Data pertaining to 85 unique female Common Yellowthroats (Geothlypis trichas) used to
study the relationship between female plumage ornamentation and aspects of fecundity,
survivorship, and mate quality.
The following data are provided:
1. USFWS. United States Fish & Wildlife Service band number, unique to each
2. COLOR. Unique combination of color bands used to identify individuals in the field,
“(left leg top/left leg bottom).(right leg top/right leg bottom).” B=black; L=light blue;
N=navy blue; Y=yellow; W=white; R=red; G=light green; P=purple; O=orange; I=pink.
3. Year. 2005, 2006, 2007, or 2008
4. Social Male AGE. fy=male’s first breeding season (“inexperienced male”); sy=male
in second, third, or fourth breeding season (“experienced male”)
5. Social Male EPY? Whether the female’s social mate sired young outside the pairbond
in the focal year, yes or no.
6. Surv? (N+1). Was the female observed in a subsequent year?
7. First Fate? Demographic fate of the female’s first clutch: f=fledged, p=predation
8. FEM AGE. fy=female in first breeding season (inexperienced), sy=female in her
second, third, or fourth breeding season (experienced)
9. Second Clutch? Whether the female produced a second clutch after successfully
fledging an earlier brood, yes or no.
Phenotypic traits standardized to a mean of zero with unit variance after first adjusting
individual values according to population means each year:
10. Female Wing Length. Unflattened wing length (wrist to tip of longest primary).
11. Bib Brightness. Bib brightness.
12. UV Saturation. Bib ultraviolet saturation.
13. Bib Size. Bib area.
14. Julian Arrival Date. Julian date of female arrival (first observation in a given year).
15. Carotenoid Chroma. Bib carotenoid chroma.
16. First Clutch Size. Number of eggs in first complete clutch.
17. Female Tarsus Length. Tarsometatarsus length.
Note: these data were used to generate results for the main analyses—those that appear in
Figure 1 & Table 1—and all ancillary analyses except for those pertaining to male
phenotypes (Table 2 and the analysis is assortative pairing).