About You Summary Findings (docx

Summary Findings
2014 Victorian Student Health and Wellbeing Survey, ‘About You’
Published by the
Performance and Evaluation Division
Department of Education and Training
Melbourne 2015
© State of Victoria (Department of Education
and Training) 2015
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Background ................................................................................................................... 5
When interpreting the About You data… .................................................................... 6
Key statistics at a glance.............................................................................................. 7
How healthy are Victoria’s young people? ................................................................. 8
General health ............................................................................................................................. 8
Special Health Care Needs ......................................................................................................... 8
Asthma ......................................................................................................................................... 9
Physical activity.......................................................................................................................... 10
Electronic media use ................................................................................................................. 11
Healthy eating ............................................................................................................................ 12
Weight ........................................................................................................................................ 12
Oral health ................................................................................................................................. 13
Risky health behaviours ............................................................................................. 14
Sexual activity ............................................................................................................................ 14
Smoking ..................................................................................................................................... 14
Alcohol ....................................................................................................................................... 15
Illicit drugs .................................................................................................................................. 15
Emotional Wellbeing ................................................................................................... 16
Psychological resilience ............................................................................................................. 16
Quality of life .............................................................................................................................. 17
Psychological distress ............................................................................................................... 17
Social experiences and supports .............................................................................. 18
Bullying ...................................................................................................................................... 18
Cyber bullying ............................................................................................................................ 19
Trusted adult .............................................................................................................................. 20
Family functioning ...................................................................................................................... 21
Connectedness to peers ............................................................................................................ 21
Additional information ................................................................................................ 22
References .................................................................................................................. 23
Summary findings from the 2014 About You Survey
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Summary findings from the 2014 About You Survey
The Department of Education and Training conducted the first Victorian Student Health and Wellbeing
Survey (‘About You’) in 2014.
About You included a sample of approximately 6,000 students from 264 Victorian schools. It was an
anonymous voluntary population survey of Year 5, Year 8 and Year 11 students, undertaken with
parental consent.
The About You instrument covers a wide range of outcome areas for young Victorians, including physical
health and health risk behaviours, psychological/emotional wellbeing, and school and family
relationships. It draws on questions from the Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC) and the
previous Victorian Adolescent Health and Wellbeing Survey (HowRU?) run by the then Department of
Education and Early Childhood Development in 2009. The HBSC survey is conducted in 42 countries
across Europe and North America.
A key addition to the survey content was the direct collection of students’ height and weight from a
subsample of around 1,500 students, which addresses a major data gap around obesity and overweight
among Victorian children and young people at the state level.
The survey was designed to meet the following information needs:
providing health and wellbeing measures for Victorian young people that are not available from
other sources;
enabling reporting of data in areas of high priority for the Education State agenda, namely
resilience and physical activity;
providing internationally-comparable state-level data for certain measures;
directly collecting height and weight of students to address data gaps in overweight and obesity
data for children and young people in Victoria.
Survey results
This report presents a summary of state and cohort results on key issues.
Area based data are published through the Victorian Child and Adolescent Monitoring System (VCAMS)
website: http://www.education.vic.gov.au/about/research/pages/vcams.aspx
Summary findings from the 2014 About You Survey
When interpreting the About You data…
About You is a cross sectional survey – it is possible to identify associations between variables in
the dataset but we cannot attribute cause and effect.
There are no controls for confounding factors in this analysis, for example the higher rates of
alcohol consumption among regional students may be due to factors other than rurality, on which
rural students vary from metropolitan students. For example, socio-economic status is on
average lower in regional Victoria compared with metropolitan areas, and the difference in
consumption may be related to this disparity rather than to rurality per se.
The estimates provided are based on sample data weighted to reflect the Victorian student
population, and the confidence intervals indicate that there is a 95 per cent probability that the
true value lies between the upper and lower limits of the confidence interval. Therefore, if the
confidence intervals of two population groups do not overlap, it can be assumed that the true
values of the two estimates are unlikely to fall within the same distribution, and that there is a true
The student response rate in recruited schools was 76% fully responding. Response rates were
highest for Year 5 (77%), declining slightly for Year 8 (76%) and Year 11 (75%).
