Appendix 6. Excluded Articles A6.1 Qualitative Review of ‘Views’ The following articles were excluded at full text assessment stage for the corresponding reasons. Reference Aagesen D (2000) Rights to land and resources in Argentina's Alerces National Park. Bulletin of Latin American Research. 19(4): 547-569. Abbot J I. O; Mace R (1999) Managing protected woodlands: fuelwood collection and law enforcement in lake Malawi national park. Conservation Biology. 13(2): 418-421. Adams W M; Aveling R, Brockington D, Dickson B, Elliott J, Hutton J, Roe D, Vira B, Wolmer W (2004) Biodiversity conservation and the eradication of poverty. Science. 306(5699): 1146-1149. Adhikari Keshav R; (2009) Irrigation intervention: a strategy for conserving biodiversity and improving food security in Royal Chitwan National Park buffer zone, Nepal. . (Journal Article): . Agbogidi Oghenerioborue Mary; Ofuoku Albert Ukaro; (2006) Biodiversity conservation and poverty alleviation in the Niger Delta area of Nigeria. Agriculturae Conspectus Scientificus. 71(3): 103-110. Agrawal Arun, Redford Kent (2006) Poverty, development, and biodiversity conservation: shooting in the dark?. ://ZOOREC:ZOOR14302012783 Akama J S; Lant C L; Burnett G W; (1995) CONFLICTING ATTITUDES TOWARD STATE WILDLIFE CONSERVATION PROGRAMS IN KENYA. Society & Natural Resources. 8(2): 133-144. Alcorn Janis B; Zarzycki Alejo, de la Cruz , Luis Maria (2010) Poverty, governance and conservation in the Gran Chaco of South America. Biodiversity (Ottawa). 11(1-2, Sp. Iss. SI): 39-44. Ali I M; Maskill R (2004) Functional wildlife parks: The views of Kenyan children who live with them. Natural Resources Forum. 28(3): 205-215. Alpizar F (2006) The pricing of protected areas in nature-based tourism: A local perspective. Ecological Economics. 56(2): 294-307. Amita Shah (2004) Linking conservation with livelihood: lessons from management of Gir-protected area in Western India. . (148): 42 pp.. Ancrenaz Marc, Dabek Lisa, O'Neil Susan (2007) The costs of exclusion: Recognizing a role for local communities in biodiversity conservation. Plos Biology. 5(11): 2443-2448. Anitha V, Muraleedharan P K; Binilkumar A S; (2006) Human-related constraints in protected area management - manifestations and causatives. Economic and Political Weekly. 41(10): 919-924. Aumeeruddy-Thomas Y (2003) Power conflicts and representations at the interface between societies and protected areas: the Kerinci Seblat national park in Indonesia. Bois et Forêts des Tropiques. (278): 77-92. Axford Joanna C; Hockings Marc T; Carter R W. Bill; (2008) What Constitutes Success in Pacific Island Community Conserved Areas?. Ecology and Society. 13(2): . Axford Joanna C; Hockings Marc T; Carter R W. Bill; (2008) What Constitutes Success in Pacific Island Community Conserved Areas?. Ecology and Society. 13(2): . Badola R, Hussain S A; (2003) Conflict in paradise: Women and Exclusion Reason Exclude - methods not clear Exclude 3 Not seeking people's views Exclude 3 Not seeking people's views Exclude 3 Not seeking people's views Exclude 5 Not empirical study An overview or review of the literature Exclude 5 Not empirical study An overview or review of the literature Exclude 4 Publication date pre1992 Exclude - methods not clear Exclude - methods not clear Exclude 3 Not seeking people's views Exclude 3 Not seeking people's views Exclude 3 Not seeking people's views Exclude 3 Not seeking people's views Exclude 3 Not seeking people's views Exclude - methods not clear Exclude 2 Not about protected areas Exclude 3 Not seeking people's protected areas in the Indian Himalayas. Mountain Research and Development. 23(3): 234-237. Barbic A (1992) Social typology of (rural) households as an element of rural spatial and economic development planning. Socialna tipologija (kmeckih) gospodinjstev kot sestavina strokovnih osnov prostorskega in gospodarskega nacrtovanja razvoja podezelja. 21-22: 40-55. Barkin D (2003) Alleviating poverty through ecotourism: Promises and reality in the Monarch butterfly reserve of Mexico. Environment, Development and Sustainability. 5(3-4): 371-382. Basset Karine-Larissa (2010) Forms, stakeholders and challenges of participation in the creation of the Cevennes National Park (1950-1970). Revue De Geographie Alpine-Journal of Alpine Research. 98(1): 55-67. Bateman I J; Langford I H; (1997) Non-users' willingness to pay for a national park: an application and critique of the contingent valuation method. Regional Studies. 31(6): 571-582. Bearth Thomas, Baya Joseph (2010) Civil war and ecological resilience: The case of the Mont Sangbe National Park in Western Cote d'ivoire. Cahiers Agricultures. 