Student Opportunities Handbook Fall 2013 Edition Student Opportunities Handbook Table of Contents ..........................................................................................................................................................1 Agriculture and Life Sciences .........................................................................................................................................4 CALS Engaged Courses ...............................................................................................................................................4 CALS Dedicated Engaged Resources ..........................................................................................................................5 Animal and Plant Sciences .........................................................................................................................................6 Atmospheric and Earth Sciences ...............................................................................................................................7 Biology and Environment ..........................................................................................................................................8 Communication .........................................................................................................................................................9 Economics and Finance ...........................................................................................................................................10 International and Rural Development .....................................................................................................................11 Landscape and Architecture ....................................................................................................................................12 Nutrition and Food Sciences ....................................................................................................................................13 Architecture, Art, and Planning ...................................................................................................................................14 AAP Engaged Courses ..............................................................................................................................................14 AAP Dedicated Engaged Resources .........................................................................................................................15 Fine Arts Partnerships................................................................................................. 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International and Community .................................................................................................................................15 Local Politics and City Planning ................................................................................................................................17 Sustainable Design And Architecture ......................................................................................................................18 Urban Education and Design ...................................................................................................................................19 Arts and Sciences .........................................................................................................................................................20 Biology, Chemistry and Physics ...............................................................................................................................20 Communication, Linguistics and Languages ............................................................................................................22 Cultural, Gender and Religious Studies ...................................................................................................................23 Economics ................................................................................................................................................................24 Table of Contents | 1 Environment and Sustainability ...............................................................................................................................25 History and Anthropology .......................................................................................................................................26 International Culture and Development..................................................................................................................27 International Politics and Policy ................................................................................. 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Literature and Literacy.............................................................................................................................................28 Math, Statistics and Information Sciences ..............................................................................................................29 Performing and Fine Arts .........................................................................................................................................30 Psychology and Sociology ........................................................................................................................................31 Engineering ..................................................................................................................................................................32 Biological and Chemical Engineering .......................................................................................................................32 Civil Engineering and Physics ...................................................................................................................................34 Computer Science and Engineering .........................................................................................................................34 Environmental Engineering .....................................................................................................................................34 Information Systems and Operations Research ......................................................................................................34 Materials Science and Earth Systems ......................................................................................................................34 Mechanical Engineering...........................................................................................................................................34 Hotel Administration ...................................................................................................................................................37 Food Services ...........................................................................................................................................................37 Finance and Economics ...........................................................................................................................................37 Marketing and Media ..............................................................................................................................................37 Non-Profit Hospitality and Real Estate ....................................................................................................................37 Non-Profit Management and Social Entrepreneurship ...........................................................................................37 Human Ecology ............................................................................................................................................................38 Biology and Health Policy ........................................................................................................................................38 International Medicine and Global Health ..............................................................................................................38 Human Development...............................................................................................................................................38 Nutritional Sciences .................................................................................................................................................39 Policy Analysis and Management ............................................................................................................................40 Sustainable Design: Interior and Commercial .........................................................................................................41 Sustainable Design: Apparel and Fashion ................................................................................................................42 Industrial and Labor Relations .....................................................................................................................................43 Human Resources and Finance ................................................................................................................................43 International Labor Policy and Law .........................................................................................................................43 Non-Profit Management and Social Entrepreneurship ...........................................................................................43 Table of Contents | 2 Worker Rights and Justice .......................................................................................................................................43 Organizational Psychology and Behavior.................................................................................................................43 Table of Contents | 3 CA LS E N G A G E D C O U R S E S AGSCI 4960 – Internship in Agricultural Sciences AEM 3250 – Personal Enterprises and Small Business Management AEM 3380 – Social Entrepreneurs, Innovators, and Problem Solvers AEM 4421 – Research and Strategy in Emerging Markets ALS 4770 – Environmental Stewardship in the Cornell Community ALS 5780 – International Teaching Assistant Development COMM 4560 – Community Involvement in Decision Making COMM 6660 – Public Engagement in Science DSOC 4500 – Bridges to Community ECON 4300 – Policy Analysis: Welfare Theory, Agriculture, and Trade BIOEE 3611 – Field Ecology BIONB – Methods in Animal Behavior BIOPL 2210 – Natural Remedies and Ethnohealth EDUC 2200 – Community Learning and Service Partnerships EDUC 2210 – Community Learning and Service Partnerships EDUC 2400 – The Art of Teaching EDUC 3350 – Youth Organizations and Leadership Development for Agricultural Science EDUC 4040 – Engaging Students in Learning EDUC 6680 – Narrative Inquiry in Social Science and Action Research EDUC 6820 – Community Education and Development ENTOM 3350 – Naturalist Outreach Practicum HORT 2200 – Practicing Sustainable Landcare HORT 2400 – Exploring the Small Farm Dream HORT 3200 – Experiential Garden-Based Learning in Belize IARD 4010- Experience Latin America I IARD 4020 – Agriculture in Developing Nations I IARD 6010 – Experiences in Latin America (Chiapas Edition) IARD 6020 – International Agriculture in Developing Nations IARD 6960 – Perspectives in International Development IARD 7830 – Farmer-Centered Research and Extension LA 1420 – Grounding in Landscape Architecture LA 2020 – Medium of the Landscape LA 2620 – Laboratory in Landscape Archaeology LA 4020 – Integrating Theory and Practice: Community Design Studio LA 6010 – Integrating Theory and Practice I LA 6020 - Integrating Theory and Practice II NTRES 3141 – Conservation of Birds Laboratory NTRES 3260 – Applied Conservation Ecology NTRES 4940 – Special Topics in Natural Resources PLPA 4430 – Pathology of Trees and Shrubs Agriculture and Life Sciences | 4 CA LS D E D I C A T E D E N G A G E D R E S O U R C E S CALS Career Development Office A professional staff, dedicated to providing CALS students, alumni, and employers with the finest career exploration, decision-making, and job search services. CALS Research and Impact Portal Searchable collection of project summaries that documents the impacts of CALS research and outreach throughout New York, the United States, and the world. Website: CALS Specific Internships Database A search engine dedicated to highlighting internships specifically applicable to CALS students. CALS NYS Internship Program This new pilot program connects businesses, non-profit organizations, and government agencies with exceptional and motivated Cornell University College of Agriculture & Life Sciences students seeking career opportunities and a chance to get to know and contribute to community. Agriculture and Life Sciences | 5 A NI M A L A ND P L A N T S CI E N CE S 4-H CCE's statewide and campus-based 4-H youth development programs engage the young people of New York State in forward-looking ways. In the areas of Science, Technology and Engineering (STEM), Citizenship, and Healthy Lifestyles, participants learn to present what they've learned through exhibits, demonstrations, presentations and even multimedia. Youth from 4-H programs all over the state showcase a wide range of accomplishments at the New York State Fair each year. From robotics challenges to livestock clinics, participation at the fair provides an opportunity for youth to hone their presentation skills and connect with a larger audience. Website: Cornell Cooperative Extension: Agriculture & Food Systems Cornell Cooperative Extension links the research and extension efforts at Cornell University, Cornell University Agricultural Experiment Station, and the New York State Agricultural Experiment Station