Summary findings from the 2014 About You Survey
Key statistics at a glance
Proportion Findings of note
General health – Students
with ‘good, very good or
excellent’ health
Students from one parent families were less likely to rate
their health as good, very good or excellent, compared to
students from couple families.
Asthma – Students with
current asthma
Boys, and children in regional Victoria, were significantly
more likely to have current asthma than girls, and children
in metropolitan Victoria.
Physical activity – Students
doing at least one hour of
exercise per day
Boys were more likely to meet this guideline than girls, and
rates of physical activity declined with year level.
Nutrition – Students
meeting fruit intake
Boys, and students from one parent families were less
likely to meet fruit intake guidelines. The proportion of
students meeting the guidelines declined with year level.
Nutrition – Students
meeting vegetable intake
The proportion of students meeting the vegetable intake
guidelines declined with year level.
Weight – Students who
were overweight or obese
No notable statistically significant differences for
demographic cohorts.
Sexual activity – Students
who have had sex (Years 8
and 11)
Students in regional Victoria, and students from one parent
families were more likely to have had sex, compared to
other students.
Smoking – Students who
have smoked cigarettes
Students from one parent families were more likely to have
smoked cigarettes, and proportions increased with year
Alcohol – Students who
have consumed alcohol
(Years 8 and 11)
Students in regional Victoria were more likely to have
consumed alcohol than students from metropolitan Victoria.
Students from language backgrounds other than English
were less likely to have consumed alcohol compared to
other students.
Psychological resilience –
Students with a high level
of resilience
Students from one parent families, and from language
backgrounds other than English were less likely to have
high levels of resilience compared to other students.
Quality of life – Students
satisfied with the quality of
their lives
Girls, students from one parent families, and students from
language backgrounds other than English were less likely
to be satisfied with the quality of their lives.
Psychological distress –
Students who showed high
levels of depressive
Girls, and students from one parent families were more
likely to show high levels of depressive symptoms.
Bullying – Students who
reported recent experience
of bullying
Girls were more likely to experience bulling compared to
boys, and bullying declined with year level.
Cyber bullying – Students
who had experienced cyber
bullying in the last 30 days
Girls, and students from a language background other than
English were more likely to report cyber bullying, and cyber
bullying increased with year level.
Trusted adult – Students
who have a trusted adult in
their lives
Students from one parent families, and from language
backgrounds other than English were less likely to have a
trusted adult in their lives.
Summary findings from the 2014 About You Survey
How healthy are Victoria’s young people?
General health
Most Victorian students in the About You Survey reported their health as good, very good or excellent
(88 per cent). Younger students were more likely to rate their health positively (90 per cent in year 5
compared to 87 per cent in Year 8 and 80 per cent in Year 11). Students living in one parent families
were less likely to rate their health positively (85 per cent), compared with their peers from couple
families (90 per cent). Young people from language backgrounds other than English were also less
likely to report good, very good or excellent health (85 per cent) compared with other students (88 per
Special Health Care Needs
Some children and young people have long term health conditions which require medication, therapy
or other support. Around one in five students (19 per cent) in the About You Survey reported having a
special health care need, which is defined as “having or being at increased risk for a chronic physical,
developmental, behavioural, or emotional condition and who also require health and related services
of a type or amount beyond that required by children generally.” i
Girls were significantly more likely to report a special health care need (25 per cent) compared with
boys (12 per cent), and Year 11 students were more likely to report a special health care need than
Year 8 students (23 per cent compared with 16 per cent).
