Department of Justice 2008/09 Department of Justice 2008/09 Report to the Minister for Racing, Gaming and Licensing Contents Department of Justice 2008/09 Report to the Minister for Racing, Gaming and Licensing .......... 1 Executive Summary ................................................................................................................ 2 Gambling ................................................................................................................................ 4 Highlights 2008-2009 .......................................................................................................... 4 Future Activity ..................................................................................................................... 4 Community Gaming Machines ............................................................................................ 4 Community Benefit Fund ...................................................................................................... 16 Community Benefit Fund Summary ................................................................................... 16 Small grants issued by region ........................................................................................... 17 Vehicle gifts and long term loan approvals ........................................................................ 17 Community Support Contributions – Licensed Clubs ......................................................... 18 Casinos ............................................................................................................................. 20 Lotteries ............................................................................................................................ 22 Racing ............................................................................................................................... 24 Gambling Research Officer ............................................................................................... 26 Gambling Research........................................................................................................... 27 Alcohol Management ............................................................................................................ 28 Highlights 2008/09............................................................................................................. 28 Research and Policy Evaluation ........................................................................................ 28 Regional and Local Plans responsive to local alcohol-related harms and environments .... 28 Improved systems of regulation and compliance ............................................................... 28 Supply ............................................................................................................................... 29 Harm Reduction ................................................................................................................ 29 Demand ............................................................................................................................ 29 Key Directions 2009-10 ..................................................................................................... 29 Policy and supply measures .............................................................................................. 29 Alcohol Consumption ............................................................................................................ 30 Northern Territory .............................................................................................................. 31 Darwin City ........................................................................................................................ 32 Palmerston City ................................................................................................................. 34 Katherine........................................................................................................................... 36 Tennant Creek .................................................................................................................. 38 Alice Springs ..................................................................................................................... 40 Nhulunbuy ......................................................................................................................... 41 ‘Alcopops’ Tax ................................................................................................................... 43 Liquor Licensing ................................................................................................................ 45 ID Takeaway Liquor System.............................................................................................. 46 Electronic Liquor Permit System........................................................................................ 46 Licensing .............................................................................................................................. 50 Employee Licensing - Cumulative Total............................................................................. 50 APPENDIX A ........................................................................................................................ 52 Community Gaming Machines - Previous Years ............................................................... 52 APPENDIX B ........................................................................................................................ 60 APPENDIX C ........................................................................................................................ 75 Liquor Licences – NT Licensing Commission .................................................................... 75 Department of Business 2008/09 Report to the Minister for Racing, Gaming and Licensing Executive Summary This report contains statistical data relating to the Department of Justice’s (DoJ) racing, gaming and licensing operations. The data and information contained in this report consolidates information provided in the 2008/09 annual reports for the Department, Northern Territory Treasury, Community Benefit Fund and the Northern Territory Licensing Commission, as well as supplementing those reports. DoJ has identified five strategic directions reflecting its intended outcomes in Making Justice Relevant. The strategic directions are: Play a lead role in developing safer communities. Develop and maintain a sustainable organisation. Protect and promote the rights of the vulnerable and disadvantaged. Influence responsible economic and social development. Enhance Indigenous outcomes. The Licensing, Regulation and Alcohol Strategy division (LRAS) in DoJ administers and enforces the Northern Territory regulatory regimes for gambling, liquor, kava, tobacco, escorts and private security. The division also has responsibility for licensing under the Consumer Affairs and Fair Trading Act, Agents Licensing Act and the Prostitution Regulation Act. LRAS provides support to the following independent statutory authorities: Northern Territory Licensing Commission; Northern Territory Racing Commission; Real Estate Agents Licensing Board; and Agents Licensing Fidelity Guarantee Fund. Responsible regulatory management is demonstrated by the following achievements: introduction of a Territory-wide cap on the number of community gaming machines; establishment of a 1800 National Gaming Helpline; the introduction of Responsible Service of Alcohol training in the hospitality industry; continuing to maintain a moratorium on new takeaway liquor licences; and a decrease in the supply of pure alcohol – 18 per cent in Alice Springs, 10 per cent in Katherine and 0.3 per cent across the NT. In 2008/09 the Alcohol Strategy unit was established within LRAS. This unit is responsible for delivering a broad range of strategic outcomes related to alcohol management. This unit takes a leadership role in coordinating a whole of government approach to reducing alcohol-related harms. Its role includes: facilitating partnerships and strategic alliances, both within government and externally, to reduce alcohol-related harms; developing and supporting the ongoing management of Alcohol Management Plans. The unit has recently been funded to develop Alcohol Management Plans in remote townships; 2 Northern Territory Department of Justice commissioning evidence-based research on alcohol-related harms and on interventions to address alcohol harms; developing a comprehensive demand reduction strategy; leading work on social marketing and community education to change community attitudes and behaviour in relation to alcohol consumption; and overseeing community alcohol management and engagement systems such as permit committees and Alcohol Reference Groups. 2 2008/09 Report to the Minister for Racing, Gaming and Licensing The directions for 2009/10 include: Closing the Gap of Indigenous Disadvantage – A Generational Plan of Action identified the need for gambling education and awareness. A total of $250 000 per annum until 2011/12 has been allocated for projects that promote awareness of the dangers of gambling and strategies to address them. Remote Community Education, Community Safety and Wellbeing Project to be delivered in up to 10 remote communities, with specific strategies to address alcohol-related harm. An integrated licensing system will be developed and implemented for regulators based in the Department of Justice. Greg Shanahan Chief Executive Officer 2 November 2009 3 2008/09 Report to the Minister for Racing, Gaming and Licensing Gambling Highlights 2008-2009 Changes to the taxation payable on community gaming machines were introduced effective from 1 January 2009. The changes brought about a significant reduction in the tax obligations of clubs and hotels in the Territory. The 2008/09 year also saw the introduction of a Territory-wide cap on the number of community gaming machines able to be operated. The cap of 1190 machines was based on the number of machines that had already been approved for operation as at the day of the announcement. In partnership with the Australian Government and other jurisdictions through the Ministerial Council on Gambling, a 1800 National Gambling Helpline was implemented. Calls to the number in the NT are automatically diverted to the Territory’s gambling helpline. In July 2008, the Australian Government announced it had requested the Productivity Commission to conduct an Inquiry into Australia’s Gambling Industries. A whole of Northern Territory Government submission was made to the Inquiry. The results from the Productivity Commission’s Inquiry into Australia’s Gambling Industries, expected at the end of 2009, are also likely to impact on the national gambling workplan and ultimately, Territory gambling policy. Future Activity The development of a scheme to manage gaming machine entitlements in the Northern Territory is a priority for the 2009/10 year. A mechanism whereby gaming machine operating approvals can be traded between venues within the existing Territory-wide cap will form part of these developments. As a member of the Ministerial Council on Gambling, the Northern Territory is working on a number of issues to develop consistent approaches to reduce gambling-related harms. Current areas of work include: access to cash and pre-commitment tools; electronic gaming machine consumer protection; responsible gambling environments; determinants of behaviour of problem gamblers; prevention and early intervention strategies for those at risk of problem gambling; and harm minimisation measures for interactive gambling. Community Gaming Machines Table 1: Northern Territory Community Gaming Machine Performance in Clubs, 2008/09 Club Venue Number of Turnover $ *Gross Profit Gaming Tax Community Machines $ $ Benefit Levy $ Alice Springs Golf Club 7 337 036 33 697 4 350 - Alice Springs Memorial Club 45 19 743 385 2 029 537 586 048 - 4 2008/09 Report to the Minister for Racing, Gaming and Licensing Club Venue Number of Machines Turnover $ *Gross Profit $ Gaming Tax $ Community Benefit Levy $ Alice Springs RSL Club 24 5 322 071 571 939 123 614 - Alyangula Golf Club 8 956 408 112 653 17 494 - Alyangula Recreation Club 15 10 291 644 1 149 368 286 226 - Arnhem Club 44 51 849 086 5 110 078 1 883 734 - Casuarina All Sports Club 45 73 378 004 7 366 736 2 852 066 - Cazalys Palmerston Club Inc 45 65 876 392 6 328 898 2 406 730 - Darwin Bowls & Social Club 3 151 240 22 335 2 883 - Darwin Golf Club 13 1 670 760 209 546 39 007 - Darwin North Sub Branch RSL 6 381 143 52 083 6 938 - Darwin RSL Club 30 12 708 566 1 293 336 327 745 - Darwin Rugby League Club 5 36 823 2 531 339 - Darwin Sailing Club 10 692 436 72 789 10 263 - Darwin Trailer Boat Club 10 2 141 331 227 103 43 227 - Federal Sports Club 10 1 878 767 229 015 43 467 - Gillen Club Alice Springs 45 25 594 217 2 400 623 728 708 - Gove Country Golf Club 12 1 116 567 123 964 20 845 - Humpty Doo & Rural Area Golf Club 10 1 468 759 177 273 31 632 - 5 2008/09 Report to the Minister for Racing, Gaming and Licensing Club Venue Number of Machines Turnover $ *Gross Profit $ Gaming Tax $ Community Benefit Levy $ Jabiru Sports & Social Club 17 4 365 324 433 740 93 210 - Katherine Club 45 22 785 016 2 528 449 784 193 - Katherine Country Club 35 22 099 928 2 155 428 642 850 - Katherine Sports & Recreation Club 19 7 000 247 749 793 169 762 - Nightcliff Sports Club 22 17 971 512 1 808 780 499 325 - Palmerston Golf & Country Club 21 4 378 675 520 554 110 897 - Palmerston Sports Club 45 65 777 905 6 461 623 2 463 682 - PINT Club 24 8 845 332 968 894 227 509 - RAOB Club 16 8 211 731 936 050 227 891 - Sporties Club 14 2 771 440 328 220 66 195 - St Mary’s Football Sporting & Social Club 30 7 960 339 882 712 209 783 - Tennant Creek Bowling Club 4 57 839 9 345 1 211 - Tennant Creek Memorial Club 25 16 675 767 1 836 596 517 154 - Tracey Village Social & Sports Club 45 57 330 755 5 472 316 2 039 171 - Total 749 $521 826 446 $52 606 002 $17 468 151 - * While this column is titled ‘Gross Profit’ the figure actually represents the net loss by players. It represents the revenue flow from gaming machine operations to the venue. 