2014 YHRP mid-year monitoring Summary gender sensitive indicators Yemen currently ranks last in the Gender Gap Index 1 and the Gender Inequality Index 2. In various domains such as education, livelihood opportunities, protection and political representation indicators display severe disparities between men and women. Concretely, in the humanitarian context, direct access to all groups of the population as recipients is a major challenge. Even if humanitarian stakeholders have established mechanisms to overcome the difficulties on the ground, a number of obstacles remain in order to reach out to women, boys and girls and ensure they are the final beneficiaries of humanitarian interventions. Aware of this critical situation, the Yemen HCT and OCHA have committed to take concrete steps towards ensuring gender equality throughout the humanitarian response, with the objective to make sure that women, girls, boys and men of all ages and backgrounds have access to humanitarian assistance and protection that cater to their distinct needs and experiences. A Strategic Objective has been included in the Yemen Humanitarian Response Plan (YHRP) “Ensure meaningful participation and equitable access to services, resources, and protection measures for women, girls, boys, and men”, including 6 indicators. In addition, other Strategic Objectives or Cluster Hight priority activities also includes some gender sensitive indicators. This document presents the achievements made in all these idicators in the first half of the year, and provides some suggestions to the clusters to improve when needed. In the annex these indicators are more detailed. Strategic objective n.5 Strategic Objective 5 promotes gender equality across the humanitarian response, ensuring that women, girls, boys and men of all ages and backgrounds have access to assistance and protection they need. All clusters, with the exception of Logistic Cluster, are accountable to this objective. Achievements Progress on this Strategic Objective has been encouraging, as partners have worked hard to incorporate gender and age analysis into their planning and implementation. All the HPC phases have deeply taken into consideration the gender dimension. In fact, the Inter-Agency Standing Committee (IASC) Gender Reference Group has designated the Yemen Humanitarian Response Plan as a best practice in terms of integrating gender concerns across the strategy. Gender Marker rates among YHRP projects uploaded to the Online Project System (OPS) are the highest across all 2014 strategic response plans: 83 per cent of projects were rated as “gender mainstreamed” (code 2a) or “gender-targeted” (code 2b). Partners have also worked to ensure that workshops, consultations, training and other forums include participation and perspectives of women, girls, boys and men. Of all indicators, only one is slightly off track: ensuring female participation in assessments. However, the rate at mid-year came very close to the overall target, and this objective is achievable by year end. Partners have also made considerable strides in data: of 11 clusters and sub-clusters, 10 are collecting sexand age-disaggregated data (SADD). A common reporting tool (the “Single Reporting Format”) has been elaborated including the number of women, men, boys and girls reached by each cluster. 1 2 Gender-Gap Index: see World Economic Forum, Gender Gap Index 2014. Gender Inequality Index: see UNDP Human Development Report 2014. 2014 YHRP mid-year monitoring | Gender Equality Performance |2 Indicator Baseline and target Mid-year result Gender inequality and the status of women and girls, as well as men and boys, are considered throughout the HPC Baseline: NO Target: YES YES All cluster partners workshops, consultations, and strategic forums safely ensure the engagement and participation of women and girls Baseline: NO Target: YES YES Assessments conducted by cluster partners have female assessors, and participation of females from the affected populations Baseline: n/a Target: 90% 86% Clusters have an access and participation plan to ensure accountability to all affected populations, that includes women, girls, boys and men of different ages, physical ability, tribal and geographical background Baseline: none Target: All clusters No data Data collected for humanitarian activities at cluster level are disaggregated by sex and age. (further disaggregation by disability, diversity, ethnicity as appropriate) Baseline: n/a Target: 90% 92% 2015 SRP projects identify and address the different needs of women, girls, boys and men Baseline: n/a Target: 0% projects coded 0 Target: 75% 2a+2b projects3 1% coded 0 83% coded 2a and 2b Recommendations In the following months the HCT, the Intercluster Mechanisim and the clusters are adiviced to: 3 Maintain the strong senior management engagement to ensure gender equality continues to be prioritized at strategical and operational level. Ensure the strategic efforts are reflected in operational activities, by a strong follow up of the 83% projects coded 2a or 2b en the IASC gender markers. Maintain a good gender mainstreaming score on the next project proposals (OPS, ERF, and CERF). Continue the systematic collection of sex and age disaggregated