WEST TENNESSEE STRAWBERRY FESTIVAL JUNIOR PARADE THURSDAY, MAY 7, 2015 PARADE START TIME – 10:00 A.M. ENTRY FEE - $25.00 GENERAL RULES 1. NOTHING CAN BE THROWN FROM THE FLOAT OR ENTRY INTO THE CROWD. Throwing candy, gum, tokens, etc. from an entry is a violation of Humboldt City Ordinances and violators may be cited and fined. Items may be handed to parade spectators by a representative of your entry walking near the curb, but we must limit the number of walkers to two (2), one on each side or at the rear of the float. Remember, walking beside or touching the float distracts from its appearance and may be considered by the judges. 2. Judges will determine the winners of the various categories of entries. 3. Entry fee is $25.00 and if not paid in advance, your entry will not be permitted in the parade. There will be a late fee of $25.00 after the April 20th deadline. 4. As completed registration forms are received by the Chamber, parade numbers will be assigned. YOUR ASSIGNED NUMBER WILL DETERMINE YOUR PLACE IN LINE!!! 5. All floats and riders must be in position by 9:00 a.m.!! 6. No cars, trucks, etc. will be allowed in the staging area after 9:00 a.m. They will be towed at the owners expense and the entry disqualified. Extreme caution must be exercised in the staging area as young children and others are walking in the area. 7. Final rules decisions will be made by the Junior Parade Committee. 8. Winners will be announced on local radio stations, listed on the festival website, www.humboldttnchamber.org, and posted on the door at the Chamber of Commerce as soon as the results are available. 9. Ribbons and checks may be picked up at the Chamber of Commerce office after the parade winners are announced. 10. Remember that the Junior Parade is completely non-motorized. No entries will be permitted that use any type of motor in moving down the parade route. NOTE: Float numbers will be assigned BUT NOT mailed to you. There will be a Registration booth set up at the corner of Main Street and 22nd Avenue (the beginning of the parade) and you must have an adult representative from your entry pick up these numbers. This booth will be open at 7:00 a.m. on Thursday morning of the parade. Be prepared to attach this number to your entry in order to be judged. YOUR ASSIGNED NUMBER DETERMINES YOUR PLACE IN LINE! NUMBERS WILL BE ASSIGNED WHEN THE CHAMBER RECEIVES YOUR APPLICATION. THE SOONER YOUR APPLICATION IS RECEIVED, THE CLOSER YOU WILL BE TO THE FRONT OF THE PARADE.