6 2008/09 Report to the Minister for Racing, Gaming and Licensing Table 2: Northern Territory Community Gaming Machine Performance in Hotels, 2008/09 Hotel Venue Number of Turnover $ *Gross Profit Gaming Tax Community Machines $ $ Benefit Levy Turnover $ $ Aileron Roadhouse 4 305 466 31 074 9 253 3 107 Airport Hotel 10 10 005 636 987 839 324 400 98 784 Barkly Homestead 5 575 409 73 349 23 593 7 335 Beachfront Hotel 10 10 113 577 1 049 736 337 781 104 974 Corroboree Park Tavern 10 1 159 536 122 327 33 038 12 233 Crossways Hotel 10 3 363 824 431 140 134 770 43 114 Deck Bar (The) 10 3 923 899 385 950 128 712 38 595 Ducks Nuts Bar & Grill 10 3 007 817 269 405 67 664 26 940 Fox Ale House (The) 10 2 600 417 241 532 71 982 24 153 Frontier Hotel 10 13 236 080 1 205 095 399 273 120 510 Gapview Resort Hotel 10 3 204 250 316 084 98 701 31 608 Globetrotters Lodge 10 1 267 703 136 240 39 457 13 624 Goldfields Hotel 8 4 396 265 545 273 179 022 54 527 Heavitree Gap Tavern 10 2 872 184 344 960 106 592 34 496 Hibiscus Tavern 10 15 020 627 1 494 800 504 003 149 480 Hidden Valley Tavern 10 4 279 910 456 248 149 139 45 625 Howard Springs Tavern 10 10 091 663 1 022 429 329 889 102 243 Humpty Doo Hotel 10 11 610 708 1 202 189 397 924 120 219 Humpty Doo Tavern 10 13 161 295 1 476 280 500 872 147 628 7 2008/09 Report to the Minister for Racing, Gaming and Licensing Hotel Venue Number of Machines Turnover $ Turnover $ *Gross Profit $ Gaming Tax $ Community Benefit Levy $ Katherine Hotel 10 5 912 266 661 041 216 197 66 104 Kitty O’Shea’s 10 5 912 225 643 206 206 437 64 321 Litchfield Hotel 10 2 937 382 305 695 78 326 30 569 Mataranka Hotel 10 1 598 814 196 003 57 943 19 600 Monsoons 10 5 679 410 546 750 176 643 54 675 Noonamah Tavern 10 3 791 450 404 998 127 543 40 500 Palmerston Tavern 10 7 789 429 822 788 269 124 82 279 Parap Tavern 10 13 711 675 1 531 961 515 686 153 196 Pine Creek Hotel 10 2 981 059 429 698 136 905 42 970 Plaza Karama Tavern 10 12 973 772 1 204 305 394 978 120 430 Rum Jungle Motor Inn 10 856 223 100 929 31 700 10 093 Rum Jungle Tavern 10 4 263 496 516 166 166 981 51 617 Shenannigans Irish Pub 10 5 724 549 545 947 166 745 54 595 Squires Tavern 10 5 634 403 612 487 205 179 61 249 Tennant Creek Hotel 10 3 324 408 428 079 139 433 42 808 The Archrival & Nirvana Restaurant 10 6 424 180 626 809 198 250 62 681 The Cavenagh 10 6 044 017 596 640 196 310 59 664 Threeways Roadhouse - 494 064 57 929 19 739 5 793 Timber Creek Wayside Inn 4 929 961 133 427 40 737 13 343 Todd Tavern 10 4 572 507 598 252 190 683 59 825 Top End Hotel 10 5 123 606 446 662 152 238 44 666 8 2008/09 Report to the Minister for Racing, Gaming and Licensing Hotel Venue Number of Machines Turnover $ Turnover $ *Gross Profit $ Gaming Tax $ Community Benefit Levy $ Town & Country Tavern 10 562 820 50 130 9 485 5 013 Victoria Hotel Darwin 10 9 432 141 952 502 313 212 95 250 Virginia Tavern 10 4 213 710 535 448 175 210 53 545 Walkabout Tavern 10 5 889 109 636 020 203 142 63 602 Winnellie Hotel 10 6 155 806 669 573 223 087 66 957 Yulara Residents Club 3 92 026 13 796 5 031 1 380 Total 424 $247 220 773 $26 059 190 $8 453 010 $2 605 919 * While this column is titled ‘Gross Profit’ to reflect the Act’s defined term, the figure actually represents the net loss by players. It represents the revenue flow from gaming machine operations to the venue. Table 3: Northern Territory Community Gaming Machine Performance, Summary for 2008/09 Venue Number of Turnover $ Gross Profit $ Gaming Tax $ Community Machines Benefit Levy $ Turnover $ Clubs 749 521 826 446 52 606 002 17 468 151 - Hotels 424 247 220 773 26 059 190 8 453 010 2 605 919 Total 1 173 $769 047 219 $78 665 192 $25 921 161 $2 605 919 Source: Northern Territory Department of Justice and NT TAB Note: Gaming tax is the amount generated in period specified, not the amount received Chart 1: Number of Machines Northern Territory Community Gaming Machine Performance Summary for financial years 2006/07, 2007/08 and 2008/09 Number of Machines 9 2008/09 Report to the Minister for Racing, Gaming and Licensing Chart 2: Turnover Northern Territory Community Gaming Machine Performance Summary for financial years 2006/07, 2007/08 and 2008/09 Turnover ($) Chart 3: Gross Profit ($) Northern Territory Community Gaming Machine Performance Summary for financial years 2006/07, 2007/08 and 2008/09 * Gross Profit ($) 10 2008/09 Report to the Minister for Racing, Gaming and Licensing * Gross profit actually represents the net loss by players. It represents revenue flow from gaming machine operations to the venue. Details for 2006/07 and 2007/08 community gaming machines are at Appendix A. Chart 4: Gaming Tax Northern Territory Community Gaming Machine Performance Summary for financial years 2006/07, 2007/08 and 2008/09 Gaming Tax ($) Chart 5: Community Benefit Levy Northern Territory Community Gaming Machine Performance Summary for financial years 2006/07, 2007/08 and 2008/09 Community Benefit Levy ($) 11 2008/09 Report to the Minister for Racing, Gaming and Licensing Table 4: Northern Territory Community Gaming Machine Performance, Summary by Region 2006/07 Region Number Turnover $ Gross Gaming Tax Community of Profit $ $ Benefit Levy $ Machines Alice Springs 162 53 997 734 5 680 183 1 780 074 121 786 Darwin 395 243 779 604 25 723 298 9 759 304 1 067 623 Nhulunbuy 67 61 249 978 6 352 460 2 449 865 103 731 NT – Remainder 271 104 327 369 11 600 882 4 058 499 564 921 Palmerston 122 115 299 936 11 776 409 4 434 784 62 923 Tennant Creek 65 23 224 417 2 572 396 801 581 65 634 Total 1 082 $601 879 038 $63 705 628 $23 284 106 $1 986 618 Source: Northern Territory Department of Justice and NT TAB Note: Gaming tax is the amount generated in period specified, not the amount received Table 5: Northern Territory Community Gaming Machine Performance, Summary by Region 2007/08 Region Number of Turnover $ Gross Profit $ Gaming Tax Community Machines $ Benefit Levy $ Alice Springs 162 59 628 145 6 180 793 1 985 642 119 187 Darwin 449 290 733 861 29 856 748 11 403 581 1 255 502 Nhulunbuy 67 60 796 784 6 066 139 2 330 102 94 611 NT – Remainder 291 124 154 847 13 680 617 4 883 484 686 760 Palmerston 132 137 957 631 13 502 342 5 177 153 105 579 12 2008/09 Report to the Minister for Racing, Gaming and Licensing Region Number of Machines Turnover $ Gross Profit $ Gaming Tax $ Community Benefit Levy $ Tennant Creek 65 25 165 448 2 776 958 904 121 91 213 Total 1 166 $698 436 716 $72 063 598 $26 684 082 $2 352 852 Source: Northern Territory Department of Justice and NT TAB Note: Gaming tax is the amount generated in period specified, not the amount received Table 6: Northern Territory Community Gaming Machine Performance, Summary by Region 2008/09 Region Number of Turnover $ Gross Gaming Tax Community Machines Profit $ $ Benefit Levy $ Alice Springs 171 64 087 237 6 574 239 1 891 647 130 943 Darwin 449 331 327 242 33 292 086 11 059 075 1 397 688 Nhulunbuy 66 58 854 763 5 870 062 2 107 722 63 602 NT – Remainder 295 137 305 678 15 020 620 4 511 017 771 392 Palmerston 131 150 246 581 14 760 672 5 448 684 144 960 Tennant Creek 61 27 225 718 3 147 514 903 015 97 335 Total 1 173 $769 047 219 $78 665 192 $25 921 161 $2 605 919 Source: Northern Territory Department of Justice and NT TAB Note: Gaming tax is the amount generated in period specified, not the amount received Chart 6: Number of Machines Northern Territory Community Gaming Machine Performance, Summary by Region for financial years 2006/07, 2007/08 and 2008/09 Number of Machines 13 2008/09 Report to the Minister for Racing, Gaming and Licensing Chart 7: Turnover Northern Territory Community Gaming Machine Performance, Summary by Region for financial years 2006/07, 2007/08 and 2008/09 Turnover ($M) Chart 8: Gross Profit Northern Territory Community Gaming Machine Performance, Summary by Region for financial years 2006/07, 2007/08 and 2008/09 Gross Profit ($M) Chart 9: Gaming Tax Northern Territory Community Gaming Machine Performance, Summary by Region for financial years 2006/07, 2007/08 and 2008/09 Gaming Tax ($M) 14 2008/09 Report to the Minister for Racing, Gaming and Licensing Chart 10: Community Benefit Levy Northern Territory Community Gaming Machine Performance, Summary by Region for financial years 2006/07, 2007/08 and 2008/09 Community Benefit Levy ($M) 15 2008/09 Report to the Minister for Racing, Gaming and Licensing Community Benefit Fund Under the Gaming Control Act, the Director of Licensing must maintain a Community Benefit Fund to account for funds to be directed towards: promotion of community awareness and education in respect of problem gambling and provision of counselling, rehabilitation and support services for problem gamblers and their families; research into gambling activity, including the social and economic impact of gambling on individuals, families and the general community in the Northern Territory; funding of general community projects and services of benefit to communities throughout the Northern Territory; and fund management and administrative support. The Fund receives the 10 per cent levy on player loss from electronic gaming machines in licensed hotels, unclaimed prizes paid to the Director of Licensing and proceeds from items forfeited under the Gaming Control Act. Community Benefit Fund Summary Community Benefit Fund Summary Community Benefit Fund – Receipts and Payments Sub Total $ Total $ Opening Balance at 1 July 2008 1 296 000 Receipts – Community Benefit Levy 2 584 018 Payments Gambling Amelioration Grants 1 140 703 Gambling Research Grants 500 000 Community Organisation Grants 699 768* Major Community Grants 266 037** Closing The Gap Initiatives 250 000 Research, Policy, Management and Administration 187 258 Total $3 043 766 Closing Balance at 30 June 2009 $836 252 * Refunds of $14 762 were returned to the CBF for unexpended grant monies. ** $87 500 has been carried forward to 2009-10 for Riding for the Disabled NT. 16 2008/09 Report to the Minister for Racing, Gaming and Licensing Small grants issued by region Table 7: Community Organisations Grants (Small Grants) approved in 2008/09 – Summary by Region Region Applications Amount Successful Successful Received Requested Applications Applications - Amount - Number Paid $ Alice Springs 58 237 925 131 121 48 Darwin 157 554 678 344 124 142 Darwin Regional 17 54 909 41 774 17 East Arnhem 22 85 076 48 326 19 Katherine 29 118 802 72 118 27 Tennant Creek 10 42 180 28 665 10 NT Wide 24 87 392 48 402 23 Total 317 $1 180 962 $714 530 283 All amounts are GST exclusive (where applicable). Vehicle gifts and long term loan approvals A 2006 Cabinet decision approved the transfer of responsibility for recommending vehicle gifts and long-term loan allocations to the Community Benefit Funds committee. Recommendations are made to the Minister for Racing, Gaming and Licensing and approved vehicles are drawn from surplus vehicles in the NT Government’s light vehicle fleet. The value of each vehicle allocated is aligned to the 2 per cent levy paid by NT Government departments for vehicle leases. Table 8: Vehicle Gift / Long-term Loan Approvals Organisation Vehicle Gift Dundee Progress Association - Emergency Response vehicle 4WD Step Out Community Access Service - Transport people from remote communities to the Respite Home in Katherine 4WD Somerville Community Services - Transport clients with severe disabilities to appointments Van Bawinanga Aboriginal Corporation - Transport for education and healing camps 4WD St John’s Ambulance Australia (NT) - Volunteer vehicle to attend events requesting first aid coverage Station wagon Drovers Volunteer Services - Transport patients to airport, accommodation and appointments Sedan Vehicle Loan 17 2008/09 Report to the Minister for Racing, Gaming and Licensing Organisation Vehicle Gift Ilpurla Aboriginal Corporation - Transport clients to and from Alice Springs for appointments 4WD Binjari Community Aboriginal Corporation Transport children to school, transport residents to appointments Coaster bus Royal Life Saving Society - Delivery of water safety, awareness, infant aquatics, swim and survive, learn to swim, remote pool project and people with disability programs throughout the Northern Territory 4WD Vehicle Loan Tennant Creek Christian Family - Transport clients to Mini bus appointments Darwin Festival Association - Various purposes for the Darwin Festival 3 x sedans, 2 x utilities Details of Grants distributed in 2008/09 can be found at Appendix B Community Support Contributions – Licensed Clubs As part of the arrangements for allowing gaming machines in community venues, clubs are required to make contributions to the local community and report those contributions on a regular basis. Guidelines exist to clarify what can be legitimately reported as a contribution. Clubs are educated in reporting their contributions and regular contact is kept with the CBF Secretariat. Visits to all clubs are undertaken as required, either as a refresher for clubs with stable management or as a complete package for clubs with new management. Table 9: Contributions by Licensed Clubs, 2008/09 Premises Cash In Kind Total Net GM Contribution Contribution Contribution Revenue $ $ $ $ % Contribution Alice Springs Golf Club 0 14 770 14 770 25 978 56.86 Alice Springs Memorial Club 53 619 47 202 100 821 1 229 111 8.20 Alice Springs RSL Club 60 013 49 307 109 320 389 821 28.04 Alyangula Golf Club 9 700 2 300 12 000 83 182 14.43 Alyangula Recreation Club 67 159 1000 68159 738 774 9.23 Buff Club 17 544 750 18 294 610 299 3.00 Casuarina All Sports Club 445 329 43 873 489 202 3 756 996 13.02 18 2008/09 Report to the Minister for Racing, Gaming and Licensing Premises Cash Contribution $ In Kind Total Net GM Contribution Contribution Revenue $ $ $ % Contribution Cazalys Palmerston 378 540 12 605 39 1145 3 268 277 11.97 Darwin Bowls & Social Club 0 17 000 17 000 17 217 98.74 Darwin Golf Club 0 69 810 69 810 148 584 46.98 Darwin Leagues Club 2 600 11 400 14 000 1 939 722.02 Darwin North RSL Services Club 0 5 285 5 285 39 901 13.25 Darwin RSL Services & Social Club 69 260 5 250 74 510 826 366 9.02 Darwin Sailing Club 1 000 35 590 36 590 55 219 66.26 Darwin Trailer Boat Club 2 240 1 000 3 240 160 165 2.02 Federal Sports Club 0 11 420 11 420 161 646 7.06 Gillen Club 42 782 15 250 58 032 1 412 531 4.11 Gove Country Golf Club 0 6 960 6 960 90 658 7.68 Humpty Doo & Rural Area Golf Club 7 40 8 815 9 555 126 932 7.53 Jabiru Sports & Social Club 71 755 7 060 78 815 296 156 26.61 Katherine Club 65 670 23 966 89 636 1 475 023 6.08 Katherine Country Club 138 467 2 175 140 642 1 286 035 10.94 Katherine Sports & Recreation Club 20 322 51 370 71 692 502 368 14.27 Nightcliff Sports Club 147 623 29 430 177 053 1 117 323 15.85 Palmerston Golf & Country Club 6 405 7 095 13 500 356 602 3.79 19 2008/09 Report to the Minister for Racing, Gaming and Licensing Premises Cash Contribution $ In Kind Total Net GM Contribution Contribution Revenue $ $ $ % Contribution Palmerston Sports Club 674 080 99 071 773 151 3 330 778 23.21 Pint Club 26 490 6 340 32 830 638 386 5.14 Sporties Club 8 529 24 793 33 322 228 203 14.60 St Mary’s Football Sporting & Social Club 33 801 63 759 97 560 580 891 16.79 Tennant Creek Bowling Club 350 350 700 7 199 9.72 Tennant Creek Memorial Club 59 624 6 800 66 424 1 124 781 5.91 The Arnhem Club 86 387 205 055 291 442 2 694 334 10.82 Tracy Village Social & Sports Club 318 028 4 000 322 028 2 864 914 11.24 Total $2 808 057 $890 851 $3 698 908 $29 646 589 12.48% Casinos Table 10: Northern Territory Casino’s Performance, Turnover and Player Loss for financial years 2006/07, 2007/08 and 2008/09 Game 2006/07 2006/07 2007/08 2007/08 2008/09 2008/09 Handle $ Player Handle $ Player Handle $ Player Loss $ Loss $ Loss $ Table Games American Roulette 19 292 456 2 935 819 20 577 147 2 675 973 23 983 694 3 768 145 Blackjack 3 077 375 910 712 2 725 244 984 232 3 514 375 1 076 236 Caribbean Stud 5 570 018 1 356 718 5 436 125 843 721 5 337 423 1 217 025 Casino War - - 1 409 056 379 414 1 893 414 466 133 Craps 17 402 3 290 32 486 12 242 47 436 10 393 Midi Baccarat 9 324 531 1 660 763 39 886 990 6 326 031 15 669 349 2 387 216 20 2008/09 Report to the Minister for Racing, Gaming and Licensing Game 2006/07 Handle $ 2006/07 Player Loss $ 2007/08 Handle $ 2007/08 2008/09 Player Handle $ Loss $ 2008/09 Player Loss $ Mini Baccarat 4 911 866 1 123 484 4 741 444 983 637 9 372 470 1 820 807 Money Wheel 791 879 138 338 769 143 152 072 928 351 193 478 Perfect Pairs 16 906 151 4 859 365 17 910 314 5 069 345 5 109 089 Poker (Various Variations) 1 241 580 225 942 4 635 480 678 238 4 512 134 688 768 Pontoon 411 773 184 250 883 208 246 308 1 067 695 355 550 Texas Holdem Poker 2 200 190 294 241 - - - - Touchbet Roulette 13 673 653 1 829 975 15 232 649 1 988 964 17 023 777 2 081 576 Two Up Dice 137 039 26 174 41 694 7 810 23 327 6 728 Total $77 555 911 $15 549 070 $114 280 979 $20 347 $101 491 986 743 $19 181 142 Poker