our safeguarding policy

January 2013
The application of this policy is mandatory for all Scope staff, volunteers, foster
carers, approved carers, school Governors, agency/bank staff and all other Scope
1.1 Safeguarding and protecting children and adults at risk effectively is central to
all of Scope’s work and supports Scope’s strategy to maximise the life
opportunities and the health and wellbeing of disabled people.
1.2 This policy sets out Scope’s expectations of its staff,[including agency/bank]
volunteers, foster carers, approved carers and School Governors, in respect of
ensuring the safeguarding of children and adults at risk. In support of these
expectations training will be provided to ensure that the workforce is competent
and confident to act in accordance with the safeguarding policy and procedures
if they have any concerns about the safety or wellbeing of a customer and to
take necessary action if harm or neglect is suspected or found.
1.3 Scope also recognises that it has an on-going duty of care to the children and
adults it has contact with especially where safeguarding issues occur.
Accordingly, Scope’s safeguarding procedures and practices address both the
immediate and longer term safeguarding needs of the individuals concerned.
Corporate Safeguarding Policy
Scope is committed to promoting the health, safety and wellbeing of all its
service users and therefore has zero tolerance towards all forms of harm and
neglect perpetrated towards children and adults at risk.
Safeguarding children and adults at risk is of the utmost priority and will be
understood to be the responsibility of all Scope staff, foster carers and
volunteers including agency workers.
The application of this policy and adherence to the associated Safeguarding of
Children Procedures and Safeguarding of Adults at Risk Procedures is
mandatory for all Scope trustees, staff including agency/bank staff, volunteers,
foster carers, approved carers and school Governors.
Scope will take all necessary actions to prevent and stop any harm and
neglect experienced by children and adults at risk, in partnership with statutory
agencies, no matter whether that harm or neglect is caused by Scope staff or
other representatives, family or other carers, the general public or other Scope
service users.
For adults at risk, Scope’s safeguarding policies, procedures and practices are
predicated on the clear understanding that the adult concerned determines the
response to safeguarding issues, unless they are formally assessed as lacking
capacity to do so.
Scope will ensure that its safeguarding policy, associated procedures and
Safeguarding Standards, are consistent with Local Authority Multi-agency
procedures, safeguarding, social care and education legislation and guidance
for England and Wales and Charity Commission requirements.
Scope’s Safeguarding Management Board is accountable for ensuring
effective corporate safeguarding practices in line with agreed procedures
which are quality assured. It holds strategic responsibility for safeguarding
planning, practice development and training management. The Management
Board will be chaired by the Executive Director of Services and will work to
agreed terms of reference (Appendix 1).
It is Scope’s Policy that all safeguarding concerns and alerts are referred
without delay to Scope’s Safeguarding Service and to the local safeguarding
service within the relevant local authority. Scope’s Safeguarding Service will
provide comprehensive advice, guidance and support in all matters related to
safeguarding. The advice given by the Safeguarding Service is mandatory in
circumstances where there are protection concerns. In the unusual
circumstance that there is disagreement about advice given by the
Safeguarding Service, the Executive Director of Services (or their delegate)
will be informed and they will make the final decision as to the appropriate
action to be taken.
Where any Scope staff member or representative is alleged to have caused
harm or neglect to children or adults at risk in the course of their Scope duties
or external lives, Scope will ensure that appropriate action is taken to protect
service users, disabled volunteers or staff.
2.10 Scope’s Safeguarding Service will oversee the implementation of the
organisation’s Child Safeguarding Procedure and the Adult at Risk
Safeguarding Procedure.
2.11 The Safeguarding Service will comprise of appropriately qualified and trained
managers and social workers to provide expert advice, support, training and
provide an objective resource for the investigation of complex safeguarding
cases, including allegations of institutional abuse, in accordance with Local
Authority Multi-agency Safeguarding procedures.
2.12 Scope will provide clear lines of responsibility and accountability for all Scope
trustees, staff, foster carers, approved carers, volunteers and Governors. This
will include staff designated specific roles and responsibilities in safeguarding
children and adults at risk that use Scope Services and/or come into contact
with Scope representatives.
2.13 Every Scope Service will have an appropriate number of trained Designated
Safeguarding Advisors (DSAs) depending on the size, role and function of the
service. Information pertaining to the availability and impact of these DSAs in
securing effective safeguarding practice across the organisation will be
addressed in the routine report to Scope’s Safeguarding Management Board.
