The Earth is a ball of _____. rock The Earth weighs about _____ sextillion tons. 6.6 Scientists think the Earth was formed ______ years ago. 4.6 billion What provides us with information about life conditions in the past? fossils The Earth never stays the same, so it is constantly _____. changing Scientific evidence indicates that the Earth is made up of ____ basic layers. 4 Temperature and _____ increase with depth beneath the Earth’s surface. pressure Which layer of the Earth is rocky and surrounds the Earth like a shell or skin? crust The crust under the _____ is known as continental crust. continents The crust under the _____ is known as oceanic crust. oceans This layer of the Earth is normally a solid but can change to a liquid. mantle This is the largest layer of the Earth. mantle Parts of the mantle can change from a solid to a liquid. This feature is known as _______. plasticity Which layer of the Earth is made of molten (melted) iron and nickel? outer core Which layer of the Earth is made of solid iron and nickel? inner core Which layer of the Earth is the hottest? inner core The inner core is solid due to the _____ of the other layers. pressure Which is hotter – the inner core of the Earth or the sun? inner core The inner core is at the very center of the Earth and is shaped like a _____. sphere Seismology is the study of _____. This tells us a lot about the inner core. earthquakes The Earth’s _____ energy causes movement of material within the Earth. heat Large continent-sized blocks of rock from the crust and upper mantle are called _____. plates Which theory suggests that heat from within the Earth causes plates to move slowly about the Earth’s surface? The theory of plate tectonics In the past, the continents all formed one supercontinent called _____. Pangea The fact that the continents look like they fit together like a giant _____ supports the continental drift theory. puzzle Rock and _____ similarities among continents that are not joined today supports the continental drift theory. fossil _____ gives us information about how life was in the past. fossils The boundaries of plates are called _____. faults Where are most earthquakes and volcanoes located? along fault lines (plate boundaries) _____ boundaries occur when plates move together. convergent _____ boundaries occur when plates move apart. divergent _____, transform, or slip-strike boundaries occur when plates slide past each other. sliding New mountain ranges are formed along _____ boundaries. convergent Mountains in the ocean are called _____. mid-ocean ridges Volcanoes form along _____ boundaries. divergent Deep _____ form in the ocean along divergent boundaries. trenches _____ develop along sliding/transform/strikeslip boundaries earthquakes When volcanoes erupt, huge _____ flows cause fires and crushes anything in its way. lava The heat and steam from a volcanic eruption can be used to make _____. electricity Ash from _____ is full of nutrients and can be used to grow new crops. volcanoes A chain of over 300 active volcanoes is around the _____ Ocean. Pacific A chain of over 300 active volcanoes is around the Pacific Ocean and is knows as ____________ (4 words) The Ring of Fire What is another name for a sliding boundary? transform or strike-slip The two layers of the Earth that are composed mostly of rocky material are: crust and mantle The two layers of the Earth that are composed mostly of iron and nickel are: inner core and outer core Mountain ranges, included the Appalachian Mountains, mid-ocean ridges, trenches, volcanoes, and earthquakes are caused by: plate movement Which of these often occur as the Earth’s crustal plates move? A B C D Hurricanes Floods Tornadoes Earthquakes D– earthquakes Which layer of Earth is the thinnest? A B C D Inner core Crust Outer Core Mantle B – crust Which of these best describes the relationship between Earth’s layers? A The hottest layers are closest to the core B The more liquid layers are closest to the crust C The lightest layers are closest to the core. D The more metallic layers are closest to the crust. A What layer of Earth is located just below the crust? A B C D Inner core Mantle Continental shelf Outer Core B – Mantle