Machine 896 224 124 79 727 167 977 770 646 85 788 583 91 583 934 Total $896 224 124 $79 727 167 $977 770 646 $85 788 $1 062 583 092 872 $91 583 934 Keno 8 323 787 2 247 457 7 755 083 2 125 967 8 936 420 2 578 686 Lasseters Keno 1 155 882 346 648 1 147 736 -956 591 1 124 044 302 972 NT Keno 35 578 808 7 375 085 36 338 404 10 119 238 38 228 533 8 180 04 Total $45 058 477 $9 969 190 $45 241 223 $11 288 $48 288 614 997 18 118 300 Poker Machines 1 062 092 872 Keno $11 061 707 21 2008/09 Report to the Minister for Racing, Gaming and Licensing Table 11: Lasseters Casino Performance, Turnover and Player Loss for financial years 2006/07, 2007/08 and 2008/09 Game 2006/07 2006/07 2007/08 2007/08 2008/09 2008/09 Handle $ Player Handle $ Player Handle $ Player Loss $ Loss $ Loss $ Table Games 8 890 697 2 108 012 10 785 294 2 459 050 12 918 625 2 869 692 Poker Machines 237 377 009 20 391 037 263 095 183 22 408 455 304 070 574 25 303 466 Total $246 267 706 $22 499 049 $273 880 477 $24 867 $316 989 505 199 $28 173 158 Table 12: SKYCity Casino Performance, Turnover and Player Loss for financial years 2006/07, 2007/08 and 2008/09 Game 2006/07 2006/07 2007/08 2007/08 2008/09 2008/09 Handle $ Player Handle $ Player Handle $ Player Loss $ Loss $ Loss $ Table Games 68 665 214 13 441 058 103 495 685 17 888 936 88 573 118 16 311 450 Poker Machine 658 847 115 59 336 130 714 675 463 63 380 128 758 022 298 66 280 469 Keno 45 058 477 9 969 190 45 241 223 11 288 614 48 288 997 11 052 707 Total $772 570 806 $82 746 378 $863 412 371 $92 557 $894 884 678 413 $93 644 626 Source: SKYCITY Monthly Returns Table 13: Northern Territory Casinos, Taxes by Venue for financial years 2006/07, 2007/08 and 2008/09 Gaming Tax 2006/07 2007/08 2008/09 Lasseters 2 405 712 2 642 129 2 982 508 SKYCITY 7 711 487 8 400 734 8 631 990 Total $10 117 199 $11 042 864 $11 614 498 Source: SKYCITY and Lasseters Monthly Returns Lotteries Table 14: Lotteries Turnover, Revenue Generated and Player Loss, Summary for financial years 2006/07, 2007/08 and 2008/09 Lotteries ($) 2006/07 2007/08 2008/09 Turnover 39 859 412 40 806 303 43 969 373 Revenue Generated 12 930 914 13 291 188 13 774 987 22 2008/09 Report to the Minister for Racing, Gaming and Licensing Lotteries ($) 2006/07 2007/08 2008/09 Expenditure (Player Loss) 15 949 673 16 327 660 17 592 909 Source: Victorian Government and Golden CasketNote: Gaming tax is the amount generated in period specified, not the amount received. Table 15: Lotteries Activity by Product 2006/07 Lotteries Turnover $ Revenue Generated $ Expenditure (Player Loss) $ Instant 3 665 409 1 180 373 1 466 163 Oz Lotto 4 462 693 1 419 100 1 785 077 Powerball 8 259 589 2 636 764 3 303 835 Super 66 117 688 37 379 47 075 Tatts 2 81 679 25 941 32 672 Tatts Saturday 21 855 000 7 182 977 8 742 000 Tatts Wednesday 1 358 268 431 386 543 307 The Pools 59 087 16 993 29 544 Total $39 859 412 $12 930 914 $15 949 673 Table 16: Lotteries Activity by Product 2007/08 Lotteries Turnover $ Revenue Generated $ Expenditure (Player Loss) $ Instant 3 209 695 1 028 532 1 283 878 Keno* 8 2 3 Oz Lotto 6 014 787 1 912 116 2 405 915 Powerball 9 271 679 3 036 185 3 708 671 Super 66 109 746 34 855 43 898 Tatts 2 101 915 32 368 40 766 Tatts Saturday 20 679 047 6 797 861 8 271 619 Tatts Wednesday 1 368 033 434 487 547 213 The Pools 51 394 14 781 25 697 Total $40 806 303 $13 291 188 $16 327 660 * This represents the only sale of a Keno product, which occurred in May 2008. 23 2008/09 Report to the Minister for Racing, Gaming and Licensing Table 17: Lotteries Activity by Product 2008/09 Lotteries Turnover $ Revenue Generated $ Expenditure (Player Loss) $ Instant 3 459 775 635 340 1 384 450 Oz Lotto 10 747 554 3 416 089 4 299 022 Powerball 6 978 227 2 226 791 2 791 291 Super 66 108 976 34 611 43 590 Tatts Saturday 21 478 464 7 083 572 8 591 386 Tatts Wednesday 1 150 177 365 296 460 071 The Pools 46 201 13 287 23 100 Total $43 969 373 $13 774 987 $17 592 909 Racing Table 18: Wagering Turnover and Turnover Tax, Summary for 2006/07, 2007/08 and 2008/09 Betting 2006/0 2006/0 2006/ 2007/0 2007/0 2007/ 2008/0 2008/0 Medium 7 7 07 8 8 08 9 9 Turnov Turnov Playe Turnov Turnov Playe Turnov Turnov er $ er Tax r er $ er Tax r er $ er Tax $ Loss $ Loss $ $ $ 2008/ 09 Playe r Loss $ Corporat e Bookma ker Racing 2 719 449 826 8 940 491 126 501 256 3 013 899 937 9 866 003 142 252 390 3 515 441 503 10 633 100 191 166 374 Sport 897 197 786 773 998 50 045 779 1 107 910 821 857 050 67 786 104 1 193 000 355 737 412 63 145 178 9 332 490 30 649 443 091 10 041 947 33 042 476 543 9 448 182 30 940 823 335 142 646 000 6 762 000 22 539 000 146 458 000 9 393 000 23 433 000 164 061 000 10 499 000 26 249 000 OnCourse Bookma ker Racing Totalisat or Racing 24 2008/09 Report to the Minister for Racing, Gaming and Licensing Betting Medium 2006/0 7 Turnov er $ 2006/0 7 Turnov er Tax $ 2006/ 07 Playe r Loss $ 2007/0 8 Turnov er $ 2007/0 8 Turnov er Tax $ 2007/ 08 Playe r Loss $ 2008/0 9 Turnov er $ 2008/0 9 Turnov er Tax $ 2008/ 09 Playe r Loss $ Total $3 768 626 102 $16 507 138 $199 529 126 $4 278 310 705 $20 149 096 $233 948 038 $4 881 951 040 $21 900 452 $281 383 887 Source: Sports Bookmaker, On-Course Bookmakers Monthly Returns and NT TAB Note: Gaming tax is the amount generated in period specified, not the amount received Table 19: Grants payments made to the Racing Industry Thoroughbred Racing NT 2006/07 $M (000) 2007/08 $M (000) 2008/09 $M (000) Operational $6.402 $7.022 *$17.476 Capital $0.350 $0.350 *$0.700 Country Clubs $0.020 $0.020 $0.020 * Payment to Thoroughbred Racing Northern Territory and Darwin Greyhound Association under the Racing Industry Funding Agreement. 2008/09 funding is higher than estimated as the timing of some payments was changed. Darwin Greyhound Association 2006/07 $M (000) 2007/08 $M (000) 2008/09 $M (000) Operational $0.335 $0.390 *$0.839 Capital Nil $0.080 *$0.090 * Payment to Thoroughbred Racing Northern Territory and Darwin Greyhound Association under the Racing Industry Funding Agreement. 2008/09 funding is higher than estimated as the timing of some payments was changed. Table 20: Composition of Northern Territory Gambling Turnover, Year ended 30 June Turnover (all wagers made) 2007 $M (000) 2008 $M (000) 2009 $M (000) Community gaming machines1 601.879 698.437 769.047 Casinos 1 018.839 1 137.293 1 211.874 Internet gaming2 161.046 88.386 19.994 Lotteries 39.859 40.806 43.969 Race betting3 2 728.782 3 023.942 3 524.890 Sports betting4. 897.198 1 107.911 1 193.000 Totalisator (TAB) Wagering5 142.646 146.458 164.061 25 2008/09 Report to the Minister for Racing, Gaming and Licensing Turnover (all wagers made) 2007 $M (000) 2008 $M (000) 2009 $M (000) Total $5 590.249 $6 243.233 $6 926.835 1 The increase in community gaming machines turnover is due to an increase in the number of gaming machines and increased popularity. 2 The decrease in turnover is a result of US legislation and the closure of Lasseters Online Casino. 3 Race betting includes all bets on horse, greyhound and harness racing with on-course and corporate bookmakers. It does not include race betting with the TAB. Growth in bookmaker racing turnover is due to increased corporate bookmaker licences and increased popularity. 4. Sports betting includes all bets made with corporate bookmakers on sporting events, including fixed odds sports betting with the TAB. 5 Totalisator (TAB) wagering consists only of bets on horse, greyhound and harness racing placed with the TAB. Table 21: Distribution of Northern Territory Gambling Expenditure, Year ended 30 June Expenditure (player loss) 2007 $M (000) 2008 $M (000) 2009 $M (000) Community gaming machines 63.706 72.064 78.665 Casinos 105.245 117.425 121.818 Internet gaming 6.812 3.770 .761 Lotteries 15.950 16.328 17.593 Race betting 126.944 142.729 191.990 Sports betting 50.046 67.786 63.145 Totalisator (TAB) Wagering 22.539 23.433 26.249 Total $391.242 $443.535 $500.221 Table 21 disaggregates the Territory’s gambling expenditure (or net player loss) into different gambling forms. It is evident that player losses vary across the different forms of gambling because some forms of gambling are based on chance and probabilities, while others have elements of skill and judgement, so the likelihood of losing is not always the same. These differences also explain why there is not necessarily a direct correlation between the spread of turnover and the spread of expenditure. For example, race betting represented 51 per cent of the amount wagered in 2009 with only 38 per cent of player loss in 2009, while casinos contributed 17.5 per cent of gambling turnover in 2009 and 24 per cent of player loss in 2009. Gambling Research Officer Gambling is an issue requiring increased attention at both the local and national levels. The Northern Territory Government has identified addressing gambling-related harm in Indigenous communities as an action area under Closing the Gap and has nominated the Department of Justice as the lead agency for this initiative. To address this issue, in 2008/09 the Department employed a Gambling Research Officer. This position will also manage Gambling Research Australia requirements, provide advice on proposed and existing gambling research projects funded through the Community Benefit Fund and provide advice on future policy development. 26 2008/09 Report to the Minister for Racing, Gaming and Licensing Gambling Research The Gambling Research Grants Program supports gambling-related research activities, analysis and development of initiatives to address issues of problem gambling and to develop policy and approaches to encourage responsible gambling practices. The program administration costs and all Committee and program support activities are also met from this part of the fund. One organisation was funded in 2008/09, as follows: Charles Darwin University was approved an amount of $500 000 to undertake several gambling research projects relating to Indigenous gambling, applicability of other jurisdictional policy frameworks and analysis of existing prevalence dataset. Three reports, listed below, have been prepared and will be publicly released in October 2009. – Workshop Report Regulated Gambling and Problem Gambling Amongst Aborigines from Remote Northern Territory Communities: A Yolgnu Case Study; – Expenditure on Electronic Gaming Machines in the Northern Territory: A VenuesBased Analysis; and – Gambling Harm-minimisation Measures Post 1999: An Australian Overview with Particular Reference to the Northern Territory. 27 2008/09 Report to the Minister for Racing, Gaming and Licensing Alcohol Management Highlights 2008/09 Coordination across Government to reduce alcohol related harm Establishment of a new Alcohol Strategy Unit to provide a greater focus on alcohol and to take a leadership role across government in coordinating actions to reduce alcoholrelated harm. Research and Policy Evaluation A three-year contract and Partnership Agreement established with the Menzies School of Health Research, and involving the Department of Justice and the Department of Health and Families to provide evidence for evaluation on alcohol-related harm and interventions within the NT. Regional and Local Plans responsive to local alcohol-related harms and environments Continued development of local Alcohol Management Plans (AMPs) across the NT, with AMPs now being developed in all regional centres and in some regional towns and remote communities. AMPs are in place in Alice Springs, Tennant Creek, Katherine, Palmerston, East Arnhem and Groote Eylandt. AMPs are being developed in Borroloola, West Arnhem, Elliott, Pine Creek and Timber Creek. Existing AMPs have contributed to reductions in consumption of alcohol and to alcohol-related harm. An evaluation of the Alice Springs AMP found that after the introduction of the AMP in August 2006 there was an: – 18 per cent reduction in wholesale alcohol supply; and – the proportion of assaults classified as serious assaults fell from 2.4 per cent in 2006 to 1.7 per cent in 2007, a statistically significant fall which has remained at this lower level. The evaluation made a number of recommendations, in particular that alcohol restrictions are retained in their current form and that extensive community consultation, education and social marketing be conducted, before implementing any further measures. Improved systems of regulation and compliance An electronic identification system for the purchase of takeaway liquor implemented in Alice Springs and the Katherine region and for the liquor permit system in the East Arnhem region and Groote Eylandt. The system requires photographic identification to be presented at point of purchase, and has been successful in: – preventing those with court order alcohol restrictions from purchasing liquor; and – enforcing purchase limits that apply to specific products and to permits. In Katherine and Alice Springs, from 1 January to 30 June 2009, 7162 refusals were recorded where people attempted to purchase products in excess of permitted levels or while on court orders. Introduction of CCTV cameras and Camera Surveillance Plans for licensed premises. Establishment of the School Liaison Program to identify liquor and tobacco licensees who sell products to minors. 28 2008/09 Report to the Minister for Racing, Gaming and Licensing Supply Tennant Creek was added to a number of Territory towns where there are restrictions on drinking in public places. Drinking is not permitted in public areas without a special event permit. Harm Reduction Mandatory Responsible Service of Alcohol (RSA) training has been implemented for all people involved in the sale and supply of alcohol in fully licensed premises. Industry Accords, through the funding of the Australian Hotel Association to work with the liquor industry to develop voluntary agreements amongst liquor outlets which address alcohol-related harms, and work amongst licensees in and around Casuarina Shopping Centre to address problematic drinking in Casuarina. Demand Contract signed with ‘Creative Territory’ to provide targeted and broad based social marketing and community education aimed at changing drinking behaviour and attitudes. Research undertaken on Communication Strategies on Alcohol in the Northern Territory and on Indigenous Drinking Patterns as a basis for developing a social marketing strategy aimed at changing the Northern Territory’s drinking culture. Funding provided to Good Sports to commence programs across the NT targeted at responsible drinking and service in sporting clubs. Funding provided to the Aboriginal Resource and Development Services (ARDS) to deliver community education in relation to alcohol regulations and harm reduction interventions through Yolgnu radio in the East Arnhem region. Key Directions 2009-10 Further alcohol reform – through developing a future plan for alcohol reform, which links the actions of key agencies. Roll-out of Alcohol Management Plans in remote communities across the NT – targeted at Territory Growth Towns. Establishment of alcohol management positions in each region – greatly expanding the capacity to respond to local alcohol management issues and to support communities in addressing alcohol-related harms. Further development of evidence-based research capacity and knowledge. Development of a social marketing strategy targeted at changing the ‘drinking culture’ in the NT. This includes reducing the high level of alcohol consumed by Territorians, which is more than twice the national average, and the way Territorians drink. Development of agreed frameworks to support Permit Committees and