Report writing style guide Tea Tree Gully Campus Abstract Business Services students at Tea Tree Gully Campus are required to write reports as part of their award. In order to communicate appropriately at TAFE and to ensure compliance with future workplace practices, students need to develop the necessary skills for effective report writing. This style guide assists students in developing those skills and, as it is written in the form of a model report, it also provides a template for students to follow when preparing future reports. Business Services staff, former TAFE resource books, various style guides, manuals and books have been consulted in order to produce this document. The focus of this style guide is on the structure of a report, formatting guidelines, referencing of sources and effective writing techniques. Reports can take many forms and writing styles may differ depending on the purpose of the report and the requirements of a particular subject or employer. It is, therefore, always important to check the specific requirements of each report. It is recommended that the areas of readability, visual impact, referencing, proofreading and editing be given particular consideration in order to produce an effective report. It is also recommended that an appropriate style be used consistently throughout the report. Contents Abstract..................................................................................................... 3 Contents.................................................................................................... 5 1 Introduction ........................................................................................ 6 2 Report definition ................................................................................. 6 2.1 Stages in report writing .................................................................... 7 2.2 Types of reports .............................................................................. 7 2.2.1 Short reports ..................................................................................... 8 2.2.2 Long reports ..................................................................................... 8 3 Researching ........................................................................................ 9 3.1 Library Resources ................................................................................. 9 4 Referencing ...................................................................................... 10 4.1 How to reference in the text ........................................................... 10 4.2 How to compile a reference list ....................................................... 14 5 Structure of the report ....................................................................... 16 6 Formatting guidelines ........................................................................ 17 6.1 Paper and margins ........................................................................ 17 6.2 Page numbering............................................................................. 17 6.3 Fonts ........................................................................................... 17 6.4 Type size and style......................................................................... 17 6.5 Headings ....................................................................................... 18 6.6 Line spacing and indenting ............................................................. 18 7 Writing the front matter ..................................................................... 19 7.1 Title page ...................................................................................... 19 7.2 Abstract ....................................................................................... 19 7.3 Contents........................................................................................ 20 8 Writing the body of the report ............................................................ 21 8.1 Introduction................................................................................... 21 8.2 Discussion section (or Main Body of Report) .................................... 21 8.3 Conclusion ..................................................................................... 22 8.4 Recommendations.......................................................................... 22 9 Final sections .................................................................................... 23 9.1 Reference list ................................................................................. 23 9.2 Appendices .................................................................................... 23 11 Conclusion ..................................................................................... 25 12 Recommendations.......................................................................... 25 13 References .................................................................................... 26 Select Exit button on the top menu bar. ..................................................... 30 Emerald Full text ...................................................................................... 31 Oxford Reference Online .......................................................................... 32 Appendix B .............................................................................................. 33 Referencing using the Harvard style .......................................................... 34 Appendix C .............................................................................................. 46 Cheating and Plagiarism ........................................................................... 47 1 Introduction Report writing is an essential skill for students at TAFE and it may also play a significant role in successful future employment. In recognising the need for students to write quality reports, Business Services commissioned the development of this Report writing style guide for TAFE Business Services Students (referred to herein as the style guide) to assist students with their report writing. While this style guide has been prepared to help students with their report writing, it is important to point out that style is a matter of personal preference and some variation may arise within educational institutions and workplace organisations. It is not intended that this style guide constitutes an inflexible set of rules and it is important to check any preferred in-house style before writing a report. This style guide is written in the form of a model report to provide information for students in an easily accessible format that acts as a template for students to follow. It is based very heavily on the work by Winckel & Hart (1996) and has been produced with the assistance of the staff in Business Services, together with information gathered from source material listed in the references section. Accordingly, the following sections on effective writing techniques, referencing and formatting will be valuable to students, no matter which particular style is adopted. 2 Report definition When defining a report in simple terms, it could be said that a report is a document written on a given subject in order to convey information or ideas. The structure of a report should be well organised and appropriate to both purpose and audience. Document1 6 2.1 Stages in report writing To make sure a report is both logical and effective, the following stages should be followed: Preparing and planning – clarify what is required; consider purpose and audience Researching – think about where to obtain the information for the report; collect and assemble data Organising information – organise the data collected to match the structure of the report Writing – reports are formal and impersonal; avoid the use of ‘I’ and ‘you’ to obtain an objective tone; use plain English and bias free language; maintain a consistent style Reviewing and revising – ask someone else to read and critically review the report; proof read and edit carefully 2.2 Types of reports There are many types of reports but they mainly fall into two categories: The information report – these are variable in length and include routine reports, periodic reports and progress reports The analytic report – the length can vary from a few pages to several volumes; data is researched, presented and analysed; conclusions are drawn and recommendations are made Reports may include both information and analytic elements and may be either short or long (Fuss 1999, p 3). Document1 7 2.2.1 Short reports Short reports usually contain the following elements (detailed in sections 7, 8 & 9): A title page An introduction A discussion section with headings A conclusion Recommendations (when required) References Appendices (attachments) if they are useful 2.2.2 Long reports Long reports may include the following (detailed in sections 7, 8 & 9): A title page An abstract A contents page An introduction A discussion section with headings A conclusion Recommendations References and/or bibliography Supporting documents in an appendix or appendices