Minutes - Main Roads Western Australia

Gascoyne Regional Road Group
Meeting No. 2 of 2012/2013 – 29 November 2012
2012/13 Gascoyne Regional Road Group Minutes
Held at 10:15am on 29 November 2012 (Shire of Exmouth)
Attendance and apologies
The acting Chairperson Ross Winzer welcomed members and guests to the
Ross Winzer
Councillor – Shire of Exmouth
Joe McLaughlin
Councillor – Shire of Shark Bay
Paul Anderson
CEO – Shire of Shark Bay
Margaret Prior
Councillor – Shire of Shark Bay
Brian Galvin
Works Manager – Shire of Shark Bay
Brian Wall
Infrastructure Manager – Shire of Carnarvon
Bill Price
CEO – Shire of Exmouth
Keith Woodward
Works Manager – Shire of Exmouth
Craig Manton
Regional Manager – Main Roads Gascoyne
Rachel Boulton
Infrastructure Technical Officer – Shire of Carnarvon
Samantha Whitburn Customer Services Manager – Main Roads Gascoyne
 Tim Lane
 John Lane
 Mark Bondietti
Eddie Smith
Councillor – Shire of Carnarvon
Maurice Battilana CEO – Shire of Carnarvon
Bill Hopkinson
Councillor – Shire of Carnarvon
Will Taylor
Works Manager – Shire of Carnarvon
Melissa Perry
Senior Admin Infrastructure Officer – Shire of Carnarvon
Ross Collins
President – Shire of Upper Gascoyne
Lachlan McTaggart Deputy President, Shire of Upper Gascoyne
Dirk Sellenger
CEO – Shire of Upper Gascoyne
Cheryl Cowell
President – Shire of Shark Bay
Turk Shales
President – Shire of Exmouth
Engel Predergast WALGA Representative (Roadwise)
Brad Pearce
Asset Manager – Main Roads Gascoyne
Minutes of previous meeting
The minutes of the Gascoyne Regional Road Group meeting held on the 24th
August 2012 were accepted as a true record of the meeting.
Proposed: Joe McLauchlin / Second: Bill Price
Gascoyne Regional Road Group Minutes of 29 November 2012 Meeting
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Gascoyne Regional Road Group
Meeting No. 2 of 2012/2013 – 29 November 2012
Business arising
Action: Sam to circulate RRG Members Roles and Responsibilities to all
members prior to next meeting.
Action: Joe McLaughlin asked if Main Roads has progressed the
suggestions made at the last RRG Meeting in relation to signage on Heavy
Vehicles (in particular OSOM). Sam responded to say that it was raised with
our HVO branch however progress to be followed up with Ernie Reynolds.
Ross Winzer asked if the RRG recommendation to have lighting installed at
all major intersections was accepted by Main Roads. Craig Manton advised
that it was not a feasible specification given that it would have to be applied
across the state and funding limitations. However he was happy to support
the region in championing the idea to improve road safety, on a case-by-case
basis and dependent on funding availability.
Action: Paul Anderson raised the progress on RRG recommendation to the
SAC to provide 40% of WANDRRA funding upfront. Sam advised that it was
raised to FESA however has had no response. John Lane (WALGA) advised
that WALGA had submitted the proposal to which they were expecting a
response in the coming weeks. Sam to follow up before next meeting.
State Roads Funds to Local Government Advisory Committee Minutes
Advice to LGA’s from Main Roads on erection of “unsealed road” signage
following recommendations from a recent Coroners investigation report.
Standing Reports
Financial Reports
Samantha Whitburn provided the finance report up to the beginning of
November 2012.
Proposed: Paul Anderson / Second: Keith Woodward
Flood Damage Estimates & Claims
Cost Estimates and claims for WANDRRA funding to date were reviewed.
WANDRRA Flood Damage Claims are almost complete – progress reports
have been submitted by Shires of Exmouth, Upper Gascoyne and Shark Bay.
Shire of Exmouth advised that works for AGRN 434 have been completed
and their claim will be submitted in October.
MRWA Report
Craig Manton provided a report on Main Roads Gascoyne Regions current
and future projects.
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Gascoyne Regional Road Group
Meeting No. 2 of 2012/2013 – 29 November 2012
Current Projects Report
 Improvements at NWCH and Speedway Rd / Palms Intersection
Construction works commenced on October 29th and are anticipated to be completed by
December 19 at this stage. The project is being delivered through ISA partner Downer
Mouchel by utilising the MCW process.
