WE HAVE PUT TOGETHER CHAPTERS OF WORDS, TO SHOW THE ‘FOUNDATION OF MONEY’, TO FIND THAT RELIGON HAS ALWAYS BEEN PART OF IT. Timeline of Ancient Rome For thousands of years, Greece (next door to Rome) had lots of Religions, with Ancient Greece Lenders (based in temples) making Grain Loans to: Farmers, while the Public traded goods between each other in Cities 753 BC: Latin moves into Italy speaking the ‘Italic’ language 752 BC: Romulus fought & killed his twin brother Remus, calling the new city Rome after himself Different kings ruled Rome over this period & Priestly Officials were created 597 BC: Nebuchadnezzar installed Zedekiah as King of Judah, who revolted against the Pharaoh 589 BC: Nebuchadnezzar responded to the revolt by invading Judah & destroying the Temple of Jerusalem JUDAH TEMPLE OF JERUSALEM 538 BC: Cyrus the Great permitted Jews to return to Judea without restoring the Monarchy, Giving Judean Priest Authority over Judaism who re-built the Temple of Jerusalem 509 BC: Romans take over the last king, to form the 'Roman Republic’. Dividing the public into 4 The highest class of Rome were called 'Patricians' who Created & Ran Offices The second highest class were the ‘Equestrians’ known as Knights who were rich The third class were the Plebeians, average Roman The lowest class were the Slaves. Under the Roman Empire there were hundreds of thousands of slaves who were owned by other people and had no rights at all During the Roman Republic, Coins like: The Aureus (gold) The Denarius (silver) The Sestertius (bronze) & Copper WHERE BEING MINTED, MAKING COINS THE ROMAN CURRENCY! Aristotle was a Greek Philosopher, who tutored Alexander the Great between 356 and 323 BCE. Profoundly influenced the Islamic Theological Thought & influenced Christian Theology, with the tradition of the Catholic Church & is known as "The First ARABIC Teacher". Aristotle (384 – 322 BCE) Seleucus coin, Minted 285 BC Roman Government 264 BC 336 – 323 BC: Alexander the Great becomes King of Greece, takes Egypt, & then Invades India. 333 BC: Antigonus (Chief General) of Alexander the Great, was appointed Governor 306 BC: After the death of Alexander, Antigonus declared himself king & Established the Antigonid Dynasty 301 BC: Seleucus take control over northern Syria 290 BC: Rome dominates the Italian Peninsula 222 – 187 BC: King Antiochus III, wanting to be friends with his new Jewish subjects, assured them Their right to "live according to their ancestral customs", including religious practises Silver coin of Antiochus III the Great 175 BC: Antiochus IV recaptures Jerusalem from Jews, outlawing Judaism & Circumcision 161 BC: The Seleucid Empire became unstable, & Antiochus V is overthrown in an attempt to restore The Seleucid power in Judea, but was overthrown by Alexander Balas 145 BC Silver coin of Alexander Balas 2008 Our Queen’s 20¢ Silver coin 200 BC: Sextus Julius Caesar was the name of several men of the Julii Caesares family in Ancient Rome. Sextus was a Military Tribune under Lucius, Aemilius, Paullus, Lucius Julius Caesar had two Sons: Gaius Julius Caesar 1 Sextus Julius Caesar 2 146 BC: The son of Sextus Julius Caesar 2 became known as a Roman Ambassador & was consul, But Died 100 BC 100 BC: Gaius Julius Caesar 2 chose not to seek the consulship, but to lead a quiet life outside Rome, Dying in 85 BC 85 BC: “Dictator, Gaius Julius Caesar 3” was born into a Patrician Family & was only 16 when he Began to govern the People Caesar on his following Year of Governing was nominated to be the new High Priest of Jupiter. Romans conquer to rule Gaul & Egypt, giving access to the Red Sea for Trading During this time he was called back into military action in Asia, raising aids to repel a Hostile entry from the East. Back in Rome, he was elected military leader, seeing visions of a political career. 78 BC: After the Last Seleucid King was defeated, to end the Seleucid Monarchy. Greek and Jewish Religious tensions started building up in Judea, which forced the Roman’s to step in & help 73 - 66BC: First Jewish–Roman War, where Jewish Rebellions fought against the Roman Empire, Due to an ‘Anti – Taxation Protest’ that the Emperor was charging for temple maintenance 63 BC: Caesar living in Rome won the election to the post of Chief Priest for the Roman State Religion, & was appointed to govern Spain, but still in massive debt, needed to satisfy his Creditors before he could leave. A rich Roman, Marcus Crassus aided Caesar's debts and acted as guarantor for others, which allowed Caesar to leave for Spain, conquering two local tribes and was hailed as a Commander by his troops. Judea came under Roman influence, when Pompey the Great arrived as part of a Roman campaign 59 BC: Caesar, who was consul, brought Pompey & Crassus together to control ‘Public Business’ forming the: First Triumvirate ("rule of three men") proposing a powerful law for the ‘Redistribution of Public lands to the Poor’ & was cemented by the marriage of Pompey to Caesar's Daughter 56 BC: Caesar's Governorship was extended for another five years & began an Invasion on Britain. 