Alcohol Reference Groups. Policy and supply measures During the 2008/09 year, the Northern Territory Licensing Commission determined that all employees involved in the sale, service or supply of liquor must have completed an accredited Responsible Service of Alcohol certificate, or do so within one month of commencing employment. To assist industry in meeting this new responsibility, the Division established a $40 subsidy for industry participants through NT training providers, effectively reducing the cost of training per participant to as little as $16 in some cases. At its completion, more than 1500 people had utilised the subsidy. The Division has continued to work in partnership with key stakeholders including other NT Government agencies, industry and community on a range of activities intended to reduce alcohol-fuelled violence. Activities include: 29 2008/09 Report to the Minister for Racing, Gaming and Licensing electronic identification systems at the point of entry to some premises; use of acrylic cups after midnight; and joint operations with NT Police. Alcohol Consumption Wholesalers registered to trade alcohol in the Northern Territory (NT) provide the Department of Justice with data on the volumes of alcohol supplied by product type: standard spirits, mixed spirits, cask wine, bottled wine, fortified wine, cider, heavy beer, mid beer and light beer. The volume of each product supplied into the NT is multiplied by its percentage of alcohol content so that the amount of pure alcohol associated with each product type can be compared. Each of the following charts presents the wholesale supply in litres of pure alcohol content (PAC) by product type. Wholesale alcohol supply statistics are presented for the Territory as a whole and each of the following urban centres: Darwin City, Palmerston City, Katherine Town, Tennant Creek Town, Alice Springs Town and Nhulunbuy Town. A measure of the apparent per capita consumption of alcohol in the NT can be determined by dividing the total alcohol supplied into the Territory by an estimate of the population likely to be drinking. National statistics include those people aged 15 years and above as the likely drinking population. As the Territory is a major centre for tourism, estimates of the number of tourists aged 15 and over are added to the Australian Bureau of Statistics population estimates to determine the total likely drinking population of the NT. Apparent consumption can only be reliably calculated for the whole of the Territory as estimates for tourist numbers are only dependable at this level. Apparent per capita consumption of alcohol in the NT peaked in 2004, and has been decreasing each year since then (refer Chart 11). Over the period 2001 to 2008, apparent per capita consumption has increased at an annual average rate of 1.0% Chart 11: Apparent per Capita Consumption (PAC) in the Northern Territory * The Apparent per Capita Consumption is calculated using the sum of the ABS Estimated Resident Population (15+) and the estimated number of international and interstate visitors supplied by Tourism NT (both with a reference period ending 30 June). 30 2008/09 Report to the Minister for Racing, Gaming and Licensing Northern Territory Over the period 2001 to 2008, total wholesale supply of pure alcohol into the Northern Territory increased at an annual average rate of 2.2 per cent and over the same period population growth was 1.9 per cent. In 2008, for the first time in six years, there was a reduction in the supply of alcohol into the NT, a decrease of 0.3 per cent compared to 2007 (refer Chart 12). Regional alcohol supply or management initiatives contributed to this overall reduction. Chart 12: Total Wholesale Pure Alcohol Supply – Northern Territory In 2006 a number of NT Government-sponsored alcohol supply and management initiatives were introduced in regional urban centres that resulted in changes in the supply of alcohol products into the Territory. Between 2006 and 2008 the most significant movements in the supply of wines and spirits have been (refer Chart 13): Cask wine supply decreased from 444 277 to 257 235 litres pure alcohol content (PAC), a 42 per cent reduction; Bottled wine supply increased from 248 843 to 306 592 litres PAC, an increase of 23 per cent; and Product switching from mixed to standard spirits coinciding with the introduction of the ‘Alcopops’ tax on 27 April 2008. 31 2008/09 Report to the Minister for Racing, Gaming and Licensing Chart 13: Wine and Spirits Wholesale Pure Alcohol Supply – Northern Territory The supply of beer into the Territory between 2006 and 2008 has seen an 8 per cent increase in full strength beer and a 24 per cent increase in low strength beer (refer Chart 14). Chart 14: Beer Wholesale Pure Alcohol Supply – Northern Territory Darwin City Chart 15 presents annual total pure alcohol supply into Darwin City. There was no material change in alcohol supply to Darwin between 2001 and 2003. Since 2003, alcohol supply to Darwin has been increasing. In 2008, a total of 1 185 689 litres PAC was supplied to Darwin, representing an average annual growth of 3.1 per cent since 2001. The average population growth between 2001 and 2008 in Darwin was 1.3 per cent per annum. No alcohol supply or management initiatives were implemented for Darwin over this period. 32 2008/09 Report to the Minister for Racing, Gaming and Licensing Chart 15: Total Wholesale Pure Alcohol Supply – Darwin City Chart 16 presents the supply of wine and spirits into Darwin between 2001 and 2008. The supply of fortified wine and cider remain relatively steady while all other products have increased considerably with varying degrees of volatility. Noticeably, the supply of mixed spirits decreased while standard spirits increased in 2008. This coincides with the introduction of the ‘Alcopops’ tax. Chart 16: Wine and Spirits Wholesale Pure Alcohol Supply – Darwin City Chart 17 shows that supply of full strength beer decreased between 2001 and 2003 but subsequently increased steadily. By 2008, full strength beer supply to Darwin exceeded the 2001 level by 6 per cent. Mid-strength beer has been increasing over the entire period and in 2008 was 319 per cent above its 2001 level. In contrast, the supply of light beer has been decreasing over the period; in 2008 supply was 32 per cent below the 2001 level. 33 2008/09 Report to the Minister for Racing, Gaming and Licensing Chart 17: Beer Wholesale Pure Alcohol Supply – Darwin City Palmerston City Chart 18 presents annual total pure alcohol supply into Palmerston City. Between 2001 and 2003 supply was largely static, but increased each year since 2003. In 2008 total supply into Palmerston increased by 49 per cent or 106 219 litres compared to 2003 levels. The average population growth in Palmerston was 4.0 per cent per annum between 2001 and 2008; over the same period alcohol supply increased by an average of 5.8 per cent per annum. No alcohol supply or management initiatives were implemented for Palmerston over the 2001/08 period. Chart 18: Total Wholesale Pure Alcohol Supply – Palmerston City Chart 19 presents the supply of wine and spirits between 2001 and 2008. This chart shows that the major wine/spirit contributors to the increase in supply in Palmerston between 2003 and 2008 were: 34 2008/09 Report to the Minister for Racing, Gaming and Licensing Cask wine supply increasing from 28 970 to 40 809 litres PAC, a 41 per cent increase; Bottled wine supply increasing from 13 412 to 27 163 litres PAC, an increase of 103 per cent; Standard spirits supply increasing from 37 969 to 48 924 litres PAC, an increase of 29 per cent; and Mixed spirits supply increasing from 20 559 to 38 650 litres PAC, an increase of 88 per cent. Chart 19: Wine and Spirits Wholesale Pure Alcohol Supply – Palmerston City Chart 20 shows that the major beer contributors to the increase in supply in Palmerston between 2003 and 2008 were: Full strength beer supply increasing from 72 087 to 100 750 litres PAC, a 40 per cent increase; and Mid strength beer supply increasing from 18 075 to 37 376 litres PAC, an increase of 107 per cent. 35 2008/09 Report to the Minister for Racing, Gaming and Licensing Chart 20: Beer Wholesale Pure Alcohol Supply – Palmerston City Katherine Chart 21 presents annual total pure alcohol supply into Katherine Town. Supply peaked in 2004 and has reduced each subsequent year. The average population growth in Katherine was 1.2 per cent per annum between 2001 and 2008; over the same period alcohol supply increased by an average of 0.8 per cent per annum. In 2007 alcohol supply totalled 201 960 litres PAC, and in 2008 supply decreased by 14 per cent or 27 430 litres to a total of 174 530 litres PAC. Chart 21: Total Wholesale Pure Alcohol Supply – Katherine Town The major factors contributing to this reduction were supply restrictions implemented on 21 January 2008. The key features of these restrictions were: Cask and fortified wines restricted in capacity to 2 litres; 36 2008/09 Report to the Minister for Racing, Gaming and Licensing Takeaway sales limited to one cask or fortified wine product per person per day; and Takeaway sales of fortified wine and cask wine limited to the hours of 2 pm to 6 pm. These restrictions resulted in a significant reduction in cask and fortified wine supply in 2008, somewhat offset by an increase in full strength beer supply. There were some changes in supplies of individual products in 2006, but these had little impact on the total supply of alcohol in 2007. In November 2006, Woolworths introduced voluntary liquor restrictions whereby they ceased the sale of cask wines greater than 2 litres, all cask fortified wines and bottled beer in 750ml and 800ml containers. This resulted in a significant reduction in cask wine supply, which was largely offset by an increase in fortified wine supply. Chart 22 presents the supply of wine and spirits between 2001 and 2008. This chart shows that cask wine supply decreased from 60 948 litres PAC in 2006 to 11 834 litre PAC in 2008, an 81 per cent (or 49 114 litres) reduction. Chart 22: Wine and Spirits Wholesale Pure Alcohol Supply – Katherine Town Chart 23 shows that full strength beer supply in 2006 was 50 708 litres PAC and that it increased by 18 per cent to 60 064 litres PAC in 2008. It appears that the restrictions on cask wine supply resulted in some product switching to heavy beer. 37 2008/09 Report to the Minister for Racing, Gaming and Licensing Chart 23: Beer Wholesale Pure Alcohol Supply – Katherine Town Tennant Creek Chart 24 presents annual total pure alcohol supply into Tennant Creek Town. Supply peaked in 2004 at 68 180 litres PAC. In 2005, alcohol supply reduced by 11 per cent to 60 439 litres PAC and subsequently increased only marginally to 62 687 litres PAC in 2008. The average population growth in Tennant Creek was 2.6 per cent per annum between 2001 and 2008. Over the same period, alcohol supply increased by an average of 0.9 per cent per annum. Chart 24: Total Wholesale Pure Alcohol Supply – Tennant Creek Town Chart 25 presents the supply of wine and spirits between 2001 and 2008. The increase in the supply of standard spirits in 2003 and 2004 coincides with the railway construction and an influx of single male workers. 38 2008/09 Report to the Minister for Racing, Gaming and Licensing In 2006, takeaway containers of fortified wine were banned, resulting in a switch from fortified wine to cask wine. In 2008, Tennant Creek was declared a restricted area, takeaway trading hours were reduced, and cask wine was limited to one cask per person between the hours of 4 pm and 6 pm. Coinciding with the measures introduced in 2008, cask wine supply decreased from 15 666 litres PAC in 2007 to 12 350 litre PAC in 2008, a 21 per cent reduction. Chart 25: Wine and Spirits Wholesale Pure Alcohol Supply – Tennant Creek Town Chart 26 shows that full strength beer supply in 2008 increased by 13 per cent to 24 435 litres PAC. This can be attributed to a product switch due to the restrictions placed on cask wine. Chart 26: Beer Wholesale Pure Alcohol Supply – Tennant Creek Town 39 2008/09 Report to the Minister for Racing, Gaming and Licensing Alice Springs Chart 27 presents annual total pure alcohol supply into Alice Springs Town. Supply peaked in 2005 and has reduced in each subsequent year. In 2008, alcohol supply totalled 431 695 litres PAC, 19 per cent less than the peak figure of 530 803 litres in 2005. The average population growth in Alice Springs was 1.1 per cent per annum between 2001 and 2008. Over the same period, alcohol supply decreased by an average of 2 per cent per annum. Chart 27: Total Wholesale Pure Alcohol Supply – Alice Springs Town The major factor contributing to this reduction was the introduction of supply restrictions in October 2006. The key features of these restrictions were: Wine casks restricted in capacity to 2 litres; Fortified wine restricted in size to 1 litre containers; Takeaway sales limited to one fortified wine or one cask wine product per person per day; and • Takeaway sales of fortified wine and cask wine restricted to the last three hours of the trading day. These restrictions resulted in a significant reduction in cask wine supply, somewhat offset by an increase in full strength beer supply. Chart 28 presents the supply of wine and spirits between 2001 and 2008. This chart shows that cask wine supply decreased from 135 267 litres PAC in 2006 to 19 968 litre PAC in 2008, an 85 per cent reduction. 40 2008/09 Report to the Minister for Racing, Gaming and Licensing Chart 28: Wine and Spirits Wholesale Pure Alcohol Supply – Alice Springs Town Chart 29 shows that full strength beer supply in 2006 was 155 286 litres PAC and that it increased by 25 per cent to 194 065 litres PAC in 2008. It appears that the restrictions on cask wine supply resulted in some product switching to heavy beer. Chart 29: Beer Wholesale Pure Alcohol Supply – Alice Springs Town Nhulunbuy Chart 30 presents annual total pure alcohol supply into Nhulunbuy Town and demonstrates that alcohol supply was on an upward trend peaking in 2006. In 2008, alcohol supply totalled 88 132 litres PAC, which is 22 per cent or 24 288 litres less than the 2006 supply of 112 420 litres PAC. 41 2008/09 Report to the Minister for Racing, Gaming and Licensing The average population growth in Nhulunbuy was 3.9 per cent per annum between 2001 and 2008. Over the same period, alcohol supply increased by an average of 3.4 per cent per annum. Chart 30: Total Wholesale Pure Alcohol Supply – Nhulunbuy Town The major factor contributing to this reduction was the introduction of the supply restrictions in June 2006, whereby the Woolworths Nhulunbuy store voluntarily withdrew all cask wine from its shelves and all other town retailers withdrew 5 litre wine casks from sale. A permit system was introduced in March 2008, however, there is currently insufficient data to examine the full impact of this system. After an upward trend in both standard and mixed spirits supply since 2003, 2008 saw a decrease in supply of both products (refer Chart 31). Chart 31: Wine & Spirits Wholesale Pure Alcohol Supply – Nhulunbuy Town 42 2008/09 Report to the Minister for Racing, Gaming and Licensing Chart 32 shows that both full and mid-strength beer supply peaked in 2006 and reduced in each of the two following years. Full strength beer supply was 9 per cent less in 2008 than 2006, and similarly mid-strength beer was 34 per cent less in 2008. Chart 32: Beer Wholesale Pure Alcohol Supply – Nhulunbuy Town ‘Alcopops’ Tax On 27 April 2008, the Australian Government increased the tax on mixed spirit drinks; this has become known as the ‘Alcopops’ tax and has remained in place. As can be seen in Chart 33, during the first eight months of the implementation of this tax, supply of mixed spirits fell by 21 per cent, or 66 748 litres PAC. However it is apparent that there was some product switching to standard spirits as these increased by 16 per cent or 57 616 litres PAC. However, for the whole of the NT the combined supply of mixed plus standard spirits was 1.3 per cent or 9132 litres PAC less in 2008, when the ‘Alcopops’ tax had been in operation for eight months. 