Evidence - USD 458

Quarter Two Book Report
DUE DECEMBER 11th, 2015
Theme Found
All Around
As discussed in class, theme is the lesson or moral of a story. The theme of the novel
provides the story with a purpose, a lesson that the reader should walk away with
after reading. A universal theme would be worded as so the lesson could apply to
anyone, and anything.
For this quarter’s project, you will write a one-sentence theme for your novel. The
theme should be general, or as we discussed in class, universal. You will then find four
(4) current event newspaper articles that portray your theme. Complete the following
documentation for your project. The current event article can either support your
theme, or it can provide a contrast for your theme.
For example: If my theme is “Good always conquers evil”, I could find an
article about two strangers showing one another kindness in the face of
adversity or conflict. However, I could also find an article of an organized
group attack on another group and discuss how this article shows how
good does not conquer evil in this scenario.
10- Excellent
8- Very good
4- Below
2- Insufficient
Quarter 2 Outside Reading Project
Summary of Novel:
In the lines provided below, provide a five-sentence summary of your novel. Remember, a
summary condenses all of the most important information of a story, only giving details that are
vital to understanding the background of your novel. You will need to provide an authentic
summary, meaning that the summary is in your own words.
Main Theme
Theme of the Novel: Write a one-sentence, universal theme portrayed in your novel. Remember,
the theme needs to be general, and one that holds universal meaning.
Evidence: Provide a minimum of five sentences explaining the event or section in the novel that
supports your claim that your theme is the lesson or moral found within the story.
Current Event Article #1
Summary of Article
In the lines provided below, please provide a five-sentence summary of the article. Make sure that
you include enough information to describe the article, yet only discuss the most important details
of the story. Your summary must be written in paragraph form, using full and complete sentences
with proper grammar.
What to include in five-sentence summary:
 What is happening?
 Who is involved?
 When is it happening?
 Where is it happening?
 Why is it happening?
How does this article apply to your theme? How does this article portray the universal message
found within your novel? Explain in a minimum of 5 sentences.
Academic Vocabulary
Unknown/Difficult Vocabulary Term found in article: ______________________
Denotation: __________________________________________________________________
Connotation: Positive
Current Event Article #2
Summary of Article
In the lines provided below, please provide a five-sentence summary of the article. Make sure that
you include enough information to describe the article, yet only discuss the most important details
of the story. Your summary must be written in paragraph form, using full and complete sentences
with proper grammar.
What to include in five-sentence summary:
 What is happening?
 Who is involved?
 When is it happening?
 Where is it happening?
 Why is it happening?
How does this article apply to your theme? How does this article portray the universal message
found within your novel? Explain in a minimum of 5 sentences.
Academic Vocabulary
Unknown/Difficult Vocabulary Term found in article: ______________________
Denotation: __________________________________________________________________
Connotation: Positive
Current Event Article #3
Summary of Article
In the lines provided below, please provide a five-sentence summary of the article. Make sure that
you include enough information to describe the article, yet only discuss the most important details
of the story. Your summary must be written in paragraph form, using full and complete sentences
with proper grammar.
What to include in five-sentence summary:
 What is happening?
 Who is involved?
 When is it happening?
 Where is it happening?
 Why is it happening?
How does this article apply to your theme? How does this article portray the universal message
found within your novel? Explain in a minimum of 5 sentences.
Academic Vocabulary
Unknown/Difficult Vocabulary Term found in article: ______________________
Denotation: __________________________________________________________________
Connotation: Positive
Current Event Article #4
Summary of Article
In the lines provided below, please provide a five-sentence summary of the article. Make sure that
you include enough information to describe the article, yet only discuss the most important details
of the story. Your summary must be written in paragraph form, using full and complete sentences
with proper grammar.
What to include in five-sentence summary:
 What is happening?
 Who is involved?
 When is it happening?
 Where is it happening?
 Why is it happening?
How does this article apply to your theme? How does this article portray the universal message
found within your novel? Explain in a minimum of 5 sentences.
Academic Vocabulary
Unknown/Difficult Vocabulary Term found in article: ______________________
Denotation: __________________________________________________________________
Connotation: Positive