2.14 Scope will publish its safeguarding policy and associated procedures
electronically and in formats accessible to staff, volunteers and service users.
Key Safeguarding Responsibilities
3.1 Because Safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility:
all Scope staff,
representatives and volunteers who, during the course of their activities with
Scope, have direct or indirect contact with children and adults at risk have a
responsibility to safeguard and promote their welfare. This policy applies to all
Scope staff, foster carers, volunteers, temporary, part-time and agency/bank staff
and Trustees/Governors.
Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
Executive Director of Service
Executive Leadership Team,
Directors, Heads of
Department, Area Managers
and Retail Managers
Head of Quality, Risk and
Safeguarding Responsibility
Ensure that effective safeguarding policies and practices are approved,
implemented and monitored throughout Scope. Take steps to ensure
that any safeguarding risks arising from Scope’s activities and
operations involving children and adults at risk are assessed and
measures are put in place to reduce these risks to acceptable levels.
Ensure that Scope has appropriate and effective safeguarding policies
and procedures in place and that the Executive Leadership Team is
able to implement fully the Corporate Safeguarding Policy across all
areas of Scope’s work.
Ensure that the Board of Trustees are immediately advised of any
major causes of safeguarding concern.
Ensure that the Executive Leadership Team routinely evaluates the
quality and impact of Scope’s safeguarding activities, ensuring
transparency and a learning culture across the organisation in securing
any improvements to safeguarding policies, procedures and practices.
Support and challenge the Executive Director of Services in the
development and delivery of Scope’s safeguarding practice.
Development and effective implementation of Scope’s Corporate
Safeguarding Policy based on national guidance and recognised best
Ensure that the Chief Executive/Board of Trustees are immediately
advised of any major causes of safeguarding concern.
Delivery of effective corporate governance arrangements for
safeguarding, primarily in the form of regular, relevant and rigorous
reports about the quality, consistency and effectiveness of
safeguarding practice across all of Scope’s operations.
Chair the corporate Safeguarding Management Board
Appropriate resourcing of safeguarding support and training throughout
Establish appropriate risk management strategies in relation to children
and adults at risk throughout Scope’s Services.
Oversee effective delivery, management and monitoring of
safeguarding within their area of responsibility and promote best
practice throughout Scope.
Ensure Scope’s corporate safeguarding practices, training and
procedures comply with national legislation and guidance.
Develop and deliver appropriate safeguarding training across all of
Scope’s areas of work.
Ensure that the Executive Director of Services/Chief Executive is
immediately advised of any major causes of safeguarding concern.
Develop, collate and report on safeguarding metrics across the
organization and to lead the annual programme of safeguarding audits
Nominated Individuals
(currently Director of Services,
Wales & Head of Quality, Risk
and Compliance in England)
Safeguarding Team
School & College Governors
Service Managers, Shop
Managers, Employment
Operations Managers &
Designated Safeguarding
Advisers (DSAs)
Staff and Volunteers
Safeguarding Responsibility
Ensure all staff are compliant with procedures and follow the advice
and guidance of the Safeguarding Service.
Provide the Head of Quality, Risk and Compliance with safeguarding
performance information as is required for the Safeguarding
Management Board, ELT, Development & Audit Committees and the
Board of Trustees.
Ensure all appropriate steps are taken in cases that have been referred
to the Safeguarding Service.
Ensure the Safeguarding procedures are followed.
Ensure advice, guidance and training is provided consistently and
supports the full implementation of the policy and associated
Establish safeguarding as a standing item at each Governor’s meeting
and ensure that the Head Teacher/Principal provides routine reports on
any reported Safeguarding issues.
Ensure that the requirements of the Corporate Safeguarding Policy and
Procedures are being met.
Ensure that any safeguarding action plans arising from
Ofsted/CSIW/CQC inspections findings and recommendations are
discussed in advance of approval with the Head of Quality, Risk and
Compliance and thereafter submitted to the Executive Director of
Ensure all staff, approved carers and volunteers within their Service are
aware of how to identify and respond to concerns and/or allegations of
harm and neglect.
Ensure that staff and volunteers in their Service receive annual
safeguarding training.
Ensure the Local Authority Safeguarding Adults procedure and Scope’s
Adult at Risk Safeguarding procedure are accessible to all staff
members and volunteers.
Ensure their Local Authority Safeguarding Adults out of hours contact
details and the Scope on-call managers contact details are available to
staff and volunteers within the Service.
