EDS Level 2 consultation document OBJECTIVE 1: .Outcome BETTER HEALTH OUTCOMES FOR ALL Outcome title number Provisional grade Summary of Evidence 1.1 Services are commissioned, designed and procured to meet the health needs of local communities, promote wellbeing, and reduce health inequalities. Achieving Our data evidence is very thorough and we have many ways of talking to patients, across all of the equality groups, to find out what they think. All this work has only shown three equality anomalies, all of which have to do with age. (Two are about over 65s - they are more likely to come back to us as emergency readmissions and to be involved in a notifiable incident. We also found that patients aged 40-59 are less likely to be satisfied with the help they received in eating.) Grassroot engagement and mainstreaming begins with the Patient Experience Group and the Diversity Leads Forum and progresses upward towards the Board, culminating in publication. This applies throughout Objective 1 and 2. 1.2 Patients' health needs are assessed and resulting services provided in appropriate and effective ways. Achieving The good picture in 1.1 above suggests we are getting this right. Our Clinical Integrated Document make sure that we look at patient need right across all of the equality groups, as well as an impressive range of other needs. 1.3 Changes across services are informed by engagement of patients and local communities and transitions made smoothly. Developing During our two major recent strategic changes to service, involving Honeylands and community midwifery, we have focused on the needs of some protected characteristics, but had no system to ensure the needs of all groups were considered. 1.4 The safety of patients is prioritised and assured. In particular, patients are free from abuse, harassment, bullying, violence from other patients and staff, with redress being open and fair to all. Achieving We have analysed incident reporting and looked at several patient surveys. We think, overall, we look after patient safety well across all of the different equality groups, although we have noticed an anomaly for the over 65s, which is noted above. 1.5 Public health, vaccination and screening programs reach and benefit all local communities and groups. Achieving Qualitative evidence shows that our screening programs are adjusted to meet the specific needs of 8 protected groups. (We are unaware of how we might adjust them to meet the needs of transgender people.) The screening programmes take into account the following 1 EDS Level 2 consultation document .Outcome number Outcome title Provisional grade Summary of Evidence disadvantaged groups: those whose first language is not English, HIV sufferers, prisoners, people with comprehension difficulties, people with drug/alcohol abuse issues and university students particularly at risk of TB. 2 EDS Level 2 consultation document Outcome Gradings and evidence agreed? (Yes/no) If not, please say why 1.1 Commissioning Services 1.2 Assessing Health Needs 1.3 Implementing Service Change 1.4 Patient Safety 1.5 Public Health, Screening and Vaccination What deprived groups do you think are particularly important for us to consider? 3 EDS Level 2 consultation document OBJECTIVE 2: Outcome number IMPROVED PATIENT ACCESS AND EXPERIENCE Outcome title Provisional grade Summary of Evidence 2.1 Patients, carers and communities can readily access services and should not be denied access on unreasonable grounds. Achieving We have looked at patient numbers (see how they match our local community), access to communication support (like interpreters) and survey feedback. We have not found any major concerns, for any of the equality groups, but there are always actions in place to improve access, as we always aim to improve ourselves. 2.2 Patients are informed and supported to be involved in decisions about their care and to exercise choice about time and place of treatment. Achieving We have looked at patient surveys and found that they suggest we are good at involving patients in their care, across all of the equality groups. 2.3 Patients and carers report positive experiences of their treatment and care outcomes and of being listened to and respected and of how their dignity and privacy is prioritised. Achieving Again we looked at surveys, but added comment cards and complaints to our evidence base. There were no concerns emerging for any of the equality groups. 2.4 Patients' and carers' complaints about services and subsequent claims for redress should be handled respectfully and efficiently. Achieving We comply with the national standard for efficiency, which is that complaints should be resolved within 6 months. We are, however, aware of the need to improve the efficiency of the complaints process, overall. A sample of complaints from patients across the protected characteristics and from two key disadvantaged deprived groups has shown that complaints are handled consistently and with respect. In particular, each received a personal letter from the Chief Executive, which affirmed the patient and admitted short-comings as appropriate. 4 EDS Level 2 consultation document Outcome Gradings and evidence agreed? (Yes/no) If not, please say why 2.1 Access to Services 2.2 Patient Involvement 2.3 Positive Patient Experience 2.4 Complaints What deprived groups do you think are particularly important for us to consider? 