
Example: The trees swayed shyly in the
summer breeze.
Alliteration – the repetition of consonants or sounds at the
beginning of two or more words in a line of poetry
"As the cave's roof collapsed, he was
swallowed up in the dust like Jonah, and
only his frantic scrabbling behind a wall of
rock indicated that there was anyone still
Allusion – an indirect reference to another literary work or to a
famous person, place, or event. It relies on the reader
being able to understand the allusion and being familiar
with all of the meaning hidden behind the words.
The allusion in the sentence above is to
Jonah (from the Bible) being 'swallowed
alive' ... in this case, behind a wall of dust
and rock.
Assonance Example
Hear the mellow wedding bells
From the molten-golden notes
Assonance and Consonance – repetition of vowel (assonance) or
consonants (consonance) within non-rhyming words.
Consonance Example
"pitter patter" or "all mammals named
Sam are clammy".
Examples of hyperbole are:
He has tons of money.
I will die if she asks me to dance.
I'm so hungry I could eat a horse.
I have told you a million times not to lie.
Hyperbole - is a figure of speech that uses an exaggerated or
extravagant statement to create a strong emotional response. As
a figure of speech it is not intended to be taken literally.
Hyperbole is frequently used for serious or for comic effect.
Imagery – consists of descriptive words and phrases that re-crs
for the reader. Imagery usually appeals to one or more of the five
senses – sight, hearing, smell, taste, and touch – to help the
reader imagine exactly what is being described.
Metaphor – a comparison of two things WITHOUT using the wo”
or “as”
Onomatopoeia –
Personification- – is giving human qualities to an object, animal,
or idea. (ie. a smiling moon, a jovial sun)
Rhyme – the occurrence of a similar or identical sound at the end
of two or more words (suite, heat, complete)
Rhyme Scheme – the pattern of end rhyme in a poem
Rhythm – the beat created by the pattern of sound from
stressed/unstressed syllables
Simile – a comparison of two things using the words “like” or
Speaker –
Symbolism –
Verse – the literary term for poetry
Stanza – a group of lines that form a unit in a poem,
roughly comparable to a paragraph in prose
Couplet –
Quatrain –
Sonnet –
Example: Denotation vs.
Connotation  For most people,
the word mother calls up very strong
positive feelings and associations loving, self-sacrificing, always there
for you, understanding; the
denotative meaning, on the other
hand, is simply "a female animal that
has borne one or more children.”
Denotation -
Connotation - or negative.