$1.24 million is currently available to complete the works, which was allocated in 2011/12
and 2012/13 financial years. The funding is a combination of State Blackspot and Network
Safety and improvement funding.
 Carnarvon Flood Mitigation Project
The Carnarvon Stage 2 Flood Mitigation Works Project (Works) comprises of the full
design levee system of Lawson Street, Nickol Bay, South River Road and McGlades Road
levees with the estimated design cost to be $60 million.
Parties to the project are: Shire of Carnarvon (Shire) - project proponent; Department of
Regional Development and Lands (RDL) - funding body for $45 million Royalties for
Regions (RfR) contribution; Department of Water (DoW) - technical expertise for the
design of the flood mitigation levee system with Main Roads WA (MRWA) directly
managing the construction of the works with a project alliance contractor, MACA Civil.
Construction of the Six Mile levee design approximately 12km south of Carnarvon is
progressing. These works commenced on 9th October and comprise construction of a
levee, excavation of a drainage outfall channel and repairs to the rock protection adjacent
to North West Coastal Highway.
Clearing permits for all Stage 2 works has been approved with Clearing of the Lawson
Street levee complete. The final design of the Lawson Street and Nickol Bay levee cut
offs is with GHD. The South River Road levee design is not finalized, currently with DoW
and GHD.
The Browns Range Alliance (BRA) has set up an office at 231 Robinson Street to provide
the public with a central location to obtain information on the project construction.
 Safer Roads Program
Funds were secured in 2011/12 and 2012/13. These were intended to seal shoulders
from Barradale to Onslow turn off. Works have fallen some 19km short of Onslow turn off
and further funding is being sought to extend work to Onslow turn off with balance of
funds next year to complete Onslow to Pannawonica. We are anticipating further funding
to continue this program in 2013/14.
 Carnarvon – Mullewa
Funding for the sealing of the sand primer seal has been provided in 2012/13, with this
work being scheduled as part of our reseal program in early December 2012.
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Gascoyne Regional Road Group
Meeting No. 2 of 2012/2013 – 29 November 2012
Strategic Projects
 NWCH Widening – Minilya to Barradale
This 147km section of NWCH has a 6.2m seal with no sealed shoulders. With the
increased movement of Road trains on this link, widening to a 7m seal and 1m sealed
shoulders is desirable. Safety will be improved by providing for greater separation of
heavy vehicles from each other and light vehicles. In addition the sealed shoulders will
improve road safety and reduce shoulder maintenance works.
A recent fatal truck accident on this section has brought the issue into focus and has
resulted in very negative media attention.
Survey and Design works have been completed. Aboriginal Heritage and Ethnographic
investigations were completed in October 2011. Given lack of naturally occurring gravels,
trial crushing of rock overburden from several pits will be undertaken in balance of
financial year to determine feasibility of producing a crushed base course product. Initial
funding in the order of $5M is being sought to commence the replacement of short culverts
and stockpile materials in preparation for the project should construction funding become
Due to the projected increase of heavy vehicles there is a proposal being made to the
Federal Government for Federal funding for NWCH. A submission has also been made to
Infrastructure Australia to widen and strengthen the section of NWCH between 620.4 and
767.5 slk (Minilya to Barradale) and construct Bridges at Cave Creek and Goodeman
Creek. The total amount of the submission is $275m. The suggested contribution is 80%
Federal funding and 20% State. No response has been received.
Discussions are also in progress with proponents from the resource industry regarding the
possibility of contributing funds given the urgency and impact of transport activities
associated with Pilbara/Gascoyne resource mining industry.
 Project Development of Five Bridges on NWCH
NWCH as the main link between regional centres at Geraldton, Carnarvon, Karratha and
Port Hedland, provides access to various tourist destinations and coastal, mining and
pastoral communities. It is also the main coastal freight route operating triple road trains
north of Carnarvon. The rapid expansion of the oil and gas industries in the northern
Gascoyne and southern Pilbara has substantially increased road train traffic on this link of
the Network.
Five floodway’s between Barradale and Pannawonica on NWCH have been identified as
requiring upgrading to bridges. By providing all weather access, safety at these locations
will be improved by eliminating the risk of vehicles been washed-off the crossings in peak
floods and motorists becoming stranded waiting for the rivers to subside.
The project development for the future construction of bridges over Cave Creek,
Goodeman Creek, Toolunga Creek, Peedamulla and Peedamula East Creeks will
continue through 2012.
