The self review tool - Department for Education and Child

It is when schools are able to determine for themselves, on an ongoing
basis, what is working and what needs to be changed that
improvement is the strongest. Ann McIntyre (2011)
The Self Review Tool
The Self Review Tool supports sites to undertake systematic and rigorous self review of site performance against the
domains of the Enhanced DECD Improvement and Accountability Framework.
The tool enables leaders to undertake self review using one or more of the support tools to best suit the site context.
The outline provides a broad overview of performance within the domains. This level of detail will support sites to
begin review of site performance using an inquiry approach. (see Appendix 1)
LEARN Supporting all children and young people to develop their learning dispositions, academic
and social skills and achieve to their highest potential is at the heart of our organisation
Evidenced by a commitment to high expectations and continuous improvement in teaching practice,
rigorous challenging curriculum and targeted intervention to support improved learner achievement
and wellbeing outcomes for all learners.
LEAD Quality educational leadership puts children and young people at the heart of all decisions
made. Leaders work with staff and the community to develop responsive local educational solutions
to the aspirations and needs of families and the wider community and take accountability for the
outcomes achieved
Evidenced by effective leadership expertise and capacity including clear purpose and vision, planned
and coordinated curriculum delivery, effective performance development and feedback processes
and targeted and sustainable resource management.
CONNECT Partnering with parents, families, other education institutions, local businesses and
community organisations enhances the learning experiences and outcomes for children and young
people and enables educators to better meet their needs and aspirations
Evidenced by a positive learning culture, active parent involvement in their children’s learning, high
levels of learner, staff and parent satisfaction and successful involvement in ECD Local Partnerships
contributing to improved outcomes for students.
IMPROVE Continuous improvement occurs through the planned and purposeful efforts we each
take to improve the quality and effectiveness of our practices, services and processes. It requires an
ongoing commitment that is built in to the culture of the school and integrated into the day to day
work of all personnel.
Evidenced by a cycle of continuous improvement that is informed by data and evidence that results
in regular monitoring and evaluation of effective teaching and tracks student progress over time.
The Domain Scan can be used to gather information regarding site performance in relation to each of the four
domains. At this level, the snap shot may help identify areas to focus on more deeply. Repeated use each year can
also serve as a comparative record of views over time. (see Appendix 2)
The Disciplined Dialogue approach and evidence indicators for each domain will support deeper inquiry through an
analysis of evidence and practices to evaluate performance and identify improvements. (see Appendix 3)
The Rubrics provide a way to rate site performance against the evidence indicators (see Appendix 4)
Enhanced DIAf
Responsibility and Accountability for Improvement
The site is a safe, respectful, learning
environment that learners find engaging,
challenging and purposeful.
High expectations and targetted support for
each learner supports them to achieve or
exceed agreed standards.
Learning programs are design to deliver explicit,
coherent, sequenced learning tailored to learner
needs and aligned to the EYLF/AC/SACE .
A culture of continuous professional
improvement results in high quality pedagogy,
practice and innovation.
How successfully are learners
supported to develop successful
learning dispositions, academic
and social skills and achieve to
their highest potential?
How effectively is leadership
developed, distributed and
focused on improving learning
outcomes, teaching practices
and meeting the needs and
aspirations of families and
Parents and families work in partnership with
staff as integral members of the site
Sustainable partnerships are developed to
improve outcomes for learners, build staff
capacity and involve the wider community
Staff collaboration across and within the site
builds a professional culture of consistent and
coherent teaching for learners
Families, children and young people are actively
engaged in decisions about policies and practices
that affect them
How successfully have
partnerships with DECD sites,
parents, families and community
partners worked to enhance the
learning experience and outcomes
for learners?
How successfully do planning and
improvement efforts support
continuous improvement in daily
practices, services and processes at
the site and classroom levels?
The learning vision motivates & connects
educators & families to collaboratively
achieve agreed goals and directions
A culture of collective responsibility exists
bewteen staff and families to support learners
achieve quality outcomes
Educational leadership drives the
improvement agenda and builds staff,
learner & community leadership capacity
Effective processes exist to collect and
interrogate data & evidence to strategically
determine directions & improve outcomes
Quality management practices ensure
sustainable site operations, inclusive
strategic planning and change processes and
aligns resources to achieve priorities
Programs/practices are regularly monitored and
evaluated to inform teaching, improve learning
outcomes and refine practices
Staff and leaders collaboratively plan,
coordinate and evaluate pedagogy and
curriculum through effective professional
learning, performance development and
feedback processes
Routine processes support staff to engage with
known & effective self review, planning,
intervention and performance reporting
practices at the site and class levels to ensure
an ongoing cycle of improvement
Appendix 2
Enhanced DECD Improvement and Accountability Framework Domain Scan
This scan is designed to collect feedback about the current performance of the site in relation to each of the domains of the
enhanced DECD Improvement and Accountability Framework. It can identify aspects for further investigation or improvement.
