In addition to any specific conditions stipulated, UCL`s offer of

In addition to any specific conditions stipulated, UCL’s offer of admission is also subject to the
following standard conditions:
A. QUALIFICATIONS: That you provide original evidence at enrolment (translated into
English if applicable) of the qualifications that entitle you to be registered for the programme
to which you have been offered admission. Photocopies must be authenticated by the
awarding body. Details of the necessary procedures will be forwarded to you separately
shortly before enrolment. You will not be permitted to enrol until such documentation has
been received.
B. TUITION FEE STATUS: That in accepting this offer you agree to pay tuition fees at the
rate stated overleaf. Should you wish to challenge UCL’s assessment you must write to UCL
within three months of the date of this letter. If your fee status is undetermined, you must
return the enclosed fee status questionnaire as soon as possible and no later than three
months of the date of this letter. Please note if your tuition fee status is still undetermined at
the point of invoice, you will be invoiced at the Overseas rate of tuition fees. UCL determines
whether the UK/EU or Overseas rate of tuition fees should be charged in accordance with the
Education (Fees and Awards)(England) Regulations 2007 and subsequent amendments but
shall judge each case as it shall see fit at its absolute discretion.
C. TUITION FEES: That you formally accept responsibility for the payment to UCL of the
tuition fees in respect of your programme, although it is understood that a sponsor may in fact
pay those tuition fees. Any tuition fee quoted overleaf is for guidance only and the definitive
tuition fee will be quoted on your Portico account. Tuition fees should be paid prior to
enrolment and methods of payment can be found at
UCL recognises that your acceptance of this offer of admission will be subject to the
availability of sufficient funding. Should you be unable to secure sufficient funding and decide
either to withdraw your acceptance or to apply for deferred admission, please inform
Admissions as soon as possible.
D. PROFICIENCY IN THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE: A satisfactory command of English is
required by students to undertake their programme successfully. A list of acceptable English
language qualifications is available at Please note, any extra expense incurred in taking
a test will be your responsibility.
E. CRIMINAL CONVICTIONS: Your offer of admission is conditional upon you not having a
criminal conviction that UCL deems makes it unsuitable for you to be admitted to your
proposed programme of study. Please note that for the purposes of this exercise a criminal
offence excludes motoring offences for which a fine and/or up to three penalty points
on a driving licence were imposed. All information will be treated with the utmost confidence.
In the case of those who apply to UCL via our online application, information on criminal
convictions is collected at the application stage and no further information is required when
responding to our offer of admission. You are required to inform UCL of any criminal
conviction(s) between application and enrolment. UCL reserves the right to not admit a
student convicted of a serious criminal offence between offer of admission and enrolment.
F. GENERAL: That upon registering you agree to abide by the present rules, regulations and
statutes of UCL. The more important of those rules and regulations are summarised in the
UCL Registry website In addition, research
students must adhere to the UCL Graduate School Code of Practice, please consult the UCL
Graduate School website: All students are required to enrol with
the UCL Registry within two weeks of the start of their programme. Students who fail to enrol
at the specified time without adequate reason will be liable for a late enrolment fee. If, having
started the programme, a student’s academic progress is unsatisfactory, UCL reserves the
right to require any student to withdraw from the programme. If you accept UCL’s offer of
admission and subsequently behave in a way that is liable to bring UCL into disrepute, UCL
reserves the right to withdraw your offer of admission. This applies regardless of whether the
behaviour in question
occurs on UCL premises or elsewhere, and regardless of whether it involves action in person
or by e.g. the use of electronic media.
If you have a disability that is likely to require special arrangements to be made for you while
you are studying at UCL you should contact UCL’s Disability Co-ordinator. Telephone: +44
(0)20 7679 0100, fax: +44 (0)20 7916 8530, e-mail: Address: Student
and Registry Services, University College London, Gower Street, London, WC1E 6BT.