55 BC: While Julius Caesar was in Britain, his daughter (Pompey's wife), had died giving childbirth. 53 BC: The Triumvirate died, when Pompey married the daughter of Caesar’s political opponent 50 BC: Pompey accused Caesar of treason to the law. So leaving Italy under the control of Mark Antony, Caesar headed for Spain to defeat Pompey's Lieutenants. The Roman Senate began Lying honours on Caesar, appointing him ‘Dictator’, but resigned this Dictatorship to pursue Pompey to Egypt but found him already dead. So Caesar began killing the pharaoh's forces 49 BC: He marched back to conquer Rome itself, forcibly opening the treasury which had a Tribune Seal, As he saw the central government to be weak, with political corruption, spiralling out of control 48 BC: He was re-appointed Dictator for 10 years, & a month of the year still named after him. July! 47 BC: Pharaoh's forces were destroyed at the Battle of the Nile, but this time leaving Cleopatra, Queen of Egypt as Caesar then went to the Middle East, where he annihilated the king & Proceeded to Africa 45 BC: Caesar resigned his position as Sole Consul, but started The Julian Calendar, similar to our Calendar & began pardoning almost all his enemies, as there was no public threat. Filing his will, naming his grandnephew Octavian to heir everything, & makes Mark Antony, High Priest Early 44 BC: Caesar was appointed dictator for life & established an early version of our police force Late 44 BC: Caesar was due to appear at a session of the Senate, when Cassius used his dagger to Stab the Dictator through the neck. Minutes later, 60 or more men with General Brutus continued to stab the dictator 23 times, on The Ides of March (15 of March). Octavian, aged 18 when Caesar died, had proved political skills, but needed help to combat Brutus and Cassius, who were massing an enormous army in Greece & Antony, needed soldiers 43 BC: The Second Triumvirate was officially formed, Antony, Octavian, & Lepidus (Caesar’s General), Reinstating an old practice against outlaws, this engaged in the Legal Murder of A large number of its opponents, who secure harm to their forty-five Roman Legions, Ending the Civil War against Brutus & Cassius before it even began. 42 BC: Hyrcanus 2 of Antigonus, took the thrown from his Uncle naming himself King 40 BC: As a loyal supporter of Hyrcanus 2, Herod is appointed Governor of Galilee at 25 39 BC: Herod and the Romans (Mark Antony included) recapture Jerusalem & Execute Hyrcanus 2 37 BC: Rome appointed ‘Herod the Great’ as ‘King of Judea’, who developed the water supplies to Jerusalem & makes his 17-year-old brother-in-law Aristobulus 3, High Priest 35 BC: Aristobulus 3 is drowned at a party, on Herod's orders. 31 BC: Octavian defeats Mark Antony & Cleopatra in Egypt to end the Roman Republic. Starting a New beginning for the Roman Empire becomes the first Emperor, & changes his name to Caesar Augustus Crassus Pompey Julius Caesar 3 Caesar Augustus Tiberius 30 BC: Herod is shown great favour by Augustus, who confirms him as ‘King of Judea’ 25 BC: Herod waives a third of the taxes. 24 BC: At 17, Tiberius entered politics under Augustus's direction 12 BC: Herod accused his first son of High Treason, & proceeded legally against them 7 BC: The court hearing took place in Berytos (Beirut) before a Roman court, where they were Found Guilty & Executed, making Antipater the exclusive successor to the throne 5 BC: Antipater was sentenced to death by the court for the intended murder of Herod After Herod's death, his kingdom was divided among three of his sons by Augustus 2: Augustus allowed Tiberius to take over & in return was required to adopt his nephew, Germanicus 5: Tiberius conquers the Middle East & Judea came under Direct Roman Rule. 14: Augustus dies to leave Tiberius Emperor, who then poisons Germanicus, who was a political rival to him 31: Caligula (a son of Germanicus) was remanded to the Personal care of Retiring Tiberius, for Six years, while both Caligula's mother and brother died in prison under Tiberius’s order 33: Tiberius made Caligula an honorary elected official, until his rise to becoming Emperor. Pilate was responsible for Imperial tax collections in Judaea & accused Jesus of sedition against Rome & claiming to be king. So Pilate handed Jesus over to the Jurisdiction of Tiberius, who mocked & re-sent him back to the Roman Court in Beirut. Pilate, who was receiving wishes from the public Jews, murdered him on the cross. The death of Jesus was the birth to Christianity in Beirut, Lebanon LEBANON 2000 YEARS LATER John the Baptist entered on the ‘Tiberius Public Ministry’ in the fifteenth year of his reign & had requested to Tiberius & the Senate, after a few years of the big crucifixion, to publicly recognize Christianity as part of a Jewish section rather than a separate faith. 