UNIVERSITY OF PLYMOUTH MODULE RECORD MODULE CODE: CHM3004 CREDITS: 20 LEVEL: 6 MODULE TITLE: Advanced Inorganic Chemistry PRE-REQUISITE(S): None CO-REQUISITE(S): None COMPENSATABLE WITHIN THIS PROGRAMME: Yes SHORT MODULE DESCRIPTOR: Students will apply knowledge and understanding to the solution of unfamiliar chemical problems in selected areas of inorganic chemistry. Emphasis will be placed on designing an experimental approach and relating key concepts from all four main branches of chemistry in a variety of contexts, both theoretical and practical in nature. ELEMENTS OF ASSESSMENT: COURSEWORK 50% EXAMINATION 50% Give Subject Assessment Panel Group to which module should be linked ......CHM Minimum pass mark for professional body accreditation ........n/a........................ JACS Code: F100 MODULE AIMS: To explore key theoretical concepts in selected areas of inorganic chemistry through the design and execution of experimental investigations, and workshops, and to produce professional reports of these investigations. ASSESSED LEARNING OUTCOMES: After completing the module the student should be able to: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of advanced concepts in inorganic chemistry and use this knowledge to solve complex, real-world chemical problems Design complex laboratory experiments related to inorganic chemistry, but also covering all four disciplines of chemistry, then use instrumental methods to obtain data evaluate the results and respond to feedback Use a variety of methods to retrieve, interpret and analyse chemical information and communicate the results in an extended laboratory report. INDICATIVE SYLLABUS CONTENT: Students will apply knowledge and understanding to the solution of unfamiliar chemical problems in selected areas of inorganic chemistry, but also encompassing organic, physical and analytical chemistry. Emphasis will be placed on applying key concepts in a variety of contexts, both theoretical and practical in nature. Examples of advanced topics in inorganic chemistry which may be included include: heterogeneous and homogeneous catalysis; catalytic cycles and mechanisms; synthesis of novel materials; bio-inorganic chemistry; industrial applications of inorganic chemistry; organometallic compounds; metallomes; radiochemistry; spectroscopy. Students work both individually and in small teams in practical sessions which are integrated with selected themes to embed key theoretical concepts.