Learning Styles Questions.SAMUEL IV

Learning Styles Questions (One per table, cut apart)
1. How would you present the order of the planets in our solar system to your
students who are tactile/kinesthetic learners? Compose a list of different ways.
2. How would you present the order of the planets in our solar system to your
students who are visual learners? Compose a list of different ways.
3. How would you present the order of the planets in our solar system to your
students who are auditory learners? Compose a list of different ways.
4. How would you present the components of the legislative branch of our
government to your students who are tactile/kinesthetic learners? Compose a list
of different ways.
5. How would you present the components of the legislative branch of our
government to your students who are visual learners? Compose a list of different
6. How would you present the components of the legislative branch of our
government to your students who are auditory learners? Compose a list of
different ways.
7. How would you present Native American homes from different regions to your
students who are auditory learners? Compose a list of different ways.
8. How would you present Native American homes from different regions to your
students who are tactile/kinesthetic learners? Compose a list of different ways.
9. How would you present Native American homes from different regions to your
students who are visual learners? Compose a list of different ways.
10.How would you present the stages of the Water Cycle to your students who are
visual learners? Compose a list of different ways.
11.How would you present the stages of the Water Cycle to your students who are
kinesthetic/tactile learners? Compose a list of different ways.
12.How would you present the stages of the Water Cycle to your students who are
auditory learners? Compose a list of different ways.
13.How would you help students learn the different parts of speech and how they
are used in a sentence to an auditory learner? Compose a list of different ways.
14.How would you help students learn the different parts of speech and how they
are used in a sentence to a visual learner? Compose a list of different ways.
15.How would you help students learn the different parts of speech and how they
are used in a sentence to a tactile/kinesthetic learner? Compose a list of different
16.How would you help students learn the major plays of William Shakespeare if
they are auditory learners? Compose a list of different ways?
17.How would you help students learn the major plays of William Shakespeare if
they are tactile/kinesthetic learners? Compose a list of different ways?
18.How would you help students learn the major plays of William Shakespeare if
they are visual learners? Compose a list of different ways?