LEARN – The site supports all children and young people to develop their learning
dispositions, academic and social skills and achieve to their highest potential by
agree /
agree /
agree /
agree /
Maintaining safe learning environment that is respectful, engaging and challenging and
Promoting high expectations and providing targeted support for each learner to
achieve or exceed agreed standards.
Designing and delivering explicit, coherent, sequenced learning programs, plans and
assessments tailored to learner needs and aligned to the Early Years Learning
Framework, Australian Curriculum and/or South Australian Certificate of Education.
Developing and maintaining a culture of continuous professional learning and
improvement that results in high quality pedagogy practice and innovation.
LEAD – Leaders work with staff and the community to develop responsive local
educational solutions to the aspirations and needs of families and the wider
community and take accountability for the outcomes achieved by
Developing a clearly articulated vision for learning that motivates and connects
educators and families in collaborative work to achieve the agreed goals for children
and young people.
Providing strong educational leadership to drive the improvement agenda and build
staff, learner and community leadership capacity to achieve the vision.
Using quality management practices to develop inclusive strategic planning and change
processes, align resources to achieve priorities and ensure sustainable site operations.
Collaboratively planning, coordinating and evaluating pedagogy and curriculum with
staff through effective performance development, professional learning and feedback
CONNECT – Partnering with parents, families, other education institutions, local
businesses and community organisations to enhances the learning experiences and
outcomes for children and young people and enables educators to better meet their
needs and aspirations by
Viewing parents and families as integral members of the school community working in
partnership with staff to promote high expectations and aspirations for learning
Developing sustainable partnerships that continuously improve outcomes for learners,
build staff capacity and involve the broader community.
Developing professional cultures in which staff collaborate across and within sites to
build consistent and coherent approaches to teaching and the delivery and monitoring
of learning.
Providing opportunities for families, children and young people to shape policies and
practices that affect them.
IMPROVE - Continuous improvement occurs through the planned and purposeful
efforts taken to improve the quality and effectiveness of practices, services and
processes. It requires an ongoing commitment that is built in to the culture of the
school and integrated into the day to day work of all personnel by
Taking collective responsibility with families for each child and young person and their
learning outcomes
Developing effective processes to collect and interrogate the data and evidence
required to strategically determine directions and improve outcomes
Regularly monitoring and evaluating programs and practices based on current
research the and evidence of learning outcomes achieved, to inform teaching and
refine programs and practices
Engage with known and effective practices of self review, planning, targeted
intervention and performance reporting to ensure an ongoing cycle of improvement
Appendix 3
LEARN: How successfully are learners supported to develop successful learning
dispositions, academic and social skills and achieve to their highest potential?
Disciplined Dialogue:
 How are we performing currently?
 What are we doing well?
 What do we need to improve?
 What do we do next?
 What site/classroom processes do we need to monitor progress?
Maintain a safe learning environment that is respectful, engaging, challenging and purposeful
Structures, processes and practices that contribute:
 Classroom learning environment
 Behaviour management
Expectations & standards
Possible data and evidence to consider: Classroom observations, behaviour data & processes, attendance data, perception data, learner feedback
Promote high expectations and provide targeted support for each learner to achieve or exceed
agreed standards
Structures and processes that contribute:
 Curriculum provision
 Shared agreements
 Programming practices
Assessment practices
Intervention processes
Possible data and evidence to consider: Classroom plans programs & assessments, learner achievement data, learner achievement tracking processes,
differentiation, student work samples and artefacts, classroom observation, evaluation of intervention policy, practices, programs, individual learning plans &
progress of priority groups
Design and deliver explicit, coherent, sequenced learning programs, plans and assessments
tailored to learner needs aligned to the Early Years Learning Framework, Australian Curriculum
and/or SACE.
