not attend a RHS dance/event. 4. All prom attendees must completely fill out the contract and turn it in at the time that you pick up your tickets. You must pick up your ticket and your RHS underclassman or non-RHS guest’s ticket at the same time. You and your guest must check in at the dance at the same time with dance tickets. 5. Former Revere students who have been removed or transferred for disciplinary reasons may not attend as guests. 6. Guests must be in good standing at their home school and not be suspended at the time of the dance. Guests still in high school must have their school administrator approve and sign our contract. 7. Dance attendees must arrive between 7:00-7:30 p.m. Principal will notify parents of any RHS senior who is not present once dinner begins and/or leaves the dance before 11:00 p.m. 8. No one leaving the dance will be re-admitted. 9. Any violation of school rules will result in discipline in accordance with school policy and possibly your immediate removal from the dance without refund. 2014 Revere High School Prom Contract Acknowledgement RHS SENIOR SECTION: I have read the attached statement of behavior and regulations and understand the rules and consequences outlined. I agree to the entire prom contract. _____________________________________ SENIOR'S NAME PRINTED _____________________________________ SENIOR'S SIGNATURE _____________ DATE PARENT INFORMATION: On the evening of the senior prom, I (the parent/guardian) can be reached at the following number from 7-11:30 PM: (________)____________________________ PHONE NUMBER _____________________________ PARENT/GUARDIAN NAME PRINTED ___________________________ RELATIONSHIP TO SENIOR ________________________________ PARENT/GUARDIAN SIGNATURE _________ DATE RHS UNDERCLASSMAN DATE SECTION: (Complete this section if the date is a RHS underclassman.) I have read the attached statement of behavior regulations and understand the rules and consequences outlined. I agree to the entire prom contract. ________________________________ STUDENT'S NAME PRINTED ____________________________________ STUDENT'S SIGNATURE ______ GRADE _____________ DATE PARENT INFORMATION: On the evening of the senior prom, I (the parent/guardian) can be reached at the following number from 7-11:30 PM: (________)____________________________ PHONE NUMBER __________________________ PARENT/GUARDIAN NAME PRINTED ___________________________ RELATIONSHIP TO STUDENT ________________________________ PARENT/GUARDIAN SIGNATURE _________ DATE NON-RHS DATE SECTION: (Complete this section if the date is NOT a RHS student.) I have read the attached statement of behavior regulations and understand the rules and consequences outlined. I agree to the entire prom contract. ___________________________________ GUEST’S NAME PRINTED ___________________ GUEST’S BIRTHDATE ___________________________________ _________ GUEST'S SIGNATURE ________ GRADE (if in high school) ____________ DATE ____________ GUEST’S AGE (Must be of high school age and not over 22) PARENT and HIGH SCHOOL INFORMATION (only needed if guest is a high school student): On the evening of the senior prom, I (the parent/guardian) can be reached at the following number from 7-11:30 PM: (________)____________________________ PHONE NUMBER __________________________ PARENT/GUARDIAN NAME PRINTED ___________________________ RELATIONSHIP TO GUEST HIGH SCHOOL NAME: _______________________________ _________________________________________ Signature of Guest’s School Administrator ________________________________ PARENT/GUARDIAN SIGNATURE _________ DATE HIGH SCHOOL STAMP:__________________________ (Not Valid without Stamp) ___________________ Title Phone number w/ ext. _______________________________ Date __________