43 2008/09 Report to the Minister for Racing, Gaming and Licensing Chart 33: Standard and Mixed Spirits – Northern Territory Restricted Area Table 22: Type and number of restricted areas/premises in 2008/09 compared with 2007/08 Type of Alcohol Restricted Areas Declared by Commission 2007/08 2008/09 General 110 110 Public 7 7 Private Restricted Premises (private homes and buildings) 328 431 Total 479 582 Location Declaration date Alice Springs 1 August 2007 Tennant Creek 1 August 2008 Mataranka 21 April 2008 Katherine 21 January 2008 Nhulunbuy/East Arnhem 1 March 2008 Bicentennial Park / Rapid Creek and Nightcliff Foreshores 19 May 2008 44 2008/09 Report to the Minister for Racing, Gaming and Licensing Liquor Licensing Table 23: Type and number of restricted areas/premises in 2008/09 compared with 2007/08 Type 2006/07 2007/08 2008/09 Transfer of Liquor licences 30 26 39 Number of Suspended licences 18 37 17 Number of Surrendered licences 5 7 12 Number of Cancelled licences 2 2 3 Number of Special Liquor licences 384 384 380 Number of continuing Special Liquor licences 7 13 8 Liquor complaints received and action taken 34 20 25 Total 480 489 484 Details on name of premises, licensing conditions, variations, locations and penalties are listed at Appendix B Table 24: Total Number of Liquor Licenses by categories 2006/07 2007/08 2008/09 814 Clubs 72 71 69 810 Liquor Merchants 12 12 12 811 Off Licences 13 14 14 808 On Licences 73 79 79 802 Private Hotels 38 37 37 801 Public Hotels 31 31 34 805 Restaurants 95 94 94 813 Roadside Inn Serviced 6 6 6 812 Roadside Inn Un-serviced 27 27 27 809 Stores 70 67 67 803 Tavern 43 44 45 806 Vessels 9 9 11 489 491 495 Total 45 2008/09 Report to the Minister for Racing, Gaming and Licensing Table 25: Liquor Complaints Received and Action Taken 2006/07 2007/08 2008/09 Complaints investigated, but no further action warranted 6 7 3 Licences cancelled following complaint 0 1 0 Licences suspended due to breaches of licence conditions (section 66(1)(b)) 7 5 10 5 10 Complaints heard and finalised without licence suspension 20 5 12 Complaints withdrawn 1 1 0 Total 34 20 25 ID Takeaway Liquor System The ID System operates in Alice Springs and the Katherine region. It assists licensees in enforcing local alcohol restrictions and automatically records information required by the Australian Government’s record of purchases over $100. Anyone wishing to purchase takeaway alcohol in Alice Springs and the Katherine region must produce approved photo identification. The system enables the licensee to identify persons who have takeaway alcohol restrictions due to a prohibition or other Court Order, and ensures compliance with the liquor supply plan restrictions that limit the number of purchases of certain products such as cask wine and fortified wine. Electronic Liquor Permit System The liquor permit system operates in Nhulunbuy and East Arnhem and uses the same technology as the ID Takeaway Liquor system. In these regions however, takeaway alcohol can only be purchased by persons with a current liquor permit. Some individuals also have limits on the volume of liquor products they are allowed to purchase, and the system assists to ensure compliance with these restrictions. Table 26: Takeaway Liquor ID System, 2008/09 Month Court Orders Issued Attempts to purchase whilst prohibited Attempts to purchase restricted items Alice Springs January 1 38 530 February 1 12 523 March 3 55 534 April 1 49 845 May 10 36 614 June 1 31 566 Total 17 221 3 612 46 2008/09 Report to the Minister for Racing, Gaming and Licensing Month Court Orders Issued Attempts to purchase whilst prohibited Attempts to purchase restricted items January 11 83 540 February 5 36 576 March 10 52 592 April 7 35 543 May 11 36 575 June 18 33 228 Total 62 275 3 054 Katherine Chart 33: Takeaway Liquor ID System - Alice Springs 2008/09 Chart 34: Takeaway Liquor ID System - Katherine 2008/09 47 2008/09 Report to the Minister for Racing, Gaming and Licensing Table 27: Electronic Liquor Permit System, 2008/09 Month Permits Issued Court Orders Attempts to issued purchase restricted items Attempts to purchase whilst prohibited Nhulunbuy January 111 0 46 0 February 99 1 31 0 March 108 0 16 0 April 158 0 29 0 May 141 0 69 0 June 197 1 35 0 Total 814 2 226 0 January 0 0 0 0 February 0 0 0 0 March 0 0 0 0 April 729 0 0 0 May 73 0 0 0 June 114 0 1 0 Total 916 0 1 0 East Arnhem Chart 35: Electronic Liquor Permit System - Nhulunbuy 48 2008/09 Report to the Minister for Racing, Gaming and Licensing Chart 36: Electronic Liquor Permit System - East Arnhem 49 2008/09 Report to the Minister for Racing, Gaming and Licensing Licensing Employee Licensing - Cumulative Total Permit, Licence or Approval Types 2006/2007 2007/2008 2008/2009 Casino Employees Not Available 349 319 Gaming Machine Managers 872 890 927 Gaming Machine Repairers 15 15 15 Dual Private Security 870 890 1750 Crowd controller 75 142 355 Private Security Officers 308 273 353 Bookmaker Key Employees 120 75 50 Escort Agency Operators 5 3 3 Approved major lottery permits Not Available 35 73 Commercial & Foreign Lottery Permits 4 6 6 Business Names Not Available 18 348 17 900 Incorporated Associations Not Available 1 661 1 682 Bookmaker Permit 37 36 39 Sports Bookmakers 8 13 13 Motor Vehicle Dealers 260 104 97 Dealer’s Managers 198 117 108 Travel Agents 71 76 79 76 79 Commercial and Private Agents 139 137 91 137 91 Pawnbrokers/ Second-hand Dealers 11 11 10 11 10 Second-hand Dealers 20 20 19 Escort Agency Managers 1 3 3 Security Firm 20 22 31 Real Estate, Business Agents, Conveyancing Agents 323 357 382 Registered Agents Representatives 432 488 509 Employee Licensing Business Licensing – Cumulative Total Tobacco, Other Licensing and Statutory Appointments– Cumulative Total 50 2008/09 Report to the Minister for Racing, Gaming and Licensing Permit, Licence or Approval Types 2006/2007 2007/2008 2008/2009 Tobacco Retailers Granted 734 744 737 Unincorporated Approved Associations Not Available 74 92 Trade Lotteries Not Available 42 17 Justices of the Peace 103 289 293 Commissioners for Oaths Not Available 884 888 Auctioneers 10 173 189 A list of transferred licences from 1 July 2006 until 30 June 2009 is at Appendix C. 51 2008/09 Report to the Minister for Racing, Gaming and Licensing Appendix A Community Gaming Machines - Previous Years Northern Territory Community Gaming Machine Performance in Clubs, year ended 30 June 2007 Club Venue Number of Turnover Gross Gaming Community Machines $ Profit $ Tax $ Benefit Levy $ Alice Springs Golf Club 8 630 536 65 209 9 460 - Alice Springs Memorial Club 45 17 482 115 1 776 120 524 772 - Alice Springs RSL Club 24 4 790 394 520 498 113 809 - Alyangula Golf Club 8 1 797 246 200 917 40 030 - Alyangula Recreation Club 15 7 017 018 812 075 201 254 - Arnhem Club 45 51 129 595 5 195 266 1 983 289 - Casuarina All Sports Club 45 57 894 374 6 142 078 2 389 566 - Cazalys Palmerston Club Inc 45 45 611 783 4 678 902 1 761 717 - Darwin Bowls & Social Club 3 23 939 3 884 501 - Darwin Golf Club 13 1 215 700 148 082 27 926 - Darwin North Sub Branch RSL 6 311 999 51 624 6 797 - Darwin RSL Club 20 4 351 808 468 429 102 113 - Darwin Rugby League Club 5 39 853 3 417 441 - Darwin Sailing Club 10 768 622 92 257 15 285 - Darwin Trailer Boat Club 10 1 570 604 171 540 33 619 - Federal Sports Club 10 1 935 676 222 957 45 079 - Gillen Club - Alice Springs 45 19 262 829 1 877 540 564 370 - Gove Country Golf Club 12 957 092 119 880 21 465 - Humpty Doo & Rural Area Golf Club 10 354 831 37 673 6 762 - Jabiru Sports & Social Club 17 6 616 436 702 820 167 054 - Katherine Club 45 19 070 683 2 136 006 671 500 - 52 2008/09 Report to the Minister for Racing, Gaming and Licensing Club Venue Number of Machines Turnover $ Gross Profit $ Gaming Tax $ Community Benefit Levy $ Katherine Country Club 25 13 596 578 1 370 032 384 878 - Katherine Sports & Recreation Club 19 6 195 621 692 147 162 945 - Nightcliff Sports Club 18 9 968 433 1 083 570 290 603 - Palmerston Golf & Country Club 22 5 088 252 628 325 143 141 - Palmerston Sports Club 45 58 704 174 5 839 953 2 259 924 - Pint Club 24 5 475 430 626 601 142 337 - Raob Club 16 5 788 000 708 996 169 395 - Sporties Club 16 3 361 481 369 980 78 762 - St Marys Football Sporting & Social Club 30 5 994 966 707 703 169 184 - Tennant Creek Bowling Club 4 86 825 13 751 1 775 - Tennant Creek Memorial Club 25 14 104 157 1 532 326 439 409 - Tracey Village Socal & Sports Club 45 47 728 042 4 838 886 1 830 366 - Total 730 $418 925 091 $43 839 446 $14 759 527 - Source: Northern Territory Department of Justice and NT TAB Note: Gaming tax is the amount generated in period specified, not the amount received. Northern Territory Community Gaming Machine Performance in Hotels, year ended 30 June 2007 Hotel Venue Number of Turnover Gross Gaming Community Machines $ Profit $ Tax $ Benefit Levy $ Adelaide River Inn - 142 005 20 266 8 696 2 027 Aileron Roadhouse 4 496 818 52 494 22 525 5 249 Airport Hotel 10 7 220 528 743 566 319 064 74 357 Barkly Homestead - 504 328 62 547 26 839 6 255 Beachfront Hotel 10 10 811 526 1 090 269 467 834 109 027 Crossways Hotel 10 4 281 243 531 460 228 049 53 146 53 2008/09 Report to the Minister for Racing, Gaming and Licensing Hotel Venue Number of Machines Turnover $ Gross Profit $ Gaming Tax $ Community Benefit Levy $ Deck Bar (The) 10 3 170 302 293 332 125 869 29 333 Fox Ale House (The) 10 534 838 57 344 24 606 5 734 Frontier Hotel 10 8 804 193 840 994 360 870 84 099 Gapview Resort Hotel 10 2 692 763 287 336 123 296 28 734 Goldfields Hotel 10 2 749 392 330 084 141 639 33 008 Heavitree Gap Tavern 10 2 563 964 333 041 142 908 33 304 Hibiscus Tavern 10 11 261 961 1 158 768 497 227 115 877 Hidden Valley Tavern 10 4 884 099 534 032 229 153 53 403 Howard Springs Tavern 10 6 902 637 697 929 299 481 69 793 Humpty Doo Hotel 10 7 439 439 768 649 329 827 76 865 Humpty Doo Tavern 10 10 323 642 1 199 604 514 750 119 960 Katherine Hotel 10 5 357 805 608 870 261 266 60 887 Kitty O’Shea’s 10 4 221 653 527 091 226 175 52 709 Litchfield Hotel 10 3 135 085 355 702 152 632 35 570 Mandorah Beach Hotel 5 375 108 46 11 Mataranka Hotel 10 3 107 239 357 513 153 409 35 751 Monsoons - 12 288 2 312 992 231 Noonamah Tavern 10 1 551 737 173 800 74 577 17 380 Palmerston Tavern 10 5 895 727 629 229 270 002 62 923 Parap Tavern 10 11 111 733 1 183 053 507 648 118 305 Pine Creek Hotel 10 1 815 708 253 265 108 676 25 327 Plaza Karama Tavern 10 12 072 892 1 093 348 469 156 109 335 Rum Jungle Motor Inn 10 2 591 261 308 142 132 224 30 814 Squires Tavern 10 6 009 368 647 269 277 743 64 727 Tennant Creek Hotel 10 2 922 562 326 254 139 996 32 625 The Cavenagh 10 5 089 661 588 872 252 685 58 887 Threeways Roadhouse 6 181 712 22 324 9 579 2 232 54 2008/09 Report to the Minister for Racing, Gaming and Licensing Hotel Venue Number of Machines Turnover $ Gross Profit $ Gaming Tax $ Community Benefit Levy $ Timber Creek Wayside Inn 4 399 067 59 581 25 566 5 958 Todd Tavern 10 4 639 457 597 483 256 380 59 748 Top End Hotel 10 5 855 486 503 499 216 052 50 350 Victoria Hotel - Darwin 10 7 492 681 912 255 391 449 91 226 Virginia Tavern 10 1 246 294 147 373 63 238 14 737 Walkabout Tavern 10 9 163 291 1 037 314 445 111 103 731 Winnellie Hotel 10 4 094 626 500 225 214 647 50 023 Yulara Residents Club 3 202 562 29 583 12 694 2 958 TOTAL 352 $182 953 947 $19 866 182 $8 524 579 $1 986 618 Source: Northern Territory Department of Justice and NT TAB Note: Gaming tax is the amount generated in period specified, not the amount received. Northern Territory Community Gaming Machine Performance, Summary for year ended 30 June 2007 Venue Number of Turnover $ Gross Profit Gaming Tax Community Machines $ $ Benefit Levy $ Clubs 730 418 925 091 43 839 446 14 759 527 - Hotels 352 182 953 947 19 866 182 8 524 579 1 986 618 Total 1 082 $601 879 038 $63 705 628 $23 284 106 $1 986 618 Source: Northern Territory Department of Justice and NT TAB Note: Gaming tax is the amount generated in period specified, not the amount received. Northern Territory Community Gaming Machine Performance in Clubs, year ended 30 June 2008 Hotel Venue Number of Turnover Gross Gaming Community Machines $ Profit $ Tax $ Benefit Levy $ Alice Springs Golf Club 8 486 734 49 134 6 934 - Alice Springs Memorial Club 45 19 077 341 1 915 638 583 588 - Alice Springs RSL Club 24 4 736 267 534 209 116 960 - Alyangula Golf Club 8 1 143 720 119 090 21 284 - Alyangula Recreation Club 15 9 031 836 1 027 479 272 143 - 55 2008/09 Report to the Minister for Racing, Gaming and Licensing Hotel Venue Number of Machines Turnover $ Gross Profit $ Gaming Tax $ Community Benefit Levy $ Arnhem Club 45 51 407 161 5 012 235 1 904 750 - Casuarina All Sports Club 45 67 712 993 6 940 179 2 732 031 - Cazalys Palmerston Club Inc 45 58 140 588 5 569 873 2 144 032 - Darwin Bowls & Social Club 3 75 844 9 061 1 170 - Darwin Golf Club 13 1 183 587 158 083 30 217 - Darwin North Sub Branch RSL 6 396 550 62 134 8 754 - Darwin RSL Club 30 7 149 188 732 445 177 621 - Darwin Rugby League Club 5 16 101 2 453 317 - Darwin Sailing Club 10 606 076 66 070 10 165 - Darwin Trailer Boat Club 10 2 266 043 253 602 52 100 - Federal Sports Club 10 - 2 086 371 248 530 50 938 - Gillen Club - Alice Springs 45 23 464 118 2 241 407 715 788 - Gove Country Golf Club 12 949 945 107 799 19 378 - - Humpty Doo & Rural Area Golf Club 10 1 392 484 156 760 29 914 - Jabiru Sports & Social Club 17 7 025 231 739 549 179 257 - Katherine Club 45 21 787 902 2 386 545 778 066 - Katherine Country Club 25 15 913 900 1 602 890 465 003 - Katherine Sports & Recreation Club 19 6 804 126 780 706 190 930 - Nightcliff Sports Club 22 14 349 212 1 494 961 427 232 - Palmerston Golf & Country Club 22 4 873 982 617 644 140 329 - Palmerston Sports Club 45 64 339 651 6 259 037 2 439 753 - Pint Club 24 5 713 700 656 452 150 518 - Raob Club 16 7 424 115 844 443 211 906 56 2008/09 Report to the Minister for Racing, Gaming and Licensing Hotel Venue Number of Machines Turnover $ Gross Profit $ Gaming Tax $ Community Benefit Levy $ Sporties Club 16 2 309 479 270 758 56 031 - St Marys Football Sporting & Social Club 30 6 509 723 716 003 169 849 - Tennant Creek Bowling Club 4 67 690 10 497 1 355 - Tennant Creek Memorial Club 25 15 276 006 1 583 570 455 339 - Tracey Village Social & Sports Club 45 53 050 824 5 337 548 2 044 342 - Total 744 $476 768 489 $48 506 784 $16 587 993 - Source: Northern Territory Department of Justice and NT TAB Note: Gaming tax is the amount generated in period specified, not the amount received. Northern Territory Community Gaming Machine Performance in Hotels, year ended 30 June 2008 Hotel Venue Number of Turnover Gross Gaming Community Machines $ Profit $ Tax $ Benefit Levy $ Aileron Roadhouse 4 341 686 39 883 17 114 3 988 Airport Hotel 10 9 764 531 984 425 422 417 98 443 Barkly Homestead 5 550 904 62 800 26 948 6 280 Beachfront Hotel 10 11 042 891 1 083 915 465 108 108 391 Corroboree Park Tavern 10 425 616 48 769 20 927 4 877 Crossways Hotel 10 4 100 118 511 039 219 287 51 104 Deck