19(3): 220-226. Belova Svetlana U; (2007) Protected areas and benefits: Russian experience. In: Jokimaki J KaisanlahtiJokimaki M. L. Tuulentie S. Laine K. Uu; Environment, Local Society and Sustainable Tourism. : , pages 119-124. Bennett N, Lemelin R H; Johnston M (2010) Using the social economy in tourism: a study of national park creation and community development in the Northwest Territories, Canada. Journal of Rural and Community Development. 5(1): 200-220. Bhatt Seema (2003) Linking livelihoods with conservation - An enterprise-based approach to Biosphere Reserve management. Journal of the National Science Foundation of Sri Lanka. 31(1-2): 147-158. Bilbao Bibiana A; Leal Alejandra V; Mendez Carlos L; (2010) Indigenous Use of Fire and Forest Loss in Canaima National Park, Venezuela. Assessment of and Tools for Alternative Strategies of Fire Management in Pemn Indigenous Lands. Human Ecology. 38(5): 663673. Bin Muzaffar, Sabir , Islam M Anwarul; Kabir Dihider Shahriar; Khan Mamunul Hoque; Ahmed Farid Uddin; Chowdhury Gawsia Wahidunnessa; Aziz M Abdul; Chakma Suprio, Jahan Israt (2011) The endangered forests of Bangladesh: why the process of implementation of the Convention on Biological Diversity is not working. Biodiversity and Conservation. 20(7): 1587-1601. Binot A, Hanon L, Joiris D V; Dulieu D (2009) The challenge of participatory natural resource management with mobile herders at the scale of a Sub-Saharan African protected area. . 18(10): 2645-2662. Binot Aurelie, Castel Vincent, Caron Alexandre (2006) Wildlife/livestock interface in subSaharan Africa. Secheresse (Montrouge). 17(1-2): 349-361. Blaney S (2009) Nutritional status and dietary adequacy in rural communities of a protected area in Gabon. . (Journal Article): . Blaney S, Beaudry M, Latham M (2009) Contribution of natural resources to nutritional status in a protected area of Gabon. Food and Nutrition Bulletin. 30(1): 49-62. Blaney S, Beaudry M, Latham M (2009) Determinants of undernutrition in rural communities of a protected area in Gabon. Public Health Nutrition. 12(10): 1711-1725. views Exclude 5 Not empirical study An overview or review of the literature Exclude 5 Not empirical study An overview or review of the literature Exclude 3 Not seeking people's views Exclude 3 Not seeking people's views Exclude 3 Not seeking people's views Exclude - methods not clear Exclude - methods not clear Exclude 3 Not seeking people's views Exclude 3 Not seeking people's views Exclude 3 Not seeking people's views Exclude 5 Not empirical study An overview or review of the literature Exclude 3 Not seeking people's views Exclude 3 Not seeking people's views Exclude - methods not clear Exclude - methods not clear Blouch R A; (2010) Zoning for people within Indonesia's Kerinci Seblat National Park. Journal of Sustainable Forestry. 29(2/4): 432-450. Bodesmo M, Pacicco L, Romano B, Ranfa A (2011) The role of environmental and socio-demographic indicators in the analysis of land use changes in a protected area of the Natura 2000 Network: the case study of Lake Trasimeno, Umbria, Central Italy. Environ Monit Assess. : . Bolland L P; Drew A P; Vergara-Tenorio C (2006) Analysis of a natural resources management system in the Calakmul Biosphere Reserve. Landscape and Urban Planning. 74(3-4): 223-241. Bond A C; (2009) Contextual analysis of agroforestry adoption in the buffer zone of Podocarpus National Park, Ecuador. Journal of Sustainable Forestry. 28(6/7): 825-843. Bondya S L; Singh K P; Khanna K K; (2009) Exploitation of ethnomedicinal plants and their marketing status in Achanakmar-Amarkantak Biosphere Reserve. Journal of Tropical Forestry. 25(1/2): 33-37. Bonheur N, Lane B D; (2002) Natural resources management for human security in Cambodia's Tonle Sap biosphere reserve. Environmental Science and Policy. 5(1): 33-41. Bonta M (2005) Becoming-forest, becoming-local: transformations of a protected area in Honduras. Geoforum. 36(1): 95-112. Bookbinder M P; Dinerstein E, Rijal A, Cauley H, Rajouria A (1998) Ecotourism's support of biodiversity conservation. Conservation Biology. 12(6): 1399-1404. Booth K (2009) Applying the Beneficial Outcomes Approach (BOA) to protected area management planning on Stewart Island/Rakiura, New Zealand. Botha J, Witkowski E T. F; Shackleton C M; Fairbanks D H. K; (2004) Socio-economic differentiation in the trade of wildlife species for traditional medicines in the Lowveld, South Africa: Implications for resource management initiatives. International Journal of Sustainable Development and World Ecology. 11(3): 280-297. Braimah I, Tudzi E P; Baah-Ennumh T Y; (2009) Land tenure as a challenge to the sustainability of the Amokwao Community Resource Management Area in Ghana. Journal of Sustainable Development in Africa. 