Mark Keppel High School Student Bulletin Tuesday, January 26, 2016 Bell Schedule R Special Events: None Today’s Meetings: Who None Where When Comments Athletics DATE TIME OPPONENT SPORT LEVEL FACILITY DISMISSAL DEPART 1/26/16 3:15 PM Bell Gardens Girls Soccer V Aztec Stadium 1:45 PM N/A 1/26/16 4:45 PM Bell Gardens Girls Soccer JV Aztec Stadium 1:45 PM N/A 1/26/16 3:15 PM Bell Gardens Boys Soccer V Bell Gardens 1:20 PM 1:45 PM 1/26/16 4:45 PM Bell Gardens Boys Soccer JV Bell Gardens 1:20 PM 1:45 PM 1/26/16 3:30 PM Bell Gardens Boys Basketball JV Aztec Arena N/A N/A 1/26/16 5:15 PM Bell Gardens Boys Basketball FR Aztec Arena N/A N/A 1/26/16 7:00 PM Bell Gardens Boys Basketball V Bell Gardens N/A 5:15 PM 1/26/16 3:30 PM Bell Gardens Girls Basketball FR Big Gym N/A N/A 1/26/16 3:30 PM Bell Gardens Girls Basketball JV Bell Gardens 1:30 PM 1:45 PM 1/26/16 5:15 PM Bell Gardens Girls Basketball V Bell Gardens N/A N/A 1/26/16 3:15 PM Schurr Girls Water Polo V Schurr 1:30 PM 1:45 PM 1/26/16 4:15 PM Schurr Girls Water Polo JV Schurr 1:30 PM 1:45 PM Field Trips: Date 1/29 Location Cal State-LA Campus Teacher Ms. Phillips Time of departure from school 1:15 pm Field Trips for Week of 2/1/16: 2/3 California Institute of Technology Career Center/Ms. Yu 2/5 Disney Concert Hall Dr. Bartlett 2/5 PCC Ms. Arzate, Ms. Vernon, Ms. Lee & Mrs. Liu 8:45 am 9 am 8 am Boys volleyball tryouts today, Tuesday, January 26 at 3 pm and Wednesday, January 27 at 4 pm in the old gym. Please make sure you have taken your physical and cleared your athletic packet at the nurse. Current in season athletes should wait for tryout at a later date. If you have any questions please see Mr. Chu in A239. Event: MKHS Honors & Advanced Placement Fair Location: Mark Keppel High School Date: Wednesday, January 27th Time: 6:30pm-8:00pm Schedule: 6:30pm-6:45pm - Welcome and MKHS Honors/Advanced Placement Program Overview 6:45pm-8:00pm - Honors & AP Fair in A Building Hallways. ~Ms. Meyka The CSULA Writing Center is held each Tuesday in room A-214 after school. Take advantage of Cal State LA professors and tutors to help improve your writing. ~Ms. Flores Need Service Hours???? Attention MKHS Service Clubs: We are looking for student volunteers to assist with our MKHS Honors/Advanced Placement Fair. The MKHS Honors/Advanced Placement Fair will take place on Thursday, January 27th. Service Hours between: 5:30pm-8:00pm. Please stop by the Office of Instruction (Next to Attendance Office) and see Becky. Thank you. Internships available with Fiesta Publications: Currently looking for graphic/web designers, writers/journalists, administrative assistants, and marketing/advertising students who are willing to complete 160 hours. Must be at least 16 years old. Pick up an information packet in the Career Center. --Mrs. Robles