Future Fellowships EOI 2015 ARC Future Fellowships Scheme Information to consider before submitting an ARC Future Fellowships EOI: Context The ARC Future Fellowships scheme aims to support and advance Australian research capacity by supporting innovative research. The scheme is designed to attract and retain outstanding mid career researchers, who can lead significant research programs that push the boundaries of research and build collaboration across industry and research organisations. Preference is given to Australian applicants – citizens or permanent residents. The focus is on research in the Strategic Research Priority areas. The Fellowships support research and research training being undertaken in high quality and supportive environments by researchers between 5 and 15 years post PhD, with consideration given for those with significant career disruption. Only 50 Fellowships will be awarded in the current round. The scheme is a highly competitive one, and the number of Fellowships on offer has been significantly reduced. The figure below shows the success rate across the sector during the period 2009–2014: FUTURE - Success Rates - Sector 40.0% 35.0% 30.0% 25.0% 20.0% 15.0% 10.0% 5.0% 0.0% Funded Rate 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 20.5% 26.4% 30.7% 34.7% 16.3% 18.1% EOI Assessment The EOI process will examine criteria such as: Excitement, rigour and innovation of the proposed program of research – does it push the boundaries, is it multidisciplinary? Publication intensity, citation analyses and academic impact in the field – track record Capability and experience of the applicant, including research leadership, management and training experience Supportive research environment Alignment with UWS research strengths and themes Potential impact beyond academia – research translation Purpose The purpose is to ensure applicants are provided with the best possible support, to maximise the University’s success and reputation in major competitive rounds, and to ensure that only high quality proposals are submitted. Process The EOI process will be lead by the Pro Vice-Chancellor (Research and Innovation). EOI Outcomes The ORS will provide written feedback to each researcher who submits an EOI in this round. Office of Research Services – June 2015 – ARC FUTURE EOI form ARC Future Fellowships Expression of Interest (EOI) Form This form must be completed and submitted in Word format to ResearchRDO@uws.edu.au by 5pm on FRIDAY, 10 JULY 2015 due to ARC’s deadlines Only one Expression of Interest (EOI) per applicant can be submitted. Part 1: Preliminary discussions Have you discussed this project with your Research Director? No Yes Part 2: Proposed Project Title (No more than 20 words) Part 3: Proposed Researcher FUTURE Applicant details Exact date of award of PhD according to Testamur (DD/MMM/YYYY) First name Family name Employing UWS Academic Unit Email address e.g. 17 Apr 2013 e.g. Sharon Holst School of Education s.holst@uws.edu.au Are you seeking an eligibility exemption? This will be necessary if your PhD award is outside 1 March 2000 to 1 March 2010. No Yes Part 4: Which organisational unit will you be submitting your EOI through? e.g. Centre for Health Research If an existing UWS staff member – please explain how your current salary will be used by the host unit to support the proposed research program. Does this EOI relate to an application that is being resubmitted? No Yes – Please attach assessor’s reports and rejoinder. Part 5: Research Classification Select the UWS Research Theme where your research is best categorised: Urban Living and Society: People, Culture, Economy and Built Environment Health and Well Being: Translation, Service and Innovation Education: Access, Equity, Pathways and Aspirational Change Environmental Sustainability: Climate, Agriculture and Resources Complete the Classification Codes for your Proposed Project Proposal: Research Type Basic Pure Strategic Applied Experimental % FOR Code % SEO Code % Keywords Note: Provide 6 digit FOR & SEO codes (see Category Codes) Office of Research Services – June 2015 – ARC Future Fellowships EOI form Part 6: Research Program Provide an outline of the project program (no more than 1 page) (i) Background, including significance of the problem. (ii) Aims and objectives - How does the work push the boundaries of research? (iii) Methods* (iv) Expected outcomes and timeline *Consider outlining plans for the management of data produced as a result of the proposed research, including but not limited to the storage, access and re-use arrangements. Office of Research Services – June 2015 – ARC Future Fellowships EOI form Part 7: Significance of the Expected Outcomes AND/OR Innovation of the Concept Describe the significance and excitement of your project to both academic and non-academic audiences (no more than 1 page) (i) Why are these expected outcomes significant? (ii) What is the potential innovation arising from the project? (iii) Describe the project’s contribution to Strategic Research Priorities* * www.arc.gov.au/about_arc/arc_profile.htm#priorities Office of Research Services – June 2015 – ARC Future Fellowships EOI form Part 8: Research Expertise and Environment Describe the expertise, experience and commitment of the Future Fellowship applicant (no more than ½ a page) e.g. - Capacity and leadership – leading and managing large scale research projects and activities. Experience in developing and managing research candidates and postdoctoral researchers. Experience in the methods and techniques outlined. Experience in cross-sectoral collaboration. Describe how the research environment will enable the Future Fellowships applicant to achieve the project aims. (no more than ½ a page) Office of Research Services – June 2015 – ARC Future Fellowships EOI form Part 9: EOI Submission To be submitted to the Office of Research Services at: ResearchRDO@uws.edu.au no later than 5pm on 10 July 2015. Late applications will not be supported by the PVC(R&I). Timeline* Application stage Expression of Interest submitted to ORS Eligibility exemption request to the ARC ++ Outcomes announced by ORS Request not to assess UWS deadline for full application completed on ARC RMS and submitted to ORS Deadline 10 July 2015 14 July 2015 17 July 2015 28 July 2015 3 August 2015 * These timelines and processes are part of ongoing quality assurance measures designed to ensure that applications are provided with the best possible support through ORS and/or UWS Institutes, Schools and Centres. ++ Note: Those who have answered Yes to the eligibility exemption at Part 3 will be contacted by ORS prior to 14 July 2015. Office of Research Services – June 2015 – ARC Future Fellowships EOI form