Bar (The) 10 3 229 167 324 333 139 171 32 433 Ducks Nuts Bar & Grill 10 484 941 47 681 16 442 3 832 Fox Ale House (The) 10 2 782 951 282 715 113 191 26 379 Frontier Hotel 10 11 850 864 1 126 713 483 473 112 671 Gapview Resort Hotel 10 2 840 297 290 108 124 485 29 011 Globetrotters Lodge 10 509 029 56 271 24 146 5 627 Goldfields Hotel 10 3 957 509 492 995 211 544 49 300 Heavitree Gap Tavern 10 2 371 173 304 254 130 556 30 425 57 2008/09 Report to the Minister for Racing, Gaming and Licensing Hotel Venue Number of Machines Turnover $ Gross Profit $ Gaming Tax $ Community Benefit Levy $ Hibiscus Tavern 10 12 713 437 1 410 974 605 449 141 097 Hidden Valley Tavern 10 4 436 499 455 857 195 608 45 586 Howard Springs Tavern 10 8 741 954 862 749 370 206 86 275 Humpty Doo Hotel 10 10 157 596 1 011 705 434 123 101 170 Humpty Doo Tavern 10 11 069 434 1 252 530 537 461 125 253 Katherine Hotel 10 6 189 510 698 983 299 934 69 898 Kitty O’Shea’s 10 5 358 812 649 583 278 736 64 958 Litchfield Hotel 10 3 498 389 405 523 174 010 40 552 Mataranka Hotel 10 3 052 603 362 865 155 705 36 286 Monsoons 10 4 124 480 390 129 167 404 39 013 Noonamah Tavern 10 2 183 909 262 289 112 548 26 229 Palmerston Tavern 10 7 050 840 713 367 306 106 71 337 Parap Tavern 10 13 056 696 1 395 325 598 734 139 532 Pine Creek Hotel 10 2 450 724 349 521 149 980 34 952 Plaza Karama Tavern 10 10 615 927 990 293 424 935 99 029 Rum Jungle Motor Inn 10 1 791 084 218 952 93 952 21 895 Rum Jungle Tavern 10 2 193 358 245 618 105 395 24 562 Shenannigans Irish Pub 10 603 454 57 746 24 779 5 775 Squires Tavern 10 6 463 639 654 824 280 985 65 482 Tennant Creek Hotel 10 3 554 763 419 137 179 852 41 914 The Archrival & Nirvana Restaurant 10 3 552 571 342 421 146 933 34 242 The Cavenagh 10 6 279 449 574 276 246 422 57 428 Threeways Roadhouse 6 525 696 66 362 28 476 6 636 Timber Creek Wayside Inn 4 546 944 76 970 33 028 7 697 Todd Tavern 10 4 565 846 597 512 256 393 59 751 Top End Hotel 10 6 671 964 588 074 252 342 58 807 58 2008/09 Report to the Minister for Racing, Gaming and Licensing Hotel Venue Number of Machines Turnover $ Gross Profit $ Gaming Tax $ Community Benefit Levy $ Victoria Hotel - Darwin 10 8 184 753 840 808 360 791 84 081 Virginia Tavern 10 3 063 231 367 074 157 511 36 707 Walkabout Tavern 10 8 439 678 946 105 405 974 94 611 Winnellie Hotel 10 6 106 420 669 373 287 228 66 937 Yulara Residents Club 3 172 890 23 968 10 285 2 397 Total 422 $221 668 227 $23 556 814 $10 096 090 $2 352 852 Source: Northern Territory Department of Justice and NT TAB Note: Gaming tax is the amount generated in period specified, not the amount received. Northern Territory Community Gaming Machine Performance, Summary for year ended 30 June 2008 Venue Number of Turnover $ Gross Profit Gaming Tax Community Machines $ $ Benefit Levy $ Clubs 744 476 768 489 48 506 784 16 587 993 - Hotels 422 221 668 227 23 556 814 10 096 090 2 352 852 Total 1 166 $698 436 716 $72 063 598 $26 684 082 $2 352 852 Source: Northern Territory Department of Justice and NT TAB Note: Gaming tax is the amount generated in period specified, not the amount received. 59 2008/09 Report to the Minister for Racing, Gaming and Licensing Appendix B Community Benefit Fund - Successful Applications Organisation Name Grant Purpose Amount $ Alice Springs Cycling Club Purchase storage container for track bicycles and Club equipment 3 000 Alice Springs Delayed Development Support Playgroup Purchase toys and resources 1 500 Alice Springs Music Teachers Association Purchase a grand piano or upright piano 4 000 Alice Springs Mytime Playgroup Purchase toys and equipment for special needs children 1 500 Alice Springs Netball Association Install cages in the Club storage shed 3 000 Alice Springs Quilting Club Purchase laptop computer and digital camera 2 000 Alice Springs Swimming Club Bus hire to allow swimmers to attend a swimming carnival in Katherine 3 000 Alice Springs Town Band Purchase band equipment and upgrade existing equipment 2 000 Anglicare NT Purchase furnishings for Forrest House (Youth Residential Support Service) 3 000 Animparrinpi Tututju Women’s Aboriginal Corporation Purchase and erect a cool room for food supplies 4 000 Arid Lands Environment Centre Purchase office and computer equipment 3 000 Arts Access Central Australia Costs associated with AACA program 2009 – a visual arts program for people with disabilities 1 500 Blatherskite Park Trustees Purchase & installation of 3 BBQs in park 3 000 Braitling Neighbourhood Centre Purchase toys and equipment 1 500 CASA Central Australia Supply and installation of vegetable and herb garden area 3 000 Central Australia Tourism Industry Association Purchase computer, office equipment, volunteer uniforms and amenities 3 000 Central Australian Art Society Produce catalogue for major annual exhibition in July 1 500 Central Australian Community Toy Library Provision of sand and water play area with canopy 2 500 Alice Springs 60 2008/09 Report to the Minister for Racing, Gaming and Licensing Organisation Name Grant Purpose Amount $ Central Australian Folk Society Costs associated with 39th annual Top Half Folk Festival in June 2009 3 000 Central Australian Territory Craft Upgrade of June Marriott Gallery in Alice Springs - flooring, lighting and walls 3 000 Centralian Eisteddfod Council Provide funds for venue hire, trophies and prizes, and advertising costs 3 000 Childbirth Education Association Alice Springs Upgrade computer and the production of 2 brochures to help new and expecting parents 3 000 Desert Rose Playgroup Fence off an outside play area and cover in shadecloth 3 000 Football in Central Australia Purchase equipment to conduct Outback Street Soccer program 5 000 Harts Range Amateur Race Club Purchase steel to erect grandstand and shade areas 3 500 Hermannsburg Volunteer Unit (NTES) Equip unit headquarters with security system, BBQ and cupboards, benches and sinks 4 000 Holyoake Alice Springs Purchase two computers to keep client records,government statistics 2 500 Ilpurla Aboriginal Corporation Fitout of commercial kitchen for preparation of client meals and catering 5 000 Imanpa Playgroup Purchase toys and equipment 1 500 Incite Youth Arts Purchase computer equipment 3 000 Life Without Barriers Enable two Alice Springs parents to attend National Foster Parent Conference - NSW April 2009 1 818 Lifeline Central Australia Purchase computer, software and filing cabinets 2 000 Living Waters Playgroup Purchase toys and equipment 2 500 Monday Babies Playgroup and Thursday Baby Playgroup Purchase and fit fence with gate 4 000 Munchkins Playgroup Purchase toys and craft materials 1 500 Music NT Purchase office equipment 1 500 National Pioneer Woman’s Hall of Fame Create an exhibition in the women’s section of the old Alice Springs Gaol 1 945 National Pioneer Women’s Hall of Fame Consultant’s fees for Exhibition of Women’s section of Old Alice Springs Gaol 3 000 61 2008/09 Report to the Minister for Racing, Gaming and Licensing Organisation Name Grant Purpose Amount $ Ngintaka Women’s Council Conduct short film project for the young people of the Kintore community 2 950 Ngurratjuta/Pmara Ntjarra Aboriginal Corporation Construct steel bough shelter at Ukaka community for a cooking and meeting place 4 545 NT Writers’ Centre Costs associated with Eye of the Storm – Alice Springs April 2009 2 500 Olive Pink Botanic Garden Create new display panels in Visitors Centre 3 000 Pintubi Homelands Health Service Purchase stationery, computer and food supplies for Healthy House 3 000 Playgroup Association of the NT Alice Springs Purchase computer and monitor 1 363 Special Souls Support Group Conduct Christmas party for parents, children, carers and health workers 3 000 Teen Challenge Centralia Conduct a ‘Shine’ program at Yirrara Boarding College 1 500 Walpiri Media Association Purchase of sound-proofing materials 4 000 Yummie Mummies Playgroup Purchase toys and equipment 1 500 Total Alice Springs $131 121 Darwin Ace Junior Tennis Supporters Club Purchase equipment for canteen and portable shade 3 000 Ace Junior Tennis Supporters Club Purchase shade, popcorn machine, expresso machine and microwave oven 3 000 Alawa Scout Group Undertake repairs to Alawa Scout Hall 2 000 Alliance Francaise de Darwin Conduct free French films to the public 3 000 Anglicare NT Purchase paint to upgrade a crisis accommodation unit in Palmerston 3 000 Arafura Outrigger Canoe Club Purchase of shipping container to store equipment 3 000 Ark Animal Welfare Services Build temporary accommodation for animals from homes involved in domestic violence 3 000 Arthritis Foundation of the Northern Territory Conduct a six-week course for people suffering with osteoarthritis of the knees 1 500 Ausdance NT Venue and equipment hire, production and event management costs for MoveMeNT Darwin Dance Expo 3 000 Australian Marine Conservation Society Upgrade IT system in Darwin office 2 500 62 2008/09 Report to the Minister for Racing, Gaming and Licensing Organisation Name Grant Purpose Amount $ Beatrice Hill Volunteer Bushfire Brigade Purchase air conditioners, tables and chairs 3 000 Beatrice Hill Volunteer Bushfire Brigade Cement vehicle service area, purchase playground equipment and stereo system 3 000 Berrimah Riding Club Purchase and install fans for veranda 818 Berrimah Riding Club Purchase data projector 1 000 Billeroy Road Community Centre Purchase a storage shed to secure toys and sports equipment 849 Brown’s Mart Trustees Purchase of sound and lighting equipment 3 000 Carpentaria Disability Services Install covering to outdoor area at Henbury Avenue complex 4 500 Christmas in Darwin Association Assist with costs of lighting, sound, entertainment and supplies 2 500 Christmas in Darwin Association Assistance towards sound, lighting, fireworks and candle cups for Christmas in Darwin 4 000 Coconut Grove Seniors Community Hall Association Purchase portable PA system 1 500 Corrugated Iron Youth Arts Conduct free family shows for 2009 Darwin Festival - equipment hire, artist fees & promotion 3 000 Corrugated Iron Youth Arts Costs associated with free community event to celebrate Charles Darwin Birthday celebration - July 2009 2 000 Darwin Basketball Association Install safety padding on structural support columns in Spectrum Stadium 2 500 Darwin Chorale Assist with the making of costumes for the performance of HMS Pinafore 2 000 Darwin Community Arts Create a Community Kitchen garden in Malak 3 055 Darwin Community Legal Service Develop and distribute promotional materials for Human Rights Week 2009 2 170 Darwin Dragons Rugby Union Club Consultants costs for a development program for coaches and players 1 500 Darwin Festival Association To fund a new project ‘The Bank’ to be set up at the historic Commonwealth Bank Building 3 000 Darwin Film Society Repair/replace existing mesh fence 3 000 Darwin Flyrodders Purchase of 2 x Marquees, a BBQ and 3 promotional banners 2 500 63 2008/09 Report to the Minister for Racing, Gaming and Licensing Organisation Name Grant Purpose Amount $ Darwin Folk Dance Conduct two international folk dance workshops - August 2009 1 000 Darwin Game Fishing Club Engage a consultant to develop a business plan and strategy document 1 500 Darwin Gymnastics Club Purchase double mini trampoline and padding boxes 2 500 Darwin Holistic Health Centre Advertising and promotional costs of Healthy 3 000 Living Expo - 30 May 2009 Darwin Homing Pigeon Club Purchase dual axle trailer to transport racing pigeons 2 000 Darwin Senior Citizens Repair leaks to roof of Spillet House 4 545 Darwin Seniors Computer Club Upgrade club’s website 3 000 Darwin Show Jumping Upgrade equipment shed 2 500 Darwin Surf Life Saving Club Purchase an equipment trailer for long length sporting equipment 3 000 Darwin Toy Library Purchase 4 x promotional banners 1 500 Disability Supported Playgroup Purchase toys and microwave oven 2 027 East Point Breezeway Landcare Group Costs associated with Tree Planting and Education Day - December 2008 909 Elizabeth Valley Volunteer Bushfire Brigade Supply and erect concrete slab floor for vehicle storage shed 5 000 Fairywrens Playgroup Purchase toys and equipment 1 500 Forster Foundation for Drug Rehabilitation Develop Banyan House website 2 000 Freds Pass Sport & Recreation Management Board Erect fencing at Freds Pass Reserve 2 000 Garden Point Association Transfer slides and videos to DVD and produce copies to families of Stolen Generation members 3 000 Girl Guides NT Purchase trailer to transport camping equipment and resources 2 136 Gray Child Care Centre Purchase beds, cots and linen 2 500 Greek Orthodox Community of Northern Australia Purchase two computers to assist with the development & coordination of Greek syllabuses & lesson plans 3 000 Greek Orthodox Community of Northern Australia Install hardware, power and desks for computers 2 500 64 2008/09 Report to the Minister for Racing, Gaming and Licensing Organisation Name Grant Purpose Amount $ Gymnastics Northern Territory Purchase sporting equipment, lock up facilities and promotional material 1 285 Happy Yess Community Arts Purchase microphone stands and stage lighting 1 518 HPA Supply and fit 3 x built-in wardrobes into group home for people with disabilities 3 000 HPA Install an electric MIG welder 1 359 HPA Incorporated Purchase trailer to transport a ride-onmower used by Kokoda Gardening Services 4 000 Human Services Training Advisory Council Conduct MAGIC program (workshops) to train mature age and non-traditional workers 3 000 Humpty Doo Community & Childcare Centre Construct a sandpit 2 500 Humpty Doo Playgroup Purchase toys and equipment 1 500 Jingili BMX Club Purchase of a brush cutter, spinal injury equipment, 2 freezers 3 000 Karama Community & Children’s Centre Purchase security doors and an air conditioner 2 500 Kiwanis Club of Casuarina Purchase commercial deep fryer and stable table for fundraising food van 1 500 Knuckey Lagoon Indigenous Community Upgrade community hall and purchase equipment 2 500 Larrakia Nation Aboriginal Corporation Purchase computer and software for video editing to collate information in Larrakia cultural heritage and archaeological sites 2 500 Legacy Club of the Northern Territory Patch and reseal carpark in order to reduce hazard 3 000 Life be in it Purchase equipment to assist with the promotion and running of the various activities 3 000 Life Without Barriers Enable three Darwin foster parents to attend National Foster Parent Conference - NSW April 2009 2 727 Litchfield Horse and Pony Club Build two horse washdown bays 2 000 Ludmilla Neighbourhood Connections Produce short documentary about the Ludmilla area. 1 500 Marrara Baby Playgroup Purchase washing machine and dryer 990 Millner Galaxy Football Club Set up costs for 5 junior teams and a women’s under 18 team 3 000 65 2008/09 Report to the Minister for Racing, Gaming and Licensing Organisation Name Grant Purpose Amount $ Mindil Aces Soccer Club Provide “sun” packs to children and purchase shade structures. 