NEE Professional School Counselor Standards Alignment Tool Name: Evaluator Name (include title): Initial Evaluation Date: Select Type of Certification: Element 1. Follow-up Evaluation Date: Full: Temporary – Working Toward Full: Temporary: Application of Developmental Psychology and Counseling Theories (Indicators 1.1, 1.2, and 3.3) 1.1 The professional school counselor (PSC) demonstrates knowledge of human development and personality and how these domains [sic] affect learners, and applies this knowledge in his or her work with learners and/or others. 1.2 The PSC understands established and emerging counseling theories and applies knowledge of techniques and strategies for innovative and differentiated interventions. 3.3 The PSC uses theories, models, and processes of consultation strategies to improve communication, develop and promote professional, family and school relationships and coordinate school and community resources to promote the academic, career, and personal/social development of all students. Provide sample case notes and how theories were applied? Explain which theory was implemented and why? Provide appropriate citations. Initial Evaluation Coun Eval Theories for Intervention (Indicator 1.2) Understanding of Effectiveness of Theories Used Final Evaluation Theories for Consultation (Indicator 3.3) Understanding of Effectiveness of Theories Used Coun Eval Element 2. Use of Comprehensive Guidance and Counseling Program (Indicators 1.3b, 1.4, 1.5, 2.1, 2.2, and 2.4) The professional school counselor uses the district’s comprehensive guidance and counseling program. Provide evidence of use of the district comprehensive guidance and counseling program. Including: Philosophy, definition of guidance and counseling Facilities, council, resources, budget, and staffing patterns Guidance curriculum aligned to state grade level expectations Use of evaluation procedures to evaluate and enhance a comprehensive guidance and counseling program Principles of individual and group measurement and assessment, along with definition of counselor’s role in the assessment process Incorporation of social and cultural diversity learning and development systems to interact with all families and students. Initial Evaluation Coun Eval Final Evaluation Coun Eval Element 3. Career Development and Planning (Indicator 1.6 and 2.2e) The professional school counselor demonstrates knowledge and understanding of career development and planning processes across the life span and assists all students in their career awareness, exploration, decision‐making, and planning. Provide evidence of career development and planning processes. Initial Evaluation Coun Eval Final Evaluation Coun Eval Percentage of time implementing, developing, and delivering Career Development and Planning (Indicator 2.2e): Element 4. Individual Student Planning (Indicator 2.2b) The professional school counselor implements individual student planning which consists of (a) appraisals, (b) educational and career planning, (c) development of personal plans of study, and (d) post-secondary transition. Provide evidence of individual student planning processes. Initial Evaluation Coun Percentage of time implementing, developing, and delivering Individual Student Planning (Indicator 2.2e): ____% Eval Final Evaluation Coun Eval Element 5. Responsive Services (Indicator 2.2c and 4.1) The professional school counselor implements responsive services which consist of (a) individual counseling, (b) small group counseling, (c) consultation, and (d) referral. The PSC understands, and models techniques of self-care. Provide evidence of responsive services. Initial Evaluation Coun Eval Percentage of time implementing, developing, and delivering Responsive Services (Indicator 2.2e): _____% Individual counseling List all individual interventions Eval Communicated to others by: Data collection process and results Small group counseling Final Evaluation Coun Research base for each intervention List all small group interventions Research base for each intervention Communicated to others by: Data collection process and results Element 6. System Support (Indicator 2.2d) The professional school counselor implements system support processes which consist of (a) program management, (b) program evaluation, (c) staff and community relations, (d) committee participation, (e) community outreach, and (f) program advocacy. Provide evidence of system support processes. Initial Evaluation Coun Percentage of time implementing, developing, and delivering System Support Processes (Indicator 2.2e): _____% Eval Final Evaluation Coun Eval Element 7. Devotes recommended percentage of time to components of counseling program. Initial Evaluation Coun Eval Final Evaluation Coun Eval (Indicator 2.2e) Percentages provided in gray and white boxes for Elements 3 through 6. Recommended percentages: Elementary school – [35-45% of time on Guidance and counseling curriculum; 5-10% of time on individual student planning; 30-40% of time on responsive services; 10-15% of time on system supports]; Middle school – [25-35% of time on Guidance and counseling curriculum; 15-25% of time on individual student planning; 30-40% of time on responsive services; 10-15% of time on system supports]; High school – [15-25% of time on Guidance and counseling curriculum; 25-35% of time on individual student planning; 2535% of time on responsive services; 15-20% of time on system supports]. Element 8. Demonstrates collaboration with classroom teachers and other professionals. (Indicator 3.1, 3.2, and 3.4) The PSC promotes, models, and teaches interpersonal skills to enhance relationships with and among administrators, staff, students, families, community members, agency representatives, and other professional school counselors to facilitate planning, implementing, maintaining, evaluating, and enhancing a comprehensive guidance and counseling program supportive of the academic, career, and personal/social success of all students. The PSC develops collaborative professional relationships with administrators, staff, students, families, community members, agency representatives, and other PSCs in order to promote the academic, career, and personal/social development success of all students. The PSC is actively involved in school and community initiatives that promote the academic, career, and personal/social development of all students. Provide evidence of collaboration. Initial Evaluation Coun Eval Final Evaluation Coun Eval Element 9. Contributes to a positive and safe school climate and culture. . (Indicator 4.5) The PSC uses the comprehensive guidance and counseling program to contribute to the development of a positive and safe school climate and culture. Provide evidence Initial Evaluation Coun Eval Final Evaluation Coun Eval Element 10. Contributes to various building or district initiatives. (Indicator 4.2 and 4.4) The PSC understands models and promotes personal leadership and professionalism. The PSC uses knowledge of comprehensive guidance and counseling program concepts to promote and enhance the success of students and the comprehensive guidance and counseling program while contributing to school improvement. Provide evidence of contributions. Initial Evaluation Coun Eval Final Evaluation Coun Eval Counselor meets ethical standards. Yes No Counselor meets school/district policies. Yes No Counselor meets legal requirements. Yes No Beginning of Year Evaluation End of Year Evaluation Date: Date: Counselor Signature: Counselor Signature: Evaluator Signature: Evaluator Signature: Additional Comments if Needed: © Copyright 2013 by the Curators of the University of Missouri. All rights reserved. No part of this work may be reproduced or transmitted by any means.