Melbourn Primary School – Action Plan 2014 – 2015 Subject: Subject Team Members: Helen Cottle, Becky Pine, Jo Pulford, Laura Davison Teaching and Learning To be achieved by the end of the year To deliver high quality maths lessons which allow children to develop their conceptual understanding Intended Impact To develop a deeper conceptual understanding of mathematics Action/ budget Date to be achieved Joint learning walk to assess current practice across the school Joint planning and modelling teaching with teachers requiring support (e.g. NQTs) Lesson observations and pupil interviews to monitor impact Maths SL time, school investing in appropriate practical resources Ongoing throughout the year but with a focus on supporting NQTs in Autumn term- by July 2015 Achieved? Melbourn Primary School – Action Plan 2014 – 2015 Subject: Subject Team Members: Helen Cottle, Becky Pine, Jo Pulford, Laura Davison To embed the aims of the new maths curriculum (developing fluency, reasoning and problem solving) in the teaching and learning of maths lessons Children are confident and competent at solving mathematical problems which involve reasoning. They are able to use a range of mental methods to solve problems by recalling known facts and deriving new facts from those known through seeing connections. Staff meetings on teaching children to calculate mentally Joint planning of lessons and team teaching All teachers building in daily counting activities Staff meeting on developing reasoning skills and problem solving skills Children to take part in additional skills lessons at least twice a week Maths SL time, staff meetings, external courses By July 2015 Melbourn Primary School – Action Plan 2014 – 2015 Subject: Subject Team Members: Helen Cottle, Becky Pine, Jo Pulford, Laura Davison Resources To be achieved by the end Intended Impact of the year Audit current maths Teachers will have high resources and replenish quality resources to where necessary to support learning. ensure classrooms have a supportive learning environment Action/ budget Date to be achieved Complete audit of Autumn Term practical resources for each class. Purchase large class number line for Y1-6. Ensure teachers have access to resources to develop children’s mental calculations. E.g. variety of dice in each classroom. Identify costs and use money remaining in maths budget to resource Achieved? Melbourn Primary School – Action Plan 2014 – 2015 Subject: Subject Team Members: Helen Cottle, Becky Pine, Jo Pulford, Laura Davison Order quality resources for the new curriculum areas Teachers will have high quality resources to support learning. classrooms for this financial year. Ask staff whether they need any additional resources for everyday use and build this into the next financial year’s budget. Seek funding from PTA? Deliver CPD on new curriculum requirements. Provide teachers with NCETM progression grids that have suggestions of reasoning activities, Order resources to develop children’s reasoning and Autumn Term July 2015 Melbourn Primary School – Action Plan 2014 – 2015 Subject: Subject Team Members: Helen Cottle, Becky Pine, Jo Pulford, Laura Davison problem solving skills- BEAM books. Conduct staff questionnaire to identify where teachers need additional support and to assess their knowledge and use of maths resources to support learning Teachers to use NCETM website and recommended books to support their subject knowledge Teachers to use nrich website to develop problem solving activities. Assessment and tracking of pupils To be achieved by the end Intended Impact Action/ budget Date to be achieved Achieved? Melbourn Primary School – Action Plan 2014 – 2015 Subject: Subject Team Members: Helen Cottle, Becky Pine, Jo Pulford, Laura Davison of the year To ensure that teachers make accurate and consistent assessments Children’s work matches their ability and enables them to move towards their next step in learning Maths SL to ensure that class teachers have set up APP for 6 children in their classes. (2 children from support, core and extension group within maths groups or class). Ensure that teachers are assessing the children at the beginning and end of each unit of work by working with them in small groups. Class teachers to use quality marking and feedback at least twice a week. By end of Autumn term so that assessment is ongoing throughout the academic year. Melbourn Primary School – Action Plan 2014 – 2015 Subject: Subject Team Members: Helen Cottle, Becky Pine, Jo Pulford, Laura Davison To ensure all children make good progress in maths and achieve national expectations across each phase Class teachers are using assessment that informs planning. E.g quality marking and feedback at least twice a week. Progress is made from the start of each unit to the end. Teachers submit half termly levels for each child onto target tracker. SLT, data manager, phase leaders and Maths SL analyse termly progress across the school to identify children at risk of not making good progress including vulnerable groups. Autumn-by mid December Spring-by end of March Summer-by end of June Helen Cottle, Becky Pine, Jo Pulford, Laura Davison Monitoring To be achieved by the end of the year Teachers within each phase to ensure they are tracking maths coverage using new curriculum progression grids. Phase leaders to report to maths Intended Impact Children will have a broad range of experiences across their years in a phase. Action/ budget Teachers to submit the following to the maths team on a termly basis: -coverage of the new curriculum Date to be achieved Autumn Term- Mid December (12th ) Spring term-End of March (20th) Summer term-beginning of July (3rd) Achieved? Melbourn Primary School – Action Plan 2014 – 2015 Subject: Subject Team Members: Helen Cottle, Becky Pine, Jo Pulford, Laura Davison team their coverage each term. To carry out Learning walks each half term in each phase by maths SL and a member of SLT. To carry out planning and work book scrutiny termly to ensure aims of new curriculum are being met and curriculum coverage is broad and balanced. (fluency in number, reasoning skills and problem solving skills are being developed). Teaching and learning is consistent. Actions have been put into place from the previous learning walk and planning and workbook scrutiny. using progression grids, highlighting coverage in green. Maths SL to complete learning walk, identifying strengths and areas for development and feedback findings to teaching staff and SLT. Maths SL to draw up actions and agree with teaching staff. Maths SL to carry out a planning and workbook scrutiny, to identify strengths and areas for development. Maths SL to draw up actions to address issues and agree with Autumn Term- Mid December Spring term-End of march Summer term-beginning of July Melbourn Primary School – Action Plan 2014 – 2015 Subject: Subject Team Members: Helen Cottle, Becky Pine, Jo Pulford, Laura Davison teaching staff.