PUBLIC HEARING: ATTACHMENT 5.0 AGENDA ITEM: MWMO 2013 Plan Amendment Presenter: Open for Public’s Comments Flexibility: Yes No 30 Min. 45 Min. 1 Hour Budget Change Other Requested Meeting Date: March 12, 2013 Estimated Time: Consent Agenda 10 Min. 15 Min. Board Action: Information/Review Motion to approve DRAFT MOTION: Please word the motion below as you would like it to appear in the minutes. A motion is not required. However, if there are significant issues that arise at the public hearing the Board may want to set a timeline for staff to resolve the issues and report back to the Board before proceeding with the 90 day review. ACTION TAKEN: Date of Action: Comments: Approved as Requested Denied Tabled Accepted Report Other BACKGROUND (Attach Supporting Documents as needed) Comments submitted on the plan’s 60 day draft language and Capital Improvement Schedule have resulted in no further changes to the 2013 plan amendment. 60 day comments submitted by the Anoka Conservation District are either addressed in our current plan or they will be addressed in a more extensive 2014 amendment to the MWMO’s planned programmatic activities as they related to the cities of Fridley, Columbia Heights and Hilltop. The March 12th public hearing is an opportunity for the public to present or submit comments on the Capital Improvement Schedule. The public hearing is the final deadline for cities, counties and residents to submit comments on this General Amendment affecting the MWMO’s Capital Improvement Schedule. Following the public hearing, the MWMO will generate a record of all comments submitted or presented and proceed with a final 90 day BWSR and agency review. Given there were no changes requested by agencies during the 60 day review period we have requested the 90 day review be expedited so the amendment can be approved at the MWMO’s May 14 Board meeting. The following pages include the comments submitted during the 60 day review and the MWMO’s response to those comments as well as a strikeout underline version of changes to be made. MWMO Board Meeting Document1 12 March 2013 Request For Board Action Attachment 5.0 Date: February 19, 2013 To: Public Record From: Mississippi Watershed Management Organization Re: 60-day Review of the MWMO’s 2013 Plan Amendment: Comments and Responses on the Plan’s Introduction, Legal Boundary Map, and Capital Improvement Schedule Comment # 1 2 Organization Anoka Conservation District Anoka Conservation District MWMO Board Meeting Document1 Comment We encourage completion of stormwater retrofit assessments to guide the CIP in the future. It sounds like you are already working with Nate Zwonitzer at our office toward that end. If this work is imminent, it would be useful to include it in your Watershed Plan, as well as implementation of projects identified. Mention should include high priority receiving waters around which the stormwater assessments will focus. Please consider Sullivan/Sandy Lake in Columbia Heights as one priority area for a stormwater retrofit assessment or water quality projects. It has poor water quality. This waterbody receives stormwater runoff, and in many ways serves as a stormwater treatment basin. On the other hand, it also serves recreational and aesthetic uses. The lake is circumscribed by public walking trails and a park which are valued by the residents. Discharge from this pond is to the Mississippi River. 12 March 2013 MWMO Response The current plan authorizes these studies throughout the MWMO: Page 139; WQ1.G1. S1: Action 2 Quantify each subwatershed contribution to pollutant loading. Action 4 Model water quality in the MWMO. Page 140; WQ1.G2.S1: Action 3 Implement practices that improve habitat structure and ecosystem function Page 162; USM1.G1.S2: Action 3 Provide feasibility, planning and design services for creating new or retro fitting existing multifunctional corridors This 2013 amendment is primarily to add the cities of Fridley, Columbia Heights and Hilltop to our legal boundary; recognize their standing on our Board and integrate their projects into the MWMO’s Capital improvement schedule. Your comments will be addressed as a part of a more extensive 2014 amendment to update the MWMO’s programmatic activities as they related to the cities of Fridley, Columbia Heights and Hilltop as well as update all other written sections of the plan to include our new members. Request for Board Action Page 2 Request For Board Action 3 Anoka Conservation District 4 Anoka Conservation District 5 Board of Water and Soil Resources MWMO Board Meeting Document1 Attachment 5.0 We encourage incorporation of a water monitoring plan for the new areas of Fridley, Columbia Heights, and Hilltop. The number of waterbodies is relatively small, so the extent of lake and stream monitoring would not likely be large. Yet it is important. Table 19 does not indicate the year the new projects will take place. It would be a helpful addition Same as above. Board of Water and Soil Resources staff have completed review of the 60-day draft plan amendment to add new capital improvement projects to the implementation section and address the newly added areas to MWMO from the dissolved Six Cities WMO. We believe the amendment is compliant with rule and statute and have no comments. We commend the Commission for maintaining a current watershed management plan and being responsive to the expanded WMO area. OK 12 March 2013 What is in the plan is the best information we have to date. General start and end dates are what we have at this time; final timelines are established prior to projects advancing into the MWMO’s annual budget. Projects must be completed within three years, once they are in the MWMO’s budget. Request for Board Action Page 3 Request For Board Action 6 The Metropolitan Council Attachment 5.0 The Metropolitan Council (Council) has completed its review of the proposed major plan amendment to the Mississippi Watershed Management Organization’s Watershed Management Plan. The plan is consistent with Council policies and the Council’s Water Resources Management Policy Plan. OK 7 MPCA The amendment addresses the addition of areas in Fridley, Hilltop, and Columbia Heights that were formerly in the Six Cities Watershed Management Organization. The plan’s Introduction, Legal Boundary Map, and Capital Improvement Schedule have been updated to reflect the changes. The Council commends the MWMO for promptly adding projects to address water resource issues in the new areas. No comments on the amendments proposed. 8 Rice Creek WD No comments on the amendments proposed. OK 9 The City of Saint Paul The City of Lauderdale The City of Minneapolis No comments on the amendments proposed. OK No comments on the amendments proposed. OK No comments on the amendments proposed. OK Minnesota Department of Agriculture No comments on the amendments proposed. OK 11 12 13 MWMO Board Meeting Document1 12 March 2013 OK Request for Board Action Page 4