Practical 5 exercises

RDA Practical 5 (based on Module 5: Relationships)
Relationship Designators
One of the most noticeable 'extra' things in RDA cataloguing is the addition of relationship designators to
various fields. While suitable relationship designators do not (yet) exist to cover all scenarios, we are
required to add them whenever possible.
At present, MARC coding covers most of the common relationships between the Group 1 entities (e.g.
related works and expressions), but we need to spell things out for the relationships between a resource
and the Group 2 entities (persons, families, and corporate bodies). Complete lists of designators for such
relationships, with definitions, are in Appendix I, but some of the most commonly-occurring include:
Creator relationships
Compiler "responsible for creating a new work (e.g., a bibliography, a directory) through the act of
compilation, e.g., selecting, arranging, aggregating, and editing data, information, etc." C.f. Editor
of compilation
Other entities related to works
Honouree "honoured by a work (e.g., the honouree of a festschrift)"
Host institution "corporate body hosting an event, exhibit, conference, etc., which gave rise to the
work, but having little or no responsibility for the content of the work"
Issuing body "issuing the work, such as an official organ of the body"
Sponsoring body "sponsoring some aspect of the work, e.g., funding research, sponsoring an
Contributor relationships
Editor "contributing to an expression of a work by revising or elucidating the content"
Editor of compilation "contributing to an expression of a collective or aggregate work by selecting
and putting together works, or parts of works, by one or more creators. The editor of compilation
may also be involved in elucidating the content" C.f. Compiler
Illustrator "contributing to an expression of a work by supplementing the primary content with
drawings, diagrams, photographs, etc."
Writer of added commentary "contributing to an expression of a work by providing an
interpretation or critical explanation of the original work"
Writer of added text "contributing to an expression of a primarily non-textual work by providing
text for the non-textual work (e.g., writing captions for photographs, descriptions of maps)"
Compilations and Collaborations
A quick reminder from Module 3 that:
A compilation often has:
Title page, contents page, etc., which indicates who created what
A compiler or editor/compiler
You should assume a work by multiple creators is a collaboration if:
Nothing within the resource indicates who created what, or
You are in doubt
The flowchart below might help you to decide what you are cataloguing:
Does the
resource have a
single creator?
Is the resource
a compilation?
No, more
than one
Is the resource
a compilation?
Simple single-creator
Identify by creator +
preferred title (usually
100 + 245)
Identify by principal or
first-named creator +
preferred title (usually
100 + 245)
Identify by creator +
preferred title (usually
100 + 240)
May need conventional
collective title, e.g.
Works, or Poems.
Selections, etc.
Identify by preferred
title (usually 245,
occasionally 130)
For each of the following exercises, you are given images of title pages, contents pages, etc., plus an
incomplete bibliographic record. Use this information to decide what you are cataloguing, and then
whether each of the suggested relationships needs to be added to the bib (and why).
If the relationship does need to be recorded within a Cambridge standard RDA record, fill in the gaps to
show which fields, indicators, punctuation, relationship designators (r.d.s), etc., should contain /
accompany the given relationship information.
E.g., for a resource embodying the play, “Hamlet”:
Include a.a.p.? Y/N
Field _ 100 _ Indicators _ 1# _
Punctuation _ ,
R.d. _ author. ________
$e _
$a Shakespeare, William, $d 1564-1616
Exercise 1
How many creators?
Compilation? / collaboration? /
Possible relationships with Group 2 entities (i.e. related persons, families, and corporate bodies):
Include a.a.p.? Y/N
Field _____
Indicators _____
Punctuation _____
R.d. __________________
$a Dray, Tevian
Exercise 2
How many creators?
Compilation? / collaboration? / neither?
Possible relationships with Group 2 entities (i.e. related persons, families, and corporate bodies):
Include a.a.p.? Y/N
Field _____
Indicators _____
Punctuation _____
R.d. __________________
Include a.a.p.? Y/N
Field _____
Punctuation _____
R.d. __________________
Indicators _____
$a Saville, Malcolm
$a Whitear, A. R.
Exercise 3
How many creators?
Compilation? / collaboration? / neither?
Possible relationships with Group 1 entities (i.e. related works, expressions, manifestations, items):
Include a.a.p.? Y/N
Field _____
Indicators _____
$a Chicago in fiction.
Related: Work? / Expression? / Manifestation? / Item?
Include note? Y/N
505 0# $a Artie -- Pink Marsh.
Related: Works? / Expressions? / Manifestations? / Items?
Include a.a.p.? Y/N
Field _____
Indicators _____
$a Ade, George, $d 1866-1944. $t Artie.
Related: Work? / Expression? / Manifestation? / Item?
Include a.a.p.? Y/N
Field _____
Indicators _____
Related: Work? / Expression? / Manifestation? / Item?
