Supplementary informationfor Phosphorylation of S344 in the calmodulin-binding domain negatively regulates CCaMK function during bacterial and fungal symbioses Pratyush Routray1,4,a, J. Benjamin Miller2,a, Liqun Du1,3,a, Giles Oldroyd2 and B.W. Poovaiah1,b Supplementary Figure Legends: Figure S1.Identification of S9 as autophosphorylation site of MtCCaMK by LC-MS/MS. The figure represents the MS2spectrum of peptide KLSPDEYEVSEILGR and their relative abundance. The top panel shows the possible b- and y- ion fragment of KLSPDEYEVSEILGR. The table shows the predicted masses of different MS 2 ionized peptides fragment, with product ion identified by LC-MS/MS marked in red color. At the bottom is the graphical representation of relative abundance of different ionized peptides identified through LC-MS/MS. The Y-axis shows the intensity as arbitrary units and X-axis represents the mass to charge ratio. The presence of y-98 ions after y12 suggests S9 of MtCCaMK as the phosphorylation site. 1 Figure S2. Identification of S344 as autophosphorylation site of MtCCaMK by LC-MS/MS. The figure represents the MS2 spectrum of peptide AAAIASVWSPSTIFLR and their relative abundance. The top panel shows the possible b- and y-ion fragments of AAAIASVWSPSTIFLR. The table shows the predicted masses of different MS2 ionized peptides fragment, with product ion identified by LC-MS/MS marked in red color. The bottom panel shows the graphical representation of relative abundance of different ionized peptides identified through LC-MS/MS. The Y-axis shows the intensity as arbitrary units and X-axis represents the mass to charge ratio. The spectrum showing 800 m/z unit shift from the expected unmodified peptide ion in y-ion masses beginning with the y6 indicates S344 as the phosphorylation site of MtCCaMK. Figure S3.Complementation of ccamk-1 with S344 mutants for RNS. ccamk-1plants transformed with different CCaMKmutants were examined for mature nodules 28 days after the inoculation of Sinorhizobiummeliloti1021 carrying hemA::LacZreported gene (a). Roots and nodules of these transformed plants were stained for β-galactosidase activity (b) where dark blue color represents the presence of rhizobia. For further confirmation, nodules were sectioned and stained with toluidine blue to observe the bacterial presence (c). The dark blue color shows the presence of rhizobia. As expected, ccamk-1 plants transformed with S344A produced normal nodules (a) and stained dark blue color (b) confirming the presence of rhizobia inside the nodule. In addition, the 2 dark blue color of the nodule cross section further supports the presence of rhizobia (c). Similar phenotypes are also observed for T271A-S344A constructs (a, b, c). However, S344D and T271A-S344D constructs failed to produce nodules, and roots did not stained dark blue. This clearly indicates that S344D mutation alone or on T271A background failed to complement ccamk-1 plants for both root nodule organogenesis and bacterial entry. Scale bar for Figure a, bis 500 µm and for Figurec is 50 µm. FigureS4.Complementation of ccamk-1 with different S344 mutants for AMS. ccamk-1plants transformed with different CCaMK mutants in S344 and T271A positions were grown in soil containingRhizophagusirregularis. The transgenic roots were stained with black ink to identify the fungal structures. Plants transformed with WT CCaMK, T271A, S344A and T271A-S344A showed fungal vesicles and arbuscles indicating the ability of these mutants to complement ccamk-1 plants. However, as expected, very little if any fungal structure is observed in S344D and T271A-S344D transformed plants indicating their failure to complement ccamk-1 for AMS. Scale bar 100 µm. FigureS5.Multiple sequence alignment of calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase from different plants showing conservation of S9 and S344. 3 Multiple sequence alignment (MSA) of CCaMK of different legume and nonlegume plants was performed using ClustalW2 software from EMBL-EBI website. Here only N terminal region and calmodulin binding region of CCaMK were shown. The newly identified autophosphorylation sites from this study (S9 and S344) are marked with red. From this MSA it is clear that S9 is conserved in both legume and non-legumes CCaMK. S344 is also conserved in all CCaMK used in this MSA except rice (OsCCaMK). In OsCCaMK cysteine is present at the corresponding site (highlighted with yellow). 4 m/Z Suppl. Figure1. Identification of the S9 as in vitro autophosphorylation site of MtCCaMK by LC-MS/MS. 5 m/Z Suppl. Figure2. Identification of the S344 as in vitro autophosphorylation site of MtCCaMK by LC-MS/MS. ow the data are interpreted 6 a 500 µm ccamk-1 + CCaMK 500 µm 500 µm ccamk-1 + S344A ccamk-1 + T271A 500 µm ccamk-1 + T271A-S344A b 500 µm WT + EV 500 µm 500 µm ccamk-1 + EV 500 µm ccamk-1 + S344D ccamk-1 + CCaMK ccamk-1 + S344A 500 µm 500 µm ccamk-1 + T271A 500 µm ccamk-1 + T271A-S344A 500 µm ccamk-1 + T271A-S344D C 500 µm 50 µm 50 µm ccamk-1 + CCaMK 500 µm 500 µm 50 µm 50 µm ccamk-1 + T271A ccamk-1 + S344A 500 µm 50 µm ccamk-1 + S344A ccamk-1 + T271A-S344A Suppl. Figure3.Complementation of ccamk-1 with S344 mutants for RNS. 500 µm 500 µm 500 µm 7 500 µm WT + EV ccamk-1 + EV ccamk-1 + CCaMK ccamk-1 + S344A ccamk-1 + S344D ccamk-1 + T271A ccamk-1 + T271A-S344A ccamk-1 + T271A-S344D Suppl. Figure4.Complementation of ccamk-1 with different S344 mutants for AMS 8 LjCCaMK MtCCaMK NtCCaMK OsCCaMK LlCCaMK MGYD-QTRKLSDEYEISEILGRGGFSVVRKGTKKSGNE----KTQVAIKTLRRLGSS--MGY--GTRKLSDEYEVSEILGRGGFSVVRKGTKKSSIEEEKSQSQVAIKTLRRLGASNNMGQREDGKTLSDEYEVTDILGRGGFSVVRRGTRRRTLHSGQHHEVVAIKTLRRFGPP--MSKT-ESRKLSDDYEVVDVLGRGGFSIVRRGVSKSEE-----KTQVAIKTLRRLGPAMAMSRH-ESRKLSDDYEVVDVLGKGGFSVVRRGISKSRGK----NNDVAIKTLRRYGYTLPG *. : ***:**: ::**:****:**:* : : ******** * . 52 57 57 53 55 LjCCaMK MtCCaMK NtCCaMK OsCCaMK LlCCaMK SAQELLSHPWVRGDKAKDEQMDPEIVSRLQSFNARRKLRAAAIASVWSSTIFLRTKKLRS SALELLSDPWVKGEKAKDVQMDPEIVSRLQSFNARRKLRAAAIASVWSSTIFLRTKKLKS TAQEILEHPWVTGDLAKQEQMDAEIVSRLQSFNSRRKFRAAAMASVLSSSFSLRTKKLKK TASDLLRHPWVIGDCAKQDLMDAEVVSKLQKFNARRKLRAAAIASVLSCKVALRTKRLRN TANDLLKHPWVIGDSAKQELIEPEVVSRLRSFNARRKLRAAAIASVLSSKVLLRTKKLKN :* ::* .*** *: **: ::.*:**:*: **:***:****:*** *... ****:*:. 349 355 348 347 351 Suppl. Figure 5.Multiple sequence alignment of calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase from different plants showing conservation of S9 and S344. 9