2013-2014 Week of___________ Grade Level __8th___ Content___ Math (Unit 1)___ 1. AKS/CC Objective Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 13.EE.7 solve linear equations in one variable 14.EE.7a give examples of linear equations in one variable with one solution, infinitely many solutions, or no solutions; show which of these possibilities is the case by successively transforming the given equation into simpler forms, until an equation in the form x = a, a = a, or a = b results (where a and b are different numbers)) 13.EE.7 solve linear equations in one variable 14.EE.7a give examples of linear equations in one variable with one solution, infinitely many solutions, or no solutions; show which of these possibilities is the case by successively transforming the given equation into simpler forms, until an equation in the form x = a, a = a, or a = b results (where a and b are different numbers)) 13.EE.7 solve linear equations in one variable 14.EE.7a give examples of linear equations in one variable with one solution, infinitely many solutions, or no solutions; show which of these possibilities is the case by successively transforming the given equation into simpler forms, until an equation in the form x = a, a = a, or a = b results (where a and b are different numbers)) 13.EE.7 solve linear equations in one variable 14.EE.7a give examples of linear equations in one variable with one solution, infinitely many solutions, or no solutions; show which of these possibilities is the case by successively transforming the given equation into simpler forms, until an equation in the form x = a, a = a, or a = b results (where a and b are different numbers)) 13.EE.7 solve linear equations in one variable 14.EE.7a give examples of linear equations in one variable with one solution, infinitely many solutions, or no solutions; show which of these possibilities is the case by successively transforming the given equation into simpler forms, until an equation in the form x = a, a = a, or a = b results (where a and b are different numbers)) 14.EE.7b solve linear equations with rational number coefficients, including equations whose solutions require expanding expressions using the distributive property 14.EE.7b solve linear equations with rational number coefficients, including equations whose solutions require expanding expressions using the distributive property 14.EE.7b solve linear equations with rational number coefficients, including equations whose solutions require expanding expressions using the distributive property and 14.EE.7b solve linear equations with rational number coefficients, including equations whose solutions require expanding expressions using the distributive property 14.EE.7b solve linear equations with rational number coefficients, including equations whose solutions require expanding expressions using the distributive property 2013-2014 Week of___________ Grade Level __8th___ Content___ Math (Unit 1)___ and combining like terms 19.A.CED.4 rearrange formulas to highlight a quantity of interest, using the same reasoning as in solving equations (Limit to formulas with a linear focus.)* and combining like terms 19.A.CED.4 rearrange formulas to highlight a quantity of interest, using the same reasoning as in solving equations (Limit to formulas with a linear focus.)* combining like terms 19.A.CED.4 rearrange formulas to highlight a quantity of interest, using the same reasoning as in solving equations (Limit to formulas with a linear focus.)* and combining like terms 19.A.CED.4 rearrange formulas to highlight a quantity of interest, using the same reasoning as in solving equations (Limit to formulas with a linear focus.)* and combining like terms 19.A.CED.4 rearrange formulas to highlight a quantity of interest, using the same reasoning as in solving equations (Limit to formulas with a linear focus.)* a) Lesson Title: Solving Equations Solving Equations Solving Equations Solving Equations Solving Equations b) Essential Question: EQ. When solving an equation, what type of operations must you use to isolate the variable? EQ. When solving an equation, what type of operations must you use to isolate the variable? EQ. When solving an equation, what type of operations must you use to isolate the variable? EQ. When solving an equation, what type of operations must you use to isolate the variable? EQ. When solving an equation, what type of operations must you use to isolate the variable? c) Standards of Learning : DOK 3 DOK3 DOK 3 DOK 3 DOK 3 d) Content Vocabulary linear equation, variable, coefficient, constant, like terms, identity linear equation, variable, coefficient, constant, like terms, identity linear equation, variable, coefficient, constant, like terms, identity linear equation, variable, coefficient, constant, like terms, identity linear equation, variable, coefficient, constant, like terms, identity e) Materials/Resources Need equations to Need equations to Frameworks Review Equation Assessment 2013-2014 Week of___________ Grade Level __8th___ Content___ Math (Unit 1)___ Needed: 2) STANDARD: What the students must be able to do and by when. solve with the class. Students will be able to solve an equation with variables on both sides. By the end of class. solve with the class. Equations should include fractions. Students will be able to solve an equation with variables on both sides. Students will be able to solve an equation with variables on both sides with distributive property. Students will be able to solve an equation with variables on both sides with distributive property. By the end of class. CA Equations: Students will be able to show 80% mastery (Solving an equation). By the end of class. By the end of class. By the end of class. 3) Teacher Input: (Model, Background Knowledge, “hook” etc) 4) Guided Practice: (whole group, pair and share, elbow partners, etc) MONITORED LEARNING FEEDBACK Whole group 5) Independent Practice: (when Students will combine you know you know) like terms. Whole group Whole group Students will solve a one and two step equation. Students will solve an equation using the distributive property. Whole group Students will solve an equation using the distributive property. Individual Students will complete the CA with 80% mastery. 2013-2014 Week of___________ Grade Level __8th___ Content___ Math (Unit 1)___ 6) Closure/Summarizing: (multiple summaries during lesson) 7) Book Resource Location Volume 1: p.47-56 Volume 1: p.47-56 Volume 1: p Volume 1: p Volume 1: p