in Geneva. CCE's agricultural programs and resources target diverse audiences in the areas of dairy and livestock production, field crops and nutrient management, fruits and vegetables, as well as farm business management, economics, and policy. Cornell Raptor Program This program, housed in the Animal Science department, provides students of the scientific community an opportunity to become involved with efforts to conserve raptors—birds of prey. The program involves a class, propogation and release of raptors, rehabilitation of sick or injured raptors, and public education programs. Food System and Poverty Reduction Integrative Graduate Education and Research Traineeship (IGERT) program Funded by the National Science Foundation) addresses the challenges faced by the 1.2 billion poorest people on the planet who live in rural areas in developing countries and depend on food systems for their livelihoods. The program is open to U.S. citizens and permanent residents admitted through one of 20 participating graduate fields. Guiding Eyes for the Blind, Cornell Guiding Eyes for the Blind at the College of Veterinary Medicine (GEB@CVM) works to connect the Cornell veterinary student body with the work of Guiding Eyes for the Blind (GEB) an internationally accredited, non-profit guide dog school based in Yorktown Heights, NY. Agriculture and Life Sciences | 6 A T M O SP HE R I C AND E A R T H S CI E N CE S KyotoNOW! KyotoNOW! was formed in student response to the US rejection of the Kyoto Protocol in 2001. Our student-run campaigns work to promote a sustainable, just future and advance policy on climate change on the university, local and national levels. Paleontological Research Institution Ithaca’s Paleontological Research Institution has outstanding programs in research, collections, publications, and public education. PRI and its two public venues for education, the Museum of the Earth and the Cayuga Nature Center, are separate from, but formally affiliated with Cornell University, and interact closely with numerous University departments in research, teaching, and public outreach. Agriculture and Life Sciences | 7 B I OL OG Y AND E N V I R ON M E N T Free Clinic Initiative It is our mission to facilitate access to health care for all with a focus on the needs of the uninsured. At Ithaca Free Clinic we offer 100% free conventional and holistic healthcare services for anyone without health insurance… The Ithaca Health Alliance is primarily a volunteer organization. We have a small staff of four employees who are responsible for day-to-day operations, and everything else the organization does is thanks to volunteer effort. Globemed, Cornell El Centro de Promoción de Atención Integral para Adolescentes (CEPAIPA) is community center and health clinic located in a high school in La Libertad, Ecuador. The Center was built in 2004 as an initiative to provide health services and resources to the youth of the community. KyotoNOW! KyotoNOW! was formed in student response to the US rejection of the Kyoto Protocol in 2001. Our student-run campaigns work to promote a sustainable, just future and advance policy on climate change on the university, local and national levels. MINDS Foundation, Cornell What started as a close group of friends with a common sentiment has become Cornell’s chapter of the MINDS Foundation. The MINDS Foundation is committed to a grassroots approach to eliminate stigma and provide educational, medical, and moral support for patients with mental illness in rural India. MEDLIFE, Cornell Medicine, Education and Development for Low-Income Families Everywhere is a student group initiated in 2009 that provides medical and dental services for patients with limited means of obtaining healthcare. MEDLIFE is raising funds to build a permanent clinic to provide low-cost care in Cebadas, Ecuador. Nourish International NI’s Mission Statement: “We envision Nourish as a global movement through which students make a sustainable impact on extreme poverty and create opportunities for change. We envision a world in which all people are able to meet their basic human needs.” Sustainability Hub The Sustainability Hub is a student organization with the mission of outreaching about campus sustainability, reducing Cornell University's environmental impact, and uniting other campus organizations to collaborate on different projects. The umbrella group for sustainability initiatives on campus, Sustainability Hub is Cornell’s home for creating a green, sustainable future, and a great resource for plugging in to local environmental efforts. Agriculture and Life Sciences | 8 C OM M U NI CA T I ON ACT For Youth ACT (Assets Coming Together) for Youth Center of Excellence promotes positive youth outcomes and aims to reduce risky sexual behavior among youth by advancing the principles of positive youth development and supporting the implementation and evaluation of evidence-based programming. Launched in 2000 with generous support from the New York State Department of Health (NYSDOH), ACT for Youth Center of Excellence is a partnership among BCTR (lead agency), Cornell University Cooperative Extension of New York City, New York State Center for School Safety, and University of Rochester Medical Center. Community Development and Social Justice Programming CDSJ Programming provides a variety of opportunities to prepare and support traditionally underrepresented students to succeed academically and professional in an increasingly diverse world. Additionally, CDSJ aims to foster collaborations with students, faculty, administrators and community partners in Ithaca and Tompkins County to enhance intercultural awareness, strengthen community partnerships and promote active citizenship in the surrounding community and communities beyond. Cornell Forensics Society CFS is the University’s priemier Speech and Debate society, and engages in Worlds, Policy, Speech and Spanish Language Debate formats. The Worlds team was recently ranked number one in the world. The team travels nationally to tournaments on weekends, competing against students from other Universities across the globe. Cornell International Affairs Society CIAS aspires to achieve its purpose by training for, and attending, Model United Nations conferences (simulating the UN and other bodies of international significance) within the collegiate circuit while planning and hosting its own high school Model UN conference. Cornell Mock Trial Cornell University’s Mock Trial program strives to provide undergraduate students practical experience in forming legal arguments, speaking publicly, acting, and becoming familiar with legal procedure in a competitive setting. Agriculture and Life Sciences | 9 E CO N OM I CS AND FINANCE Center for Transformative Action An education-based independent non-profit organization, helps to create communities that work for everyone. CTA does this by providing fiscal sponsorship to innovative, non-profit