Ensure their Local Authority Safeguarding Children procedure and
Scope’s Safeguarding Children procedures are accessible to all staff
members and volunteers.
Responsible for ensuring their Local Authority Safeguarding Children
out of hours contact details and the Scope on-call managers contact
details are available to staff and volunteers within the Service.
Identify and take steps to safeguard and protect children and adults at
risk when concerns arise.
Monitoring and Review
4.1 This policy will be monitored in line with the Scope Quality Framework and
corporate audit requirements.
4.2 Systems will be established to reflect on and gain organisational learning from
Safeguarding issues within Scope. This learning will be shared as appropriate
with Service staff to highlight patterns or persistent incidents and actions
required to prevent them happening in the future.
4.3 Regular assurance audits against Scope Safeguarding Standards (see
Appendix 2) and other agreed parameters, including benchmarking against
other comparable organisations will take place in conjunction with Internal Audit.
4.4 Staff understanding of this policy will be ensured through training and the
delivery of awareness raising workshops. For new staff these will form part of
their induction process. There will be refresher training to ensure that staff
remain up to date and aware of best practice.
4.5 This policy will be reviewed annually by the Safeguarding and Protection
Manager, as part of the annual audit of safeguarding provision and any
necessary changes will be recommended to the Safeguarding Management
See Glossary of Terms and Definitions (hyperlink) and Safeguarding
Legislation, Regulation & Guidance
6.1 For Scope to meet regulatory and statutory responsibilities a range of legislation
and associated guidance is significant. For further information see the
associated Safeguarding Children and Safeguarding Adults at Risk procedures
Links to other Scope Policies and Procedures
7.1 The following Scope policies and procedures link to the Safeguarding Policy
although this is not an exhaustive list:
Safeguarding Adults at Risk Procedure
Behaviour Support and Physical Intervention Policy and Procedure
Safeguarding Children Procedure
Complaints Policy and Procedure
Death of a Service User Policy and Procedure
Disciplinary Policy and Procedure
Health and Safety Policy and Procedure
Major Incident Policy
Medication Policy and Procedure
Missing Person Policy and Procedure
One to one Supervision Policy and Procedure
Record Keeping Policy and Procedure
Service User Finance Policy and Procedure
Service User Financial Contributions Policy and Procedure
Sexuality and Personal Relationships Policy and Procedure
Suspension Policy and Procedure
Speak Up Policy and Procedure
7.1 This policy will be communicated and implemented through the following:
Service ethos
Shared expectations
Service systems such as team meetings
Support systems for service users such as consultation groups
Support systems for staff such as supervision
Support systems for parents and families such as consultation groups and
Training of Scope staff and other representatives
Regular and robust reporting through the Safeguarding Management Board,
Services SMT the Executive Leadership Team, the Development and Audit
Committees and the Board of Trustees.
7.2 All Scope Services staff, volunteers and other representatives will have a good
working knowledge of this policy and associated procedure. Staff will sign to say
they have read and understood this policy. A note will be made alongside
safeguarding training records.
Scope Safeguarding Management Board
Terms of Reference
Purpose of the Group
To fulfil Scope’s Corporate Governance in respect of the safeguarding and
protection of children and adults at risk and to have a strategic overview of all
matters relating to Safeguarding across Scope.
The Safeguarding
Management Board will also agree the framework within which the
Safeguarding Team operates and how Scope addresses issues of
Safeguarding and Protection corporately.
Membership of the Safeguarding Management Board
Executive Director of Services (Chair)
Head of Safeguarding, Quality, Risk & Compliance
Safeguarding Manager
Regional Director - Children or adults specialism
Area Manager - Children or adults specialism to complement R.D.
Education Representative
Executive Director of HR (or representative)
Retail Manager
Volunteer Manager
Board Administrator
Frequency of meetings
A minimum of once every three months, but more frequently if necessary.
To monitor the quality and effectiveness of safeguarding and protection
throughout Scope.
To recommend safeguarding policy and procedural changes in light of both
internal and external drivers and stakeholder needs.
To agree the Annual Training Strategy and Plan.
To sponsor specific projects relating to the improvement and development of
safeguarding throughout Scope.
To agree safeguarding standards, performance indicators and audit plans.
To act as the best practice group for safeguarding and to disseminate learning
from internal and external investigations, contemporary research and changes
in legislation, regulation and statutory guidance through publications, briefings,
safeguarding forums and training.
To monitor safeguarding activities and use the information to direct future
To consider the annual Safeguarding and Protection report and make
recommendations to ELT and Board of Trustees.