Document1 8 3 Researching Research is searching for information that provides evidence to support the report’s purpose. The characteristics of good research are that it is active, broad, focussed, relevant and authoritative. The number of information sources available is ever increasing and may sometimes appear overwhelming (ed. Brougham & Barrett, 1996 & 1999, p 10). The following points may help: Clarify exactly what you need to know Read the question carefully and make a list of key words (words that describe the subject you are researching) Use the library catalogue to find information in books, journals, CD-ROMS, videos and newspapers Television news, current affairs shows and newspapers are useful sources of information but remember they have an inherent bias, so use them carefully Use the Internet and search engines to access information on the World Wide Web but remember to make sure the source is authoritative. Make use of the TAFE SA Library staff 3.1 Library Resources The TAFE SA Library Tea Tree Gully Campus can support your studies with: Resources Books Video and Audio cassettes CDs Magazines, Newspapers Interlibrary loans Reference Assistance Online catalogue TAFE SA Library catalogues Searching on the Internet Online Databases See Appendix A for RESEARCH DATABASES available to TAFE students Document1 9 4 Referencing Referencing must be used whenever someone else’s views, theories or ideas are used. This includes: Copying (using their figures, tables or structure) Quoting (using their exact words) Paraphrasing (using their same idea in your own words) Summarising (using their main points) (Winckel & Hart 1996, p 14). Referencing not only shows the source of the information and the extent of the research, it also strengthens the report’s credibility and ensures the writer is not guilty of plagiarism. Plagiarism is claiming someone else’s words or ideas as your own (See Appendix C for a copy of the TAFE Plagiarism Policy). The two most common methods of referencing sources are; the Harvard system (sometimes referred to as the author-date system) and numerical systems that use footnotes or endnotes. Business Services students at TAFE should use the Harvard system and this will be the only system discussed in this style guide. ‘The Harvard system is a simple referencing system that provides a minimum of information in the text’ (ed. Brougham & Barrett, 1996 & 1999, p 42) as well as an alphabetically arranged, fully detailed reference list at the end of the report. 4.1 How to reference in the text Whether paraphrasing or quotations are used, references need to be included in the body of the text as well as in the reference list. The Harvard system of referencing requires that in the text, the author’s surname, year of publication and page numbers (if appropriate) are stated. Quoting may be used for impact or if paraphrasing seems inadequate but it should not be overused (ed. Brougham & Barrett, 1996 & 1999, p 41). Paraphrasing is preferable as it aids the flow of writing and is less disjointed for the reader. Document1 10 If a quotation is longer than 30 words, it should be indented from the margins and written in single line spacing, without quotation marks. For example: If you want people to support your reasoning, it is important to tell them where you obtained your information. In particular, numeric data such as statistics or accounting figures need a source of reference. (Cielens & Aquino 1999, p 377) or Cielens and Aquino (1999, p377) tell us that: If you want people to support your reasoning, it is important to tell them where you obtained your information. In particular, numeric data such as statistics or accounting figures need a source of reference. If quotations are shorter than one line they do not need to be indented. They should run on from the main text and be enclosed in single quotation marks. For example: Dwyer (2000, p 222) says the media should be studied critically in order to ‘separate and identify facts from opinions.’ or The media should be studied critically in order to ‘separate and identify facts from opinions’ (Dwyer 2000, p 222) If summarising an author’s ideas or concepts from the whole, or a large portion, of their work, then page numbers are not needed. However, acknowledgement is still necessary. For example: A recent study (Allen 1998) has shown that successful workplace writing……….. or Allen (1998) has shown in her recent study that successful workplace writing….. Document1 11 When there are more than two authors involved, reference to their work should include all their surnames the first time their work is cited (referenced). In all later citations of the same reference, only the surname of the first author and the abbreviation ‘et al’ (meaning and the others) needs to be included. For example: A recent study (Jones, Smith, Brown & White 1994) has shown that…….. The research previously cited by Jones et al (1994) suggest that……. When referring to different authors with the same surname, use their initials or their full name. For example: A recent study (James, C.L. 1996) has shown…. but James. A.B. (2001) claims that.. When the work of one author (primary source) is referred to in another book or article (secondary source), it is necessary to acknowledge both sources. For example, when Tan is the primary sources and Groner is the secondary source: Tan (Groner 1995, p 31) states that…. or Tan’s work in 1978 (cited in Groner 1995, p 31) states that…. or Groner (1995, p 31) in reporting Tan’s study, states that…. When citing several references at the same point, semi-colons should separate the names of the authors, with surnames in alphabetical order. For example: Recent studies (Brown 1992; Brown & Smith 1994; Smith 1990) have shown… Document1 12 When there are two or more publications in the same year by the same author, they should be distinguished by adding an a, b, c and so on. For example: Recent studies by Jones (1994b) and Paris (1997a and c) have shown that…. If an article does not have an author, then either the sponsoring organisation, the newspaper or the title of the article is used. For example: A recent study (Anti-Cancer Foundation of SA 2001) has suggested…. or A recent study (Advertiser 24 May 2000, p 5) has suggested…. or A recent study (Accountants Online, 2001) suggests that…. Some books are compilations of work from various authors and the editor, therefore, becomes significant and needs to be acknowledged. For example: Current articles (ed. Harris 1994) suggest that….. or Current articles edited by Harris (1994) suggest that…. Personal communications also need to be referenced. For example: In an email communication on 3 May 2001, Fred Smith…… or Fred Smith (pers. comm. 3 May 2001) reported that Document1 13 Appendix A provides more examples of both in text referencing and alphabetical reference lists. 4.2 How to compile a reference list The Harvard referencing system requires an alphabetical reference list to be included at the end of the report but before the Appendices (Winckel & Hart 1996, p 18). It lists only those references cited in the text and should not be confused with a bibliography, which also lists other relevant sources that may have been consulted for the report (Dwyer 2000, p 223). The reference list is arranged in alphabetical order of authors’ surnames. If there is no author, arrangement is by alphabetical order of title. The reference list is usually titled ‘References’ and should include the full details of all the sources cited (University of South Australia, February 2000). Appendix B provides extensive examples of how to cite references in a reference list but the following conventions generally apply. For books the order is: Example: Document1 author(s) – surname and initials year of publication title of publication (in italics) edition (if applicable) publisher place of publication Liberty, K. E. & Vallance, T. 1992, Powerful communication, Nelson Wadsworth, Texas. 