social entrepreneurs in New York State. An affiliation between CTA and Cornell allows collaboration to address the global need for a new generation of change makers. Corresponding class: AEM 3380 – Social Entrepreneurs, Innovators, and Problem Solvers. Linking Economic Development and Child Care Identifies the economic linkages of childcare from a regional economy perspective. New York Economic Development A collaboration working for a more vibrant, equitable, and sustainable New York economy. Social Business Consulting Links students with a diverse range of interests to non-profits—local and international—that desire assistance in marketing, financial strategy, grant research, and a variety of other fields. Students engage with non-profits for a semester-long term, and create Agriculture and Life Sciences | 10 I NT E R NA T I ON A L AND R U R A L D E V E L OP M E NT Cornell Cooperative Extension: Agriculture & Food Systems Cornell Cooperative Extension links the research and extension efforts at Cornell University, Cornell University Agricultural Experiment Station, and the New York State Agricultural Experiment Station in Geneva. CCE's agricultural programs and resources target diverse audiences in the areas of dairy and livestock production, field crops and nutrient management, fruits and vegetables, as well as farm business management, economics, and policy. Cornell Farmworker Program Seeks to improve the living and working conditions of farmworkers and their families. The Cornell Farmworker Program conducts research as well as offers outreach services and workshops to farmworkers and their employers. Paid summer internships are offered to students. Spearheaded by the Department of Development Sociology and therefore an extension of the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences but supported by the Latino Studies Program in the College of Arts and Sciences. Einaudi Center for International Studies The Einaudi Center is a major hub of international activity on campus, and strives to make Cornell the exemplary transnational university in an increasingly interconnected world. It focuses on global issues such as economic development, agricultural and rural development, environmental sustainability, food security and nutrition, peace studies, nuclear proliferation, gender politics, tourism, immigration, and globalization. Food System and Poverty Reduction Integrative Graduate Education and Research Traineeship (IGERT) program Funded by the National Science Foundation) addresses the challenges faced by the 1.2 billion poorest people on the planet who live in rural areas in developing countries and depend on food systems for their livelihoods. The program is open to U.S. citizens and permanent residents admitted through one of 20 participating graduate fields. Agriculture and Life Sciences | 11 L A ND SCA P E A N D A R CHI T E CT U R E Cornell Permaculture Club Permaculture is a design discipline for productive systems such as gardens, farms, homesteads, and urban sites utilizing ecological principles found in natural systems. These ecological principles combined with a design method help to create sustainable, healthy abundant landscapes while meeting basic human needs. Cornell University Agricultural Experiment Station (CUAES) CUEAES’s world-renowned research farms and greenhouses bridge the gap between academic discovery and commercial application to address pressing issues that directly affect the health and welfare of the state and beyond. Agriculture and Life Sciences | 12 N U T R I T I O N A N D F O OD S CI E N CE S Cornell International Institute for Food, Agriculture, and Development Cornell International Institute for Food, Agriculture and Development Food, Agriculture and Nutrition Group (FANG) Promotes interdisciplinary research, teaching and outreach focused on the development of food systems that support human health and well-being sustainably. The group is a collaboration between CIIFAD and the Program in International Nutrition, and the membership is comprised of graduate students and faculty members from a range of disciplines. FANG's approach is to consider food systems holistically with human nutrition and environmental and human health as explicit outcomes. Faculty, staff and students who wish to join the group are welcome. Food System and Poverty Reduction Integrative Graduate Education and Research Traineeship (IGERT) program Funded by the National Science Foundation) addresses the challenges faced by the 1.2 billion poorest people on the planet who live in rural areas in developing countries and depend on food systems for their livelihoods. The program is open to U.S. citizens and permanent residents admitted through one of 20 participating graduate fields Student Multidisciplinary Applied Research Team (SMART) Program Brings together teams of students and faculty from diverse disciplines and pairs them with firms, organizations, or community groups located in developing countries. The teams work on welldefined assignments that challenge students to apply the knowledge and skills learned in the classroom in real world settings. Cornell Nutrition Task Force Community Nutrition Task Force was founded in 2010, and we have been growing since! We are a group of Cornell students interested in giving back to the community of Tompkins County through service and promoting awareness of nutritional concerns of the community. Agriculture and Life Sciences | 13 AAP E N G A G E D C OU R SE S ARCH 3402 – Architecture as a Cultural System ARCH 3409 – Undergraduate Investigations in Architecture, Culture, and Society CRP 2000 – The Promise and Pitfalls of Contemporary Planning CRP 3072/5072 – Land Use, Environmental Planning, and Urban Design Workshop CRP 3090/5090 – Community Development Seminar CRP 4770/6770 – Seminar on Issues in African Development CRP 5190 – Urban Theory and Spatial Development CRP 5460 – Introduction to Community and Environmental Dispute Resolution CRP 5610 – Historic Planning Workshop: Surveys and Analyses CRP 5660 – Planning and Preservation Practice CRP 6311 – Consulting for Nonprofit and Government Organizations CRP 6790 – Special Topics: Planning and Developing Regions Architecture, Art, and Planning | 14 AAP D E D I C A T E D E N G A G E D R E SOU R CE S AAP Outreach Programs AAP has a number of outreach and service-learning programs and opportunities. We will highlight several of them in this handbook. For a comprehensive list of AAP programs, visit: City and Regional Planning Summer Internships Offered by the department for graduate students. F I NE A R T S O U T R E A C H Community Arts Partnership Art Space The ArtSpace is a multi-use space for the exhibit of works by local artists. A new exhibit hangs monthly throughout the year. Greater Ithaca Art Trail The art trail is a self-guided tour of 46 working artists' studios throughout the County. Visitors can drive or walk to the studios of