To support the activities and development of the Corporate Safeguarding
To contribute to the safeguarding element of the Quality, Risk and Compliance
annual departmental business plan.
Reporting Requirements
Audits and reports, wherever possible incorporating service user, parent or
carer feedback, for Senior Management Teams, Committees and the Board.
Quarterly reports to the Executive Leadership Team addressing the quality
and effectiveness of safeguarding practice across the organisation.
Bi-annual reports to the Development Committee detailing safeguarding
issues arising from national policies for children and adults at risk.
Disseminating recommendations for changes in practice as a result of the
safeguarding outcomes of inspections and action plans arising from Serious
Case Reviews.
An annual report on the quality and effectiveness of safeguarding and
protection to the Board of Trustees setting out a review of the previous year’s
safeguarding activities, including an evaluation of the effectiveness of
safeguarding practice and the improvement priorities for the forthcoming year.
Appendix 2
Scope Safeguarding Children and Adults at Risk Standards
Components of standard
1. Leadership
The ELT lead for safeguarding children and adults at
risk will be the Executive Director of Services
1.1.1Job description clearly identifies safeguarding responsibilities
The Operational lead for safeguarding children and
adults at risk will be the Head of Quality, Risk and
Compliance who is a qualified social worker
1.2.1 Job description clearly identifies safeguarding responsibilities
1.2.2 Operational lead for safeguarding should have expertise in adult and/or child safeguarding
services; should understand the nature of abuse and neglect and the organisation’s arrangements for
safeguarding children and adults at risk
There is a designated Safeguarding Manager, their
focus is the management of safeguarding
investigations, provision of advice and training
throughout the organisation
1.3.1 Job description clearly identifies safeguarding responsibilities
1.3.2 Supervision arrangements should be in place for the Safeguarding Manager in respect of their
safeguarding responsibilities; an annual PDP will include a review of the job role
1.3.3 The Safeguarding Manager will have sufficient time, support and flexibility to carry out their
responsibilities – this should be detailed in their job plans
1.3.4 Oversee Scope’s Safeguarding Service collection, analysis and reporting of safeguarding
performance information and disseminate learning gained as a result
The corporate Safeguarding Management Board will 1.4.1 The Terms of Reference for the Safeguarding Board clearly identify its role and responsibilities
have an operational overview of all matters relating to 1.4.2 The membership of the Safeguarding Board reflects the diversity of service provision within
safeguarding across Scope and will agree the
Scope and includes at least one independent member
framework within which the Safeguarding Service
operates and how Scope addresses issues of
safeguarding and protection corporately
2. Governance arrangements / Quality Assurance
The Board of Trustees regularly reviews safeguarding 2.1.1 The Board will receive at least an annual report, presented at Board level, on safeguarding
across the organisation
2.1.2 The report will be made public
2.1.3 Reports on safeguarding may additionally be included within other reports, e.g. Audit or
Development Committees
An adverse incident reporting system is in place
which identifies circumstances/incidents which have
compromised the safety and welfare of children or
adults at risk and that enables the organisation to
continuously improve the protection of all service
users from abuse or the risk of abuse
2.2.1 Internal management reviews as a consequence of Scope compromising the safety/welfare of
service users
2.2.2 Inspection reports from national bodies e.g. Ofsted, Care Quality Commission, Estyn, CSSIW
2.2.3 Internal safeguarding investigations
2.2.4 Internal audit and quality assurance activities
2.2.5 Comprehensive notification system providing regular reports to managers and the Safeguarding
2.2.6 All complaints that refer to the safety of children and vulnerable adults are referred and
thoroughly by the Safeguarding Service
2.2.7 All action plans/learning resulting from investigations are shared across the organisation via
forums and briefings
A programme of internal and external audit and review 2.3.1 An annual Programme of audit and evaluation of safeguarding arrangements across Scope
is in place that enables Scope to continuously
improve the protection of all service users from abuse to include progress on action to implement recommendations from Internal Serious Case Reviews
2.3.2 Internal management reviews as a consequence of Scope representatives compromising the
or the risk of abuse
safety/welfare of service users
2.3.3 Reports from national bodies e.g. Ofsted, Care Quality Commission, Local Authority/Police
investigations where organisational learning will be drawn from their review by the Safeguarding
Board and Best Practice Groups
2.3.4 Performance metrics and the results of audits will be routinely reported to the Safeguarding
Management Board and detailed in the quarterly safeguarding reports to the Executive Leadership
2.3.5 Data will be reported in safeguarding reports to the Development Committee and Board of
Executive Director of Services supported by the
Safeguarding Management Board will ensure
corporate safeguarding governance
2.4.1Quarterly reports to the Executive Leadership Team addressing the quality and effectiveness of
safeguarding practice across the organisation
2.4.2 Bi-annual reports to the Development Committee detailing safeguarding issues arising from
national policies for children and adults at risk
2.4.3 An overview of the quality and effectiveness of Scope’s safeguarding policies, procedures and
the safeguarding outcomes of inspections together with actions taken in response to inspection
findings and the outcomes and action plans arising from Serious Case Reviews
2.4.4 An annual report to the Board of Trustees setting out a review of the previous year’s
safeguarding activities, an evaluation of the effectiveness of safeguarding practice and the
improvement priorities for the forthcoming year
3. Safeguarding policies, procedures and systems
Staff at all levels, have easy access to safeguarding
children and vulnerable adult policy and procedures
This policy and the associated separate procedures
for children and adults safeguarding must be
consistent with statutory, national and local
guidance for both England and Wales.