Summary findings from the 2014 About You Survey
Figure 1: Proportion of students with special health care needs, Victoria 2014
Around 12 per cent of students reported having current asthma, and this varied little by gender or year
level. Students from regional Victoria were more likely to have asthma (15 per cent) compared with
metropolitan students (11 per cent). Students from language backgrounds other than English were
less likely to report current asthma (8 per cent) compared with other students (13 per cent).
Summary findings from the 2014 About You Survey
Physical activity
Participating in physical activity and sport has many benefits for young people. These include benefits
for self-esteem, positive social interactions, and a reduction in the symptoms of depression. ii Physical
activity also protects against overweight, obesity and other health issues.
According to the Survey, only one in four students (26 per cent) reported doing 60 minutes or more of
physical activity every day, meeting the National Physical Activity guidelinesiii. Boys were more likely
to meet the guidelines than girls (31 per cent compared with 21 per cent), and physical activity
declined sharply with year level (32 per cent of students meeting the guidelines in Year 5, compared
with 17 per cent in Year 8 and 12 per cent in Year 11).
Summary findings from the 2014 About You Survey
Figure 2: Proportion of students doing at least one hour of exercise per day, by gender and
year level, 2014
Year 5
Year 8
Year 11
Electronic media use
Research also suggests a strong relationship between sedentary behaviour/sitting time and negative
health outcome indicators, including the risk of chronic disease and obesity. National Sedentary
Behaviour Guidelinesiii recommend that young people limit the use of electronic media for
entertainment (for example, television, seated electronic games and computer use) to no more than
two hours a day.
The Survey found that the majority of students (61 per cent) exceeded the national recommendations
for electronic media use, of 2 hours per day. Boys (65%) were more likely to exceed the guidelines
than girls (57 per cent). The proportion of students exceeding the guidelines increased markedly with
year level, from 50 per cent in Year 5, to 78 per cent in Year 8, and 82 per cent in Year 11.
Summary findings from the 2014 About You Survey
Healthy eating
The National Health and Medical Research Council’s (NHMRC) Australian Dietary Guidelines give
advice on eating for health and wellbeing, based on scientific evidence. They describe the best
approach to eating for a long and healthy life, including recommended servings of each of the five
food groups for children and adults.
For young people in the age range covered by the Survey, the recommended daily intake of fruit and
vegetables is 2 servings of fruit, and 5 to 5.5 servings of vegetables. iv
Over two-thirds of students (69 per cent) met the NHMRC fruit intake guidelines. This proportion was
lower for boys (67 per cent) compared to girls (72 per cent), and declined with year level from 74 per
cent in Year 5, to 65 per cent in Year 8 and 59 per cent in Year 11.
Students living in couple families were more likely to meet fruit intake guidelines (72 per cent) than
students from one-parent families (63 per cent).
Only a minority of students met the NHMRC vegetable intake guidelines (13 per cent), and this varied
little by gender or family type. There was some decline with year level, from 15 per cent in Year 5, to 9
per cent in Year 8 and 8 per cent in Year 11.
One in five students (22 per cent) reported eating sweets (lollies or chocolates) every day. This rate
varied little by gender but declined with year level, from 25 per cent in Year 5, to 19 per cent in Year
8, and 14 per cent in Year 11.
While two-thirds of Victorian students were within the healthy Body Mass Index (BMI) range for their
age and gender (66 per cent), around one in five were overweight (21 per cent) and a further 6 per
cent were obese. Around 7 per cent were underweight.
Summary findings from the 2014 About You Survey
Figure 3: Proportion of students in each Body Mass Index range, 2014
Healthy weight
Rates of overweight and obesity increased slightly with year level, from 25 per cent in Year 5, to 29
per cent in Year 8 and 30 per cent in Year 11, however the differences were not statistically
Boys were slightly more likely to be overweight or obese (27 per cent) compared to girls (26 per cent),
and slightly more likely to be underweight (8 per cent compared with 6 per cent) but again these
differences were not statistically significant.
Oral health
Most young people brushed their teeth at least twice a day (64 per cent), and girls were more likely to
brush twice a day or more (71 per cent compared to 58 per cent of boys).