sculptors, painters, photographers, printmakers, fiber artists, furniture makers, jewelry artists and ceramists. Arts Grants One of the Community Arts Partnership's primary goals is to get funds into the hands of artists and arts organizations for programs and projects that will enrich Tompkins County's already vibrant arts community Architecture, Art, and Planning | 15 I NT E R NA T I ON A L P LA N N I N G Cornell in Rome Encourages students studying abroad in the program to connect their work to the city. The mandatory Rome Workshop, CRP 4160, is a 6-credit field research course that anchors the semester and counts toward the Methods for Planning and Urban Studies area requirement for Cornell majors. It requires students spend 20 hours per week in neighborhoods exploring public space, urban design, social housing, infrastructure services, immigrant integration, tourism, historic preservation, and economic development. Students meet with professional planners, government officials, community activists, and others responsible for urban policy making.” Brazilian Cities: Urbanization and Development This special seven-credit summer program in Brazil gives students an opportunity to enjoy Brazilian culture, music, and life while studying urban innovations in three stunning cities: Salvador, the heart of Afro-Brazilian history and culture; Brasilia, the most intensively planned large city in the world; and Rio de Janeiro, a key player in politics and culture. Planners Network An association of planners and others concerned with social and environmental justice. The organization's main office is housed in the CRP department. Architecture, Art, and Planning | 16 L O CA L A ND REGIONAL PLANNING Affordable Housing in Tompkins County Workshop The Department of City and Regional Planning has worked with the Tompkins County Planning Department and the County Legislature's Health and Human Services Committee to develop a report and address issues concerning the affordable housing needs in Tompkins County. Case Studies in Urban Development Conferences are held each year in the spring as a collaboration between CRP, the Baker Program in Real Estate, and others. Linking Economic Development and Child Care Identifies the economic linkages of childcare from a regional economy perspective. Planners Network An association of planners and others concerned with social and environmental justice. The organization's main office is housed in the CRP department. Restructuring Local Government Provides information for local governments and is done in collaboration with Cornell's Cooperative Extension. Architecture, Art, and Planning | 17 S U ST A I NA B LE D E SI G N A N D A R CH I T E CT U R E Cornell University Sustainable Design A student-led initiative that promotes education through action, empowerment, and innovation with design-build projects while utilizing an interdisciplinary, research-based approach to create resilient structures in the built environment and realize a future of ecological, social, and economic sustainability” Planners Network An association of planners and others concerned with social and environmental justice. The organization's main office is housed in the CRP department. Sustainability Hub The Sustainability Hub is a student organization with the mission of outreaching about campus sustainability, reducing Cornell University's environmental impact, and uniting other campus organizations to collaborate on different projects. The umbrella group for sustainability initiatives on campus, Sustainability Hub is Cornell’s home for creating a green, sustainable future, and a great resource for plugging in to local environmental efforts. Sustainable Neighborhoods Nicaragua Cornell students are researching and designing a 30-unit neighborhood plan and a sustainable house design for low-income Nicaraguan families. This is the first of a series of ecological housing developments for which Sustainable Neighborhoods Nicaragua will serve as a model. Architecture, Art, and Planning | 18 U R B A N E D U CA T I ON AND D E SI G N Case Studies in Urban Development Conferences are held each year in the spring as a collaboration between CRP, the Baker Program in Real Estate, and others. Cornell Urban Mentorship Initiative Offers college students an opportunity to mentor a middle-school student from a public school in an atrisk neighborhood of New York City Architecture, Art, and Planning | 19 A&S E NG A G E D C OU R SE S ANTHR 2220 – Field Course in Iroquois Archaeology. ANTHR 3462/6462 – Democratizing Research: Participation, Action, and Research ANTHR 4710 – Cuisine, Production, and Biodiversity in Peru ASRC 2390 – Hip Hop: Beats, Rhythm, and Life ASRC 6902 – Africana Studies Graduate Seminar. ASRC 6903 – Africana Studies Graduate Seminar. GOVT 3141 (also AMST 3141) – Prisons HIST 2161 – Iran and the World HIST 2581 – Environmental History HIST 2791 – International Humanitarianism LSP 2062 (also HIST 2062/LASP 2062/ILRLR 3062) – Migrant Workers in the Americas LSP 4520 (also EDUC 4520) – Multicultural Issues in Secondary Education LSP 4850 (also HIST 4850/AMST 4850) – Immigration Since 1968 MUSIC 3633 – Wind Ensemble MUSIC 3636 – Music Leadership and Service Learning SPAN 4190 and SPAN 4200 – Special Topics in Spanish Literature PSYCH 2820 – Community Outreach PSYCH 3270 – Field Practicum WRIT 4100 – Learning Behind Bars WRIT 4130 – Service Learning for Democratic Citizenship: Literature of American Social Action Movements Arts and Sciences | 20 B I OL OG Y , C HE M I ST R Y Agua Clara AND P HY SI C S AguaClara is a multi-disciplinary program at Cornell University that designs sustainable water treatment systems. Our gravity-powered, affordable technologies currently provide clean water to over 30,000 people in communities around the world every day. The research, invention, and design project courses specific to AguaClara are focused on developing technology that can be used to improve the drinking water quality of surface water sources in the Global South. Biology Research Opportunities The Biology department hosts a number of undergraduate research opportunities, and facilitates outreach to myriad external biological research opportunities. CRSR Education & Public Outreach (EPO) Program strives to engage people's imagination, strengthen the understanding of science, and inspire the next generation of explorers through the unique character of space sciences. We provide support and resources to K-12 teachers, students, and informal educators. Faculty, graduate students, professional researchers, teachers, and volunteers develop and present workshops, talks, displays, lessons, and activities; and serve as mentors and advisers - to help link the research we do to the classroom and other educational settings. Free Clinic Initiative It is our mission to facilitate access to health care for all with a focus on the needs of the uninsured. At Ithaca Free Clinic we offer 