Structures and processes that contribute:
 Pedagogy
 Use of TfEL
Professional standards
Australian curriculum/EYLF/SACE
Possible data and evidence to consider: Site curriculum map scope/sequence, classroom programs, learner feedback, teacher reflection, learner
achievement data, learner work samples and artefacts
Develop and maintain a culture of continuous professional improvement that results in high
quality pedagogy, practice and innovation.
Structures and processes that contribute:
 Professional learning
 Performance development
Possible data and evidence to consider: Structure/processes in place for professional learning, Performance development policy and practices,
collaborative teamwork and feedback
LEAD: How effectively is leadership developed, distributed and focussed on
improving learning outcomes, teaching practices and meeting the needs and
aspirations of families and learners?
Disciplined Dialogue:
 How are we performing currently?
 What are we doing well?
 What do we need to improve?
 What do we do next?
 What site/classroom processes do we need to monitor progress?
Develop a clearly articulated vision for learning that motivates and connects educators and
families in collaborative work to achieve the agreed goals for children and young people.
Structures, processes and practices that contribute:
 Articulated site vision
Site culture
Possible data and evidence to consider: vision in action, observations, perception data, communication strategies
Provide strong educational leadership to drive the improvement agenda and build staff, learner
and community leadership capacity to achieve the vision.
Structures and processes that contribute:
 Educational leadership
Leadership opportunities
Possible data and evidence to consider: leadership practices, focus of improvement, shared leadership, perception data, community feedback, learner
Use quality management practices to develop inclusive strategic planning and change processes,
align resources to achieve priorities and ensure sustainable site operations.
Structures and processes that contribute:
 HR processes
 WHS processes
Resource deployment processes
Planning processes
Possible data and evidence to consider: Induction processes, budgets, leadership roles & responsibilities, business manager data, management
Collaboratively plan, coordinate and evaluate pedagogy and the curriculum with staff through
effective performance development, professional learning and feedback processes.
Structures and processes that contribute:
 Team structures and functions
 Whole site curriculum planning
Curriculum renewal processes
Performance management processes
Possible data and evidence to consider: Evaluation of teamwork, performance feedback, classroom observations,
CONNECT: How successfully have partnerships with DECD sites, parents,
families and community partners worked to enhance the learning experiences
and outcomes for learners?
Disciplined Dialogue:
 How are we performing currently?
 What are we doing well?
 What do we need to improve?
 What do we do next?
 What site/classroom processes do we need to monitor progress?
View parents and families as integral members of the school community working in partnership
with staff to promote high expectations and aspirations for learning achievement.
Structures, processes and practices that contribute:
 Relationships
 Parent involvement
Partnerships with parents
Possible data and evidence to consider: Perception data, parent involvement data, communication strategies, parent complaint data, critical incident
Develop sustainable partnerships that continuously improve outcomes for learners, build staff
capacity and involve the broader community.
Structures and processes that contribute:
 Partnership plan
Partnership involvement
Possible data and evidence to consider: partnership processes, transition processes, perception data, learner engagement data, learner achievement
data, community feedback
Develop professional cultures in which staff collaborate across and within sites to build
consistent and coherent approaches to teaching and the delivery and monitoring of learning
Structures and processes that contribute:
 Collaborative teamwork
 Joint strategies
Staff Morale
Possible data and evidence to consider: staff feedback, psychological health survey, staff perception data, curriculum maps, learner achievement data
Provide opportunities for families, children and young people to shape policies and practices
that affect them
Structures and processes that contribute:
 Communication
 Decision making
Possible data and evidence to consider: Newsletters, website, social media, curriculum information to parents, forums, client perception survey data
IMPROVE: How successfully do planning and improvement efforts support
continuous improvement in daily practices, services and processes at the site
and classroom level?
Disciplined Dialogue:
 How are we performing currently?
 What are we doing well?
 What do we need to improve?
 What do we do next?
 What site/classroom processes do we need to monitor progress?
Take collective responsibility with families for each child and young person and their learning
Structures, processes and practices that contribute:
 Teacher/carer relationships
 Learner outcomes
Expectations & standards
Possible data and evidence to consider: reporting policy, communication with parents/families, intervention policy
Develop effective processes to collect and interrogate the data and evidence required to
strategically determine directions and improve outcomes.
Structures and processes that contribute:
 Site data processes
Possible data and evidence to consider: data map, data collection processes, data storage & retrieval systems, data analysis & use
Regularly monitor and evaluate programs and practices based on current research and the
evidence of learning outcomes achieved, to inform teaching and refine programs and practices.