37: Tiberius dies & Caligula becomes Emperor, who kills Senators & replaces the consul immediately 40: Caligula spends Tiberius' fortune in an attempt to expand the Roman Empire & also to Introducing Religion into his political role, crying out "Let there be one Lord, one King". 41: Caligula is assassinated, making Claudius Emperor & in 43, orders the Invasion on Britain 50: Romans who become Christian believers, had to become circumcised, by which men signed the Covenant with God, in blood, and thereby became a People of God, subject to God's Protection. In early centuries, modern antibiotics did not exist, so to circumcise, may have been life-threatening. 54: Claudius is poisoned by his wife Agrippina (Sister of Caligula) & claims her Son Emperor Nero. Nero unsatisfied with his marriage entered into an affair without his mum’s permission & became romantically involved with Poppaea, the wife of his friend Emperor Otho. But a marriage to Poppaea and a divorce from Octavia did not fit with his mum alive. So Nero, Divorced & Banished Octavia, Murdered his mother, so that pregnant Poppaea would divorce Otho to Marry Nero. Lucanus (39–65) was a poet & one of the kindest accounts of Nero's rule. He writes of peace and prosperity in contrast to war and strife. Ironically, he was later involved in a conspiracy to overthrow Nero and was Executed. 65: Nero's wife dies & Statilia became Nero's Mistress, forcing her husband to suicide, to marry Nero. 67: There was a Jewish revolt in Judea stemming between Greek & Jewish Religious Tensions, so Nero dispatched Roman Emperor Vespasian to restore order by imposing a Judaism tax for the Maintenance of the Temple of Capitoline Jupiter (the centre of Ancient Roman Religion) as one of The measures against all the Jew Christians 68: When the Senate declared Nero an Enemy of the people, he fled Rome and committed suicide. The newly Emperor Galba began his reign after Nero’s suicide but was murdered after a few months by Emperor Otho 70: The First Jewish-Roman War began when Titus, set Camp sites of Roman Army’s close to Jerusalem to break through the walls, ransacking for survivors who were taken into slavery 79: Titus becomes Emperor but dies suddenly; which makes brother Domitian Emperor, who was Assassinated in 96 115: The Kitos War is the name of the Second Jewish-Roman War, where major revolts by Jewish Rebels Spiralled out of control. The rebellions were finally crushed by Roman General Lusius 118: Emperor Trajan, suffered a heatstroke & died, with his successor, Hadrian assuming the Reins 131: Tensions grew higher when Hadrian abolished circumcision, which he viewed it as mutilation & Attempted to root out Judaism (for the causing of continuous rebellions) 132: The Bar Kokhba Revolt was the Third & Last Rebellion by the Jews, against the Roman Empire Simon bar Kokhba, the commander of the revolt, was hailed as a Messiah, a heroic figure who Claimed to restore Israel, but only lasted 2 years. Jerusalem history states that the numbers Slaughtered were Enormous That the Romans "went killing until their horses were submerged in Blood to their nostrils" Nero Bar Kokhba's orders found in the Judean desert Hadrian Otho The Bar Kokhba revolt, helped identify Christianity as a separate Religion from Judaism. 138: Hadrian's death marked a significant relief to the surviving Jewish communities. But it was too Late, Rabbinic Judaism had already become a portable religion, dispersing throughout the World & Antoninus becomes Emperor 143: After a rebellion, Antoninus conquers Scotland Different Emperorships of Rome over many decades to follow, but in the year 211, Power goes Crazy! 211: Brothers, Caracalla & Geta become joint Emperors but Caracalla has Geta murdered thereafter 217: Caracalla is assassinated & Macrinus becomes Emperor 218: Macrinus is executed & Elagabalus is installed to the throne 222: Elagabalus is murdered & Alexander becomes Emperor 235: Alexander is killed in a soldier mutiny & Maximinus becomes Emperor. 