100% free conventional and holistic healthcare services for anyone without health insurance… The Ithaca Health Alliance is primarily a volunteer organization. We have a small staff of four employees who are responsible for day-to-day operations, and everything else the organization does is thanks to volunteer effort. Globemed, Cornell El Centro de Promoción de Atención Integral para Adolescentes (CEPAIPA) is community center and health clinic located in a high school in La Libertad, Ecuador. The Center was built in 2004 as an initiative to provide health services and resources to the youth of the community. MEDLIFE, Cornell Medicine, Education and Development for Low-Income Families Everywhere is a student group initiated in 2009 that provides medical and dental services for patients with limited means of obtaining healthcare. MEDLIFE is raising funds to build a permanent clinic to provide low-cost care in Cebadas, Ecuador. Arts and Sciences | 21 C OM M U NI CA T I ON , L I N G U I ST I C S AND L A NG U A G E S ¡CULTURA! Aims to foster and share Latino culture with the Ithaca Community through storytelling, food, music, art, theater and more. Students are invited to coordinate a series (series here defined as accessible, education experiences run throughout the year) or teach an art-based lesson within a series. REACH The Raising Education Attainment CHallenge (REACH) program at the Cornell Public Service Center is a student-run initiative, committed to serving youths' academic and social needs in schools and communities around Cornell University. The purpose of the program is to recruit and mobilize a diverse group of work-study (funded by the America Reads/America Counts Challenge program) and volunteer tutors from the Cornell community so that they may have the necessary resources, peer support and leadership to assist in the enhancement of academic achievement of children and youth in grades pre-K-12th. Arts and Sciences | 22 C U LT U R A L , G E N D E R AND R E L I G I OU S S T U D I E S Case Studies in Urban Development Conferences are held each year in the spring as a collaboration between CRP, the Baker Program in Real Estate, and others. CU Winds/ SiNEM Costa Rica Partnership The Cornell University Wind Ensemble, CU Winds, travels to Costa Rica during winter break and performs concerts, holds master classes and workshops, and donates instruments and music books to the local community. Arts and Sciences | 23 E CO N OM I CS Affordable Housing in Tompkins County Workshop The Department of City and Regional Planning has worked with the Tompkins County Planning Department and the County Legislature's Health and Human Services Committee to develop a report and address issues concerning the affordable housing needs in Tompkins County. Case Studies in Urban Development Conferences are held each year in the spring as a collaboration between CRP, the Baker Program in Real Estate, and others. Arts and Sciences | 24 E N V I R O NM E N T AND SUSTAINABILITY Cornell University Sustainable Design (CUSD) Promotes education through action, empowerment and innovation with several design-build projects. CUSD utilizes an interdisciplinary, research based approach to create resilient structures in the built environment and realize a future of ecological, social and economic sustainability KyotoNOW! KyotoNOW! was formed in student response to the US rejection of the Kyoto Protocol in 2001. Our student-run campaigns work to promote a sustainable, just future and advance policy on climate change on the university, local and national levels. Nourish International NI’s Mission Statement: “We envision Nourish as a global movement through which students make a sustainable impact on extreme poverty and create opportunities for change. We envision a world in which all people are able to meet their basic human needs.” Sustainability Hub The Sustainability Hub is a student organization with the mission of outreaching about campus sustainability, reducing Cornell University's environmental impact, and uniting other campus organizations to collaborate on different projects. The umbrella group for sustainability initiatives on campus, Sustainability Hub is Cornell’s home for creating a green, sustainable future, and a great resource for plugging in to local environmental efforts. Arts and Sciences | 25 H I ST O R Y AND A N T HR OP OL OG Y Case Studies in Urban Development Conferences are held each year in the spring as a collaboration between CRP, the Baker Program in Real Estate, and others. Cornell-Nepal Study Program The Cornell-Nepal Study Program is a joint program of Cornell University and Tribhuvan University, the national university of Nepal. Qualified juniors, seniors, and first- or second-year graduate students work with faculty from both universities to prepare for and undertake field research projects in Nepal. Students receive 15 credits per semester; students may enroll for either fall or spring semester, or for the entire year; application is through Cornell Abroad. Arts and Sciences | 26 I NT E R NA T I ON A L C U LT U R E AND P OL I T I C S China FALCON Program The Full-Year Asian Language Concentration program is held at the School of International Studies at Peking University, China's foremost institution of higher learning. The students continue to attend small-group classes with FALCON-trained teachers. By the end of the spring semester, FALCONers will not only be proficient in Chinese, but will also have living experience in one of the world's major Chinese-speaking cities. Cornell International Affairs Society CIAS aspires to achieve its purpose by training for, and attending, Model United Nations conferences (simulating the UN and other bodies of international significance) within the collegiate circuit while planning and hosting its own high school Model UN conference. Einaudi Center for International Studies The Einaudi Center is a major hub of international activity on campus, and strives to make Cornell the exemplary transnational university in an increasingly interconnected world. It focuses on global issues such as economic development, agricultural and rural development, environmental sustainability, food security and nutrition, peace studies, nuclear proliferation, gender politics, tourism, immigration, and globalization. Institute for German Cultural Studies Established in 1992 under the aegis of the College of Arts and Sciences, the Institute for German Cultural Studies is a research-oriented initiative designed both to recognize extraordinary cross-disciplinary strengths in the study of German culture at Cornell University and to foster cutting-edge scholarly exchange pertaining to the interdisciplinary study of German culture from the medieval era to the present. MINDS Foundation, Cornell What started as a close group of friends with a common sentiment has become Cornell’s chapter of the MINDS Foundation. The MINDS Foundation is committed