Homestead Rodeo Association’s 2015 Rodeo Parade Horseshoes, Barrels and Bulls! Saturday, January 24, 2015 10 AM Line up 11 AM Parade Start Thank you for your interest in participating in the 2015 Homestead Rodeo Parade. Our theme is “Horseshoes, Barrels and Bulls!” This is the 66th Annual Homestead Rodeo, and we are thrilled to be celebrating it with you! ENTERING Participants in the Rodeo Parade must register in advance, mailing, faxing or emailing the entry form (available online at The deadline to enter the parade is Friday, January, 16, 2015. You will receive confirmation that your entry has been accepted. If you do not receive notification, please contact Parade Coordinator Amber Woods at 786-218-2812 or The Rodeo Parade Committee reserves the right to decline any participant(s) from the parade. FLOATS PRIZES Non-Profit Organization and Corporate (for-profit company) floats will be judged for prizes. They must have the theme “Horseshoes, Barrels and Bulls!” to be eligible. Informal community groups may enter floats, but are ineligible for prizes. All prize checks for floats will be made payable to the school or organization. The band donation will be payable to the school or band patrons organization only. NO CHECKS WILL BE PAYABLE TO INDIVIDUALS. Parade prizes will be awarded to First, Second and Third Place winning float entries in the Non-Profit category and First Place in the Corporate category. Judges will be made up of community members from the Homestead and Miami areas. The Parade line-up begins at 10 a.m. on Flagler Avenue. Parade entrants will be contacted in advance and assigned a position number, prior to parade day. Keep pace with the group in front of you. FLOATS MUST NOT STOP IN FRONT OF THE JUDGE’S GRANDSTAND. Any participant(s) stopping in front of judge’s grandstand to perform will be disqualified from prize money.* Your organization is responsible for all needs of your participants. The Rodeo Association does not furnish transportation or refreshments for this event. Applicants are encouraged to build structural floats, however this is not a requirement (refer to these photos of last year’s winners for inspiration). Don’t forget to make sure that your float reflects the Rodeo, the theme, and to have fun! BATTLE OF THE BANDS Only the top-judged band will receive a prize - so be prepared to impress! Bands must have at least 20 participants dressed in full band attire. Smaller bands may also enter the parade but are ineligible for the Battle of the Bands prize donation. Entering bands will be contacted with the competition details; band directors may contact Amber Woods in advance if desired. PARADE RULES *Battle of the Bands does include a performance component. Those entrants will be contacted separately with the rules. Homestead Rodeo Association’s 2015 Rodeo Parade Horseshoes, Barrels and Bulls! Saturday, January 24, 2015 ENTRY FORM Mail entry to Homestead Rodeo Association, PO Box 901432, Homestead, FL 33090-1432, email to or fax to 305-245-1912. Additional entry forms are available for download at Click at the start of the lines to fill them in. PRIMARY CONTACT SECONDARY CONTACT Name: Name: Phone(s): Phone(s): Email: Email: If we win a prize, please send check* to: Organization Name: Mailing Address: *All prize checks on floats will be made payable to the school or organization. Band donation will be payable to the school or band patrons organizations only. NO CHECKS WILL BE PAYABLE TO INDIVIDUALS. TYPE OF ENTRY Click on the box that applies to you and fill it in with an “x” □Float: Non-Profit Organization □Float: Corporate (For-Profit) □Float: Community/Other □Battle of the Bands Marching Unit* □Band Marching Unit, (not BOTB) □Marching Unit (other than band) □Vehicle □Other (describe) □Horse(s)+ Estimated number of participants: Youth # Adults # *Must have at least 20 participants, dressed in full band attire, perform as per rules. + All entries with horses (or other walking/free animals) will be placed at the end of the parade and must supply their own clean-up crew to walk along the parade route following and cleaning up after said animals; we’d like to leave the route cleaner than we found it! If an entrant with animals does not provide a clean-up crew they will be turned away on site. Please sign below to indicate that you have read and agree to these terms. GRANDSTAND ANNOUNCEMENT Typing in place of signature still holds this party responsible Organization Name (as to be announced): Float/Other title (if applicable): Requested Announcement: Entries must be received by Friday, January 16th, 2015 For further information please contact Amber Woods at 786-218-2812 or GOOD LUCK!