14 For journals the order is: author(s) – surname and initials year of publication title of article (in single inverted commas) title of journal or periodical (in italics) volume number issue number page number(s) Shoebridge, Neil 1996, ‘What’s hot? Entertainment, that’s what’, Business Review Weekly, vol. 18, no. 42, pp 46-52 Example: For a website: author(s) – surname and initials (sponsoring body or title if author not available) Example: Note: year of publication title of publication (in italics) date of access (in square brackets) URL Brown, H. 1995, Citing Computer References [Online accessed 12 October 1995]. URL: The examples of referencing used in the above two sections are adapted from style guides and books listed in the reference section and from Appendix A Document1 15 5 Structure of the report ‘Each report should maintain the same internal style and structure’ (Winckel & Hart 1996, p 3). In a long piece of writing like a report, readers need as much help as possible in order for them to follow the case being made and to comprehend the overall document. The structure of a report is just as important as the information itself. Well chosen headings will lead the reader through the report so they can easily identify its content and order. The numbering of the headings is important and it is essential that the headings and the material they cover can be found quickly on the contents page of the report. Using the decimal numbering system, Introduction is numbered 1; References have the final number (eg 7). These main headings are known as first level headings, with subheadings known as second or third level headings. Refer to the contents page of this style guide for an example of the decimal numbering of headings. Notice how they conform exactly to the internal headings within this style guide. Document1 16 6 Formatting guidelines Winckel and Hart (1996, pp 3-6) say that consistency should be the main focus for all formatting choices, with the same internal style and structure maintained throughout and they suggest the following formatting guidelines: 6.1 Paper and margins white A4 paper wide margins recommended 6.2 Page numbering the title page should not be numbered all other pages may be numbered in the centre at the bottom of the page or in the bottom right hand corner Roman (lower case) numerals i. ii, iii, iv etc are used to number the front matter (abstract, contents, etc) Arabic numerals 1,2,3,4 etc are used to number the text from the introduction page to the appendices 6.3 Fonts a serif font (eg Times New Roman or Century) is usually chosen for the text of a report – these have been proven easier to read in hard copy different fonts such as sans serif fonts, Arial, Helvetica, Tahoma, etc may be used for headings use the same font throughout the body of the report, only changing fonts for headings 6.4 Type size and style 12 point type is the normal size for the text of a report – nothing less than an 11 point should be used 10 point may be used for long, indented quotations, figures and tables italics, underlining and bold should be avoided in the body of the text – precise words may be sufficient to create the desired emphasis Document1 17 6.5 Headings headings should signpost the reader’s walk through the pages, leading them systematically to the conclusions and recommendations. headings are numbered according to their importance, using the decimal numbering system headings can be differentiated using bold type, different size and type of font (overuse of underling should be avoided) capital letters are for the first letter of the first word in each heading – overuse of capital letters slows reading 6.6 Line spacing and indenting 1.5 or double line spacing is generally used for work submitted for assessment (corporate reports, of course, may differ) extra line spacing (or white space) should be used to separate paragraphs and main headings long quotations may be indented from both the left and right hand margins quotes of less than two lines (or 30 words) in length should be inserted within the text within single inverted commas ensure good visual impact by using plenty of white space and by not overcrowding the page Document1 18 7 Writing the front matter In the long report format, the parts placed before the body of the report are known as the front matter. They consist of the title page, abstract and contents page. There are possible components such as disclaimer, acknowledgments, list of tables, list of figures and letter of transmittal. Always check with lecturers or employers to be sure of what is required as not all of these components will be necessary in every report. The title page is not numbered and the rest of the front matter pages are numbered with roman numerals. 7.1 Title page This identifies the title of the report, the writer’s name and date and it also identifies the name of the person/organisation who authorised or commissioned the report. Refer to the title page of this style guide for an example. 7.2 Abstract The abstract can have many names such as synopsis, summary, preface. In less than 200 words, the abstract should cover: What is the problem? How was it investigated? What did you find out? What do your findings mean? (UNSW Learning Centre Academic Skills Resources) Example Abstract A trailer rig was used to analyse the properties of an undamped system and experiment with a range of instrumentation. [1] [1] Set up procedure [2] Initial findings It was found that two modes of vibration exist, these being longitudinal vibration and rotational. The damping ratio and natural frequency were calculated and are included in this report. The damping was found to be linear. [2] While the experiment was useful it did not closely resemble road conditions. Actual road conditions would result in successive bumps and constant vibration while the wheels rotated the whole time. [3] Finally, it was decided that given cost considerations, the XY plotter provided accurate results and manageable data. [4] (Excerpt from UNSW Learning Centre – Academic skills resources – Report writing) Document1 19 [3] Conclusions [4] Recommendations An abstract is placed on a separate page before the contents page. The page should be numbered with the roman numeral i. Refer to the abstract of this style guide and identify the components listed above. 7.3 Contents The table of contents lists the major and minor sections of the report with the relevant page numbering. Headings must mirror those used in the body of the report. The page should be numbered with the roman numeral ii. Refer to the contents page of this style guide for an example. Document1 20 8 Writing the body of the report The report begins with the Introduction and from then on the pages are numbered with arabic numerals (1, 2, 3 etc). 8.1 Introduction The introduction sets the scene of the report, it identifies for the reader the report’s main task or topic and should cover: the purpose/aim of the report some background information about the topic methods of research scope or limits of the report outline the information that is to follow in the report Example Introduction This document compares a range of instrumentation of varying cost and sophistication and investigates the properties of undamped systems. [1] The natural frequency and damping ratio of these systems will give an indication of their behaviour when ‘excited’. Furthermore, an analysis of the mathematical model as compared to actual road conditions must be completed and equipment suggested for further studies of the trailer. [2] [1] Purpose [2] Aim; part of a major report. Requires an outline of the steps you will take (Excerpt from UNSW Learning Centre – Academic skills resources – Report writing) Read the introduction of this style guide and identify the components listed above. 8.2 Discussion section (or Main Body of Report) The discussion sections of the report expand and develop the material that has been researched. This information needs to be presented in a logical sequence and cover: What you have investigated (and well supported with evidence that is correctly referenced) What you found What interpretations What judgements you have made (UNSW Learning Centre Academic Skills Resources) Document1 21 The headings and subheadings should divide the report into well defined sections. While ‘Introduction’, ‘Conclusion’ and ‘Recommendations’ are appropriate headings, ‘Main body’ or ‘Discussion sections’ should never be used as headings. The addition of visual aids such as figures or tables can be used to provide clear and concise information and communication. The following questions may help in determining the adequacy of the main sections of the report. Does the report achieve appropriate depth in research? Are the findings reasonable and logical? If not, why not? Does the report adequately analyse the information and reach solutions about the issue? 8.3 Conclusion The conclusion should summarise for the reader the main findings of the report and show that the topic has been covered and should: restate the purpose/aim and scope review of the main discussion reiterate the principal/significant points or findings affirm the validity of argument or judgement Read the conclusion of this style guide and identify the components listed above. 8.4 Recommendations What do you recommend as a course of action following your conclusion? Recommendations should flow logically and be presented in clearly listed numbered or bullet points. Recommendations should be: based on the conclusions practical specific well organised, with the most important first Read the recommendations of this style guide and identify the components listed above. Document1 22 9 Final sections The final sections of a long report contain the References and possibly the Appendices. 9.1 Reference list The reference list should appear on a separate page at the end of the report. All sources referred to in the report should be included. The format of the reference list should follow the Harvard system of referencing as outlined in section 4 of this style guide. Refer to the References of this style guide for an example. 