Psychology 3100 Class Project Form (Version of June 25, 2014) Please note: If you intend to use the results of your project to “develop or contribute to generalizable knowledge” [45 CFR 46.102(d)], your project must be reviewed and approved by the Clemson University IRB prior to implementation. Clemson University IRB Website Approved ► Research may begin as of the date of determination listed below. Not approved Printed Name of Reviewer: ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Signature ______________________ Date of determination ►Research Title ►Principal Investigator (The PI must be a Faculty Instructor) Name: Signature: Date: ►Graduate Student Instructor (if applicable) Name: Signature: Date: ►Undergraduate Student Investigator Name: Signature: Date: ►Undergraduate Student Investigator Name: Signature: Date: ►Undergraduate Student Investigator Signature: ►Class Project Dates Name: Date: Anticipated start date: Anticipated end date: (Projects are approved for one semester only.) Page 1 of 4 Screening questions: If you check Yes to any of the questions below, your research will not be approved as a Psychology 3100 project. Does any part of the research require that participants be deceived? Yes No Will the research pose more than minimal risk; that is, will it expose human participants to discomfort or stress beyond the levels encountered in daily life? Yes No Will you ask participants about illegal activities (a category that includes drinking by persons under 21 years of age)? Will you focus on topics of a highly personal and private nature (e.g., sexual behavior, sexuality, alcohol and/or drug use)? Yes No Will fetuses, pregnant women, or individuals involuntarily confined or detained in penal institutions (or their substitutes) be participants in the study? Yes No Will minors (people under the age of 18) be participants in the study? Yes No Will identifiable private information (e.g., educational or medical records) be collected from other sources? Yes No 1. Study Purpose: In non-technical terms, provide a brief description of the purpose of the study. Description: 2. Study Sample: (Groups specifically targeted for the study) Describe the participants you plan to recruit and the criteria used in the selection process. Indicate if there are any special inclusion or exclusion criteria. Description: Age range of participants: Projected number of participants: University students Educationally / economically disadvantaged * Employees Persons incompetent to give valid consent * Military personnel Other–specify: *State need for using this type of participant: Page 2 of 4 3. Study Locations: Clemson University Other University / College Other – specify You may need to obtain permission if participants will be recruited or data will be obtained through schools, employers, or community organizations. Are you required to obtain permission to gain access to people or to access data that are not publicly available? If yes, provide a research site letter from a person authorized to give you access to the participants or to the data. Research Site Letter(s) are not required. Research Site Letter(s) are attached. Research Site Letter(s) are pending and will be provided when obtained. 4. Recruitment Method: Describe how research participants will be recruited in the study. How will you contact them? Attach a copy of any material you will use to recruit participants (e.g., advertisements, flyers, telephone scripts, pitches on Facebook, on other social media sites, or via email, cover letters, or follow-up reminders). Description: 5. Participant Incentives: a. Will you pay participants? Amount: $ Yes No When will money be paid?: b. Will you give participants incentives / gifts/reimbursements? Yes No Describe incentives / gifts/reimbursements: Value of incentives / gifts/reimbursements: $ When will incentives / gifts/reimbursements be given?: NOTE: Credit is NOT available for Psychology 3100 projects through the SONA system. 6. Informed Consent: Attach a copy of the informational letter you plan to provide to your participants. A template for Psychology 3100 informational letters is available at Page 3 of 4 7. Procedures: a. What data will you collect? b. How will you obtain the data (e.g., surveys, interviews, experimental procedures)? c. How much time will it take to complete the survey, experimental procedure, etc.? d. How many data collection sessions will be required? Will this include follow-up sessions? e. How will you collect data? in-person contact telephone snail mail email website other, describe Please include copies of surveys, interview questions, or data sheets for your experiment or observation. If survey or interview questions have not been fully developed, provide information on the types of questions to be asked, or a description of the main issues that will be covered in the survey / interview. f. Will you audio record participants? g. Will you video record participants? h. Will you photograph participants? Yes Yes Yes No No No 8. Protection of Anonymity: Describe the security measures you will take to protect the anonymity of the information obtained. Will participants be identifiable either by name or through demographic data? Where will the data be stored and how will it be secured? Who will have access to the data? (Because data from all research projects should be retained by the investigator, we do not offer to protect anonymity by destroying raw data.) Description: Submission Instructions: Please submit this printed form with your signature(s) to your Psychology 3100 instructor, along with your CITI training certificate(s), your informational letter, your recruitment flyer or social media pitch, and all materials that participants will see (surveys, instructions, experiment sheets, etc.). After your instructor approves the project, a copy of this application will be filed in the Psychology Department office. Page 4 of 4