3 500 Mindil Aces Soccer Club Costs for team travel to outer communities for friendly inter-club matches 3 000 Mindil Beach Surf Life Saving Club Purchase of gear trailer 2 000 Mindil Beach Surf Life Saving Club Purchase uniforms and attend NT Championships - Nhulunbuy September 2009 2 500 Moil Playgroup Purchase toys 1 211 Motor Vehicle Enthusiasts Club Purchase English wheel kit and Shrinker/stretcher body unit 2 000 Multicultural Council of the NT Purchase play equipment and install electronic access system to community room 3 500 Music NT Marketing and promotional costs of NT Indigenous Music Awards - August 2009 3 000 Nakara Playgroup Purchase toys and equipment 1 500 National Trust of Australia (NT) Develop banners and signage 1 320 Netball NT Purchase BBQ for new netball centre 1 365 Nightcliff Arts, Music & Culture Fund community workshops prior to event, promotion and parade logistics 3 000 Nightcliff Baseball Club Costs associated with 40 year anniversary celebrations 1 800 Nightcliff Rugby League Football Club Purchase training equipment and uniforms 2 000 Noonamah Horse & Pony Club Purchase pine logs and chains to upgrade equestrian arena 1 500 North Australian Canine Association Send a volunteer to Alice Springs to conduct stewarding workshops, purchase two office chairs and an external hard drive. 1 580 Northern Country Music Association Purchase drum kit 1 636 Northern Territory Multiple Birth Club Hire costs for 37th Australian Multiple Birth Association Convention 2 000 Northern Territory Rugby League Remove and replace corroded water pipes 2 500 NT Avicultural Society Build vermin-proof room in bird pavilion at Darwin Showgrounds 2 145 NT Ballroom Dancing Association Purchase computer, projector and instructional DVDs 1 918 66 2008/09 Report to the Minister for Racing, Gaming and Licensing Organisation Name Grant Purpose Amount $ NT Police and Citizens Youth Clubs Association – Wongabilla Equestrian Centre Construct a round yard area and arena area 3 000 Padres Football Club Purchase equipment and uniforms 1 500 Palmerston Association for Dancing Develop costume wardrobe and set materials 2 500 Palmerston City Concert Band Purchase transit bags and music charts 2 500 Palmerston Power Basketball Club Hire indoor courts for the wet season 2 073 Palmerston Regional Safe Communities Committee Develop communication tools & activities to promote ‘Wait a Minute Mate’ - anti-bullying and violence program 4 405 Pandanus Young Mums Playgroup Purchase toys and craft materials 1 500 Playgym Playgroup Purchase DVD Camera and software 1 180 Rapid Creek Landcare Group Purchase equipment and plants to rehabilitate part of the Rapid Creek Conservation Corridor 1 500 Riding for the Disabled Association Create a wheelchair-safe path from car park to edge of undercover area, new helmets for riders & new saddle blankets 3 000 Riding for the Disabled Association North To replace tack and halters 3 000 Royal Life Saving Society (Australia) NT Branch Purchase colour printer and cartridges 1 927 Rural Athletics Centre Purchase athletics equipment 1 500 Sailability NT Purchase semi-rigid inflatable safety boat for use in Lake Alexander 3 772 Somerville Community Services Purchase and install ADSL equipment to link 11 houses and provide training 3 000 Somerville Community Services Provide Fire Extinguisher Training to key staff members 2 240 St Andrew’s Lutheran Church Darwin Erect a fence to keep out uninvited people 1 899 St Andrew’s Lutheran Child Care Centre Fence around veranda area for use during the wet season 2 091 St James Anglican Church Purchase cooking utensils and play equipment 3 000 Street Swags Ltd Purchase of 100 swags 3 000 Sudden Infant Death Association of the NT Purchase printer 1 000 67 2008/09 Report to the Minister for Racing, Gaming and Licensing Organisation Name Grant Purpose Amount $ Surf Life Saving NT To contribute towards the purchase of a new car equipped with lifesaving programs to deliver to general community 3 500 Surf Life Saving NT Purchase mobile phone, GPS and rescue boards 3 000 Swimming Northern Territory Purchase FINA approved electronic touch pads and 8-lane mobile harness 3 000 The Beat Foundation Expenses associated with the staging of the 30th Beat production 2 500 Three Year Old Kindy Replace damaged shadecloth over play gym area 2 500 Three Year Old Kindy Purchase fridge for storing children’s snacks 1 090 Top End Gem & Mineral Club Purchase new machinery for cutting stones 2 500 Top End Gem & Mineral Club Purchase flat lap machine and trim saw 1 500 Top End Rodeo Circuit Conduct local rodeo activities, award prize money and purchase trophies 3 000 Total Recreation NT Run a 16 week Learn to Dance program for disabled people 3 000 Totally & Permanently Incapacitated Ex-Service Men & Women Association of NT Purchase computer, printer and office chair 2 848 Toyota Landcruiser Club Darwin Establish a website to promote the club 2 000 Tumble Down Tots Playgroup Purchase toys 1 500 U3A Darwin Purchase a colour printer and accounting package 2 000 University Bulls Cricket Club Purchase 3 x cricket kits for junior cricket program 1 227 University Cricket Club Upgrade training facilities - install top net 2 500 University Pirates Rugby Union Football Club Expenses for junior team to compete at Canterbury Gold Coast Carnival - July 2009 3 000 Variety NT Supply and fit a wheelchair lifter to the Humpty Doo Special Education Bus 4 545 Variety The Children’s Charity Tent Assist Henbury School to install a 82 NT wheelchair lifter into their bus 3 000 Vietnamese Community in Australia - NT Chapter Purchase of a sound system 3 500 Wandering Archers Purchase and install shipping container for storage of equipment 3 000 68 2008/09 Report to the Minister for Racing, Gaming and Licensing Organisation Name Grant Purpose Amount $ Wildcare Purchase print cartridges for printing of brochures 1 100 Wildcare. Costs to enable prisoners to build release boxes for possum and sugar gliders 1 964 Wildcare Costs to enable prisoners to build cages for sick and injured wildlife 2 185 Wing Chun Gung Fu Purchase sporting equipment, lock up facilities and promotional material 2 000 Woodroffe Childcare Centre Erect closed-in veranda to provide a safe area for children 3 500 YWCA of Darwin Purchase air conditioners and fridges for Doctor Helen Phillips Cottages 3 000 YWCA of Darwin Replace two air-conditioners in youth crisis care house 2 715 YWCA of Darwin Build outdoor shade structure to cover play equipment at Doctor Helen Phillips Cottages 5 000 Total Darwin $344 124 Darwin Regional Adelaide River Show Society Costs of sound production, backing band and judges for Adelaide River NT Country Music Talent Quest - June 2009 3 000 Belyuen Community Government Council Purchase of DJ equipment to conduct alcohol free discos 3 000 Darwin Game Fishing Club Hire fee and costs of conducting the Junior Barra Classic - May 2009 3 000 Darwin Parachute Club Erect fencing around an existing inground spa 1 000 Dundee Progress Association Social bus trip to Darwin City for people with disabilities 2 500 Dundee Progress Association Purchase furniture & equipment 3 109 Dundee Social & Recreation Club Purchase BBQ and freezer 800 Dundee Social & Recreation Club Purchase of chairs and tables 1 386 Dundee Volunteer Bushfire Brigade Purchase items to equip new kitchen in HQ 1 600 Friends of Nina’s Ark Purchase fridge/freezer to store food and medicine 1 500 Friends of the North Australian Railway at Adelaide River Hire of excavator for restoration work on original Northern Railway 5 000 69 2008/09 Report to the Minister for Racing, Gaming and Licensing Organisation Name Grant Purpose Amount $ Jabiru Bushratz Rugby Union Football Club Purchase training equipment, spinal injury board & medical consumables 3 300 Lingalonga Festival Create a flyer to promote the festival 1 000 Milne Volunteer Bushfire Brigade Install large water tank 3 841 Palumpa Supported Playgroup Purchase bikes and tricycles 1 738 Top End Aerial Sports Academy Replace rotting floorboards and benches 3 000 West Arnhem Shire Council Purchase equipment for discos at Minjilang, Warruwi, Gunbalanya and Maningrida 3 000 Total Darwin Regional $41 774 East Arnhem 8EAR Community Radio Purchase outdoor equipment 1 500 Alyangula Day Care Purchase of tables, chairs, books, puzzles, construction toys and play kitchen 2 500 Arnhem Land Historical Society Upgrade airport control tower building 3 000 Crisis Accommodation Gove Purchase resources 2 000 Dhimurra Land Management Aboriginal Corporation Purchase a video camera & a digital camera 2 587 East Arnhem Aero Club Rebuild engine and gearbox of the T-300 Ultralight 2 500 Frangipanni Buddies Playgroup Purchase toys 958 Gove Peninsula Festival Association Purchase marquees for Gove Festival 2 500 Graham Polly Farmer Foundation Purchase materials for a jewellery and visual arts business for young people 3 000 Groote Eylandt & Milyakburra Youth Development Unit Conduct life skill classes which includes cooking and art 3 000 Groote Eylandt & Milyakburra Youth Development Unit Bring the Saltwater Band from Elcho Island for a concert 3 500 Laynhapuy Homelands Association To correct birth certificates for the people of the community 3 000 Mission Australia - Nhulunbuy Purchase resources for the special care centre 3 000 Nhulunbuy Over Threes Association Send staff to Darwin to study other kindergartens 2 236 Nhulunbuy Regional Sports Fishing Club Install public event noticeboard in the town centre 3 500 70 2008/09 Report to the Minister for Racing, Gaming and Licensing Organisation Name Grant Purpose Amount $ Ramingining Playgroup Purchase toys and equipment 1 500 Sacred Heart Parish Host Christmas lunch for members of the community who will be spending Christmas alone 2 545 Ski Beach Supported Playgroup Purchase toys and equipment 2 500 Walnawu Djakammiri Surf Life Saving Club Purchase 2 x rescue boards and a nipper board for Training 3 000 Total East Arnhem $48 326 Katherine Alawa Aboriginal Corporation Construct children’s playground at Minyerri 2 500 Binjari Community Aboriginal Corporation Purchase equipment to set up a small community kiosk to provide fresh fruit and vegetables and nutritious food 3 000 Cantabillay Kids Choir Purchase microphones and amplifiers 3 917 Craft Council of the NT - Katherine Purchase specialised textile equipment and an external hard drive 735 Dragonflies Steiner Playgroup Purchase art and craft supplies, toys and a brush cutter 1 500 Edith Farms Volunteer Bushfire Brigade Install water systems around the perimeter of the community hall 3 500 Railway at Adelaide River Erect fencing to preserve railway heritage building in Katherine 3 000 Historical Society of Katherine Upgrading of under-used garden area for use by community groups 4 000 Jawoyn Association Aboriginal Corporation Producer costs for 3 short films for the youth of Beswick, Barunga and Manyallaluk Communities 3 000 Katherine Community Market Purchase outdoor furniture for market customers and stall holders 5 000 Katherine Country Music Muster Advertising, marketing and operational costs for the May 2009 Katherine Country Music Muster 2 000 Katherine East Child Care Centre Purchase of outdoor equipment 2 500 Katherine Horse & Pony Club To purchase new jumping equipment 3 000 Katherine Playgroup Purchase play equipment 1 500 Katherine Region Food Processing Group Purchase commercial dishwasher 3 000 71 2008/09 Report to the Minister for Racing, Gaming and Licensing Organisation Name Grant Purpose Amount $ Katherine Regional Arts Purchase lighting and signage for outdoor use 2 000 Katherine Regional Child care Purchase library resources 2 000 Katherine Regional Family Childcare Purchase resources for after school care 1 966 Katherine Senior Citizens Assoc. Purchase office equipment & furniture 2 000 Katherine Toy Library Purchase toys to encourage active outdoors play 1 500 Katherine Wildlife Rescue Build compounds to rehabilitate and release native wildlife 3 000 Kurrajong Playgroup Purchase tables, chairs and storage box 1 500 Mataranka Magic Netball Club Purchase netball equipment 2 000 Pine Creek Aboriginal Advancement Association Purchase equipment for the community operated school nutrition program 3 000 Pirates Rugby Union Football Club Purchase equipment 3 000 Rivers Region Youth Development Services Visit of Indigenous Girls Leadership Group to Darwin for industry tours 3 000 Victoria Daly Shire Council Purchase equipment to run regular discos at Timber Creek, use at sporting events and meetings 5 000 Total Katherine $72 118 NT Wide Alzheimer’s Australia NT Send 2 staff members to national conference 2 730 Artback NT Purchase satellite telephone and SPOT satellite messenger 2 000 Arthritis Foundation of the NT Costs of health workers to attend training course in Perth 1 941 Bicycle NT Develop TV commercial to improve cyclists’ safety 3 000 Cerebral Palsy Support Group Darwin Design and operate Cerebral Palsy website 3 000 Charles Darwin University Sport Purchase of fitness testing equipment for Talent Assessment Centre 2 000 COOLmob Produce 10 community service radio announcements 2 500 Cradle NT Upgrade webpage and advertise the changes 1 510 72 2008/09 Report to the Minister for Racing, Gaming and Licensing Organisation Name Grant Purpose Amount $ Down Syndrome Association of the Update and expand computer-aided learning 3 500 Northern Territory resource library Foster Care NT Host Christmas parties for foster care families in all regions 3 000 Girl Guides NT Funding to allow remote and local leaders to attend second stage training in leadership development 3 500 ME/CFS Australia - NT Support Line Advertising costs and resources for NT promotional campaign 3 000 Multicultural Council of the Northern Territory Upgrade of computer server 4 000 Northern Territory Firearms Council Expenses to consult with land owners and assess potential hunting areas 2 500 NT Lacemakers Start-up funding for basic bobbin lace starter kits 1 111 NT Shelter Produce & publish a series of fact sheets relating to core housing advocacy business 3 000 Pony Club Association of NT Establish a resource library of books and DVDs 773 Pony Club Association of the Northern Territory Conduct NT Pony Club Championships 2 500 Top End Arts Marketing Advertising costs of ‘Off The Leash’ newsletter - 6 editions 1 487 Wildcare Produce wildlife brochure for distribution throughout NT 1 350 Total NT Wide $48 402 Tennant Creek 73 Army Cadet Unit Tennant Creek Purchase UHF radios, GPS a portable weather station and Quick Shade 3 500 Barkly Regional Arts Engage knee High puppeteers for the Desert Harmony Festival - August 2009 1 500 Marla Power Aboriginal Corporation Sporting Club Purchase uniforms for football team 1 500 RSL Australia - Tennant Creek Sub Branch NT Upgrade the area around the cenotaph 3 500 Tennant Creek Golf Club Purchase of a second hand mower 4 545 Tennant Creek Senior Citizens and Pensioners Association Upgrade kitchen facilities 3 500 Tennant Creek Volunteer Unit (NTES) Purchase printer 1 165 73 2008/09 Report to the Minister for Racing, Gaming and Licensing Organisation Name Grant Purpose Amount $ Tennant Creek Volunteer Unit (NTES) Purchase shade shelter, inverter generator and update old halogen lighting equipment 3 500 Tennant Creek Women’s Refuge Conduct Open Day to celebrate 20th anniversary of Refuge - July 2009 1 500 Warllamarnda Aboriginal Corporation Purchase computer, printer, facsimile and office furniture 4 455 Total Tennant Creek $28 665 Total Northern Territory $714 530 74 2008/09 Report to the Minister for Racing, Gaming and Licensing Appendix C Liquor Licences – NT Licensing Commission Transferred Licences from 1 July 2006 Licence Number Transfer Date Premises 81202764 21/07/2006 Threeways Roadhouse 80303189 08/08/2006 Alice Springs Plaza Hotel 81117302 11/08/2006 Outback Caravan Park 80504723 14/08/2006 Crustaceans on the Wharf 80102583 15/08/2006 Goldfields Hotel 80516190 24/08/2006 Café Uno 80201886 25/08/2006 Territory Manor 80517374 28/08/2006 Vietnamese by the Bay (Charcoal Oven Restaurant) 81204562 13/09/2006 The Lodge of Dundee 808304941 27/09/2006 Litchfield Hotel 802203967 02/10/2006 Diplomat Hotel 