Te Re-Inventing Itinerant Teaching Guide: Key Ideas Effective Strategies to Increase Student Engagement & Outcomes AER International Conference Seattle, July 20, 2012 Donna L. McNear, M.A., COMS Independent Educational Consultant 34651Blackfoot Street NW Cambridge, MN 55008 763-689-3602 donna.mcnear@gmail.com Re-Inventing Itinerant Teaching donna.mcnear@gmail.com 2 Re-Inventing Itinerant Teaching: Effective Strategies to Increase Student Engagement and Outcomes Introduction The current climate of accountability in both general and special education is challenging for all teachers, especially teachers who deliver services through itinerant teaching. Increasing student results and outcomes when teachers and students have limited time together, requires a new focus on promising practices and professional dialogue to re-examine, re-think, and re-invent effective instruction. This content focuses on a systematic framework for delivering and using intentional and specific instructional strategies to increase the outcomes for students receiving itinerant services. Despite the fact that the majority of students who are blind and visually impaired in the United States receive services through an itinerant teaching model, the itinerant teaching model has long been under scrutiny and criticized as ineffective in meeting the needs of many students. Caseload size is most often considered the predominant factor for ineffective services. Despite ongoing efforts to reform caseloads, wide-scale change in limiting the caseloads of itinerant teachers has not occurred. Itinerant teachers still need meaningful and alternative strategies to increase their effectiveness with students and the opportunity for ongoing dialogue to consider new methods to implement effective services. A framework that is systematic, intentional, and specific for effective integration of high quality and specialized instruction based on reflective practice, instructional coaching, collaboration, and effective instruction is identified. Application of research, case studies, and promising teaching practices are foundational to the ideas. Consider our traditional dialogue Re-Inventing Itinerant Teaching donna.mcnear@gmail.com 3 Reconsider an emerging dialogue… What does systematic, intentional and specific mean? The RICE framework Re-Inventing Itinerant Teaching donna.mcnear@gmail.com 4 Expanding RICE: Central Concepts Going Deeper: Key Messages Re-Inventing Itinerant Teaching donna.mcnear@gmail.com 5 Re-Inventing Itinerant Teaching donna.mcnear@gmail.com 6 Foundational Supports Thank you and please contact me if you have any further questions. Good luck in all of your endeavors! Donna Re-Inventing Itinerant Teaching donna.mcnear@gmail.com