Center for Neighborhood Technology Green Values National Stormwater Management Calculator CivilStorm EPA National Stormwater Calculator EPA SWMM HydroCAD InfoSWMM InfoWorks ICM No No Does the Model Assess Volume Reduction from BMPs? Does the Model Assess TSS Removal? Reuse Manufactured Devices Swale or Strip BMPs Infiltrator BMPs Model Name Constructed Basin BMPs Filter BMPs BMP Category Does the Model Assess Total Phosphorus Removal? Stormwater Model and Calculator Comparisons Yes Primary purpose is to assess reductions in stormwater volume. wq/models/swc/ User defines parameter that can be used to simulate generalized constituents. Will assess hydraulics, volumes, and pollutant loading, but not pollutant reduction. User defines parameter that can be used to simulate generalized constituents. wq/models/swmm/ No Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes i-Tree Streets LSPC MapShed MCWD/MWMO Stormwater Reuse Calculator Metropolitan Council Stormwater Reuse Guide Excel Spreadsheet Yes No /calculator.php Yes i-Tree Hydro Does not compute volume reduction for some BMPs, including cisterns and tree trenches. CivilStorm has an engineering library with many different types of BMPs to choose from. This list changes as new information becomes available. Web Address Yes Comments No No Yes Includes simple calculator for rain gardens. Computes volume reduction for trees, only. Though developed for HSPF, the USEPA BMP Web Toolkit can be used with LSPC to model structural BMPs such as detention basins, or infiltration BMPs that represent source control facilities, which capture runoff from small impervious areas (e.g., parking lots or rooftops). Region-specific input data not available for Minnesota but user can create this data for any region. Computes storage volume for stormwater reuse systems Computes storage volume for stormwater reuse systems. Uses 30year precipitation data specific to Twin Cites region of Minnesota. /infoswmm/ /infoworks_icm/ dex.php ndex.php c/html/lspc.html view.htm %20Harvesting%20and%20Reuse%2 0Model_v2.0.xlsx ewater-Water/Planning/WaterSupply-Planning.aspx Does the Model Assess Volume Reduction from BMPs? Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes No Yes No No Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes MIDS Calculator MIKE URBAN (SWMM or MOUSE) P8 PCSWMM PLOAD PondNet Reuse Manufactured Devices Swale or Strip BMPs Infiltrator BMPs Model Name Constructed Basin BMPs Filter BMPs BMP Category Does the Model Assess Total Phosphorus Removal? Does the Model Assess TSS Removal? Stormwater Model and Calculator Comparisons PondPack RECARGA SELECT SHSAM SUSTAIN SWAT Virginia Runoff Reduction Method WARMF Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes WinHSPF WinSLAMM Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Comments Web Address Includes user-defined feature that can be used for manufactured devices and other BMPs. User defines parameter that can be used to simulate generalized constituents. ndex.php/MIDS_calculator ts/Cities/MIKEURBAN.aspx User defines parameter that can be used to simulate generalized constituents. User-defined practices with userspecified removal percentages. Flow and phosphorus routing in pond networks. PondPack can calculate first-flush volume, but does not model pollutants. It can be used to calculate pond infiltration. User defines parameter that can be used to simulate generalized constituents. Several flow-through structures including standard sumps, and proprietary systems such as CDS, Stormceptors, and Vortechs systems Categorizes BMPs into Point BMPs, Linear BMPs, and Area BMPs Model offers many agricultural BMPs and practices, but limited urban BMPs at this time. Users input Event Mean Concentration (EMC) pollutant removal percentages for manufactured devices. Includes agriculture BMP assessment tools. Compatible with USEPA Basins USEPA BMP Web Toolkit available to assist with implementing structural BMPs such as detention basins, or infiltration BMPs that represent source control facilities, which capture runoff from small impervious areas (e.g., parking lots or rooftops). /PCSWMM/ /models/basins/framework.cfm#mo dels /standards/recarga.html CT.aspx /stormwater-management wq/models/sustain/ nia%20Runoff%20Reduction%20Me thod.html c/html/warmf.html es/hspfsupport/index.php Reuse Manufactured Devices Does the Model Assess Total Phosphorus Removal? Does the Model Assess TSS Removal? Does the Model Assess Volume Reduction from BMPs? Stormwater Model and Calculator Comparisons Yes Yes Yes xpswmm Swale or Strip BMPs Infiltrator BMPs Model Name Constructed Basin BMPs Filter BMPs BMP Category Comments Web Address User defines parameter that can be used to simulate generalized constituents. are/xpswmm/