Young people from one parent families were less likely to brush their teeth twice a day or more (57
per cent) compared with young people from couple families (67 per cent).
Young people from language backgrounds other than English were more likely to brush their teeth at
least twice a day (71 per cent) compared with other young people (64 per cent).
Summary findings from the 2014 About You Survey
Risky health behaviours
Sexual activity
Sexual intercourse before the age of 16 years is associated with lower use of contraception, more
sexual partners, a higher risk of sexually transmitted infections and teenage pregnancy. v
Around one in six students in Years 8 and 11 (17 per cent) reported having had sex, 6 per cent in
Year 8 and 32 per cent in Year 11.
Boys were more likely to have had sex than girls (18 per cent compared to 16 per cent), however this
difference was not statistically significant.
Students in regional Victoria were significantly more likely to have had sex (22 per cent) compared to
metropolitan students (15 per cent), and a higher proportion of young people in one parent families
had had sex (22 per cent) compared to young people in couple families (14 per cent).
Among sexually active Year 11 students, the mean age of sexual initiation was 15.3 years old. This
mean age varied little by student demographics.
Only one in four (27 per cent) sexually active Year 8 and 11 students reported always using a condom
when having sex. There were no statistically significant differences between demographic groups for
condom use.
Figure 4: Proportion of students who have had sexual intercourse, 2014
Less than one in ten (8 per cent) students in Years 5, 8 and 11 had ever smoked cigarettes, and this
proportion was similar for both boys and girls.
Only a very small proportion (1 per cent) of Year 5 students had smoked cigarettes, though this
increased to 10 per cent for Year 8 and 35 per cent for Year 11 students.
Students from one parent families were more likely to have smoked cigarettes (13 per cent) compared
to students from couple families (7 per cent).
Summary findings from the 2014 About You Survey
National guidelines for alcohol consumption recommend that not drinking alcohol at all is the safest
choice for young people under 18 years. Children under 15 years of age are at greatest risk of harm
from drinking, and for this reason, not drinking alcohol is especially importantvi. Evidence has shown
that alcohol consumption is harmful to the developing brain, particularly to the area of the brain
responsible for rational thinking. Damage to this part of the brain during its development can lead to
learning difficulties, memory problems, mental health issues and other problems later in life such as
alcohol dependence vii.
According to the About You Survey, the majority of students in Years 8 and 11 had consumed more
than a few sips of alcohol at least once (60 per cent). Around half (49 per cent) of Year 8 students,
and three quarters (75 per cent) of Year 11 students had consumed alcohol.
Regional students were more likely to have drunk alcohol (69 per cent) compared to students in
metropolitan Victoria (56 per cent).
Students from language backgrounds other than English were less likely to have drunk alcohol (42
per cent) compared with other students (62 per cent).
Illicit drugs
Around one in eight (13 per cent) Year 8 and 11 students had tried marijuana or other illegal drugs on
at least one occasion, 5 per cent of Year 8 and 24 per cent of Year 11 students.
Students living in one parent families were more likely to have tried illegal drugs (19 per cent) than
students living in couple families (10 per cent).
Marijuana was the most commonly tried illegal drug (5 per cent of Year 8 and 24 per cent of Year 11),
with 2 per cent of Year 8 and 9 per cent of Year 11 students having tried other illegal drugs in total.
Summary findings from the 2014 About You Survey
Emotional Wellbeing
Psychological resilience
Psychological resilience refers to an adaptive and healthy state of social and emotional functioning.
Young people who are psychologically resilient are more likely to respond constructively to challenges
and difficulties they face in their lives. Ryan and Deci (2000)viii developed a scale which assesses
autonomy (sense of personal agency), relatedness (positive connections with others) and
competence (feeling capable or masterful), and About You uses a shortened version of this, known as
the Basic Psychological needs scale.
Most students in the survey (70 per cent) showed a high level of psychological resilience on this
scale, and this varied little by gender or year level.
