Quarterly Livestock Disease Surveillance Report wef July 2012 to

Quarterly Livestock Disease Surveillance Report w.e.f July 2012 to
December 2012 of District Faisalabad
Dr.Sohail Manzoor *, Dr.Malik Nawaz**, Dr.Syed Shahid Hussain Bukhari***
*District Disease Surveillance Officer /A.D.I.O, Faisalabad
**Project Director, Disease Diagnostic Laboratories, Punjab, Lahore
*** Director, Animal Disease Reporting & Surveillance System in Punjab, Lahore
Before the emergence of an independent Directorate of animal disease reporting and
surveillance system in Punjab (ADRS), the main function of district diagnostic
laboratory in a district was only to serve the livestock formers and help the Vety.
Health specialists to keep the animals healthy by diagnosing their disease problems.
On the materialization of ADRS, diagnostic laboratories duty and functions have been
augmented to generate disease surveillance reports monthly and quarterly to create
awareness regarding the importance of livestock disease diagnosis among the stack
holders and the animal caretakers including district vety. Officers. Regarding this
additional obligation of the district laboratory, here is a detailed report containing the
diagnosis of livestock diseases conducted during the past six months.
Head Lines
1) A shed of cows affected with H.S with weight loss and respiratory signs and
2) Bacillary diarrhoea in Buffaloes and cows
3) Anorexia and death due to septicemia in buffaloe and cows
4) Ascariasis 5) Trypanosomiasis 6) FMD 7) Johnny’s Disease 8) Black
Quarter 9) Mastitis 10)Brucellosis 11) Electric Shock 12) Strangles 13) CD
in Dogs 14) Pox in Turkey
Respiratory diseases (HS)
Pasteurella multocida was isolated from two dead calves and one adult buffaloe of
approximately five months of age which were received from a dairy herd where these
animal were found dead without showing any clinical symptoms. The heart blood of
these dead calves was suspended in normal saline separately and injected via
intraperitonially route in rabbits and which were found dead after six hours and the
giemsa’s stained heart blood slides of dead rabbits revealed Pasteurellosis as depicted
in Image.1.
Image.1 (Bipolar P.multocida Gram’s stain
from rabbit heart)
Image.No.2 (Hypereamic view of
tracheal mucosa in HS)
Image.No.3.Tracheal Mucosa (Apparently Normal) of adult buffaloe found positive for
Gastrointestinal Diseases (Diarrhoea)
More than 1200 fecal samples were received with the complaint of diarrhoea since 26 months on an average. These samples were found negative for any parasitic ova and
effected animals responded to neomycin, streptomycin along with probiotic therapy.
Therapeutic diagnosis confirmed the diarrhoea as simple bacillary diarrhoea.
Out of 900 fecal samples, 722 samples were found positive for round worms (Ascaris
bovis). These animals were reported weak and off feed with low production.
Diarrhoea was also reported in more than 300 and less than 400 animals. Dewormer of
choice was proved helpful to recover from diarrhoea and production of the animals
was also improved.
Septicemic Diseases
150 blood samples were received with the complaint of anorexia without any
symptom of red water. No protozoan evidence was seen instead of salmonella was
isolated and some coccobacilli were seen in the microscopic picture. Ciprofloxacin
and Gentamycine were found drugs of choice.
Foot & Mouth Disease
Out of 12 outbreaks sloughed off oral epithelium collected reveled FMDV type “A”,
“O” and Asia 1 got confirmed through NVL, Isb. Combate (antiseptic) was advised
for spray and foot dipping. Lugol’s iodine was advised in drinking water @ 30 drops
per large animal for three consecutive days. Parentally Pencilline and Flunixin
meglumide was recommended to relieve form discomfort and secondary infections.
Image.No.4 (Sloughed off epithelium is being collected for PCR analysis to explore the responsible serotype
of FMDV)
Systemic diseases (BQ)
A series of deaths was investigated in a group of 30 cattle calves at Tandlianwala,
aged about 9 months. The earlier cases were either found dead or showed an acute
onset of hemorrhagic diarrhoea, or anal bleeding, epistaxis, and in one, lameness, with
death occurring within a few hours. The possibility of anthrax was considered and
ruled out. Blackleg was suspected after the initial postmortem examinations
undertaken by the practitioner and on a carcass which was submitted to the laboratory.
Anaerobic culture efforts revealed Clostridium chauvoei on muscle lesion. However,
deaths continued after the animals were moved and advice was left for vaccination
against clostridial disease. It is important to mention that muscle lesions were not a
feature in subsequent postmortem examinations. Examination of two more carcasses
revealed widespread hemorrhages on many viscera. Anthrax was again excluded and
it was concluded that blackleg had contributed to the disease outbreak. Vaccination
for clostridial disease was emphasized however; a total of 5 animals died over a period
of 4 weeks. Pencilline was recommended parentally.
Enteric diseases
Diarrhoea was investigated in a dairy herd. Faecal samples were received from
recently calved cows. Two of the samples had coccidial oocyst counts of 15,950 and
24,250 oocysts per gram. These cases responded to Amprolium and Sulphonamide
very well.
Salmonella was isolated from feacal sample of two animals which was submitted from
a dairy cow. It was reported that these animals had developed diarrhoea and pyrexia
soon after calving. Neomycin along with sulphonamide orally cured these cases.
Skin disease
Investigation of a 50 cow dairy herd with foot lesions in six dry cows was undertaken.