Construction funding has not yet been identified.
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Meeting No. 2 of 2012/2013 – 29 November 2012
 Onslow Rd Widening
Onslow Rd is the main link to Onslow from NWCH. The road was constructed in the
1980’s to service the Onslow community and the subsequent salt operations in the town.
The road has a 6.2m seal with 0.5 m unsealed shoulders.
Chevron provided funding to undertake short to medium term, minor improvements to the
Onslow Road including sealing of the shoulders, provision of four overtaking opportunities,
plus asphalt surface corrections to sections of weakened pavement and intersections. This
work was completed in May.
Agreement in principle has also been reached with Chevron to fund a considerable portion
of the works to widen and overlay the road, following the completion of Chevrons’
foundation works. This work is anticipated to commence in 2014/15.
 Useless Loop Road
The sealing works were completed in mid-May. The next round of funding for sealing is
expected to be provided in 2013/14.
NWCH / Robinson Street Intersection
While upgrade of intersection and associated land acquisition/land swap is not funded,
Main Roads continues to investigate options for upgrade and opportunities to progress
this project.
 Babbage Island Road / Robinson Street Intersection
Preliminary design for a roundabout at this location has well progressed. While project is
not funded Main Roads is seeking budgeting estimates from the utility providers, with a
view to seeking funding for 2014/15 to complement the completion of the Police & Justice
 Solar Lighting – Shark Bay Road / NWCH Intersection
Funding has been secured for 2013/14 to install lighting at the Shark Bay Road/NWCH
intersection with other pavement and drainage improvement works. Preliminary
investigations suggest 5 lights will be required.
Action: Regional Road Run-off Program to be included in report.
Action: Craig Manton to follow up on funding status for Exmouth Road upgrades (south
of Exmouth) – raised by Bill Price.
WALGA Report was presented by Tim Lane (Refer Agenda Papers)
Highlights were:
Commodity Route Funding
11/12 Asset Report
Heavy Vehicle Workshops
Roads 2030
Panel Contract
Regional Run-off Road Program and Remote Crashes
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Gascoyne Regional Road Group
Meeting No. 2 of 2012/2013 – 29 November 2012
 Aviation Strategy
 WANDRRA Funding Review
Action: Sam to follow up on deadline (and possible extension) to review Roads 2025
document and provide Local Roads strategies for the Roads 2030 Strategy. Meeting in
February with LGA’s to discuss updates.
Action: Mark Bondietti to distribute electronic copy of the Panel Contract brochure.
Action: Tim Lane to follow up on CEEP LED street lighting assistance program to LGA’s
– Stage 2. Issue was raised by Paul Anderson that LGA’s don’t have control of when
lights are one and have resulted in a 30% increase as they are now on all night.
Roadwise Report
No Roadwise Officer present. Report tabled and accepted.
Other Business
New Business
Commodity Route Funding Submissions for 2013/14
Sam advised no submissions have been received. All LGA’s advised that they will
not be placing any submissions for 2013/14 funding.
Meeting Dates/Venues for 2013
Thursday 28th February @ 10:00am – Shire of Carnarvon
Thursday 27th June @ 10:00am – Shire of Carnarvon
Thursday 28th November @ 10:00am – Shire of Upper Gascoyne
Ningaloo Road Closure
Bill Price & Keith Woodward advised that the Shire of Exmouth are seeking
response from key stakeholders regarding the possible closure of Ningaloo Access
Road due to reoccurring sand-drift causing unsafe road conditions and high
maintenance, which has been amplified since the recent bushfire destroying what
vegetation was there. Discussions raised that the issue is regional. Shire of
Exmouth requested support from MRWA – Craig Manton advised that we will be
happy to provide advice and possible materials testing however suggested that the
RRG seek legal/technical advice from a consultant. Craig also supported the LGA’s
to utilise RRG funding to improve/stabilise the materials as a long term solution,
rather than being reactive to these situations.
Reseal Programs
Action: Craig Manton requested all LGA’s submit an indicative figure for their
2013/14 annual reseal programs by February 2013 to coordinate across the region.
Hagan Keating (MRWA) will approach all LGA’s.
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Gascoyne Regional Road Group
Meeting No. 2 of 2012/2013 – 29 November 2012
Meeting Closed at 11.40pm
The next meeting will be held at the Shire of Carnarvon Thursday February 28, 2012
commencing at 10.00am
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