Structures and processes that contribute:
 Monitoring & review processes
Possible data and evidence to consider: data collection & analysis processes, curriculum & program monitoring data
Engage with known and effective practices of self review, planning, targeted intervention and
performance reporting to ensure an ongoing cycle of improvement.
Structures and processes that contribute:
 Improvement cycle
 Self review processes
Possible data and evidence to consider: Site plans, self review documentation, resource alignment Annual Report
Appendix 4
LEARN (page 1)
Improvement Required
Many classroom learning environments are
poorly organised and provide limited support
or encouragement for learning.
Classroom learning environments provide
some learning scaffolds and organisation to
support and encourage learning.
Classroom learning environments are well
maintained with scaffolds and established
routines to support and encourage quality
All site learning environments are attractive,
stimulating and well maintained to foster
high quality, innovative learning.
Behaviour management processes in
classrooms are individually determined by
teachers to varying degrees of effectiveness
and frequent disruptions to learning are
Behaviour management processes are
documented for the site and most staff use
these effectively to engage learners and limit
Consistent and agreed behaviour
management processes effectively enable
learners to engage in the required
curriculum and standards and maintain
appropriate behaviour in classrooms.
Staff skillfully use agreed behaviour
management processes to create calm,
focused learning environments and high
levels of learner wellbeing, engagement and
Expectations and standards for learning and
achievement vary across classrooms. In
many classrooms there is limited challenge
or support for learners to strive for their best
or to take responsibility for learning.
Expectations and standards for learning and
achievement are agreed across the site.
Most staff use these to ensure learners are
aware of expectations and to establish
learning programs to support learners work
toward the standards.
Clear and high expectations and standards
ensure all learners experience success and
make progress. Learners actively design and
monitor learning to produce quality work
and achieve or exceed standards. Staff work
to continuously improve outcomes.
Curriculum provision is determined and
planned by individual staff. There is no
schoolwide approach to ensure curriculum
coherence, balance and coverage across year
levels. Families and learners are unaware of
curriculum expectations and plans.
Curriculum provision is based on the
approved curriculum (eg EYLF, AC, SACE)
with site expectations documented to
support coherence, balance and coverage.
Curriculum expectations and plans are
provided to learners and families in some
areas or by some staff.
Teachers program and use assessment of
learning to plan a balanced curriculum and
to monitor the achievement of groups and
Staff have high expectation of learners and
use known and agreed standards to design
supportive and challenging learning
programs. Learners are aware of
expectations and are supported to self
manage learning to achieve quality
Shared agreements about curriculum
provision are enacted to provide a coherent
and balanced delivery of the approved
curriculum across the site. Expectations and
plans for curriculum are regularly shared
with learners and families.
Program and assessment practices are varied
with limited attention to ensuring curriculum
balance across the year, differentiation for
groups/individuals or monitoring
Reporting processes provide learners and
families with limited information about
Reporting processes provide families and
learners with information about
Teachers effectively program and use
assessment of and for learning to ensure
curriculum balance, monitor achievement
and differentiate learning to support groups
and individuals.
Reporting processes provide families and
learners with information about curriculum,
progress and achievement.
Coherent, sequenced delivery of the
approved curriculum is skilfully enacted by
staff in a responsive manner to meet
individual and community needs. Learners
and families are aware of, and actively
contribute to, the development of
curriculum expectations and plans.
Teachers expertly plan, program and use
assessment as, of and for learning to monitor
and continually refine learning for groups
and individuals to achieve high expectations
and standards.
Regular reporting processes inform learners
and families about curriculum achievement
and standards and support staff to identify
next steps with learners.
LEARN (page 2)
Improvement Required
Assessments and diagnostic instruments are
used at the discretion of individual staff to
identify learners who may require additional
support. Intervention processes are primarily
focused on those implemented to comply
with NEP/IEP requirements.
Assessments and diagnostic instruments to
identify performance and support
requirements are commonly agreed.
Intervention is provided within classrooms or
at the site level to support priority groups
and identified learners progress towards the
Assessments and agreed diagnostic
instruments identify the performance and
support requirements of learners to tailor
their learning program. Targeted
interventions at the class and site levels
effectively support priority groups and
learners with additional needs to progress
towards the standards.
