FBA-BIP Checklist - West Virginia Department of Education

A Collaborative Effort between the West Virginia State Department of Education and
The National Center to Improve Policy and Practice in Special Education Professional Development
Functional Behavioral Assessment &
Behavior Intervention Plan
Best Practices Checklist
Helping You Link PD to Best Practice
☐ Yes ☐ No
1) I have established effective, evidence-based classroom management by taking
responsibility in mapping out areas of my classroom and separating spaces with different
functions. Furthermore, I have taken into consideration the flow of student traffic.
☐ Yes ☐ No
2) I have improved the functionality of my classroom by removing distractions and space
limitations, making the entire room visible at all times, and minimizing the time spent during
transition. In my classroom I posted 3-5 general and age-appropriate rules with specific
expectations, procedures, and reinforcements.
☐ Yes ☐ No
3) I have created a positive and caring classroom environment by building strong
relationships with students, being consistent, promoting cooperation, and teaching
communication and cooperation skills.
☐ Yes ☐ No
4) I have created a classroom that promotes engagement of students in instruction by
providing frequent opportunities for success, moving quickly, and using interesting and
varied materials for instruction.
☐ Yes ☐ No
5) I utilize whole class and mixed responding techniques (such as choral responding, thumbs
up/down, signaling etc.) to quickly determine who understands the concept and who needs
more instruction.
☐ Yes ☐ No
6) For students who continue to struggle with behavior problems I provide more intensive
support by re-teaching the rules and expectations in a small group setting, providing
instruction on social skills, and providing check-in/out systems to hold students responsible
for their behavior.
☐ Yes ☐ No
7) Furthermore, I especially emphasize recognition of appropriate behavior with children
who continue to struggle and provide a selection of reward choices. The rewards are just
enough to motivate because they are delivered immediately after a desired behavior and
they fade away when they are no longer necessary.
☐ Yes ☐ No
8) I evaluate the effectiveness of my behavior management and intervention by collecting
data and determining whether or not I need to revise my implementation.
☐ Yes ☐ No
9) For the small percentage of students with severe and concerning behavior problems who
do not respond to the interventions in place, I complete an individual functional behavior
assessment and clearly defined the problem behavior. I then determined the function, or
purpose, of the behavior by reviewing the students record and interviewing the student and
those involved (parents, teachers etc).
☐ Yes ☐ No
10) After defining the behavior issue and determining the cause, I chose an appropriate
replacement behavior and selected an intervention strategy specific to the child who
exhibits severely unacceptable behaviors.