Category Managers Supplier Data Portal Reports

Date: July 2015
Category Managers Supplier Data Portal
This QuickGuide contains information on:
Overview to Reporting Functionality
Report Definitions
Running Reports
Search and Comparison Views
Overview to Reporting Functionality
This quickguide has been made available to NSW Government Agencies to assist with easily
reviewing supplier data loaded in to the Supplier Data Portal. The quickguide should be used
in conjunction with the Category Managers Supplier Data Portal quickguide.
Category Managers are tasked with reviewing supplier catalogues to ensure they are in line
with Agency contractual agreements. This includes (but not limited to), reviewing pricing and
liaising with suppliers if there are any queries concerning the updates they are providing.
There are multiple reports available to Category Managers to assist with reviewing supplier
data, however depending on the contractual requirements for the items to be reviewed, you
may need to combine reports to leverage the information needed to assist with decision making
on approving or rejecting the supplier catalogue.
When discussing with suppliers the requirements for uploading their data, please refer them to
the supplier training information available on ProcurePoint Supplier training simulations1
Report Definitions
The reports available to Category Managers are also able to be run by Suppliers through the
catalogue explorer functionality.
The first report run in the Supplier Data Portal is the Validation report. This is a system generated
report that requires review by the Category Manager.
The Validation report lists the validation steps automatically run and the results of whether the
importation of the supplier catalogue was successful, noting the changes that have been made
compared to the Suppliers last catalogue update.
Please refer to the Category Managers Supplier Data Portal quickguide for additional
information on the Validation report.
Department of Finance, Services & Innovation
P: 1800 679 289 E: |
Category Managers Supplier Data Portal Reports
Reports that are available within the system include:
a. Classification Comparison – to compare new and old UNSCPC codes the supplier
has selected. Fields displayed includes:
i. Item number
ii. Short description
iii. Manufacturer
iv. Manufacturer ID number
v. Long description
vi. Old classification product class
vii. New classification product class
b. Classification Features Comparison – similar fields to the classification
comparison. Includes the feature name and value (if provided by supplier) and
compares items provided.
c. Classification Features – similar fields to the classification comparison, but includes
the feature name and value (if provided by supplier)
d. Marketing Data – displays the lead times and image names. Fields displayed
i. Item number
ii. Short description
iii. Long description
iv. Manufacturer
v. Lead time
vi. Image file names
e. Multimedia Information Comparison – reviews the multimedia information the
supplier attached.
f. Order Information Comparison – reviews new and old lead times, prices per unit
and minimum order quantities. Fields displayed includes:
i. Item number
ii. Short Description
iii. Manufacturer
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Category Managers Supplier Data Portal Reports
iv. Unit price
v. Minimum order quantity
vi. Order unit
g. Price Comparison Contract Price – reviews difference in price from previous
updates. Fields displayed includes:
i. Item number
ii. Short description
iii. Lead time
iv. Contract price
v. Current price
vi. Price difference
h. Price Comparison – reviews the difference of the current price submitted compared
to previous. Fields displayed includes:
i. Item number
ii. Short description
iii. Current price
iv. Comparison price
v. Price difference
Price List Detailed – reviews contract validity dates and price. Fields displayed
i. Item number
ii. Short description
iii. Lead time
iv. Price
v. Valid from
vi. Valid to
vii. Price type
Price List Short – contains the same fields as the price list detailed report.
k. Standard Images – reviews lead time and image format. Fields displayed includes:
i. Item number
ii. Short description
iii. Manufacturer
iv. Manufacturer number
v. Lead time
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P: 1800 679 289 E: |
Category Managers Supplier Data Portal Reports
vi. Image format
Standard – same report as standard images but does not display the image
Remember to combine reports if you require a combination of the information presented in the
individual reports.
Running Reports
Reports are accessed through the catalogue explorer functionality.
1. Locate the catalogue to be reviewed and click on the magnifying glass icon (catalogue
explorer icon).
2. The catalogue explorer screen displays.
3. Select the individual items to be reviewed, or tick the select all box at the top of the page
next to the Item number. Clicking on one, or all boxes, activates the output format icons
i.e. the excel, csv and pdf formats.
4. Select the Report required from the drop down box i.e. standard, price list detailed etc.
Refer to Report definitions earlier in this document for types of reports available.
5. Select the output format required from excel, csv or pdf. The file generation window
Department of Finance, Services & Innovation
P: 1800 679 289 E: |
Category Managers Supplier Data Portal Reports
6. Click download to download the report.
7. Select either open to open the file, save to save the file to your computer or cancel to no
longer download the report.
Search and Comparison Views
Reviewers and Suppliers are able to search and compare current versions of catalogues to
older versions. Depending on parameters selected within the search functionality additional
fields may display i.e. under advanced when selecting items that have been deleted a version
to be compared field displays.
To search and/or compare different versions of catalogues:
1. Locate the catalogue to be reviewed and click on the magnifying glass icon (catalogue
explorer icon).
2. The catalogue explorer screen displays.
3. Select Item search. The Item search window displays.
4. There are 2 search options to select from:
• Search – you are able to set the parameters for each field i.e. starts with, exactly,
contains etc. Fields to search include:
• Catalogue version to be checked
• Item number
• EAN (international article number)
• Manufacturer
• Manufacturer item number
• Language
• Short description
• type
• Advanced – contains general field settings and filter settings. . Fields to search
• Search for items with additional parameters including to search without
keywords, without descriptions, that are not classified etc.
• Catalogue version to be checked
Department of Finance, Services & Innovation
P: 1800 679 289 E: |
Category Managers Supplier Data Portal Reports
• Classification system
• Product class
• Release status
5. Once the parameters of the search or advanced search are selected, click on the
Search text located top left hand corner of screen.
6. The results of the search display.
7. The details are then able to be extracted into an excel, csv or pdf file.
Further Information
Further information is available via email from the NSW Procurement Support Centre2 or on
1800 679 289.
Department of Finance, Services & Innovation
P: 1800 679 289 E: |