3.1.1 The policy and associated procedures are consistent with statutory Local Authority multiagency procedures, national safeguarding legislation and guidance and Charity Commission
3.1.2 The policy and associated safeguarding procedures are updated annually to reflect any
structural, departmental, legal or other changes
3.1.3 The policy and associated safeguarding procedures undergo an Equalities Impact Assessment
3.1.4 The Safeguarding policy and associated safeguarding procedures will be audited and
reviewed at a minimum two yearly to evaluate their effectiveness and to ensure they are
working in practice.
3.1.5 The policy and associated procedures to specifically consider children and vulnerable adults in
special circumstances, e.g. those with a disability, those who do not speak English as their first
language, etc.
Scope Safeguarding Children policies & procedures can be accessed at: (hyperlink)
Scope Safeguarding Adults at Risk policies & procedures can be accessed at: (hyperlink)
There are clear procedures for recording and
reporting concerns, suspicions and allegations of
abuse to children and to vulnerable adults at risk
rather than vulnerable in line with national
3.2.1 The procedures include a process for following up referrals to social care services
There is a process for resolving cases where Scope 3.3.1 The procedures include a process for resolving cases where there is a difference of opinion with
staff have a difference of opinion in relation to the ultimate decision maker being the Executive Director of Services
safeguarding concerns for children and
vulnerable adults
There is clear guidance on how to respond to a
disclosure of abuse from all children and adults at
risk which includes a confidentiality policy.
3.4.1 The procedures include a process for management of disclosure
3.4.2 There is a Confidentiality policy which is referenced in safeguarding training
3.4.3 Safeguarding training includes clear guidance on the management of safeguarding concerns,
including the need to ensure information is shared correctly with the welfare of children and vulnerable
adults being the paramount concern.
There is clear guidance on managing allegations
against staff and volunteers working with children
and/or adults at risk in line with national
3.5.1 A senior manager is identified to have overall strategic responsibility for ensuring Scope
operates within the safeguarding policy and procedures and a nominated senior manager to whom all
allegations or concerns are reported.
3.5.2 The procedures must be followed when there are concerns that any person in a position of trust
(whether paid or unpaid) has: behaved in a way that has harmed a child and or adult at risk, or may have harmed a child and
or vulnerable adult possibly committed a criminal offence against or related to a child or adult at risk behaved towards a child or vulnerable adult in a way that indicates s/he is unsuitable to work
with children or adults at risk
3.5.3 All substantiated cases to be reported to the Executive Director of Services in addition to other
regulatory bodies.
