In Text/Bib MLA Citations

Updated 1/9/15
Bibliographic Citation (Bibliography/Works Cited Page)
-Double spaced; 12 pt.; Times New Roman font
-List each entry alphabetically by the author’s last name. If there is no author, use the first word of the title.
-Begin entries flush with left margin; If entry runs more than one line, indent additional lines 5 spaces.
-Abbreviations: n.p.(no publisher), n.d.(no date), n.pag.(no pages listed); If no author or editor, skip it
-Web addresses are optional (check with your teacher)
In Text Citation
-Place the in text citation in ( ) immediately after the information is used in the body of the paper/project
-In text citations must clearly refer to specific resources found on the bibliography/works cited page
-Long titles can be abbreviated; If there is no title, use a description
Example MLA Citations: (See the MLA Handbook for Writers of Research
Papers,, or for more examples)
Book with one author:
[Bib] - Lace, William W. The Death Camps. San Diego: Lucent Books, 1998. Print.
[In text] – (Lace 10)
Article in a reference book:
[Bib] - “Milton Berle.” Encyclopedia of Biography. Ed. Paula K. Byers. Vol. 21. Detroit: Gale, 1999. Print.
[In text] – (“Milton Berle” 11-12)
Single work from an anthology:
[Bib] - Herrick, Robert. “Grace for a Child.” The Top 500 Poems. Ed. William Harmon. New York:
Columbia University Press, 1992. 31-5. Print.
[In text] – (Herrick 32)
Works from a series or collection:
[Bib] - Dougherty, Jane E. “Review of the Outsiders” in Novels for Students. Vol 2. Ed. Cheryl
Ciccarelli. Detroit: Gale Group, 1999. 294-296. Print.
[In text] – (Dougherty 295)
[Bib] - Kul, Tara. “10 Amazing Experiments You Can Do With Eggs.” Online Video Clip. YouTube.
YouTube, n.d. Web. 8 Jan. 2015. <>.
[In text] – (Kul)
Updated 1/9/15
[Bib] - McFerrin, Bobby. “Kalimba Suite.” Beyond Words. Blue Note, 2002. Web. 21 May 2002
< >.
[In text] – (McFerrin, “Kalimba Suite”)
[Bib] - Live image of downtown Minneapolis, MN. [Online Image] Available
<>. Web. 2 August 1997.
[In text] – (Live image of downtown Minneapolis, MN)
[Bib] - McGrath, Ben. "Good Game." The New Yorker (New York) 90.37 (2014): 86. Proquest Learning
Literature. Web. 8 Jan. 2015.
[In text] – (McGrath 86)
Database Image:
[Bib] -“Michael Jackson” (27 Dec. 2003). Power Library-AP Multimedia Archive. Web. 13 Jan. 2010.
[In text] – (“Michael Jackson”)
Electronic File (page of a website/blog):
[Bib] - “Abraham Lincoln.” A &E Biography. A&E Television Networks, 2000. Web. 17 Mar. 2009.
[In text] – (“Abraham Lincoln”)
Electronic File (entire website):
[Bib] - Winter, Mark. WebElements. University of Sheffield, 2012. Web. 16 October 2012.
[In text] – (Winter)
Digital File (PDF, Microsoft Word, etc.)
[Bib] - Bentley, Phyllis. “Yorkshire and the Novelist.” The Kenyon Review 30.4 (1968): 509-22. JSTOR. PDF
file. <>.
[In text] – (Bentley 520)