9.2 Appendices Appendices are supplements to the text of the report and may include matter which is incidental to the report, supportive of the report, or too long or technical to place in the text. They may include maps, diagrams, letters, questionnaires, etc. Each separate appendix should be lettered Appendix A, Appendix B, Appendix C, etc. (Winckel & Hart 1996, p 13) Document1 23 10 Effective writing techniques Writing effectively is a critical factor in producing a successful report. Good structure, grammar, vocabulary and punctuation are important elements that should not be overlooked. Both audience and purpose need to be carefully considered when planning and writing a report. Winckel & Hart (1996, p 26) point out: When beginning a report, students may find it helpful to plan and write the main sections first. The abstract or summary should be written last as should the conclusion, as these provide an overview of the entire report. It can also be useful to write the Introduction later as it includes an outline of the structure of the whole report. Some further aspects of good technical writing: Make sure the argument is logical and the information is ordered in a logical way for the reader If there is any doubt about facts or conclusions use words like ‘probably’, ‘possibly’, ‘usually’, ‘tends to’, ‘appears to’ and so on Keep sentences clear and relatively simple - complex sentences may contain more grammatical errors The aim of the report is more important than the personality of the writer, so to ensure that the style and tone remain impersonal avoid the use of ‘you’ and ‘I’ – instead of saying ‘I am writing this report to…..’ say ‘The purpose of this report is to…..’ (Le Rossignol 1999, p 156) The aim of the report is more important than the feelings or beliefs of the writer, so opinions expressed need to be solidly supported by facts Visual impact is important, so presentation should be clear and uncluttered with clearly identified headings and sections Use gender neutral language to include both women and men equally Avoid jargon (specialised or pretentious language) and slang Ensure careful editing Check for consistency in presentation Proofread carefully to check errors in spelling, punctuation and numbering Document1 24 11 Conclusion This purpose of this style guide is to enable TAFE SA Business Services Students to produce professional, well organised reports. However, it is not designed to be a rigid set of rules but rather a document that guides students in relation to formatting, referencing and using effective writing techniques. It is important that consistency is maintained throughout a report, especially with numbering and headings and students should use this style guide as a reference to ensure that consistency. Students should always check the specific requirements of each report in order to comply with any preferred in-house style of a workplace organisation, or a particular lecturer. Developing the necessary skills for effective report writing is an important asset for students to attain. With careful planning, writing and editing, students will be able to produce logically structured reports with good visual impact, that successfully communicate accurate, correctly referenced information to the reader. 12 Recommendations In light of the above conclusions and in order for students to produce reports of a high quality that meet the requirements of TAFE SA Business Services, it is recommended that students: Use this style guide as template for producing future reports Aim for good visual impact and readability Always check with employer or lecturer about specific report requirements Maintain consistency throughout a report Acknowledge all sources using the Harvard system of referencing Vigilantly proofread and edit all work ‘Students should remember that excellent content in a report needs to be supported by high quality presentation and an accurate use of technical language.’ (Winckel & Hart 1996, p 32) Document1 25 13 References Allen, J. 1998, Writing in the workplace Allyn & Bacon, Boston USA. Brougham, B.L. & Barrett, S. (ed.) 1996 & 1999, Turning the key: effective learning in business and management studies University of South Australia, Underdale SA. Cielens, M. & Aquino, M. 1999, The business of communicating 4th ed, McGraw Hill, Rosehill NSW. Dwyer, J. 2000, The business communication handbook 5th ed, Prentice Hall, Frenchs Forest NSW. Fuss, E. 1999, Writing better reports TAFESA Institute SA. LeRossignol, K. 1999, Communication skills for the workplace Eastern House, Croydon Vic. Winckel, A & Hart, B 1996, Report writing style guide for engineering students 3rd ed, Faculty of Engineering and the Flexible Learning Centre, University of South Australia, The Levels SA. University of South Australia 2000, Referencing using the Harvard System (authordate) Learning Connection, University of South Australia. Document1 26 Appendix A Research Databases 1. Guide for Searching Australia/New Zealand Reference Centre 2. Emerald Full text 3. Oxford Reference Online TAFE SA Library Tea Tree Gully Campus Ph 8207 8149 Fax 8207 2739 Email: Research Database Information Sheets We encourage students to make use of these databases as they cover a wide range of topics taught on this campus as well as general interest areas. The licences taken out by the TAN Libraries allow us to provide access to staff and students of TAN only. Demonstrations of these databases can be arranged with library staff. Document1 27 Guide for Searching Australia/New Zealand Reference Centre This resource contains complete articles from newspapers, magazines, company information, and reference works – mainly from an A & NZ . Getting Started 1. Enter these details: Password = your 7 digit Student or Staff ID number 2. Click LOGIN 3. Conditions of Use: This resource can only be used for study purposes by TAFE SA – Tea Tree Gully Campus students and staff. You may download and/or print materials only for personal, non-commercial use. Please do not give ID and Password details to anyone else. Taking Control 1. Combine Keywords The database searches keywords as a phrase unless Boolean searches are performed. 1a. Boolean searches – combine keywords by using AND, OR, NOT put keywords into brackets ( ) to show alternatives put inverted commas “ “ around keywords to show an exact phrase – that is, the keywords must be in exactly that order, spelled exactly that way Examples: (child or infant) and development accountancy and Australia and (standards or principles) cats not dogs "children's literature" and "role model" “customer service” and retail* 1b. Wildcards and Truncation – ? is a wildcard, which causes this database to search for variations on the internal spelling of a keyword Example: wom?n articles with the keywords woman, women * is a truncation symbol, which causes this database to search for variations on the endings of a keyword Examples: comput* computer, computers, computerise, computerize, computing retail* retail, retailing, retailer Document1 28 2. Limit (decrease) Your Search On the Basic Search and the Advanced Search pages, select Full Text (brings you the complete article – every word, rather than a summary) Note: this is a bit hit-and-miss; sometimes you’ll still get just a summary/abstract select Published Date from the drop-down menus – enter the Yr as either 2 or 4 digits Examples: 05 or 2005 too many hits? In your Results List, click the type of publication you prefer Examples: AU/NZ Magazines – or – International Newspapers to search a particular publication, click the Publications tab (top of the screen) > Browse Publications > type in the publication you want OR use the alphabet list Note: you can add more than 1 publication at the same time to search a particular author, click the Indexes tab (top of the screen) > Browse an Index > Author > type in the author’s last name Note: you can add more than 1 author at the same time 3. Expand (increase) Your Search On the Basic Search and the Advanced Search pages, select Also Search for Related Words (looks for keywords which mean much the same as the keywords you type into the search box) select Also Search within the Full Text of the Articles (looks for your keywords in every part of an article) select Automatically “And” Search Terms Note: This is a bit hit-and-miss! If you don’t get any results, put the word AND between your keywords and try the search again. 