data, and enhance efforts regarding their analysis to ensure numbers lead to policy and programming. Create the conditions to include female staff in the assessment teams and ensure men, women, boys and girls from the affected population are consulted. Diversify and increase gender expertise inside the clusters and in the HCT Enhance the visibility of GBV needs and mainstream GBV prevention and response (including PSEA4), throughout clusters and humanitarian interventions. Reporting mechanisms need to be reinforced. ISAC Gender Marker (GM): Code 2A: gender mainstreaming. Potential to contribute significantly to gender equality. Code 2B: targeted action. Project's principal purpose is to advance gender equality. Code 1: Potential lto contribute in some limited way to gender equality. Code 0: no visible potential to contribute to gender equality. 4 Prevention from Sexual Expliotation and Abuse by UN and related personel 2014 YHRP mid-year monitoring | Gender Equality Performance |3 Cluster performance Beside being accountable to the strategic objective n. 5 indicators, each cluster has also been accountable for specific sectoral gender sensitive indicators. In this mid-year review each cluster has selected some indicators to report on. The rest of the indicators will be monitored at the end of the year. Food Security and Agriculture Achievements Recommendations 67% of the projects uploaded in the OPS during the first 6 months of the year are gender mainstreamed (code 2a GM). Enhance the ratio of gender mainstreamed projects (code 2a GM) among the projects approved by the cluster (OPS, ERF, CERF). 100% of the cluster partners workshops, consultations, and strategic forums ensure the engagement and participation of women and girls. Enhance gender sensitive needs assessments, promoting the inclusion of female staff in the assessment teams and ensuring men and women of different ages are consulted. 75% of the assessments conducted by cluster partners have female assessors, and consult females from the affected populations. Enhance sex and age disaggregated data collection, reporting and use for programming purposes. 75% of data collected for humanitarian activities at cluster level is disaggregated by sex and age. Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Achievements Recommendations 65% of the projects uploaded in the OPS during the first 6 months of the year are gender mainstreamed (code 2a GM). Enhance the ratio of gender mainstreamed projects (code 2a GM) among the projects approuved by the cluster (OPS, ERF, CERF). 100% of the cluster partners workshops, consultations, and strategic forums safely ensure the engagement and participation of women and girls. Enhance sex and age disaggregated data collection, reporting and use for programming purposes. Promote equitable access to WASH services for men, women, boys and girls by implementing the five WASH Minimum Commitments for the Safety and Dignity of Affected Populations”. 100% of the assessments conducted by cluster partners have female assessors, and participation of females from the affected populations. 90% of data collected for humanitarian activities at cluster level is disaggregated by sex and age, but disaggregated data is not used in strategic documents as HNO or YHRP. 2014 YHRP mid-year monitoring | Gender Equality Performance |4 Health Achievements Recommendations Boys and girls have an equitable access to health facilities (each one represent the 24% of the consultations through the eDEWS programme). Women more than 15 years old have benefit from more consultations (33% of the total), reflecting the higher health response to maternal health. Men represent the 22%of the consultations. Some indicators related to the morbidity of diarrhea and peumonica were supposed to be disaggregated related, but the national collection system did not allow the disaggregation. These indicator need to be reviewed, or the disaggregated data need to be collected by other systems. 89% of the projects uploaded in the OPS during the first 6 months of the year are gender mainstreamed (78% code 2a GM) or are addressing a specific gender gap (11% code 2b GM) Undertake deeper analysis on the number of consultations disaagregated by gender and age in conflict affected areas, to track if any group face more difficulties to access health facilities. 100% of the cluster partners workshops, consultations, and strategic forums safely ensure the engagement and participation of women and girls. At least 90% of the assessments conducted by cluster partners have female assessors, and participation of females from the affected populations Disaggregated data is collected and used in strategic documents as HNO and SRP Nutrition Achievements Recommendations 91% of the projects uploaded in the OPS during the first 6 months of the year are gender mainstreamed (code 2a GM). 100% of the cluster partners workshops, consultations, and strategic forums safely ensure the engagement and participation of women and girls. Cluster partners ensure male and female health staff are trained to better respond to nutrition cases. 