to a grassroots approach to eliminate stigma and provide educational, medical, and moral support for patients with mental illness in rural India. Nourish International NI’s Mission Statement: “We envision Nourish as a global movement through which students make a sustainable impact on extreme poverty and create opportunities for change. We envision a world in which all people are able to meet their basic human needs.” Arts and Sciences | 27 LITERATURE AND L I T E R A CY Arts and Sciences | 28 M A T H , S T A T I ST I C S A N D I N F OR M A T I O N S CI E NCE S Arts and Sciences | 29 P E R F OR M I N G AND FINE ARTS Arts and Sciences | 30 P SY C H OL OG Y AND S O CI O LO G Y Arts and Sciences | 31 E NG I NE E R I N G E N G A G E D C O U R SE S CEE 2550 – AguaClara: Sustainable Water Supply Project or CEE 4550 – AguaClara: Sustainable Water Supply Project CEE 4920 – Engineers for a Sustainable World: Engineering in International Development CEE 5051 – Project in Environmental Engineering: AguaClara - Sustainable Water Supply Projector CEE 5052 – Project in Environmental Engineering: AguaClara - Sustainable Water Supply Project Engineering | 32 E N G I N E E R I N G D E D I C A T E D E N G A G E D R E SO U R C E S Academic Excellence Workshop (AEW) Cooperative Learning Program that offers weekly, 1-credit cooperative learning workshops corresponding to core engineering courses in math, chemistry, and computer science. Students engage in active problem solving in small groups with peer discussion. Problems are designed to be at or above core course level and to enhance understanding of core course concepts. Engineering Co-Op Program Cornell University’s Engineering Cooperative Education program is founded in the College of Engineering’s vision to “prepare our undergraduate students for lifelong creation of knowledge and solutions to complex real-world problems.” It provides an educational opportunity that integrates a student's academic and career interests with paid, productive work experience at cooperating organizations throughout the world. Students convert theory into practice as they apply classroom knowledge to practical work situations, as well as gain knowledge and skills, which will enhance future coursework. In addition, the program offers students the opportunity to clarify their academic focus and test their career interests and goals. Engineering Global Fellows An opportunity to be formally recognized for your international work, research, study or volunteer experience and receive these benefits: Certificate signed by the Dean Name & photo displayed in Carpenter Hall Invitations to share your international experience with interested students m Encourage Young Engineers and Scientists (EYES) A student run program affiliated with Cornell’s Public Service Center that works with kids in Ithaca’s elementary, middle, and high schools to engage students with projects that present science and engineering in an exciting way. LeaderShape Institute A dynamic six-day residential retreat in which students engage in vision-planning and communitybuilding, and gain the awareness and tools necessary to be an effective leader on campus and beyond. Approximately 40 Cornell engineering students per year attend a six-day retreat immediately following spring semester. Students gain skills and experience related to self-awareness and personal vision, effective communication and community building, sensitivity to diversity, and the dynamics of leadership. Engineering | 33 Undergraduate Research Program Provides funding to support undergraduate student participation in a research project together with a faculty mentor. Recipients are selected through a competitive application process. B I OL OG I CA L A N D C HE M I CA L E N G I N E E R I NG C I V I L E NG I N E E R I N G A N D P HY S I C S Cornell University Sustainable Design (CUSD) Promotes education through action, empowerment and innovation with several design-build projects. CUSD utilizes an interdisciplinary, research based approach to create resilient structures in the built environment and realize a future of ecological, social and economic sustainability C OM P U T E R S CI E N CE A N D E N G I N E E R I N G E NV I R O NM E N T A L E N G I N E E R I N G I N FO R M A T I ON S Y ST E M S A N D O P E R A T I ON S R E SE A R C H M A T E R I A L S S CI E N CE A N D E A R T H S Y ST E M S M E CHA NI C A L E N G I N E E R I N G To be separated by interest: AguaClara AguaClara is a multi-disciplinary program at Cornell University that designs sustainable water treatment systems. Our gravity-powered, affordable technologies currently provide clean water to over 30,000 people in communities around the world every day. The research, invention, and design project courses specific to AguaClara are focused on developing technology that can be used to improve the drinking water quality of surface water sources in the Global South. Baja Racing SAE Cornell Baja SAE Racing is an engineering project team which annually designs, builds and races an off-road vehicle to compete in the SAE Collegiate Baja Design Series.The team is comprised of approximately 35 students in undergraduate and graduate programs, broken into subteams. Each subteam focuses on a different aspect of the car, making intra-team communications imperative to a successful design. Co-Op Program Engineering | 34 Cornell University’s Engineering Cooperative Education program is founded in the College of Engineering’s vision to “prepare our undergraduate students for lifelong creation of knowledge and solutions to complex real-world problems.” Cornell University’s Engineering Co-op program provides an educational opportunity that integrates a student's academic and career interests with paid, productive work experience at cooperating organizations throughout the world. During this experience, students convert theory into practice as they apply classroom knowledge to practical work situations, as well as gain knowledge and skills, which will enhance future coursework. In addition, the program offers students the opportunity to clarify their academic focus and test their career interests and goals. Cornell University Sustainable Design A student-led initiative that promotes education through action, empowerment, and innovation with design-build projects while utilizing an interdisciplinary, research-based approach to create resilient structures in the built environment and realize a future of ecological, social, and economic sustainability” DesignConnect Design Connect is a multi-disciplinary, student-run, community design organization which strives to empower students and citizens by advancing collaborative, democratic, and sustainable design and planning projects to improve local New York communities. Engaging directly with local community partners, student teams develop specific public-interest design and planning projects from initial ideas into conceptual