4. Select Keywords To ensure that your keywords match those favoured by this database, in the top menu bar, select Indexes tab > Browse an Index > Subject Terms enter a keyword in the Browse box, then click Browse Example: occupational health put a √ in the box next to 1 or more terms > ADD when the selected terms appear in the Find box, either hit Search OR add other search terms > hit Search Document1 29 Find Images To search for photos, drawings, etc., select Images tab in the top menu bar enter your keywords select type of image Examples: Photos of People, Maps If the type of image you need is not in Images, work through Basic or Advanced Search from the results list, select items labelled PDF Full Text or Full Page Image. NOTE: due to copyright restrictions, there may be few images from newspapers Saving and Sending 1. Use a Folder At any time, you can select the Folder icon and add an article or image to your personal folder within this database. You can then choose to save, print, or email that item. 2. Open an Item From the results list, click the hyperlinked title or medium Examples: PDF full text, HTML full text 3. Print, Save, e-Mail Use the icons to do these tasks. Remember! give credit-where-credit-is-due by making a bibliography for your assignments Example: > Libraries > LILI (select Evaluate and Cite Your Sources > “Giving Credit”) use the material in ANZ Reference Centre only for study purposes Guide: Australian Copyright Council Website (Publications > Information Sheets > “Research or Study”) Logging Off Select Exit button on the top menu bar. Document1 30 Emerald Full text Username: tafesanorth Password: libraries TAFESA Libraries have subscribed to the Emerald Full Text database. Students and staff of the Adelaide North Libraries can access the database at no cost. Emerald Full Text provides: 42,000 searchable articles from more than 100 Emerald journals Subjects covered include Management, Human Resource Management, Marketing, Information Science, Mechanical Engineering, Electronic and Electrical Engineering Online archive back to 1989 Key journals include: European Journal of marketing, Management Decision, International Journal of Operations & Production Management To access Emerald Full Text: Go to: Click on: Login (top left hand corner of the screen) Log in as: Username: tafesanorth Password: libraries TAFESA Regency Campus name will appear under the Login tab. Ignore the second login prompt after seeing Regency Campus name appear. Click on either: Quick Search or Advanced Search o Search for: (eg. Change management) Advanced Search will allow you to refine and limit your searching o Tick the Phrase box o Search in Article title o Tick Within my subscribed Content o Limit your search to: Items Published between (eg. 2004 and 2005) Select from your search results to view either an abstract or full text Document1 31 Oxford Reference Online Looking for a treasure chest of free resources? Visit Oxford Reference Online! This site is user-friendly, because: you can access it from any computer – any where – at any time it’s easy to navigate. Oxford Ref includes these resources: Timelines World Flags Encyclopaedia Maps & Illustrations Quotations Bilingual Dictionaries English Language Reference Oxford Companion to Australian History. All at your fingertips – via Quick Search box, Advanced Search box, Subject Reference list, and topic tabs. User ID = tafeorp Password = reference NOTE: Due to TAFE SA’s licensing agreements with copyright holders, please do not give ID and Password details to persons not enrolled with or employed by a TAFE SA campus. All material in Oxford Ref is copyright use for study purposes only. Document1 32 Appendix B Referencing using the Harvard System (author-date) Document1 33 Learning Connection—Learning Guide Referencing using the Harvard style (author-date system) What is referencing? Why should you reference? Which referencing system should you use? References in the text of your assignment Examples of in-text references Reference lists Keeping bibliographic details How do you arrange the list alphabetically? What is a bibliography? Examples for a reference list Should you paraphrase or use quotations? An essay extract Further reading More on referencing What is referencing? When you write an assignment at university, you are usually required to refer to the work of other authors. Each time you do so, it is necessary to identify their work by making reference to it—both in the text of your assignment (called ‘in-text’ referencing) and in a list at the end of your assignment (called a ‘Reference List’ or ‘end-text’ referencing). This practice of acknowledging authors is known as ‘referencing’. References must be provided whenever you use someone else’s opinions, theories, data or organisation of material. You need to reference information from books, articles, videos, computers and other print or electronic sources. A reference is required if you: paraphrase (use their idea in your own words) summarise (use a brief account of their ideas) quote (use someone else’s exact words) copy (use their figures, tables or structure) Why should you reference? References enhance your writing and assist your reader by: showing the breadth of your research strengthening your academic argument showing the reader the source of your information allowing the reader to consult your sources independently allowing the reader to verify your data. By using references appropriately, you will avoid plagiarism, which is wrongfully claiming someone else’s words or ideas as your own. Visit the UniSA website for more information on plagiarism <>. Document1 34 Which referencing style should you use? There are a number of different referencing styles used in academic writing. The two most common types are: 1 author-date styles, such as the Harvard style or the APA (American Psychological Association) style 2 numerical styles, such as the Chicago or Turabian style, footnotes or endnote style. It is important that you choose only one referencing style for an assignment and maintain consistency with all the details required by the style. If your course requires the use of a particular style (for instance, psychology students may be required to use the APA referencing style, and some engineering students may have to use endnotes), you should follow the style specified for your course. Check any specific requirements in the course handout materials or with your lecturer. What is provided here is the Harvard style based on the 2002 Style Manual 6th edn (in press). There are two parts to the Harvard style of referencing: 1 the author and date in the text/main body 2 all the details in the reference list at the end. In-text referencing: References in the text of your assignment When you cite (identify) references in the text of your assignment—regardless of whether you paraphrase, summarise, quote or copy —you should include: the author’s surname (family name) (or name of editor or organisation responsible) the year of publication (latest edition or when site was last reviewed) page numbers if appropriate and where available. There are two ways of citing references. One way of citing references gives prominence to the information, with all the required referencing details in parentheses: It has been argued that the relative seriousness of the two kinds of errors differs from situation to situation (Smith 2001, p. 45). The other way of citing gives prominence to the author by using the author’s name as part of your sentence, with the date and page number in parentheses (round brackets): Smith (2001, p. 45) has argued that the relative seriousness of the two kinds of errors differs from situation to situation. You need to check to see if page numbers are necessary. Page numbers are necessary when you paraphrase or summarise an idea from a particular page, when you directly quote a passage, or when you copy tables or figures: A recent study (Jones & Chan 1996, p. 2) has shown that more students stay in school if unemployment increases. Page numbers are not necessary when you paraphrase or summarise ideas which come from a larger portion of an author’s work: A recent study (Jones & Chan 1996) has shown a series of outcomes which result from economic hardship in the community. Document1 35 Examples of in-text references The following examples show how to reference different sorts of publications in your text. Two or three authors Multiple authors, first in-text reference Multiple authors, subsequent in-text reference Several sources Different authors, same surname Author cited in another work Multiple works by same author Multiple works by same author in same year Author for a web site No author, but sponsoring body No author, but newspaper article Editor is significant No date of publication or unpublished work Personal communication Document1 A recent study (Lim, Thompson & King 1998, p. 27) found ... or ... Lim, Thompson and King (1998) found ... [use an ampersand (&) within the parentheses; use ‘and’ in your sentence] A recent study (Boyd, Tan, Goers & Matthews 2001) has indicated ... or ... Boyd, Tan, Goers and Matthews (2001) have indicated ... A recent study (Boyd et al. 2001) has indicated ... or ... Boyd et al. (2001) have indicated ... [‘et al.’ is an abbreviation of the Latin phrase ‘et alii’ and means ‘and others’] Jones and Chan (1997), Kuwelesky (2000) and Lim (1996) all agree ... or ... Recent studies (Jones & Chan 1997; Kuwelesky 2000; Lim 1996) agree ... [names of first authors are in alphabetical order separated by commas when in your sentence; but separated by semicolons when in parentheses] The theory was first suggested in 1970 (Jones, CL 1971), but since then many researchers, including AG Jones (1993), have rejected the idea. [differentiate between authors with the same surname by using initials] Marini (Tan 2001, p. 71) stated that ... or ... Marini’s study in 1975 (cited in Tan 2001, p. 71) stated that ... or ... Tan (2001, p. 71), in reporting Marini’s study, states ... [Marini is the primary reference contained in a book by Tan] University research (Smith 1992, 1998) has indicated ... In recent reports (Nguyen 1998, 1999a, 1999b) ... or ... Ideas by Nguyen (1999b) were implemented ... [add a, b, c etc. to differentiate between works by the same author in the same year] Thomas (1997) summarises principles of … The CSIRO (2002)website <**** > provides details of the program ... A recent study (The Advertiser 24 Jan. 2000, p. 5) ... or ... A recent study (Population Projections 2000) shows ... [cite the newspaper or the title] Current articles (ed. Harris 2000) all point to ... or ... Current essays edited by Harris (2000) suggest ... Lewis (n.d.) began the study ... or ... The study was pursued (Lewis n.d.) ... or ... James (unpub.) argues... [‘n.d.’ means ‘no date’; ‘unpub.’ means ‘unpublished’] In a telephone conversation on 17 July 2001, Dr Lim ... or... Evidence given (Lim, H 2001, pers. comm., 17 July) ... or ... In an email communication on 3 May 2000, Kate Jones ... [note that personal communications are not usually included in the reference list] 36 Reference lists The reference list is arranged alphabetically and placed at the end of your assignment. It includes full details of all the sources (except for personal communications) which you cited in the text of your assignment. The reference list is usually titled ‘References’. Note that while this Learning Guide gives examples of referencing under headings according to the type of publication, the reference list does not do this. It simply lists—in alphabetical order—all the references. One purpose of the reference list is to enable your reader to consult your sources, so you need to include all the information needed for someone else to locate that item. Remember to be consistent with the elements included, the order of the details and the punctuation (e.g. use capitals letters for key words in title of a book or a journal). The order of elements in books, journal articles and electronic sources are listed below to demonstrate appropriate punctuation. For a book, the following elements should be presented in this order: author’s surname(s) and initials (or the full given name) year of publication title of book (in italics or underlined) publisher place of publication. Escritt, S 2000, Art Nouveau, Phaidon, London. For a journal article, the following elements should be presented in this order: author’s surname(s) and initials (or full given name) year of publication title of article (in single quotation marks) title of journal or periodical (in italics or underlined) volume number (if applicable) issue number or other identifier (if applicable) page number(s). Hilton, GM, Ruxton, GD, Furness, RW & Houston, DC 2000, ‘Optimal digestion strategies in seabirds: A modelling approach’, Evolutionary Ecology Research, vol. 2, no. 2, pp. 207-230. For an electronic source, the following elements may be presented (note: the order and elements vary according to the type of source): author – the person or organisation responsible for the source date of publication title type of medium (e.g. [online] or [CD-ROM], except for Internet source) edition place of publication publisher Document1 37 date of update/revision date of viewing location (may include: a host document; availability and access number) notes Thomas, S 1997, ‘Guide to Personal Efficiency’, Adelaide University, viewed 14 Nov. 2001, < perseff.html >. Keeping bibliographic details As you find information and consult references, write down all appropriate details needed to locate that source. It is well worth getting into the habit of jotting down these details as having to backtrack for bibliographic information is time consuming, especially when deadlines are looming. Recording the necessary details can be made easier by setting up a form, similar to the suggestion in Figure 1. You may want to set up such a form on A4 which you can then photocopy in bulk or create an electronic template, so you can record the details as you work. Author’s name and Initials (or name of editor or institution) Year of publication Title Edition Chapter or article title Volume and Number (for journals) Publisher Place of Publication Page numbers Location of item (eg, local or Uni library, Internet) Catalogue/call number Key words Summary of contents Comments Figure 1 A suggested form to record bibliographic details Document1 38 How do you arrange the list alphabetically? The reference list is arranged in alphabetical order of authors’ surnames. Do not separate references by type of publication. If a reference has no author, list it alphabetically according to the title (ignoring the words ‘A’ and ‘The’ at the beginning of a title), if the source has been sponsored by an institution or organisation, list the sponsoring body. If there are two or more references by the same author then list them in order of publication date with the oldest work first. If references by the same author have been published in the same year, then list them alphabetically by title and add the letter ‘a’ after the first date, ‘b’ after the second date and so on (e.g. 1993a, 1993b). What is a bibliography? The reference list only includes sources cited in the text of your assignment. You may also be required to complete a bibliography. A bibliography uses the same format as a reference list but it includes all material used in the preparation of your assignment. In other words, a bibliography will repeat everything in your reference list and include all other sources which you read or consulted but did not cite. Beware, because some lecturers may use the terms ‘bibliography’ and ‘reference list’ interchangeably. Make sure you are clear about what is required. Examples for referencing list The following list provides examples of various publications and how each type would appear in a reference list or bibliography. In some cases acceptable variants of a reference are given together. When you compile your reference list, remember to arrange all items alphabetically—do not sort them by type of publication. Document1 39 Books Single author Multiple authors No author, 2nd or later edition Edited work, editor’s role not paramount Edited work, editor’s role significant Chapter in an edited book One volume of multi-volume work Work sponsored by institution, corporation or other organisation Document1 Derham, F 2001, Art for the child under seven, 7th edn, Australian Early Childhood Association, Watson, ACT. Escritt, S 2000, Art nouveau, Phaidon, London. Abiteboul, S, Buneman, D & Suciu, D 1999, Data on the web: from relations to semistructured data and XML, Morgan Kaufmann, San Francisco. Bierwirth, PN & Walsh, WD 2000, Delineation of recharge beds in the Great Artesian Basin using airborne gamma-radiometrics and satellite remote sensing, Bureau of Rural Sciences, Kingston, ACT. Guelich, S, Gundavaram, S & Birznieks, G 2000, 2nd edn, CGI programming with Perl, O'Reilly, Cambridge. Networking essentials plus, 2000, 3rd edn, Microsoft Press, Redmond, Washington. Population and environment in arid regions 2001, eds. J Clarke & D Noin, Parthenon, Paris. Singapore 2001, ed. G Rodan, Ashgate, Aldershot. Walpole, M & Evans, C (eds) 2001, Tax administration in the 21st century, Prospect Media, St Leonards, NSW. Weiss, RE, Knowlton, BW & Speck, BW (eds) 2000, Principles of effective teaching in the online classroom, Jossey-Bass, San Francisco. Brookfield, S 1996, ‘Through the lens of learning: how experiencing difficult learning challenges and changes assumptions about teaching’ in To Improve the Academy, vol. 15, ed. L Richlin, New Forums Press, Stillwater, pp. 3-15. Sugden, P 2001, ‘Trade marks and domain names’ in Electronic commerce and the law, eds. J Forder, & P Quirk, John Wiley and Sons, Milton, Qld., pp.198-226. Einax, J (ed) 1995, Chemometrics in environmental chemistry : applications, vol. 2, Handbook of environmental chemistry, Springer, Berlin. Limburg, KE & Swaney, D 2001, ‘River ecosystems’ vol.5, Encyclopedia of biodiversity, ed. SA Levin, Academic Press, San Diego, California. Deni Green Consulting Services, 2001, Capital idea: realising value from environmental and social performance, Deni Greene Consulting Services, North Carlton, Victoria. Graduate Careers Council of Australia, 2000, Graduate opportunities, Trotman Australia, Sydney. 