41% of the total people trained are female staff. SAM and MAM rates in Yemen indicates that boys are more affected. However, the nutrition cluster’s indicators show that girls have benefited more from the interventions (52-54% depending on the treatment). Cluster partners need to do a deeper analysis and address this inequity. 97% of the community volunteers trained on infant and young child feeding good practices are female, in coherence with the cluster strategy that targets mothers/care takers for the education and councelling activities. However, men are often the decision makers in the family, including the decision about the budget allocated to food and about the preferred food consumed in the household. Cluster partners are encouraged to target men in the awareness raising and education activities, and consequently, train male volunteers. 100% of the assessments conducted by cluster partners have female assessors, and participation of females from the affected populations 80% of data is collected, analyzed disseminated accurately and timely. and 2014 YHRP mid-year monitoring | Gender Equality Performance |5 Shelter/NFI Achievements Recommendations 100 % of the projects uploaded in the OPS during the first 6 months of the year are gender mainstreamed (code 2a GM). 100% of the cluster partners workshops, consultations, and strategic forums safely ensure the engagement and participation of women and girls. But 70% of the participants to the CCCM trainings are male staff among local authorities, local communities and cluster members. 100% of the assessments conducted by cluster partners have female assessors, and participation of females from the affected populations. 100% data collected for humanitarian activities at cluster level is disaggregated by sex and age, but disaggregated data is not used in strategic documents as HNO or YHRP. Strengthen female participation in the capacity building activities. Enhance sex and age disaggregated data reporting and use for programming purposes. Protection 5 Achievements Recommendations 88% of the projects uploaded in the OPS during the first 6 months of the year are gender mainstreamed (72% code 2a GM) or address a specific gender gap (16% code 2b GM). 100% of the cluster partners workshops, consultations, and strategic forums ensure the engagement and participation of women and girls. At least 30% of the participants in the communitybased protection networks, the camp management committees and other influential for a are women, marginalized group and youth. Enhance sex and aged disaggregated data collection, analysis, reporting and use for programming purposes. The cluster has not provided disaggregate data of the indicator “# of vulnerable individuals (sex disaggregated), including children, identified and assisted with protection services (psychosocial support/violence prevention, legal aid and counseling, etc.)” 30 per cent of participants in community-based committees are women, members of marginalized groups or youth. Undertake steps to ensure that this participation is meaningful, i.e., that these participants express their opinions, that these opinions are heard and included in decision making. 90% of the assessments conducted by cluster partners have female assessors, and participation of females from the affected populations 90% of data collected for humanitarian activities at cluster level is disaggregated by sex and age, but disaggregated data is not used in strategic documents as HNO or YHRP. The 20% targeted reported cases of human rights violations (including child) have been addressed and responded to in a gender sensitive manner. This has been achieved by ensuring violations are responded to equally, irrespective of the gender of the victim; by ensuring the confidentiality of cases and by ensuring support provided to victims addresses the different gender needs. 5 Indicators related with Gender Marker codes, gender sensitive assessments and female participants in workshops, consultations and strategic forums include Protection and the two subclusters: Child Protection and GBV. 2014 YHRP mid-year monitoring | Gender Equality Performance |6 Child protection Achievements Recommendations Boys/girls and men/women have benefited in an equitable way from the life saving mine risk education (MRE) activities (Children: 41% girls and 59% boys. Adults: 40% women and 60% men). However boys who are much more vulnerable to injury/death (77% of child mine and UXO incidents) are not receiving MRE in proportion. However, reaching a higher rate of female adults/parents is highly justified in terms of the indirect effect on boys. 78 staff (35% male and 65 % female) from various governmental organisations have been trained in MRE. More stress is put in female MRE training, to compensate their underrepresentation among MRE educators. Boys and girls benefit in an equitable way from the Psychosocial Support Services (PSS) through Child Friendly Spaces (CFS) or group or individual counselling sessions, (45% were girls and 56% boys). Sex and aged disaggregated data is collected at cluster level, but it’s not used in strategic documents as HNO or YHRP. Enhance sex and age disaggregated data use in strategic documents for programming purposes. GBV Achievements Recommendations Estimated 5.250 cases received referral and response services through 13 referral mechanisms