11(1): 128-148. 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Exclude 3 Not seeking people's views Exclude 3 Not seeking people's views Exclude 3 Not seeking people's views Exclude 3 Not seeking people's views Exclude 3 Not seeking people's views Exclude 3 Not seeking people's views Exclude 3 Not seeking people's views Exclude 3 Not seeking people's views Exclude 2 Not about protected areas Exclude 2 Not about protected areas Exclude 3 Not seeking people's views Exclude 3 Not seeking people's views Exclude 3 Not seeking people's views Exclude 3 Not seeking people's views Exclude 3 Not seeking people's views Exclude - methods not clear Brockington D, Igoe J, Schmidt-Soltau K (2006) Conservation, human rights, and poverty reduction. Conservation Biology. 20(1): 250-252. Brockington D, Schmidt-Soltau K (2004) The social and environmental impacts of wilderness and development. Oryx. 38(2): 140-142. Brown Kerry A; Flynn Dan F. 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Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 108(34): 13951-13956. Chardonnet P, Soto B, Fritz H, Crosmary W, Drouet-Hoguet N, Mesochina P, Pellerin M, Mallon D, Bakker L, Boulet H, Lamarque F (2010) Managing the conflicts between people and lion: review and insights from the literature and field experience. Rome: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. Chatelard G (2003) Conflicts of interest over the Wadi Rum Reserve: were they avoidable? A socio-political critique. Nomadic Peoples. 7(1): 138-158. Chicchon Avecita (2009) Working with indigenous peoples to conserve nature: Examples from Latin America. Conservation and Society. 7: 15. Clark S G; Cherney D N; Ashton M S; (2009) Development and environmental challenges, Podocarpus National Park, Ecuador. Journal of Sustainable Forestry. 28(6/7): 597-613. Clemmer R O; (2004) "The legal effect of the judgment": Indian land claims, ecological anthropology, social impact assessment, and the public domain. Human Organization. 63(3): 334-345. Colchester M (2004) Conservation policy and indigenous peoples. Environmental Science & Policy. 7(3): 145-153. Colchester M (2004) Conservation policy and indigenous peoples. Environmental Science & Policy. 7(3): 145-153. Collier N, Boedhihartono A K; Sayer J (2009) Indigenous livelihoods and the global environment: Understanding relationships. : . Collier Neil, Campbell Bruce M; Sandker Marieke, Garnett Stephen T; Sayer Jeffrey, Boedhihartono Agni Klintuni; (2011) Science for action: the use of scoping models in conservation and development. Environmental Science & Policy. 14(6): 628-638. Connor T (2005) Place, belonging and population displacement: New ecological reserves in Mozambique and South Africa. Development Southern Africa. 22(3): 365-382. Coomes O T; Barham B L; Takasaki Y (2004) Targeting conservationdevelopment initiatives in tropical forests: insights from analyses of rain forest use and economic reliance among Amazonian peasants. Exclude 3 Not seeking people's views Exclude 3 Not seeking people's views Exclude 2 Not about protected areas Exclude 3 Not seeking people's views Exclude 3 Not seeking people's views Exclude 3 Not seeking people's views Exclude 3 Not seeking people's views Exclude 3 Not seeking people's views Exclude 3 Not seeking people's views Exclude - methods not clear Exclude - methods not clear Exclude 5 Not empirical study An overview or review of the literature Exclude - methods not clear Exclude 2 Not about protected areas Exclude 5 Not empirical study An overview or review of the literature Exclude 3 Not seeking people's views Ecological Economics. 51(1-2): 47-64. 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Dudley Nigel, Higgins-Zogib Liza, Mansourian Stephanie (2009) The Links between Protected Areas, Faiths, and Sacred Natural Sites. Conservation Biology. 23(3): 568-577. Dudley Nigel, Mansourian Stephanie, Stolton Sue, Suksuwan Surin (2010) Do protected areas contribute to poverty reduction?. Biodiversity (Ottawa). 11(3-4): 5-7. Durbin J C; Ralambo J A; (1994) THE ROLE OF LOCAL PEOPLE IN THE SUCCESSFUL MAINTENANCE OF PROTECTED AREAS IN MADAGASCAR. Environmental Conservation. 21(2): 115-120. Durrant J O; Shumway J M; (2004) Attitudes toward wilderness study areas: A survey of six southeastern Utah counties. Environmental Management. 33(2): 271-283. Duthy Stephen (2002) Whian Whian--State Forest or National Park: Community Attitudes and Economic Values. Economic Analysis and Policy, 32(2), Special Issue June 2002, pp. 91-111. : . 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