Agreed assessments and diagnostic
instruments are used to individualise
learning and provide additional support or
extension. Targeted, timely and
progressively intensive interventions at the
class and site levels ensure priority groups
and all learners are supported to achieve or
exceed the standards.
Pedagogy and learning tasks do not reflect
the range of needs, interests and abilities of
learners. Learning programs frequently rely
on unconnected activities, non-differentiated
worksheets or whole class recount/recall
tasks with limited engagement or success.
Pedagogy and learning tasks reflect the
needs and interests learners. Staff use the SA
Teaching for Effective Learning Framework
(TfEL) or Respect, Reflect, Relate (RRR) and
Professional Standards for Teachers to
develop their expertise and design learning
programs that engage and support students.
Pedagogy and learning tasks are
differentiated to challenge the range of
learners, promote active engagement and
support success. Staff awareness of the
needs of learners, the TfEL/RRR and
Professional Standards enables them to
develop responsive learning programs.
Quality pedagogy challenges learners with
inquiry-based, high-order thinking tasks to
optimise engagement and success for all.
Staff intentionally design and tailor learning
based on a deep knowledge of learners’
needs, the TfEL/RRR and Professional
Professional learning is limited to whole
school events or individual interest with few
opportunities to work collaboratively There
is minimal evidence of staff working together
to continuously improve teaching practice. .
Professional learning for staff provides
consistent learning opportunities and time
with colleagues to discuss curriculum,
pedagogy and learning and assessment
tasks. Staff show a commitment to improve
Professional learning opportunities support
staff to build curriculum and pedagogy
expertise, moderate learning tasks and
provide feedback to colleagues. Staff are
committed to continuously improve practice.
Strategic professional learning supports staff
to critically collaborate on curriculum and
pedagogy, co-plan and moderate learning
tasks and actively seek peer feedback to
develop their expertise. Staff is highly
committed to continuous improvement.
Performance development processes are
often ad hoc and provide limited feedback
from the line manager to staff. Few
opportunities exist for staff to work
collaboratively or share, plan and reflect on
Performance development processes are
documented and provide feedback from the
line manager to staff about their practice.
Some opportunities exist for staff to seek
feedback from peers and work
collaboratively on practice.
Performance development processes and
line manager feedback effectively and
consistently builds teacher quality. Known
structures support collaborative teamwork
and peer feedback to support staff to
develop their skills and practices.
Quality performance development
processes, collaborative team work and
feedback from learners, peers and line
managers assist staff to hone their expertise
in curriculum, assessment and pedagogy.
Improvement Required
Relationships between staff and families are
limited and/or formal with limited
understanding by staff of the range of
cultural backgrounds, needs and aspirations.
Parents and families have few opportunities
to be involved or work as partners with staff
to support learning.
Respectful relationships exist between staff,
learners, parents and families, Staff are
aware of the range of cultural backgrounds,
needs and aspirations in the community.
Parents and families are welcomed members
of the school and opportunities to work as
partners to support learning exist with some
Respectful and inclusive relationships
between staff, learners, parents and families
acknowledge the cultural backgrounds ,
needs and aspirations of the community.
Parents and families are welcomed as
productive members of the school with
regular opportunities to work as partners to
support learning with staff.
Respectful and inclusive relationships
between staff, learners, parents and families
acknowledge and build on cultural
backgrounds, needs and aspirations. Parents
and families are integral members of the
school and work as partners with staff to
promote high expectations and aspirations
for learning achievement.
Participation in the local partnership is
limited. There are few common directions or
opportunities for collaboration and
teamwork by staff across the partnership.
There is limited engagement by the broader
community in the partnership and disjointed
pathways for learners.
Engagement with the local partnership
contributes to the development of shared
strategies to improve learning outcomes.
Agreed partnership directions in some areas
provide opportunities for staff collaboration
and teamwork beyond the site. Engaging the
broader community and improving pathways
for learners are acknowledged areas for
continued development.
Effective involvement in the local
partnerships helps to plan, communicate,
monitor and review joint strategies to
improve learning outcomes. Common
partnership directions supports collaboration
and teamwork to build staff capacity. The
partnership effectively engages the
community and fosters successful pathways
and transitions for learners.
Strategic leadership and innovation with
the local partnership continuously improves
outcomes for learners, builds staff capacity
and engages the broader community.
Common partnership directions promote
staff collaboration and teamwork and ensure
coherent pathways for learners across
transition points.