in the first half of the year. Services include health, clinical management of rape, psychosocial support, legal redress and safe shelter, as well as livelihood activities for survivors. Partners receive very minor numbers of GBV male cases (estimated 1% men and 3% boys of total GBV reported cases) – where survivors are not willing to file their case. In such circumstances, it is very hard to grasp the needs of males when it comes to GBV. Partners raised awareness on GBV prevention and response in the first half of the year, including periodic workshops on reintegration of GBV survivors and training for 640 service providers and health workers (39% male). Men are getting more involved in GBV prevention and response. Adopt specific actions to meet the critical needs of men and boys. Enhance the analysis of GBV related data. The cluster has not provided accurate data on the number of cases reported throught the referral mechanisims during the period January to June 2014. Data needs to be sex and age disaggregated and used for programming purposes. 2014 YHRP mid-year monitoring | Gender Equality Performance Multi-Sector for Refugees and Migrants Achievements 88% of the projects uploaded in the OPS during the first 6 months of the year are gender mainstreamed (code 2a GM). 100% of data collected for humanitarian activities at cluster level is disaggregated by sex and age, and disaggregated data is used in strategic documents as HNO or YHRP. Boy migrants benefit in proportion more from the health assistance than the rest of the groups (boys represent 3% of the total migrants, but 5% of the health beneficiaries). Unaccompanied minors – mostly boys – are prirotized for all interventions, inluding access to health assistance. Female migrants benefit in proportion less from the access to safe and clean water and from the access to emergency latrines facilities than the rest of the groups (women and girls represent 5% of the total migrants, but 3% of the safe and clean water beneficiaries). But women and girls are frequently referred to safe accommodation, including WASH facilities. Males are the main targets for the emergency water and latrines. Women, boys and girls migrants have benefit in proportion more from the shelter materials and NFI kits (the ratio % total migrants / % shelter and NFI beneficiaries are: women 3/10, girls 2/4 and boys 3/7). These groups are the main targets, especially women and girls, who are provided with dignity kits that include culturally adapted clothes and female hygiene items. Boys benefit in proportion more from voluntary return assistance. They represent 30% of voluntary returns, even thought they are the 17% of total registered African migrants. Unnaccompanied minors, mostly boys, are prioritized for voluntary return assistance. Recommendations |7 2014 YHRP mid-year monitoring | Gender Equality Performance |8 Education Achievements Recommendations 83 % of the projects uploaded in the OPS during the first 6 months of the year are gender mainstreamed (code 2a GM). 100% of the rehabilitated latrines in mixed schools are separated for boys and girls. In Yemen, the level of girls’ out-of-school rate is much higher than boys’. They are 63% of the outof-school children. Responding to this specific gap the education clusters partners make efforts to promote girl’s enrollement: 83 % of the out-ofschool children enrolled in the first 6 months are girls. 100% of the cluster partners workshops, consultations, and strategic forums safely ensure the engagement and participation of women and girls. 40% of the assessments conducted by cluster partners have female assessors, and participation of females from the affected populations. 90% of data collected for humanitarian activities at cluster level is disaggregated by sex and age, and disaggregated data is used in strategic documents as HNO or YHRP. Enhance gender sensitive needs assessments, promoting the inclusion of female staff in the assessment teams and ensuring men and women of different ages are consulted. Enhance sex and aged disaggregated data analysis and reporting. The cluster has not provided disaggregate data of the indicator “# of children (sex disaggregated) with access to safe and child-friendly schools”. Early Recovery Achievements 96% of the projects uploaded in the OPS during the first 6 months of the year are gender mainstreamed (87% code 2a GM) or address a specific gender gap (9% code 2b GM). 100% of the cluster partners workshops, consultations, and strategic forums ensure the engagement and participation of women and girls. 41% of the national NGOs staff trained on defined capacity-building modules are women. 100% of the assessments conducted by cluster partners have female assessors, and participation of females from the affected populations. 100% of data collected for humanitarian activities at cluster level is disaggregated by sex and age, but disaggregated data is not used in strategic documents as HNO or YHRP. Recommendations Enhance sex and aged disaggregated data analysis, reporting and use in strategic documents for programming purposes. 