$a Ade, George, $d 1866-1944. $t Pink
Possible relationships with Group 2 entities (i.e. related persons, families, and corporate bodies):
Include a.a.p.? Y/N
Field _____
$a Ade, George, $d 1866-1944
Include a.a.p.? Y/N
Field _____
Indicators _____
Punctuation _____
Indicators _____
$a McCutcheon, John T. $q (John Tinney), $d 1870-1949 Punctuation _____
Include a.a.p.? Y/N
Field _____
R.d. __________________
R.d. __________________
Indicators _____
$a Farrell, James T. $q (James Thomas), $d 1904-1979 Punctuation _____
Exercise 4
Exercise 4
Contents page:
Introduction: The Fiction of Mary Boykin Chesnut
Textual Introduction
The Captain and the Colonel
Two Year- or The Way We Lived Then
R.d. __________________
How many creators?
Compilation? / collaboration? / neither?
Possible relationships with Group 1 entities (i.e. related works, expressions, manifestations, items):
Include note? Y/N
505 0# $a The captain and the colonel -- Two years, or, The way we lived then.
Related: Works? / Expressions? / Manifestations? / Items?
Include a.a.p.? Y/N
Field _____
Captain and the colonel.
Indicators _____ $a Chesnut, Mary Boykin Miller, $d 1823-1886. $t
Related: Work? / Expression? / Manifestation? / Item?
Include a.a.p.? Y/N
Two years.
Field _____
Indicators _____ $a Chesnut, Mary Boykin Miller, $d 1823-1886. $t
Related: Work? / Expression? / Manifestation? / Item?
Possible relationships with Group 2 entities (i.e. related persons, families, and corporate bodies):
Include a.a.p.? Y/N
Field _____
Indicators _____ $a Chesnut, Mary Boykin Miller, $d 1823-1886
Punctuation _____
R.d. __________________
Include a.a.p.? Y/N
Field _____
Indicators _____ $a Muhlenfeld, Elisabeth, $d 1944Punctuation _____
R.d. __________________
Include a.a.p.? Y/N
Field _____
Indicators _____ $a Hanson, Elizabeth
Punctuation _____
R.d. __________________
Exercise 5
1 Introduction
1.1 A brief history of operational weather forecasting
2 The Nature of the Weather Forecasting Problem
2.1 Atmospheric predictability
2.2 The importance of observations in weather forecasting
2.3 An overview of the operational forecast process
How many creators?
Compilation? / collaboration? / neither?
Possible relationships with Group 1 entities (i.e. related works, expressions, manifestations, items):
Include a.a.p.? Y/N
Field _____
Indicators _____
$a Advancing weather and climate science.
Related: Work? / Expression? / Manifestation? / Item?
Possible relationships with Group 2 entities (i.e. related persons, families, and corporate bodies):
Include a.a.p.? Y/N
Field _____
Indicators _____
Punctuation _____
R.d. __________________
Include a.a.p.? Y/N
Field _____
Punctuation _____
R.d. __________________
Indicators _____
$a Inness, Peter $q (Peter M.)
$a Dorling, Steve $q (Stephen R.)
Exercise 6
Each chapter has different authors, e.g.:
Chapter 2, Radioactivity Counting Statistics
Agustín Grau Malonda, Agustín Grau Carles
How many creators?
Compilation? / collaboration? / neither?
Possible relationships with Group 1 entities (i.e. related works, expressions, manifestations, items):
Include note? Y/N
500 ## $a Previous edition: San Diego, California : Academic Press, 2003.
Related: Work? / Expression? / Manifestation? / Item?
Include note? Y/N
500 ## $a Revision of: Handbook of radioactivity analysis / edited by Michael F. L'Annunziata. -- Second edition. -- San Diego, California : Academic Press, 2003.
Related: Work? / Expression? / Manifestation? / Item?
Include a.a.p.? Y/N
730 0# $i Revision of: $a Handbook of radioactivity analysis. $s Second edition.
Related: Work? / Expression? / Manifestation? / Item?
Possible relationships with Group 2 entities (i.e. related persons, families, and corporate bodies):
Include a.a.p.? Y/N
Field _____
Indicators _____
Punctuation _____
$a L'Annunziata, Michael F.
R.d. __________________
Exercise 7
This time you have a record for a multiple-creator compilation, complete except for the relationship
designators. Decide which designators are required in each case.
Relationship designators for Group 2 entity relationships (persons, families, and corporate bodies):
$a Caioni, Gabriele
Punctuation _____
R.d. __________________
$a Moretti, Fabrizio
Punctuation _____
R.d. __________________
$a Brierley, Anthony
Punctuation _____
R.d. __________________
$a Dabell, Frank
Punctuation _____
R.d. __________________
$a Williams Moretti & Irving Gallery
Punctuation _____
R.d. __________________
$a Moretti s.r.l. (Florence, Italy)
Punctuation _____
R.d. __________________