40 Journal articles Single author O'Hara, MJ 2000, ‘Flood basalts, basalt floods or topless bushvelds? Lunar petrogenesis revisited’, Journal of Petrology, vol. 41, no. 11, pp. 1545-1651. Wood, R 2000, ‘Novel paleoecology of a postextinction reef: Famennian (Late Devonian) of the Canning Basin northwestern Australia’, Geology, vol. 28, no. 11, pp. 987-990. No author ‘Building human resources instead of landfills’, 2000, Biocycle, vol. 41, no. 12, pp. 28-29. Multiple authors Hilton, GM, Ruxton, GD, Furness, RW & Houston, DC 2000, ‘Optimal digestion strategies in seabirds: A modelling approach’, Evolutionary Ecology Research, vol. 2, no. 2, pp. 207-230. Mercier, F, Cormier, F, Fichelle, JM, Duarte, F & Cormier, JM 2000, ‘Iliac venous obstruction: surgical reconstruction’, Phlebology, vol. 15, no. 3-4, pp. 144148. From a book of Readings provided by the University No volume or number Watson, I 1993, ‘Has Mabo turned the tide for justice?’, Social Alternatives, vol. 12, no. 2, pp. 5-8, in Contemporary Aboriginal Issues Readings, University of South Australia, Adelaide. German AL & Bartolo AM 2001, ‘'Science and information literacy on the Internet: Using the standards created by the Association of College and Research Libraries and Project 2001 to create a science web page evaluation tool’, Crossing the Divide, Nov., pp. 33-44. Specialised sources Hills, QG 2000, ‘Relative timing of deformation, metamorphism and Conference paper mineralisation within the Willyama Complex, New South Wales’ in Proceedings of the 14th Victorian Universities Earth Sciences Conference, Geological Society of Australia, Melbourne, pp. 38-42. Government periodical Government report (common title can also be added) Standards Patent Newspaper article Document1 Australian Bureau of Statistics, 2001, Catalogue of publications and products, ABS, Canberra. Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission, 1997, Bringing them home: report of the National Inquiry into the Separation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Children from their Families, (R. Wilson, Commissioner), Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission, Sydney. Stolen children report. See Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission 1997. East Timor in transition 1998-2000: an Australian policy challenge, 2001, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Canberra. Australia New Zealand Food Authority, 2001, Safe food Australia: a guide to the food safety standards, 2nd edn, Australia New Zealand Food Authority, Canberra. Standards Association of Australia, 1996, Colour Standards for general purposes – Chocolate (AS 2700S-1996 (X64)), Standards Australia, North Sydney. Tadayuki, O, Kazuhisa, Y & Atsushi, N 1999, Hard butter composition and its production, Japanese Patent 99-78710. Yoshinori, M, Takuya, I, Shuji, W & Yasuyoshi, K (Morinaga and Co., Japan), 2001, Chocolate chips containing mixed triglycerides for bakery products, Japanese Patent 2001269121. Advertiser 23 Oct. 2001, ‘Federal Election: New Chipp in politics’, p. 10. Chamberlain, P 2001, ‘The politics of law’, Herald Sun, 23 Oct., p. 34. 41 Pamphlet Video, television recording Microfiche Audio cassette Personal communications Online resources, publications, training, 2001, Australian Copyright Council, Sep., Redfern NSW. Graduate Qualities, 2001, Flexible Learning Centre, University of South Australia, Adelaide. ABC for kids: Bumper collection (video recording), 1999, Australian Broadcasting Corporation, Sydney. Selling Australia (video recording), 2001, Film Australia, Sydney. They did it their way (video recording), 1998, BBC for The Open University. Ball, K, Lee, YH, Phan, O & Ra, YS 2001, Adult Retraining and Reskilling in Australia and South Korea, National Centre for Vocational Education Research, Leabrook (Australia) & Korea Research Institute for Vocational Education and Training (Seoul), ERIC microfiche ED451368. Topping, K 2001, Peer and Parent-Assisted Learning in Maths, Science and ICT, Scottish Council for Research in Education, Edinburgh, ERIC microfiche, ED452092. War Of The Worlds 1999, Mercury Theatre On The Air, Audio CD (Oct. 12, 1999) Radio Spirits; ASIN: B00002R145 Personal communications, such as conversations, letters and personal email messages, are not usually included in a reference list. Unpublished material (Note: No quotation marks are used for the title.) Brand, D 2000, Tourism planning for the Encounter Coast, B. Regional and Urban Thesis Planning, Hons thesis, University of South Australia. Pope, JJ 1996, The nature and origin of magnetite-rich zones in the Mount Fort Constantine Volcanics, adjacent to the Ernest Henry Cu-Au-Co deposit, NW Queensland, MSc thesis, University of Leicester. Son, M 2000, Design and fabrication of a miniaturised flow injection analysis system - and its application to the analysis of glucose and other analytes, PhD thesis, University of South Australia. Unpublished report Unpublished conference paper Document1 Janz, JK 1993, Orroroo bedrock drilling 1993, South Australian Department of Mines & Energy, Unpublished Report RB 93/042. Griffith, JK 1999, The Scleractinian Corals Collected During October 1998 at the Dampier Archipelago, Museum of WA, Unpublished report. Sinclair, Knight & Merz, 1999, Video Transect Analysis of Subtidal Habitats in the Dampier Archipelago, Museum of WA, Unpublished report. Bundy, Alan 2001, Better library services for Australians won't just happen, paper presented at Alia SEQ Public Librarians advocacy seminar, Brisbane, 24 Oct. Wolff, L 2000, Corporate Compliance and Human Rights in Japan, paper delivered at the Australasian Law Teachers' Association Conference, University of Canberra, 2-5 Jul. 42 Electronic materials Journal article on Carpenter, VL & Feroz, EH 2001, ‘Institutional theory and accounting rule choice: an analysis of four US state governments' decisions to adopt generally accepted electronic accounting principles’, Accounting, Organizations and Society, vol. 26, no. 7-8, pp. 565-596, viewed 26 Nov. 2001, Available from Science Direct. database Oss, ME & Mackie, JJ 2001, ‘Technology for Market Survival’, Behavioural Health Management, vol. 21, no. 1, pp. 20-5, viewed 26 Nov. 2001, Academic Search Elite: EBSCOhost. AN 4158374. Sagheer, U, Kielmann, AA, Mumtaz, Z & Shahab, S 2000, ‘Cost of establishing and maintaining a bed in a tertiary care hospital in Pakistan’, Leadership in Health Services, vol. 13, no. 2, pp. i-vi, viewed 26 Oct. 2001, Available from Emerald Fulltext. Journal article from an electronic journal Document on World Wide Web (Internet) Electronic book (ebook) Sharma, S, Rafailovich, MH, Peiffer, D & Sokolov, J 2001, ‘Control of Dewetting Dynamics by Adding Nanoparticle Fillers’, Nano Letters, vol 1, no. 10, pp. 511-514, viewed 14 Nov. 2001, American Chemical Society, Available from Internet <>. desJardins, M 1998, ‘How to Succeed in Postgraduate Study’, Applied Ecology Research Group, University of Canberra, viewed 26 April 2001, <>. Thomas, S 1997, ‘Guide to Personal Efficiency’, Adelaide University, viewed 14 Nov. 2001, < perseff.html >. Fisher, S 1995, Nursing Wounds, Rutgers University Press, New Brunswick, viewed 9 Nov. 2001, Available from NetLibrary <>. Trochim, WM 2000, The Research Methods Knowledge Base, 2nd edn., updated 2 Aug. 2000, viewed 14 Nov. 2001, Available from Internet <>. Discussion lists, newsgroups Harnad, S 1992, ‘Post-Gutenberg galaxy: The fourth revolution in the means of production of knowledge’, in Directory of Electronic Journals, Newsletters and Academic Discussion Lists, 2nd edn. [online], viewed 27 Dec. 1995, Available email: LISTSERV@UOTTAWA Message: Get EJOURNL1 DIRECTORY. Alcohol and Drug Studies, 1998, [online], viewed 15 Sept. 1999, Available email: ALCO-L@LMUACAU.BITNET. Journal article on CD-ROM Computer program Girotti, TB, Tweed, NB & Houser, NR 1990, ‘Realtime var control by SCADA’, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems [CD-ROM] vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 61-64. Available: UMI File: IPO (IEEE/IEE Publications Ondisc), Item: 3631953. Document1 MathWorks, 2001, MATLAB [CD-ROM], ver. 6, rel 12, [Computer program]. Available Distributor: The MathWorks Inc., 24 Prime Park Way, Natick, MA, 01760-1500, USA. 43 Should you paraphrase or use quotations? No matter whether you use quotations or paraphrase another’s words, you will always need to give references—both in the text and in the reference list. It is preferable that you paraphrase (putting ideas in your own words) as too many quotations (using the exact words) can lead to a poorly written assignment stringing together a series of quotations taken out of context. If you do use quotations, use them sparingly, select them carefully, use them in context, integrate them into your text and reproduce them exactly (including the words, spelling punctuation, capitalisation and paragraphing). The word ‘sic’ (meaning ‘so’ or ‘thus’) can be inserted in square brackets after a spelling mistake or sexist language to indicate that it is the original mistake of the author (eg ‘This was a comonly [sic] held view’). Use of a quotation is justified if: misinterpretation would result from a change to the words a major argument needs to be recorded as evidence it is important to comment on, refute or analyse the ideas expressed you need to make use of a particularly elegant or forceful phrase. Short quotations (shorter than 30 words or two lines) should be incorporated into your sentence ‘without disrupting the flow of your paragraph’ (Winckel 1995, p. 7). Use single quotation marks, and put the full stop outside the reference. Long quotations (more than 30 words or two lines) should be introduced in your own words, begin on a new line and be fully indented from the left margin. A smaller type size is also often used. Quotation marks are not used for longer quotes, as the indentation already shows that it is a