80305040 02/10/2006 Uncles Tavern 80204400 17/10/2006 Seven Spirit Bay 81301156 19/10/2006 Adelaide River Inn 80217364 30/10/2006 Katherine Motel 80504878 31/10/2006 Rockys Pizza & Pasta (The Rusty Spur Pizzas, Pasta & Steakhouse) 80202797 02/11/2006 Eldorado Motor Inn 80204199 06/11/2006 Mirambeena Tourist Resort (Travelodge Mirambeena Resort Darwin) 80804951 20/11/2006 Digger’s Den 80802869 21/11/2006 Wauchope Hotel (Devils Marbles Inn) 81201182 01/12/2006 Hayes Creek Wayside Inn 80216470 11/12/2006 Mary River Park 80516130 21/12/2006 Kozy 80101056 24/01/2007 Winnellie Hotel 80900725 25/02/2007 Malak Supermarket 80817521 27/02/2007 Top End Sportfishing Safaris 75 2008/09 Report to the Minister for Racing, Gaming and Licensing Licence Number Transfer Date Premises 80305034 15/05/2007 Knotts Crossing 80300296 18/06/2007 Kitty O’Shea’s Irish Bar 80902573 30/06/2007 Hoppys Cash Store 81104665 29/06/2007 Katherine Low Level Caravan Park Transferred Licences from 1 July 2007 Licence Number Transfer Date Premises 80517192 04/07/2007 My Café 80504717 20/07/2007 Hog’s Breath Café 80900058 25/07/2007 Mataranka Supermarket 81000208 21/09/2007 Winnellie Cellars 80201870 25/09/2007 Bluestone Motor Inn 80203860 26/09/07 Novotel Outback Alice Springs 80316511 03/10/2007 Lazy Lizard Caravan Park 80900119 11/10/2007 Aralia Supermarket 80900870 23/10/07 Berrimah Supermarket 81017060 07/11/2007 Alice Springs Wine Club 80303036 26/11/2007 Howard Springs Tavern 80202513 18/12/07 Elkira Court Hotel 80817675 03/01/2008 Bogarts Restaurant 80516520 07/01/2008 Takagi (Loui’s On The Park) 80504723 07/01/2008 Crustaceans on the Wharf 80501115 22/01/2008 Yum Cha Chinese Restaurant 80803270 06/02/2008 Green Park Tourist Complex 80317472 18/03/2008 Virginia Tavern 80901824 19/03/2008 Wanguri Supermarket 80315760 10/04/2008 Lake Bennett Wilderness Resort 81204439 24/04/2008 Mary River Road House 81201209 29/04/2008 Hi Way Inn 80515570 16/05/2008 Speakers Corner 80202018 19/05/2008 Paraway Motel 76 2008/09 Report to the Minister for Racing, Gaming and Licensing Licence Number Transfer Date Premises 80517231 21/05/2008 Sawasdee Restaurant 81201510 26/05/2008 Mandorah Beach Hotel Transferred Licences from 1 July 2008 Licence Number Transfer Date Premises 80201886 07/07/2008 Territory Manor 80816700 10/07/2008 The Granites Social Club 80516310 21/07/2008 Crooze Licensed Café & Restaurant 80816892 30/07/2008 Palmerston Indoor Sports Centre 80515750 30/07/2008 Café Tonic 80300989 06/08/2008 The Victoria Hotel 80215630 15/08/2008 Mediterranean All Suites Hotel 80100963 15/08/2008 Crossways Hotel 80901824 20/08/2008 Wanguri Supermarket 80816972 20/08/2008 Darwin Indoor Beach Volleyball 80616180 20/08/2008 Anniki Pearl Lugger Cruises 80303919 29/08/2008 Crab Claw Island Fisherman’s Village 80517356 29/08/2008 The Coffee Club 80305034 02/09/2008 Knotts Crossing Resort 80515500 02/09/2008 Bluegrass Restaurant 80516490 11/09/2008 Palms City Resort 81202669 17/09/2008 Renner Spring Roadside Inn 81416090 22/09/2008 Warnkurr Sports and Social Club 81204562 14/10/2008 The Lodge of Dundee 80517853 29/12/2008 Borroloola Hotel Motel 80902640 12/01/2009 Pigglys 80503385 27/01/2009 Manoli’s Greek Taverna (Guiseppes Italian Restaurant) 81115510 17/02/2009 Banyan Tree Caravan & Tourist Park 81202158 24/02/2009 Kulgera Hotel 80316631 02/02/2009 Fox Ale House 77 2008/09 Report to the Minister for Racing, Gaming and Licensing Licence Number Transfer Date Premises 80517881 06/03/2009 East West Restaurant 80515710 25/03/2009 Seafood on Cullen 81202764 16/04/2009 Threeways Roadhouse 80504862 22/04/2009 Flavours Of India 80203967 23/04/2009 Diplomat Motel 80305040 23/04/2009 Uncles Tavern 80816892 28/04/2009 Palmerston Indoor Sports Centre 80817480 29/05/2009 Bootu Creek Mine Social Club 80900103 01/06/09 NT Emporium (former Rapid Creek Supermarket) 81204562 05/06/2009 The Lodge of Dundee 81116370 12/06/2009 Shady Glen Caravan Park 80517170 12/06/2009 Chiantis Café Restorante 80304385 22/06/2009 The Deck Bar Suspended Licences from 1 July 2006 Licence Suspended No of Days / Section Number Date Premises 81201182 Hayes Creek Roadside Inn 06/07/2006 Indefinitely 13/09/06 66(1)(c) Extended after 90 days Lifted 1/12/06 80901818 14/08/2006 – 23/08/2006 10 Days 66(1)(b) Good Fortune Take-Away Mini Mart 80515920 15/08/2006 Indefinitely 66(1)(c) The Cinema Café 80903294 01/09/06 56 Days 66(1)(b) Tiwi Supermarket 81402352 09/09/2006 1 Day 66(1)(b) Alice Springs Golf Club 81402285 14/09/200619/09/2006 1 Day (Takeaway) 66(1)(b) 1 Day (Premises) Alice Springs Memorial Club 80900486 10 25/09/2006 – 04/10/2006 Days 66(1)(b) Everley Parap 80300296 07/10/2006 1 Day Kitty O’Shea’s 78 2008/09 Report to the Minister for Racing, Gaming and Licensing Licence Number Suspended Date No of Days / Section Premises 80316511 04/10/2006 Indefinitely 66(1)(b) Lazy Lizard Caravan Park 80103282 16/10/2006 Indefinitely 66(1)(b) 66(1)(c) Borroloola Inn 80900103 02/11/2006 Indefinitely 66(1)(c) Rapid Creek Supermarket 80315790 19/11/2006 Indefinitely 66(1)(c) Rorke’s Drift Bar Café 80300317 28/11/2006 1 Day 66(1)(b) Squires Tavern * 80516130 01/01/2007 Indefinitely 66(1)(c) Kozy 80316631 01/01/2007 Indefinitely 66(1)(c) Reinstated Fox n Fiddle British Inn 03/04/2007 80304179 24/01/2007 1 Day, 1 Suspended 66(1)(b) Corroboree Park Tavern 80802930 14/02/2007 – 18/02/2007 5 Days 66(1)(c) Central Australian Football League 80516520 29/06/2007 Indefinitely 66(1)(c) Loui’s on the Park * Additional Penalty Pursuant to Section 124AAA of the Liquor Act Suspended Licences from 1 July 2007 Licence Suspended No of Days / Section Number Date Premises 81402774 13 – 16/07/07 48A - 3 days Tennant Creek Memorial Club 81402752 13 – 16/07/07 48A - 3 days Tennant Creek Golf Club 81402780 13 – 16/07/07 48A - 3 days Sporties Club 81402974 13 – 16/07/07 48A - 3 days Tennant Creek Bowling Club 81002243 13 – 16/07/07 48A - 3 days Headframe Bottle Shop 81202764 13 – 16/07/07 48A - 3 days Threeways Roadhouse 80102044 13 – 16/07/07 48A - 3 days Tennant Creek Hotel 80102583 13 – 16/07/07 48A - 3 days Goldfields Hotel 80902690 05/10/07 66(1)(b) 2 Days 1 Day Suspended Northside Foodland 79 2008/09 Report to the Minister for Racing, Gaming and Licensing Licence Number Suspended Date No of Days / Section Premises 80900870 11-12/10/07 66(1)(b) 2 Days Berrimah Supermarket 80300212 22/10/07 66(1)(c) Indefinitely Fernanda’s 81401403 22/10/07 66(1)(c) Indefinitely Nauiyu Club 80900169 15/11/07 – 18/09/2011 66(1)(c) Stuart Park Supermarket 80900664 1511/07 – 14/11/2012 66(1)(c) Jingili Foodland 80816903 15/11/07 66(1)(c) Indefinitely The Pub Bar 81402774 01 – 02/12/07 48A - 2 days Tennant Creek Memorial Club 81402752 01 – 02/12/07 48A - 2 days Tennant Creek Golf Club 81402780 01 – 02/12/07 48A - 2 days Sporties Club 81402974 01 – 02/12/07 48A - 2 days Tennant Creek Bowling Club 81002243 01 – 02/12/07 48A - 2 days Headframe Bottle Shop 81202764 01 – 02/12/07 48A - 2 days Threeways Roadhouse 80102044 01 – 02/12/07 48A - 2 days Tennant Creek Hotel 80102583 01 – 02/12/07 48A - 2 days Goldfields Hotel 81204439 03/12/07 66(1)(c) Mary River Roadhouse 80103004 02/01/08 – 02/05/08 66(1)(c) 4 months Limericks Irish Pub & Beer Garden Lasseters Hotel Casino 81400598 06/01/08 – 07/01/08 48A - 1 day Katherine Club 81401075 06/01/08 – 07/01/08 48A - 1 day Katherine Country Club 80101789 06/01/08 – 07/01/08 48A - 1 day Katherine Hotel 80100963 06/01/08 – 07/01/08 48A - 1 day Crossways Hotel 81401019 06/01/08 – 07/01/08 48A - 1 day Katherine Sports & Recreation Club 81401564 02/02/08 – 03/02/08 66(1)(b) - 1 day Gove Yacht Club * 80 2008/09 Report to the Minister for Racing, Gaming and Licensing Licence Number Suspended Date No of Days / Section Premises 80303189 01/03/08 – Indefinitely 66(1)(c) Indefinitely Alice Springs Plaza Hotel 80802930 11/02/08 – 17/02/08 66(1)(c) - 6 days Central Australian Football League 80517853 06/02/08 – Indefinitely 66(1)(c) Indefinitely Borroloola Hotel Motel 80802930 01/05/08 – 02/05/08 66(1)(c) - 1 day Central Australian Football League 80805090 08/05/08 – Indefinitely 66(1)(c) Indefinitely The NT Rock Bar 80515880 16/05/08 – Indefinitely 66(1)(c) Indefinitely The Mediterranean * Additional Penalty Pursuant to Section 124AAA of the Liquor Act Suspended Licences from 1 July 2008 Licence Suspended No of Days / Section Number Date Premises 80804696 08/07/2008 66(1)(c) Indefinitely Furlanos 80900175 19/07/2008 66(1)(b) - 1 day Liquorland Casuarina Shopping Centre 80102200 31/07/2008 66(1)(b) - 1 day Riverside Bar Todd Tavern 80304395 06/09/2008 – 08/08/2008 66(1)(b) - 2 days Ducks Nuts Bar & Grill 80504834 10/11/2008 66(1)(c) Indefinitely QC Restaurant 80102200 29/11/2008 66(1)(b) - 1 day Riverside Bar Todd Tavern 80102200 30/11/2008 – 05/12/2008 66(1)(b) - 2 days Bottleshop Todd Tavern 80901579 17/11/2008 – 11/12/2008 66(1)(b) - 21 days Douglas Street Supermarket 800316240 06/12/2008 and 11/12/2008 66(1)(b) - 2 days Discovery and Lost Arc 80517575 15/12/3008 66(1)(c) Indefinitely Mabuhay Restaurant 80802930 09/02/09 – 15/02/08 66(1)(c) - 6 days Central Australian Football League 81 2008/09 Report to the Minister for Racing, Gaming and Licensing Licence Number Suspended Date No of Days / Section Premises 81002243 18/03/09 – 25/03/09 48A - 7 days Headframe Bottle Shop 81002243 25/03/09 – 01/04/09 48A - 7 days Headframe Bottle Shop 81203330 27/04/2009 66(1)(b) - 2 days (1 Suspended) Top Springs Hotel 80103004 09/05/2009 66(1)(b) - 1 day Juicy Rump Lasseters Casino 81401564 11/05/2009 – 14/05/2009 66(1)(b) - 3 days Gove Yacht Club * 80300317 20/06/2009 – 23/06/2009 66(1)(b) - 3 days (2 Suspended) Squires Tavern / The Time Nightclub * Additional Penalty Pursuant to Section 124AAA of the Liquor Act Surrendered Licences from 1 July 2006 Licence Number Surrender Date Premises 80203723 17/07/2006 Red Centre Resort 80901646 06/10/2006 Mac’s Liquor - Darwin 80900486 02/11/2006 Everley Parap 80016764 11/12/2006 Bayside Store 80516568 04/01/2007 Passage to India Restaurant Surrendered Licences from 1 July 2007 Licence Number Surrender Date Premises 80517390 17/07/2007 CatchN Curry 80902606 04/09/2007 Liquorland Alice Springs Plaza 80217113 25/09/2007 Elke’s Backpacker Resort 80817265 20/11/2007 Gateway Village 80900125 09/04/2008 Adelaide River Country Store 81401403 02/06/2008 Nauiyu Club 80517760 11/06/2008 Milky Way Cafe 82 2008/09 Report to the Minister for Racing, Gaming and Licensing Surrendered Licences from 1 July 2008 Licence Number Surrender Date Premises 80081830 f 13/08/2008 Kakadu Winery 800515490 10/09/2008 Twilight on Lindsay 80817444 10/11/2008 Pungalina Safari Camp 80817792 19/12/2009 Indoor Sports Winnellie 80503624 16/01/2009 Regent Court 81400493 02/032009 The Italian Club 80515880 06/04/2009 The Mediterranean 80816532 30/04/2009 Elizabeth River Farm Wines 81416040 21/05/2009 The Aviation Institute NT 80815650 12/06/2009 Mantra on the Esplanade 80815610 12/06/2009 Mantra on the Esplanade 80201319 30/06/2009 Paravista Motel Cancelled Licences from 1 July 2006 Licence Number Cancel Date Premises 81000039 26/07/2006 Elders Pastoral – Katherine 80103282 14/12/2006 Borroloola Inn Cancelled Licences from 1 July 2007 Licence Number Cancel Date Premises 80903294 23/07/2007 Tiwi Supermarket 80517755 07/02/2008 Caribbas Café Cancelled Licences from 1 July 2008 Licence Number Cancel Date Premises 80504878 29/10/2008 Rusty Spur Pizza Pasta and Steakhouse 80805090 30/10/2008 The NT Rock Bar 80516330 22/06/2009 C & C Catering Licence Condition Variations 2008/09 Premises Licence Condition Variations Elkira Court Motel Variation of licence hours and extension of licence area 83 2008/09 Report to the Minister for Racing, Gaming and Licensing Premises Licence Condition Variations Rum Jungle Tavern Application for takeaway component of Tavern Licence QC Restaurant Variation of Licence to an ON Licence Pine Creek Hotel Change Authority to Hotel Dugong Beach Allow Permit Holders to Consume on Premise Livingston Recreation Reserve Extended Licence hours Alyangula Golf Club Extended Licence hours Palms City Resort Include Function Conditions Crocosaurus Cove Extended Licence hours Crossways Hotel Include Takeaway Bush Orders Outside Hours Darwin Airport Terminal Sale of Darwin Stubby from International Kiosk Gove Country Golf Club Extended Licence hours Landmark Katherine Include Takeaway Bush Orders Outside Hours Mac’s Liquor Katherine Include Takeaway Bush Orders Outside Hours Winnellie Hotel Extended Licence hours Noonamah Tavern Extended Licence hours Ayers Rock Resort Residents Club Camera Surveillance Requirement Special Conditions the word “of” should be changed to “or” Fernanda’s Insert Good Friday and Christmas Day Trading condition Tennant Creek Hotel Removal of Sparkling Wines condition Barkly Homestead Bush Order Condition Annie’s Place Combine all licensed areas into one licensed area with the same meal conditions and reduced trading hours Wycliffe Well Store Amended Takeaway Restriction condition Crowne Plaza Alice Springs Include outdoor courtyard decking trading hours Alice Springs Memorial Club Amend licence to include all the renovations areas and vary trading hours Sails in the Desert Add Mini Bar condition. Vary Bona Fide Lodgers condition Outback Pioneer Hotel Add Mini Bar and Room Service Condition Desert Gardens Hotel Amend name of restaurant to “White Gums Restaurant / Arnguli Grill Restaurant” Desert Oaks Motel Camera Surveillance Requirement * Data unavailable for previous years 84 2008/09 Report to the Minister for Racing, Gaming and Licensing Applications for Alterations of Licenced Premises 2008/09 Premises Alterations Undertaken Timber Creek Complete renovation and re-modelling of premises for smoking Monsoons Enlarge Existing Alfresco Area for smoking Tracy Village Major Revamp for smoking Airport Hotel Beer Garden out the back for smoking Litchfield Hotel Alteration including Alfresco Decking for smoking Sky City Part of a revamp of premises for smoking Shenannigans Revamp of premises open doors installed for easier access for Alfresco dining and smoking Hayes Creek Inn Enclose the dining area to allow for greater delineation between smoking and non smoking areas Globetrotters Install alfresco to side of building for smoking Golf Links Motel Sale of alcohol from the external bar and patrons to consume alcohol in the outside courtyard and pool area. The Fox Ale House Complete renovation and re-modelling of the premises Walkabout Tavern Revamp of Premises internal changes only CrossWays Hotel Renovating the unused area of the premises formerly known as the Front Bar Gove Yacht Club Permanent structure over BBQ area Jabiru Golf Club New verandah Kitty O’Shea’s Refurbishment of premises Alyangula Recreational Club Major refurbishment of the club’s Bistro/Gaming and Alfresco Dining areas and creation of new sports bar Katherine Motel Fence existing external smoking area Top End Hotel Internal changes only Palmerston Sports Club Relocation of the Palmerston RSL Club into the Angels Function Room Novotel Atrium Darwin Refurbish of Zest Terrace Space Town & Country Tavern Extension of licensed area and alterations to premises Alice Springs Memorial Club Extensive renovations and re-modelling of premises including new café area relocate restaurant conference room TAB and gaming room create outdoor smoking area pool and darts room Crowne Plaza Alice Springs Modify and increase courtyard decking to create smoking area Lasseters Hotel Casino New Asian style restaurant within premises 85 2008/09 Report to the Minister for Racing, Gaming and Licensing * Data unavailable for previous years 86