Communication and decision making
processes impact negatively on staff culture
and morale and provide parents and families
with limited information or opportunities to
be involved in curriculum, pedagogy and site
Communication and decision making
processes engage staff in key decisions and
provide information to parents and families
about curriculum, pedagogy and directions
Effective communication and decision
making processes develop a positive staff
culture and morale and enable parents and
families to be informed, have opportunities
to be involved and provide feedback about
curriculum, pedagogy and directions
Regular and effective communication and
decision making processes create a culture
of high morale, cohesion and wellbeing for
staff and ensure families are well informed
and actively involved in decisions about
curriculum, pedagogy and site directions.
Governance processes limit parent and
learner contribution to site and partnership
decisions and directions. Low levels of
learner voice and choice in classroom and
site decisions produces a lack of pride in the
school and limited engagement in learning.
Governance processes allow parents and
learners to contribute to some site and
partnership decisions and directions.
Learners have some input into classroom
decisions and opportunities for choice in
their learning to build ownership and
engagement and pride in the school.
Known governance processes enable
parents and learners to contribute to site
and partnership decisions and directions.
Learner voice and choice in classroom and
site decisions encourages ownership and
engagement in learning. Learners and staff
display a sense of pride in the school and
there is positive community confidence.
Effective governance processes ensure that
community members, families, learners and
staff actively contribute to site and
partnership decisions and directions.
Learner’s voice and choice in classroom and
site decisions build high levels of ownership
and engagement in learning. There is strong
community pride in the school and
engagement in local community actions.
Improvement Required
The site does not have a clear or current vision
to drive the improvement agenda. Staff and
community members have limited engagement
in determining site directions.
The site vision for learning supports staff and
leaders to develop common improvement
directions. The community is aware of and
supports the site directions.
A clear and consistent vision, developed and
owned by the community, provides the moral
purpose and shared directions for learning
improvement. There is a strong sense of
collaboration and joint work between staff and
the community to achieve the vision.
Leaders do not clearly provide a sustained and
coherent focus on educational improvement.
Leaders focus on the improvement of teaching
and learning. Leaders work to develop their
own and others skills to support achievement
of the improvement agenda.
Limited leadership opportunities exist beyond
formal roles in the site. Roles and
responsibilities are in place for some roles or
governance groups. Staff have limited
engagement with partnership sites.
Leadership opportunities and engagement with
the partnership is encouraged to support some
staff build leadership capacity. Roles and
responsibilities are in place for identified roles
and governance groups.
Staff and leaders communicate a consistent
vision to the community with commonly
agreed directions and purpose driving the
learning improvement agenda. Community
members are regularly informed and have
opportunities to be involved in the
improvement directions and priorities.
Leaders focus strongly on improving
educational outcomes and practices. Leaders
work actively to develop their own and others
expertise in teaching and learning to achieve
the goals and intentions of the strategic plan
and vision.
Leadership opportunities and engagement with
the partnership builds leadership capacities for
many staff and governance groups.
Documented roles and responsibilities support
effective change management and decision
making by individuals and groups.
Leaders take limited responsibility for the
management of the site culture. Staff have few
opportunities or willingness to work together
and operate in isolation or within identifiable
Leaders ensure management practices are in
place to support the development of a positive
site culture. Most staff are supportive of each
other and are encouraged to work together to
develop their expertise.
Resource deployment occurs in a longestablished or ad hoc manner with limited
understanding by staff of available resources or
priorities. Additional or targeted funds are not
transparent or focused on supporting priority
groups or identified individuals.
There is limited planning and evaluation of the
pedagogy or curriculum. Performance
management processes are unfocused and
staff receive limited feedback. The professional
learning program is not strategic or consistent
for staff.
Resources are effectively deployed to manage
site operations and ensure priorities are
adequately resourced. Additional and targeted
funds are used transparently to support
learning improvement of priority groups and
Leaders plan, coordinate and evaluate
pedagogy and the curriculum with staff
through regular planning, performance
management and professional learning
Leaders actively develop an inclusive culture
characterised by trusting, respectful
relationships with and between staff, the
community and partnership members. Staff
collaborate with site and partnership
colleagues to develop their expertise.
Resources are strategically deployed to support
quality site operations, target site learning
priorities and develop staff capacity. Priority
groups, strategic goals and intervention
processes are well resourced to achieve
Leaders collaboratively plan, coordinate and
evaluate pedagogy and the curriculum on a
regularly planned basis with staff through
quality professional learning, performance
management and feedback practices.