designs. This enables communities who otherwise lack the capacity or resources to advance projects. Engineering World Health (EWH) Cornell University's Engineering World Health team is a biomedical-engineering oriented project team with the goal of designing novel technical solutions for improving health care in developing countries. EWH Cornell participates in the annual EWH Design Competition each June against chapters around the world. The EWH Design Competition tests students' innovative capabilities in identifying a health care problem in developing countries and developing a viable technical solution. The technologies thus developed have the potential to be implemented in the developing world and truly make an impact. EWH is a group of undergraduate and graduate students from diverse fields of Engineering | 35 study, including Biological Engineering, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, and Biological Sciences. Engineers Without Borders Engineers Without Borders is a registered Project Team at Cornell University dedicated to the sustainable development of developing countries in culturally appropriate ways. Our chapter develops this goal by partnering with communities in developing countries for three to five years and engineering solutions to the basic problems identified by the community Kessler Program The Kessler Fellows Program was established in 2008, and is a year-long program that combines these innovative and educational components: Spring course on campus “Essentials of Entrepreneurism”; Summer placement in a start-up or other entrepreneurial environment; Presentation of your experiences during a fall symposium series. A critical component of the Program is the summer placement, which combines both business and engineering work, and exposure to the "business wrapper" of the placement company. Fellows are exposed to the full business element of their start-up and contribute broadly and deeply to company success. Many students continue to work with their companies throughout their senior year at Cornell, and some receive full time job offers upon graduation. mdetails/index.cfm Engineering | 36 F O OD S E R V I CE S F I NA NCE A N D E C ON OM I C S Affordable Housing in Tompkins County Workshop The Department of City and Regional Planning has worked with the Tompkins County Planning Department and the County Legislature's Health and Human Services Committee to develop a report and address issues concerning the affordable housing needs in Tompkins County. Linking Economic Development and Child Care Identifies the economic linkages of childcare from a regional economy perspective. M A R KE T I N G A N D M E D I A N ON -P R O FI T H O SP I T A L I T Y AND R E A L E ST A T E Affordable Housing in Tompkins County Workshop The Department of City and Regional Planning has worked with the Tompkins County Planning Department and the County Legislature's Health and Human Services Committee to develop a report and address issues concerning the affordable housing needs in Tompkins County. Case Studies in Urban Development Conferences are held each year in the spring as a collaboration between CRP, the Baker Program in Real Estate, and others. N ON -P R O FI T M A N A G E M E N T AND S O CI A L E NT R E P R E NE U R S HI P Hotel Administration | 37 B I OL OG Y A N D H E A LT H P OL I CY I NT E R NA T I ON A L M E D I CI N E A N D G LO B A L H E A LT H H U M A N D E V E L OP M E N T DesignConnect Design Connect is a multi-disciplinary, student-run, community design organization which strives to empower students and citizens by advancing collaborative, democratic, and sustainable design and planning projects to improve local New York communities. Engaging directly with local community partners, student teams develop specific public-interest design and planning projects from initial ideas into conceptual designs. This enables communities who otherwise lack the capacity or resources to advance projects. Linking Economic Development and Child Care Identifies the economic linkages of childcare from a regional economy perspective. Urban Semester Students use the Urban Semester Program to confirm and explore professional interests, and participate in communities and community service in the neighborhoods and communities of one of the most important and interesting cities of the world by using ethnographic methods. Ethnography is a qualitative research approach through which data are generated through immersion in particular social groups. This method is employed in all the social sciences and in many sectors of the economy, whether business or the private-not-for-profit organizations and institutions. Students carry out investigations through a number of real-world experiences. Human Ecology | 38 N U T R I T I O NA L S CI E N CE S Human Ecology | 39 P OL I CY A NA LY S I S AND MANAGEMENT Affordable Housing in Tompkins County Workshop The Department of City and Regional Planning has worked with the Tompkins County Planning Department and the County Legislature's Health and Human Services Committee to develop a report and address issues concerning the affordable housing needs in Tompkins County. Capital Semester Combine a full spring semester of Cornell credit with a paid legislative internship in Albany, New York. This is a wonderful opportunity for students interested in law, public policy, or other graduate programs, and for those interested in employment directly after Cornell University. Urban Semester Students use the Urban Semester Program to confirm and explore professional interests, and participate in communities and community service in the neighborhoods and communities of one of the most important and interesting cities of the world by using ethnographic methods. Ethnography is a qualitative research approach through which data are generated through immersion in particular social groups. This method is employed in all the social sciences and in many sectors of the economy, whether business or the private-not-for-profit organizations and institutions. Students carry out investigations through a number of real-world experiences. Human Ecology | 40 S U ST A I NA B LE D E SI G N : I N T E R I OR AND C OM M E R C I A L Human Ecology | 41 S U ST A I NA B LE D E SI G N : A P P A R E L AND F A SH I O N Human Ecology | 42 H U M A N R E S OU R CE S A N D F I N A N CE I NT E R NA T I ON A L L A B OR P OL I CY A N D L A W N ON -P R O FI T M A N A G E M E N T A N D S O CI A L E NT R E P R E NE U R S HI P W OR KE R R I G HT S A N D J U ST I CE Affordable Housing in Tompkins County Workshop The Department of City and Regional Planning has worked with the Tompkins County Planning Department and the County Legislature's Health and Human Services Committee to develop a report and address issues concerning the affordable housing needs in Tompkins County. O R G A NI Z A T I ON A L P SY C H OL OG Y AND B E HA V I O R Industrial and Labor Relations | 43