Students living in couple families were significantly more likely to have a high level of psychological
resilience (74 per cent) compared to students from one parent families (65 per cent). Students from
language backgrounds other than English were less likely to have a high level of resilience (60 per
cent) compared with other students (72 per cent).
Summary findings from the 2014 About You Survey
Figure 5: Proportion of students with a high level of resilience, 2014
Year 5
Year 8
Year 11
Quality of life
Students were asked to rate their life at the moment on a scale from 0: “Worst possible life” to 10
“Best possible life”. Most students (77 per cent) rated their life at least a 7 on this scale.
Boys were more likely to be satisfied with their lives (80 per cent) compared to girls (74 per cent).
Life satisfaction did not vary significantly with year level.
Students in couple families were more likely to be satisfied with their lives (81 per cent) compared
.with students from one parent families (68 per cent).
Young people from language backgrounds other than English were less likely to report satisfaction
with their lives (70 per cent) compared with other young people (78 per cent).
Psychological distress
On an index of depressive symptoms based on the International Youth Development Study (IYDS),
short version moods and feelings scale, around one in six students (16 per cent) showed high levels
of depressive symptoms.
Girls were more likely to show depressive symptoms (19 per cent) compared to boys (11 per cent),
and young people from one parent families were more likely to experience depressive symptoms (24
per cent) than young people from couple families (13 per cent).
Summary findings from the 2014 About You Survey
Social experiences and supports
Bullying by peers can have a damaging impact on engagement with school, and can lead to social
and emotional issues for young people. Almost half of Victorian students in Years 5, 8 and 11
reported recent experience of bullying (45 per cent), defined in the survey as having been teased or
called names; had rumours spread about you; being deliberately left out of things; or being physically
threatened or harmed. This proportion declined with year level from 47 per cent in Year 5, to 44 per
cent in Year 8 and 38 per cent in Year 11.
Girls were more likely to say they had experienced recent bullying (47 per cent compared with 43 per
cent of boys). Students from one parent families were more likely to experience bullying (51 per cent)
compared to students from couple families (43 per cent).
The most commonly reported form of bullying in the survey was being teased or called names (31 per
cent). Girls were more likely than boys to experience having rumours spread about them (22 per cent
compared with 16 per cent), and being deliberately left out of things (25 per cent compared with 19
per cent). Boys were more likely to have been physically threatened or actually harmed (16 per cent
compared with 9 per cent).
Summary findings from the 2014 About You Survey
Figure 6: Proportion of students experiencing types of bullying, by gender, 2014
Physically threatened or
Deliberately left out of
Rumours spread about you
Teased or called names
Around one in seven students reported being bullied every day (15 per cent). Like bullying generally,
this declined with increasing year level, from 17 per cent in Year 5, to 14 per cent in Year 8, and 12
per cent in Year 11. Boys and girls were roughly equally likely to be bullied every day (15 per cent of
boys and 16 per cent of girls).
Cyber bullying
Cyber bullying is bullying that is done through the use of technology, for example, using the Internet
or a mobile phone to hurt or embarrass someone. It is often done in secret and anonymously, and can
be shared widely with a lot of people quickly, which can make it particularly dangerous and hurtful.
Around one in three students (29 per cent) reported experiencing cyber bullying in the last 30 days.
Unlike general bullying, cyber bullying increased with year level, from 26 per cent in Year 5 to 33 per
cent in Year 8, and 36 per cent in Year 11.
One in three girls experienced recent cyber bullying (33 per cent) compared with one in four boys (25
per cent). Students from one parent families were more likely to experience cyber bullying than
students from couple families (34 per cent compared with 27 per cent). Students from language
backgrounds other than English were also more likely to experience cyber bullying (37 per cent)
compared to other students (28 per cent).
The most commonly reported form of cyber bullying in the survey was being made fun of in a chat
room (12 per cent of all students).
