Griffith University in the Asian Century (DOC 41k)

In August 2012, a Committee of Review was established to consider Griffith
University’s role in the Asian Century. Chaired by Professor Russell Trood, former
Senator and expert in international relations, the committee also included
representation from across the University who consulted our major stakeholders
and considered submissions from our staff.
The Trood Report provided an audit of our current Asia-engagement activities,
described the importance of recognising our existing internationalisation activity
and made a number of recommendations to galvanise Griffith University’s
influence in Asia.
This document outlines key strategies required to embed Goal 5 of the Griffith
University Strategic Plan – 2013-2017:
To enhance our engagement with the Asia–Pacific region and to consolidate
our reputation as one of Australia’s most Asia-engaged universities.
Historically, Griffith University has used the term Asia-engagement as a noun to
describe our connectedness to the region. It is measured by our four-decades of
teaching Asian studies; our expansive research collaborations in Asia; our alumni
of graduates from Asia and expats now working in Asia; our engagement with
Asian cultural events; and our insights into Asian affairs.
The Commonwealth’s Australia in the Asian Century white paper recently
introduced a new term by describing the overall goal of “building a more Asiacapable nation”. The term Asia-capable is not clearly defined but it is used as an
adjective in reference to enhancing Australia’s ability to engage with Asia. The
white paper refers to Asia-capable as the “knowledge, skills and mindset” that
Australia’s people and organisations require to prosper in the Asian Century. The
American Council on Education has used a similar definition to describe the
goals of internationalisation. Indeed, the Griffith University Internationalisation
Plan 2011-2013 adopted a similar theme in the articulated goal:
The University will offer curricula and educational experiences that include
specific learning experiences that aim to develop respect, awareness,
knowledge and skills to prepare students to interact effectively in culturally
or linguistically diverse contexts and/or contain global and international
perspectives on a discipline…
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As a research-intensive, student-centred university, Griffith is a key component
of Australia’s education and innovation systems. Asia-engagement and the
recognition of the emerging Asian Century are not new ideas and practices for
Griffith. We have been engaged with Asia since our foundation. The opportunity
for Griffith is to deepen our engagement and to further project that engagement
in the years ahead. We will continue to be important participants in creating an
Asia-capable nation through our teaching, our research and as an organisation of
influence in the region.
Goals, Actions, Accountability and Indicators
Learning and Teaching:
The following articulated goals are designed to support the Griffith University
Academic Plan - 2013-2017 and the Griffith University Internationalisation Plan 2013-2017.
To provide Griffith students with Asia-capable skills and knowledge.
To increase the uptake of Griffith’s Asian studies and languages courses.
Actions and Accountability
Create an online Asian studies breadth course elective as a component of
the Griffith Experience initiative – PVC (Business).
Provide opportunities in order to increase the number of students
undertaking a study experience in Asia, including exchanges – PVC
Enrol more students in languages courses offered by Griffith’s School of
Languages and Linguistics, the Brisbane Universities Languages Alliance,
Open Universities Australia and other partnerships – DVC (Academic).
Provide flexible ways to study Asia-relevant courses, including Graduate
Certificates and Diplomas in Asian languages; dual degrees with Asian
studies major; and executive education in Asian studies – DVC (Academic);
PVC (International); Group PVCs.
Develop relationships related to learning and teaching with targeted
institutions in Asia including articulation arrangements and double
degrees – DVC (Academic); and PVC (International).
Number of students undertaking a study experience in Asia, including
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Number of students enrolled in Asian studies subjects or languages
courses at Griffith.
Number of active organisational-level learning and teaching relationships
with institutions in Asia.
The following articulated goal is designed to support the Griffith University
Research Plan - 2013-2017 and the Griffith University Internationalisation Plan 2013-2017.
To increase research engagement, attract research funding and
demonstrate the impact of collaboration with researchers in Asia.
Actions and Accountability
Support research development in Asia across all relevant areas of
research through joint staff appointments, fellowships, scholarships,
higher degree cotutelle arrangements and infrastructure funding – DVC
(Research); PVC (International); and Group PVCs.
Develop organisation-level relationships with targeted research institutes
in Asia through coordinated VC and DVC engagement – DVC (Research);
and PVC (International).
Number, quality and impact measures of research outputs derived from
collaboration with researchers in Asia and research about Asia.
Amount of internal and external funding awarded to research about Asia
and research in collaboration with researchers in Asia.
Amount of income for consultancy and commercial research undertaken
on a topic related to Asia or undertaken at the request of external
organisations based in Asia.
Number of HDR students jointly supervised with Asian research
Number of active high-level linkages with research institutes in Asia.
Coordination, Engagement and Projection:
The following articulated goals are designed to support the Griffith University
Academic Plan - 2013-2017; the Griffith University Research Plan - 2013-2017; the
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Griffith University Internationalisation Plan - 2013-2017; and DVC and Provost
Operational Plans.
To coordinate, enhance and project the depth of Griffith’s Asiaengagement nationally and internationally.
To develop a high level of Asia-capability within the Griffith workforce.
Actions and Accountability
Host high profile and corporate Asia-engagement outreach events –
Director Griffith Asia Institute (GAI).
Coordinate the web presence of all of Griffith’s Asia-engagement activity
and create a primary contact point for Griffith’s Asia expertise – Director
Collate and project Asia-engagement metrics from across the University –
Director GAI.
Respond to government enquiries into Asian affairs – Director GAI.
Coordinate engagement with our Asian and expat Australian alumni now
working in Asia – DVC and Provost.
Increase the presence of Griffith in Asian media and in domestic media on
issues relating to Asia – Director External Relations (ER).
Develop organisation-level relationships with targeted institutes in Asia
through coordinated VC and DVC engagement – PVC (International).
Increase the proportion of people-level engagement with Asian Institutes
by supporting mobility to Asia and providing guidance to enable staff
already connected to Asia to include more Griffith colleagues (including
succession planning) – PVC (International).
Provide opportunity for Griffith staff to become more Asia-capable by
providing seminars and on-campus cultural events open to all staff –
Director GAI; and PVC (International).
Encourage staff enrolment in Griffith’s undergraduate, postgraduate and
executive education Asian studies and languages courses – PVC
(Business); and PVC (Arts, Education and Law).
Number of Griffith-associated Asia-engagement events in Australia and
Website and social media analytics;
Measures of media coverage of Griffith’s Asia-engagement activity;
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Measures of contact with Griffith Alumni in Asia including
correspondence and event attendance.
Implementation and Responsibilities
This strategy will be implemented primarily though integration into:
Griffith University Academic Plan 2013-2017 – DVC Academic.
Griffith University Research Plan 2013-2017 – DVC Research.
Griffith University Internationalisation Plan 2013-2017 – PVC
DVC and Provost annual operational plans.
Griffith University policies where specifically required.
Data collection and reporting
This strategy identifies a number of indicators against which Griffith will monitor
and track progress. An annual score card will be developed. Reports on progress
towards implementation of Asia-engagement specific activities will be produced
by the Director GAI and presented annually to Executive Group and Academic
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