China Travel Brochure Rubric

Medieval China Travel Brochure!!!
(In-class project!)
Name: __________________________________________ Period:____ Date: ___________
It is the 1100’s in China…the Song Dynasty rules China! The mighty and
heavenly Emperor of all China, Emperor Hui Zhong, is seeking to bring new
trade goods, and more importantly, people from other countries to trade with,
to China. He has asked you to develop a travel brochure to send to all of the
lesser countries of the world to demonstrate China’s power and beautiful
landscapes and culture. Why? To bring people to the Empire! So, your job as
the Imperial Tourist Company is to design a beautiful and informative travel
brochure that shows all of the many things China has to offer a traveler from
far away!
 You will design a travel brochure with six sections. Each section will
contain a picture of some kind, hand drawn and colored, information
about whatever it is you have chosen to put in that section, and captions
for the pictures.
 What sections should you have? Fold your paper into a tri-fold so that
there are three sections per side. Each section will contain your pictures
and information!
- Section 1: Your Front cover. The cover should have a title, or a
slogan (example: Come visit China, home of the Song Dynasty!), an
illustration, your name, class, class period and my name! NEATNESS
- Section 2: Geography. What are the main geographical features?
Mountains? Rivers? Deserts? Include at least five things and tell why
they are important to China! NEATNESS COUNTS!!!
- Section 3 and 4: Culture: Here you can talk about anything to do
with Chinese culture during the Song Period (the period we covered in
class, with inventions, etc.) You could discuss traditions, clothing,
holidays, etc. Pick TWO items of interest to you, draw two pictures and
give them captions explaining what they have to do with Chinese
- Section 5 and 6: Sites to Visit: Here is where you list any important
landmarks, places, or historical sites that people may want to visit. Pick
TWO places of interest to you, draw two pictures and give them
captions explaining why they would be of interest to a visitor!
For ideas on what things to research, here are lists:
Chinese culture: Silk, porcelain, jade figures, dragon festival, paper money,
gunpowder, Buddhism, woodblock printing, dragon backbone pump,
compass, celadon, paintings, poetry…(if you find something else, talk to Mr.
Sites to Visit: Great Wall, Grand Canal, Forbidden City, Chang’an. (Extra
credit for doing any one of the following!) : Liuhe Pagoda, the Goddess
Temple in Taiyuan, Bianjing Gates, Yunyan Pagoda, Buddhist Temples …(if
you find something else, talk to Mr. P!)
Project Rubric
Brochure is six-sided
Points Possible
Title, name, class period, class
(World History), my name
Cover illustration, drawn and
Side 1
- appropriate content
- followed directions
- design (color, graphics)
Side 2
- appropriate content
- followed directions
- design (color, graphics)
Side 3
- appropriate content
- followed directions
- design (color, graphics)
Side 4
- appropriate content
- followed directions
- design (color, graphics)
Side 5
- appropriate content
- followed directions
- design (color, graphics)
Side 6
- appropriate content
- followed directions
- design (color, graphics)
Spelling, punctuation, complete
Total Points Possible:
Points Earned