Summary findings from the 2014 About You Survey
Trusted adult
For young people, having a trusted adult in their lives is considered a strong protective factor against
school disengagement, mental health issues and development of anti-social or risky behaviours.
Parents, carers, relatives and teachers can play a significant role in building resilience in young
people and contribute to learning and development, health and wellbeing.
In About You, the majority of young people reported having a trusted adult in their lives (71 per cent).
This proportion was similar for boys and girls, but declined with increasing year level, from 74 per cent
in Year 5, to 66 per cent in Year 8, and 64 per cent in Year 11.
Young people from one parent families were less likely to have a trusted adult in their lives (66 per
cent) compared with young people living in couple families (76 per cent). Young people from
language backgrounds other than English were also less likely to have a trusted adult in their lives (64
per cent compared with 72 per cent of other young people).
Summary findings from the 2014 About You Survey
Figure 7: Proportion of students with a trusted adult in their lives, 2014
Year 8
Year 11
Year 5
Family functioning
Healthy family functioning is a key protective factor for children’s resilience. It includes positive
parenting that establishes fair rules and role models family values which contribute to a child’s sense
of wellbeing and to developing positive and self-regulating behaviours.
Family functioning is considered unhealthy in this case where both family conflict and disorganisation
are present. Nine out of ten young people lived in a family with healthy family functioning (87 per
cent). Girls were more likely to report healthy family functioning (88 per cent) than boys (85 per cent).
Older students were less likely to report healthy family functioning (76 per cent of Year 11 students
compared with 87 per cent of Year 8 and 89 per cent of Year 5).
Family functioning was more likely to be healthy for young people living in couple families (90 per
cent) compared with young people from one parent families (87 per cent). Young people from
language backgrounds other than English were less likely to be living in families with healthy family
functioning (82 per cent) compared with other young people (87 per cent).
Connectedness to peers
Connectedness to peers is an important protective factor for learning, development and wellbeing.
Peer acceptance can reduce the negative impact of disadvantage, violent marital conflict and harsh
Most young people (93 per cent) reported feeling connected to their peers. Connectedness to peers
increased with year level, from 91 per cent in Year 5, to 94 per cent in Year 8 and 97 per cent in Year
Almost all girls had at least one close female friend (97 per cent) and most had at least one close
male friend (82 per cent). Boys were slightly less likely to have close friends, but still most boys had at
least one close male friend (94 per cent) and the majority had at least one close female friend (78 per
Summary findings from the 2014 About You Survey
Additional information
Area based data are published through the Victorian Child and Adolescent Monitoring System
(VCAMS) website: http://www.education.vic.gov.au/about/research/pages/vcams.aspx
For further information on the About You survey, contact the Performance and Evaluation Division,
Department of Education and Training on 03 9947 1850 or email vcams@edumail.vic.gov.au
Summary findings from the 2014 About You Survey
i McPherson M, Arango P, Fox H, et al. “A new definition of children with special health care needs”, Paediatrics, 1998; 102: 137‐140
ii Vella, S., Cliff, D., Magee, C. & Okely, D. (2014). “Sports participation and parent-reported health-related quality of life
in children: longitudinal associations” The Journal of Paediatrics
iii Australian Government Department of Health: National Physical Activity and Sedentary Behaviour Guidelines (2014)
iv National Health and Medical Research Council (2013). Eat for Health: Australian Healthy Eating Guidelines.
v Department of Education and Early Childhood Development (2013) State of Victoria’s children 2011
vi National Health and Medical Research Council.(2013). Australian guidelines to reduce health risks from drinking alcohol:
Commonwealth of Australia
vii Department for Communities Office for Youth and Drug and Alcohol Office. (2007). Young People and Alcohol. Government of
Western Australia.
viii Ryan, R. M., & Deci, E. L. (2000). Self-determination theory and the facilitation of intrinsic motivation, social development, and
well-being. American Psychologist, 55, 68–78.
Summary findings from the 2014 About You Survey