251: Gallus & Volusianus become Emperors but are slaughtered by their own troops, to make Aemilianus Emperor, but Aemilianus is later killed by his own soldiers 260: Valerian proclaims Emperor & asked the senate to ratify his son Gallienus to Caesar or Augustus 268: Gallienus is assassinated by his officials who make Marius Emperor 269: Marius has a short reign, before Victorinus had him killed & proclaimed Emperor in Gaul and Britain. He was murdered by one of his officers, whose wife he supposedly seduced. Victorinus Jr was appointed Emperor by his family on that same day but killed by his troops. 270: Aurelian becomes Emperor. 275: Aurelian is murdered & Tacitus becomes Emperor. 276: Tacitus dies & Florianus becomes Emperor, but was assassinated, making Probus Emperor. 282: Probus was killed by his own troops, leaving Carus to claim Emperor 283: Carus dies during an invasion & his sons Carinus & Numerian become Emperors. 284: Diocletian kills Numerian & proclaims Emperor then marches against Carinus. 285: Diocletian defeats Carinus & splits the Empire into two halves. Appointing Maximian Emperor 303: Diocletian orders the Persecution of Christians. 305: Diocletian and Maximian abdicate (resign). Probus Diocletian Constans Constantine I 306: Constantine I proclaimed Emperor 310: Constantine reforms the Coinage Economy minting Copper Coins 313: Conversion of Constantine I to Christianity for Marriage is tolerated by the Roman Empire 324: Constantine I defeats Licinius 326: Constantine I orders the death of his oldest son, Crispus. 337: Constantine I dies & His three sons, Constantine II, Constantius & Constans become Emperors. 340: Constantine II invades Italy & is Ambushed and Murdered by Constans 350: Constans is captured and killed. Magnentius takes the throne in the west. 353: Constantius defeats Magnentius, who commits suicide. 361: Constantius dies of illness, with his successor Julian becoming Emperor but died during a Skirmish. Jovian is proclaimed Emperor & dies in 364: When Valentinian I & Valens become Emperors Constantine II Valens Valentinian 1 Theodosius 1 375: Valentinian 1 dies and is succeeded by Gratian as Western Emperor. 378: Valens is killed by Goths at a Battle. Theodosius 1 is the Eastern Emperor. 380: Theodosius I allowed Christianity, the First State Church of the Roman Empire 384: Gratian is murdered, Valentinian 2 becomes Emperor. 392: Valentinian 2 dies of apparent suicide, but murdered by Arbogast is more likely. Then 394: Arbogast is deposed & killed by Theodosius 1 395: Theodosius 1 dies, leaving the Western Empire to his son Honorius 423: After a long and disastrous reign, Honorius dies 425: Valentinian 3 becomes Western Emperor 455: Valentinian 3 is assassinated & succeeded by Maximus as Emperor, who is killed Avitus becomes Emperor of the West. 457: Avitus is deposed by the Magister, Ricimer and killed. Majorian is installed as Western Emperor. 461: Majorian is deposed by Ricimer & Libius makes Severus Western Emperor. 465: Libius & Severus both die, possibly poisoned by Ricimer. 467: Anthemius becomes Western Emperor with the support of Pope Leo I. 472: Ricimer kills Anthemius & makes Olybrius a Western Emperor. Both Ricimer and Olybrius die Gundobad becomes Magister in Italy & makes Glycerius the new Western Emperor. 474: Glycerius is deposed by Julius Nepos who proclaims himself Western Emperor German Mercenaries by now form an important part of any Roman army, and Roman armies play a major role in the making and breaking of Emperors & around this time, were demanding to settle into Italy, but were rejected by officials, so they elected one of their own members, Flavius Odoacer to lead charge on becoming an Emperor 476: Emperor Zeno in Constantinople & the Senate of Rome allows Odoacer to Govern Italy as king He even finds land for his German tribesmen in Italy with no problems. Although Odoacer was Not a Christian; he rarely intervened in the affairs of the church in the Roman Empire. 480: Julius Nepos, who was still claiming to be Emperor, is killed 487: Another tribe, under the leadership of Theodoric, almost succeeds in capturing Constantinople. So Emperor Zeno of Constantinople invites Theodoric to invade Italy and take Odoacer's place On 25 February 493 John, bishop of Ravenna, was able to negotiate a treaty between Theodoric & Odoacer to occupy Ravenna together & share joint rule. This treaty did not last, ten days later; Theodoric murdered Odoacer by drawing his sword and striking him while they shared a meal. On that same day, all of Odoacer's army that were found were killed by order of Theodoric & makes no attempt to interfere in Roman Catholic Affairs 600: Mohammed receiving the Qur'an from God in a cave, then speaks of himself as a prophet & starts an early version of what is now called the Muslim faith ANCIENT ROMAN HISTORY IS NOT ENOUGH, AS IT IS NOT HOW MUCH KNOWLEDGE WE KNOW, BUT WHAT WE DOES WITH IT!