5 EDS Level 2 consultation document Objective 3: Outcome number EMPOWERED, ENGAGED AND WELL SUPPORTED STAFF Outcome title Provisional grade Summary of Evidence 3.1 Recruitment and selection processes are fair, inclusive and transparent so that the workforce becomes as diverse as it can be within all occupations and grades. Achieving We used a range of data sources, as well as the staff survey and the picture coming back is not entirely clear. Most of the evidence suggests there are no concerns, but there may be problems for men and people from minority religions progressing through our recruitment and selection processes. There is some more limited evidence of difficulties for ethnic minority people. Grassroot engagement and mainstreaming begins with the Joint Services and Conditions Negotiating Committee, the Joint Staff Forum and the Diversity Leads Forum and progresses upward towards the Board, culminating in publication. This applies throughout Objective 3 and 4. 3.2 Levels of pay and related terms and conditions are fairly determined for all posts, with staff doing equal work and work rated as of equal value being entitled to equal pay. Achieving We have looked at comparative pay levels across all available equality groups and have not noticed any issues. 3.3 Through support, training, personal development and performance appraisal, staff are confident and competent to do their work, so that services are commissioned or provided appropriately Excelling We have examined data on the uptake of training and delivery of appraisal across the various equality groups, as well as staff survey feedback and not found any concerns. The take-up rate for our basic equality training is also high. 3.4 Staff are free from abuse, harassment, bullying, violence from both patients and their relatives and colleagues, with redress being open and fair to all. Achieving The staff survey suggests that no equality group is totally free from suffering these things, but that our performance compares favourably with national norms. We have, however, noted that people with a disability suffer more from these things than we would wish. 3.5 Flexible working options are made available to all staff, consistent with the Achieving We have made sure that our Flexible Working Policy treats all the equality groups fairly and checked to see that the staff survey feedback 6 EDS Level 2 consultation document Outcome number Outcome title Provisional grade needs of the service and the way people lead their lives. 3.6 The workforce is supported to remain healthy, with a focus on addressing major health and lifestyle issues that affect individual staff and wider population. Summary of Evidence reflects this. We believe all flexible working options are made available equally to all. Achieving We have made sure that our health and well-being activities are open to all staff, but that we advertise them and choose themes which will meet the needs of staff across all of the different equality groups. We believe that they are equally available and appropriate to individual needs. 7 EDS Level 2 consultation document Outcome Gradings and evidence agreed? (Yes/no) If not, please say why 3.1 Recruitment and Selection 3.2 Pay and Conditions 3.3 Training and Development 3.4 Harassment and Bullying 3.5 Flexible Working Options 3.6 Supporting the Workforce to Remain Healthy What deprived groups do you think are particularly important for us to consider? 8 EDS Level 2 consultation document Objective 4: Outcome number INCLUSIVE LEADERSHIP AT ALL LEVELS Outcome title Provisional grade Summary of Evidence 4.1 Boards and senior leaders conduct and plan their business so that equality is advanced and good relations fostered, within their organisations and beyond. Achieving The communication of the Board's commitment to equality and diversity, both within the Trust and externally is good. Equality is strategically overseen through mainstream structures, principally the Workforce and Diversity Steering Group and the Patient Experience Group, both of which have the involvement or interest of Board Members and very senior staff. Our Equality Data Report and the operational equality impact assessment process provide effective evidence in decision-making/service review, but we do not yet have an equality impact assessment process embedded at Board level. 4.2 Middle managers and other line managers support and motivate their staff to work in culturally competent ways within a work environment free from discrimination. Achieving We believe the Equality Data Report shows that we are doing well as regards equality and diversity and is proof that middle managers are setting a good example for their staff. We are not aware of any concerns, in this area. 4.3 The organisation uses the Competency Framework for Equality and Diversity Leadership to recruit, develop and support strategic leaders to advance equality outcomes. Tbc We have yet to confirm our response to this initiative. 9 EDS Level 2 consultation document Outcome Gradings and evidence agreed? (Yes/no) If not, please say why 4.1 Board and Senior Leaders 4.2 Middle Managers 4.3 Competency Framework for Equality and Diversity Leadership What deprived groups do you think are particularly important for us to consider? 10