Focused and shared educational leadership
continuously improves pedagogy and learning
outcomes within the site. Change and
innovation practices enable the goals and
intentions of the strategic plan to be realised
and the vision achieved.
Strategic leadership opportunities and active
partnership relationships develop and enable
leadership by staff, learners and community
members. Clear roles and responsibilities
support effective management, decision
making and accountability by individuals and
Leaders design and sustain an inclusive culture
with and between staff, the community and
partnership members through known and
effective processes. Staff critically collaborate
with site and partnership colleagues to improve
learning outcomes and develop expertise.
Resources are innovatively developed and
strategically deployed to ensure high quality
services and sustainable site operations.
Priority groups, strategic goals and intervention
processes are well resourced to achieve
Leaders and staff plan, coordinate and evaluate
pedagogy and the curriculum through strategic
review and development cycles. Professional
learning, performance management and feedback
builds coherence and skills at the site and
partnership levels.
Improvement Required
There is limited understanding by many staff
that outcomes achieved are a result of the
teaching, learning and site improvement
processes. There is a sense of lowered
aspirations or expectations for learners and
limited connection with families.
Staff accept that the teaching, learning and
improvement practices are key to improving
learning outcomes. They work with families
to develop mutual goals for learners and to
improve the quality of learning achievement.
Staff actively challenge outcomes achieved
and work strategically with colleagues and
families to support learners to improve.
Innovative and/or strategic practices are in
place to improve learning achievement in
targeted areas or for individuals and priority
There is clear evidence of continuously
improving outcomes by learners through the
high expectations, standards and teaching
and learning practices in place. Staff, families
and learners take collective ownership for,
and pride in, the improvements made and
outcomes achieved.
Data management focuses on collection and
storage rather than effective access and
analysis at the class and site levels. No
regular process are in place for staff to
analyse individual, class, priority group,
cohort and site level learner information.
Little student achievement data is used to
monitor site achievement or progress
towards priority areas.
School data management processes schedule
the collection and storage of learner
achievement data. Some staff access
individual, class, priority group, cohort and
site level learner information to support
teaching. Leaders monitor site performance
in priority areas and share this information
with staff.
Whole school data management ensures the
effective collection, storage and retrieval of
individual, class, priority group, cohort and
site data. Staff regularly analyse data to
support teaching and learning and have
opportunities to work with colleagues to
monitor site performance and determine
priority areas.
Systematic site data management ensures
the strategic collection and effective storage
and retrieval of individual, class, priority
group, cohort and site data. Staff regularly
analyse and interrogate data and evidence to
better understand performance, design
effective learning, determine directions and
benchmark practices.
Curriculum, pedagogy and learning programs
are rarely reviewed to monitor the outcomes
achieved and/or to align with current
research and practice. Few staff use or are
aware of common curriculum and pedagogy
Curriculum, pedagogy and learning programs
are reviewed as required to monitor the
effectiveness of outcomes achieved and/or
to updated them in line with current
research and practice. Documentation of
some practices supports staff develop
consistent school approaches.
Regular review processes involve staff in
evaluating curriculum, pedagogy and
programs to monitor the effectiveness of
outcomes achieved and to update in line
with current research and practice. This
process supports the development,
documentation and implementation of
consistent whole school approaches.
Ongoing review and development processes
regularly involve staff in evaluating
curriculum, pedagogy and programs to
ensure high quality outcomes are achieved,
alignment with current research and practice
and consistent whole site approaches are
Improvement processes are inconsistent and
ad hoc or one off. The current improvement
priorities were developed with limited
evidence and data to determine priorities and
targets or input by staff and the school
community. Resources are not effectively
aligned to support achievement of priorities.
Leaders involve staff in processes to review
performance, determine priorities and targets,
implement improvement strategies and
monitor and report on achievements.
Resources including HR, finances and time
support the achievement of site priorities.
Leaders and staff use known and regular cycles
to review performance, determine priorities
and targets, implement consistent
improvement strategies and monitor and
report on achievements. Resources including
HR, finances and time are targeted to the
achievement of site priorities.
Staff, leaders and community members
collaboratively use known and effective
improvement systems to continuously
review, plan, monitor and develop teaching
and learning outcomes and practices. An
embedded culture of improvement and
accountability fosters innovation and
development across the site.