quote. A smaller type size may be used. The full stop will be after the last sentence of the quotation and before the author-date reference. (Winckel 1995, p. 8) See the following essay extract for examples of usage. An essay extract (from an essay in response to a question about Australian values)* ... A recent study (Mackay 1993) has found that Australians are suffering from widespread feelings of angst in the 1990s. Mackay (1993, p. 17) argues that this so-called 'Big Angst' is the result of the fact that Australians are living in an 'Age of Redefinition'. Everything from personal relationships to economic realities is in a state of change, unprecedented in the history of Australia. Angst can be defined as: 'anxiety; feeling of guilt or remorse' (The Australian Concise Oxford Dictionary 1987, p. 36). It has been suggested that in an attempt to overcome their anxiety, Australians have developed: an emerging interest in values, vision, meaning and purpose [ which] is the common characteristic of societi es facing the end of a chronological era ... each new decade is approached as if it holds som e new promis e. (Mackay 1993, p. 231) The National Government's recent Cultural Policy also associates the attention given to shared values with the level of stress in the country. The preamble to the policy states that Australia is at a critical moment of history where traditional values are in flux, and where Australians are 'engaged in cultural activities that are helping to re-invent the national identity' (Commonwealth of Australia 1994). Half a century ago during the second world war, Vance Palmer (cited in Document1 44 When paraphrasing: always identify author and date When quoting: identify the author, date and page no. (p.=page; pp.=pages) No author: use title instead Long quotations are indented Square brackets: show a word(s) has been added Ellipsis (…) shows a word has been omitted Internet documents: have no page numbers Primary reference (Palmer) Horne 1964, p. 240) questioned whether Australians had any common sense of purpose. More recent sociological studies have tried to identify the common values which exist in Australian society (Horne 1964; Mackay 1993, 1995b; Overduin & Fleming 1980). It is interesting to note that these studies also identify the stresses facing the nation. Overduin and Fleming (1980, p. 11) describe the 1970s as 'a decade of considerable social change', as do Horne (1964) and Mackay (1993) for the 1960s and 1980s respectively. These findings are not surprising if one assumes that change will be a major feature of any period of history. Mackay (1995a) has gone on to suggest that the rate of change in the last decade has caused young people to be reluctant about making commitments ... read about in a secondary reference (Horne) Several sources cited at once Two authors of one book References No author The Australian Concise Oxford Dictionary 1987, ed. G. W. Turner, Oxford University Press, Melbourne. Commonwealth of Australia 1994, Creative Nation: Commonwealth Cultural Policy, October 1994 [Online], viewed 15 Jan. 1996, <> Horne, D 1964, The Lucky Country: Australia in the Sixties, Penguin Books, Ringwood, Victoria. Mackay, H 1993, Reinventing Australia: The Mind and Mood of Australia in the 90s, Angus and Robertson, Sydney. Mackay, H 1995a, 'My generation', Weekend Australian, 5–6 Aug., Weekend Review, pp. 1–2. Mackay, H 1995b, 'Poll position in reverse', Weekend Australian, 18–19 Mar., Weekend Review, p. 4. Overduin, D & Fleming, J 1980, Wake Up, Lucky Country! Lutheran Publishing House, Adelaide. Original thought of writer Second work by same author in the same year Online electronic document Book with subtitle Same author placed chronologically Newspaper article Same author, same year Book with two authors This essay extract deliberately uses a large amount of referencing to show a range of examples Further reading Lester, JD 1993, Writing Research Papers: A Complete Guide, 7th edn, Harper Collins, New York. Li, X & Crane, NB 1993, Electronic Style: A Guide to Citing Electronic Information, Meckler, London. Purchase, S 1998, The Little Book of Style, AusInfo, Department of Finance and Administration, Canberra. Style Manual for authors, editors and printers 2002 (in press), 6th edn, John Wiley & Sons Australia, Brisbane. Winckel, A & Hart, B 1996, Report Writing Style Guide for Engineering Students, 3rd edn, University of South Australia, Adelaide. More on referencing For more detailed information about referencing including the requirements of different styles, see the Referencing Resources website <>. Learning guides This is one of a series of guides on aspects of learning at the University of South Australia prepared by staff from Learning Connection. Other guides can be accessed at ng/index.htm For further information Talk to your course coordinator or assigned tutor. Visit Learning Connection on your campus or online at Document1 45 Appendix C TAFESA Tea Tree Gully Campus Cheating & Plagiarism Policy Document1 46 Cheating and Plagiarism What is Plagiarism? Plagiarism is: Using any part of another person’s work without proper acknowledgement (i.e. without referencing) Using key ideas without acknowledgement (i.e. without referencing) even if you do not use the direct words of the original Plagiarism can occur with both printed media (eg, books, newspapers, magazines, brochures, etc) and electronic media (eg, the Internet, video, audio tapes, etc). Plagiarism is one form of cheating. What is Cheating? In a study environment, cheating means to act dishonestly in any way so that the assessor of the work accepts what you present as genuinely representing your understanding of, and ability in, the subject concerned. It is cheating to: Use notes or other resources without permission during formal testing Hand in someone else’s work as your own (with or without that person’s permission) Hand in a completely duplicated assignment. Take work without the author’s knowledge. Allow someone else to hand up your work as their own Have several people write one computer program or exercise and hand up multiple copies, all represented (implicitly or explicitly) as individual work Use any part of someone else’s work without the proper acknowledgement Steal an examination or solution from a lecturer. It is not cheating to: Discuss assignments with lecturers or other students to understand what is being asked for Hand in work done alone or with the help of staff Get help to correct minor errors in spelling, grammar or syntax (sentence construction) Discuss assignment requirements and course materials so that you can better understand the subject. This is, in fact, permitted and encouraged. Submit one assignment from a group of students where this is explicitly permitted or required Use other people’s ideas where they are acknowledged in the appropriate way (i.e., referenced by the use of footnotes, end notes or the Harvard system of referencing) Note that the integrity of a group project is the joint responsibility of all members of the group. Therefore if cheating of any type is found in a group project, all members of the group will be held responsible and will be subject to the disciplinary processes. Document1 47 What Penalties apply? TAFESA will not condone cheating and plagiarism under any circumstances. Where cheating is suspected, the lecturer will investigate to establish evidence to support the suspicion. If there is no clear evidence available no further action will follow. Where there is evidence to support the suspicion, the lecturer will notify the Educational Manager and set out the concerns to the student in writing, requesting a time to discuss the matter. The student will be provided an opportunity to counter the allegations made. Once information from the student has been provided, the lecturer may decide: That it is a minor or unintentional offence and require the student to undergo an alternative form of assessment, eg a viva (a short oral assessment which may involve talking about the work or questioning). The penalty in this case will be the recording of the lowest level of competency or pass for all the learning outcomes being assessed. That it is a serious offence. The penalty will be failure in the module. Repeated offences of cheating – minor or serious – will result in failure of the module plus a record on the student’s file, together with the reason. All penalties will be advised to the student in writing. What if I don’t agree with the decision? In the event that a student is accused of cheating and a penalty imposed, any student who believes that the accusation is unjust has the right to appeal against the charge of cheating. This appeal must be lodged in writing with the Educational Manager of the program, within one week of the imposition of the penalty. The appeal may be lodged against any or all of the following: the process the decision the penalty The appeal will be investigated and a decision will be advised to you within a week of the appeal. ©TAFESA (Tea Tree Gully Campus) Plagiarism Policy This information is correct at time of printing - January 2005 Document1 48