The affected animals exhibited foot swelling, with or without lameness, with rapid
development of skin crusts, predominantly affecting the hind feet of recently dried off
cows. The lesions became alopecic and then
gradually resolved over four weeks. Skin scrapings were collected but no infectious
agents or Ectoparasites were identified. It was suspected that insect bites may have
lead to a hypersensitivity response.
730 milk samples with the complaint of udder swelling and blood with milk were
received and were subjected to culture sensitivity test. The drug of choice was found
ciprofloxacin. This was practiced and required results were achieved.
660 pus samples from dairy buffaloe were received with Metritis and pyometra. With
the complaint of anoestrous and abortion. The samples were subjected to culture
sensivity tests. The drug of choice was found as ciprofloxacin and Gentamycine. The
antibiotics were infused in the effected uterus and required results were received.
56 serum samples were received from a dairy herd and were subjected to RBPT (Rose
Bengal Plate agglutination test).It was amazing to deliver that all the samples were
found positive for brucellosis. The natural system of insemination was in practice at
the shed.
Image .No.5 (Rose Bengal Plate agglutination Test)
Electric Shock
Two buffaloe were found dead near the electric pole at Bhai wala. One animal
touched the electric pole and the other one touched that animal and due to current in
the pole both the animals were expired.
Image. No. 6 (Both the animals found dead due to electric shock near the electric pole)
Two Sahiwal cows with diarrheal complaints for more than five months were
reported. Fecal samples were examined and after finding negative for any parasitic
ova the animals were inoculated PPD (Tuberculin) intradermally and swelling was
measured after 72 hours. Swelling revealed Mycobacterium para tuberculosis
Image .No.7 (Area is being shaved for the application of PPD)
Enteric diseases
Out of 60 samples 23 samples were found positive for F.hepatica.This infestation
might be due to the grazing of animals near the canals and ponds as snail population
(Intermediate host of Fascioliasis) is frequent in the marshy area like pond and river
edges and canal banks.
Coccidiosis as the cause of death of two three-week-old lambs with a history of ill
thrift and diarrhoea. Very high numbers of coccidial oocysts, speciated as Eimeria
crandallis, were detected in faeces from both lambs.
Parasitic gastro-enteritis
These months invited an increase of submissions to investigate both individual and
group problems with poor growth and diarrhoea consistent with parasitic
gastroenteritis. The condition was diagnosed from high feacal worm egg counts
Haemonchus contortus, Nematodirus battus, Teladorsagia (Ostertagia) circumcincta
and Trichostrongylus axei.
Mastitis in Goats
52 samples from mastitis affected goats were received, subjected to DST and drug of
choice was recommended
Image.No.7 (Udder swelling due to mastitis in a goat)
Respiratory diseases
Ovine Pulmonary Pneumonia
23 goats were visited at Awagut pointed out by Dr.Arif with Diarrhoea and nasal
secretions. Fecal samples of effecters revealed no helminthes or ascaris etc. Animals
responded to Tylocine and Gentamycine and were found cured and disease was
suspected as pulmonary pneumonia
Enteric Problem (ET)
At Awagut, Dr.Arif reported diarrhoea in 20 goats of different ages. Fecal samples
were found positive for Clostridium species and no helminthes was found. All the
animals were found positive for Clostridium.
Reports which were received from various vety. Officers (Poultry) of the district
exhibited that, ND, IBD, HPS, MG, Coryza and Enteritis remained prevalent during
these five months. H9 was declared from some areas as suspected and was made
confirmed by DRO, Fsd from poultry research institute, Isb.
Pox in a Turkey Farm at Chiniot:
A turkey farm at Chiniot was visited with pox. The bilateral swelling along with
pustules was seen. Aspirate from the bilateral swelling was subjected to DST in the
lab. and Ciprofloxacin along with vitamins were recommended.
Image.No.8 (Pox lesions in a Turkey)
ND in house sparrow
A house sparrow was brought in the CVH, Fsd and typical symptoms of ND were
seen. Torticolous symptoms were observed due to brain damage. Drops of
mecobalamine (Nervine tonic) were dispensed orally and sparrow allowed flying
25 blood samples of horses and donkeys were analyzed with Giemsa’s stain. 12
samples were found positive for Trypanosome and all the effecters responded to
Diminizene diaceturate (Diminaveto®)
Image. No. 9 (Trypanosome evansi purple stained among RBC’S)
Two mules were seen with strangles, pus from the submandibular lymph nodes was
cultured and typical segmented chains of S.equi were seen under the microscope and
were treated with cefotoxime and penicillin. Steaming of Tincture benzoine
compound was recommended.
Image.No.10 (Typical case of strangles)
During these five months canine distemper was reported from all the hospitals and
antibiotic (Cephalosporin’s group) along with passive immunization (Conglobe) was
recommended. A dog with ruffled hair and wound on the skin with the information of
continuous diarrhoea and diet of butter oil (Desi ghee) was dealt in the CVH, Fsd. No
lice infestation was there. Skin scrapings were collected from the wounds but no mites
were found. Blood sample was collected but no intra as well as intercellular protozoan
was seen. Fecal samples were tested and amebic cysts along with giardia were seen.
Metronidazole was recommended and butter oil was prohibited considering ruffled
and dried hair due to malabsorption of feed during diarrheal period. Prolonged
diarrhoea may be due to continuous butter oil feeding.