There are robust complaints and whistle blowing
policies/procedures in place
3.6.1 A guarantee is provided to staff and service users that using the procedures appropriately will
not prejudice their own position or prospects
3.6.2 There is a Speak Up (whistleblowing) policy and procedure
3.6.3 There is a Complaints policy and procedure
4. Information sharing
There are agreed systems, standards and protocols
4.1.1 Staff understand what to do and when to share information if they believe a child or adult is
for sharing information within the Service and between at risk is in risk of harm
agencies in accordance with national and local
4.1.2 Agency-specific guidance is produced to complement guidance issued by central government
and training is made available to existing and new staff as part of their induction programme and
ongoing train
4.1.3 Managers are fully conversant with the legal framework and good practice guidance issued for
5. Inter-agency working
Scope Services staff work with partners to protect
children and adults at risk and participates in
reviews as set out in local guidance
5.1.1 Staff to provide, when requested, information on their involvement with a child or adult at risk to
inform the case discussion in relation to multi-agency meetings including Serious Case Reviews
5.1.2 Staff who are invited to attend a multi-agency meeting in relation to a child or vulnerable adult
must make every effort to attend and will submit a written report where requested to do so
6. Safe recruitment practices
Robust recruitment and vetting procedures are in
6.1.1 Staff in ‘regulated activities’ must have an enhanced DRB check
place to help prevent unsuitable people from working 6.1.2 It will be an offence for an employer to knowingly appoint a barred person into controlled activity
with vulnerable adults and children
without putting appropriate safeguards in place; therefore the DRB should be asked to carry out a
check to determine if a new entrant into a controlled activity is barred from a regulated activity
6.1.3 References are always verified, a full employment history is always available with satisfactory
explanations for any gaps in employment history, qualifications are checked and the appropriate DRB
check is undertaken in line with national and local guidance
6.1.4 Scope is legally obliged to refer information to the ISA if they have moved or removed an
individual because they have harmed, or there is a risk of harm to, a member of a vulnerable group
Safeguarding responsibilities are reflected in all job
descriptions relevant to role and responsibilities
6.2.1 Job descriptions are reviewed annually at PDP review
Staff involved in employing staff are trained in the
processes of ‘safe recruitment’
6.3.1 Attendance records of safe recruitment training
6.3.2 Evidence of refresher training every 3 years
7. Record keeping
Staff working record their work in accordance with
statutory and best practice guidance
7.1.1 All staff maintain an accurate, clear record of their involvement in service user support and
interaction on a routine basis as required by Scope Record Keeping in Scope Services policy and
7.1.2 Records are clear, accessible, comprehensive and contemporaneous with both judgments made
and decisions taken carefully recorded. Differentiation is made between fact and opinion. The record is
dated, signed and the person’s name legibly written at the end of the record entry
7.1.3 Where there are concerns about an individual’s welfare, all concerns, discussions held and decisions
made and the reasons for those decisions are recorded in writing in the individuals records
8. Supervision and support
Staff working directly with children and vulnerable
adults have access to advice support and supervision
to enable them to manage the stresses inherent with
this work
8.1.1 Access to advice / support is available to all staff working with children and vulnerable adults via
line management, team meetings, formal and ad hoc supervision, refresher training, Safeguarding
Service team
8.1.2 Supervision notes recording case related decisions, management issues, staff development and
needs, to required standards are maintained.
9. Staff training and continuing professional development
Scope staff and volunteers in contact with children
or adults at risk are trained and competent to be
alert to the potential indicators of abuse and neglect
know how to act on those concerns in line with local
9.1.1 The level of training an individual requires is dependent on their roles and responsibilities
9.1.2 Records are kept of those accessing training as per Scope Record Retention Schedules
9.1.3 Refresher training is undertaken by all staff and volunteers at regular intervals (at a minimum 2
9.1.4 Designated Safeguarding Advisors (DSA) receive additional training through forums held twice a
year and regular updates training (at a minimum 2 yearly)
9.1.5 Every Scope Service will have an appropriate number of trained DSAs depending on the size, role
and function of the service
9.1.6 Information pertaining to the availability and impact of these DSAs in securing effective
safeguarding practice across Scope will be addressed in the routine report to Scope’s Safeguarding
Management Board
Document Control
What date was this policy last
October 2008
Who was the approving body/post
Board of Trustees
When was this policy implemented?
January 2013
What is the version number?
Adult Safeguarding and Protection
What version or policy does this one
Child Safeguarding and Protection
What consultation was undertaken
when writing this policy? (key names
and departments)
Ann Craft Trust
Senior Scope Management
Scope Designated Safeguarding
What are the supporting
Child Safeguarding Procedure
Adult at Risk Safeguarding Procedure
What is the date of review?
(Maximum 2 years from last approval
January 2015
Which department does this policy
originate from?
Quality, Risk and Compliance:
Who is the lead manager
Head of Quality, Risk and
Who is the author/contact person (if
different from above)?
Safeguarding Manager
Where else is the policy available?
What are the key changes to this
policy? (in brief)
Policy & Procedure pages on Insite
Safeguarding pages on Insite
Scope Safeguarding Service
Complete re-write as previously there
has been a separate policy for Adults
and a separate one for Children