2014 YHRP mid-year monitoring | Gender Equality Performance |9 Annex: data from the clusters The 2014 Mid-Year Gender Equality performance has been base in the following indicators and information provided by the clusters. Stategic objective n. 5 indicators # 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 Baseli ne Target Early Recov. Educat ion Health Food Sec. MultiSector Nutriti on Prot ectio n Shelter /NFIs/ CCCM WASH Gender inequality and the status of women and girls, as well as men and boys, are considered throughout the HPC No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes yes Yes Yes Yes Yes All cluster partners workshops, consultations, and strategic forums safely ensure the engagement and participation of women and girls No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes n/a Yes Yes Yes Yes Assessments conducted by cluster partners have female assessors, and participation of females from the affected populations n/a 90% 100% 40% ≥ 90% 75% n/a 100% ≥ 90% 100% 100% Clusters have an access and participation plan to ensure accountability to all affected populations, that includes women, girls, boys and men of different ages, physical ability, tribal and geographical background None All clusters Activity planned 2nd half of the year Data collected for humanitarian activities at cluster level are disaggregated by sex and age. (further disaggregation by disability, diversity, ethnicity as appropriate) n/a 90% 100% 90% ≥ 90% 75% 100% 100% ≥ 90% 100% 90% n/a 0% coded “0” 0% 0% 0% 4% 0% 0% 4% 0% 0% 75% coded “2a or 2b” 96% 83% 89% 67% 88% 91% 88% 100% 65% Indicator 2014 SRP projects identify and address the different needs of women, girls, boys and men 2014 YHRP mid-year monitoring | Gender Equality Performance | 10 Cluster’s information and indicators Food security S.O. 5 High-priority activity Indicator(s) Target As of 1 July Food Security and Agriculture assessments designed and implemented with appropriate disaggregation of data. % of assessments with sex and age disaggregation 90% of assessments 75% of assessments WASH No specific gender senstitive indicators analyzed Health 1,807,589 consultations through the eDEWS programme; 2,764 alerts verified and investigated (24% boys and 24% girls under 15, 22% men and 30% women) S.O. High-priority activity Indicator(s) Target As of 1 July Support outreach and mobile teams to vulnerable populations, reaching girls,boys, women and men No. of children (boys and girls) with diarrhoea and pneumonia treated 50,000 No disaggregated data has been provided High-priority activity Indicator(s) Target As of 1 July 1 Treatment of severely acutely malnourished (SAM) girls and boys under age five # of SAM boys and girls 659 months admitted to OTP 156,386 Total: 92,456 Girls: 54% (49,975) Boys: 46% (42,481) 1 Case management of moderate acute malnourished (MAM) girls and boys of 6-59 months # of MAM (boys and girls 6-59 months admitted to TSFP 262,350 Total: 135,807 Girls: 52% (70,634) Boys: 48% (65,172) Targeted Supplementary Feeding Programme (TSFP) for wasted PLW # of PLW admitted to TSFP 235,100 61,615 Micronutrient supplementats for girls and boys under five and enrolled in community-based management of acute malnutrition(CMAM) programme as per the national protocol # of boys and girls 6-59 months with acute malnutrition provided with Micronutrient supplementation while being admitted to CMAM programme 329,918 Total: 228,262 Girls: 53% (120,609) Boys: 47% (107,653) Timely detection and referral of acutely malnourished girls and boys under five and PLW to CMAM programme # of boys and girls 6-59 months screened and referred for acute malnutrition. 1,256,208 boys and girls Total: 304,238 Girls: 54% (164,448) Boys: 46% (139,789) # of PLW screened and referred for acute malnutrition 470,200 PLW 61,615 PLW # Male and female health workers trained on Integrated CMAM package 2,124 Total: 917 Female: 41% (380) Male: 59% (537) 3 Nutrition S.O. 2 Train nutrition service providers to use Integrated CMAM Programme 2014 YHRP mid-year monitoring | Gender Equality Performance Train community volunteers in use of integrated package to enhance case finding and referral of acutely malnourished children # of Male and female community volunteers trained to use integrated community health package module 6,132 Total: 1160 Female: 97% (1,125) Male: 3% (35) 3 Provide education and counselling for mothers/care takers of girls and boys under five in Infant and Young Child feeding (IYCF) practices, and hygiene and sanitation # of caretakers (mothers) who attended at least one awareness session of IYCF and hygiene /sanitation 628,204 278,173 4 Collect, analyze, disseminate accurate and timely information on response disaggregated by sex and age for decision making % of timely and complete age and sex disaggregated quarterly nutrition reports disseminated to partners 80% 80% High-priority activity Indicator(s) Target As of 1 July Two CCCM training courses for local authorities, local communities and Cluster members with a focus on gender issues and the engagement and participation of women and girls in the camp management. # of cluster partners, local authorities and affected local community with equal number of men and women have better understanding of CCCM and emergency management issues 25 women 25 men Total: 26 Female: 30 % (8) Male: 70 % (18) | 11 Shelter S.O. 3 Protection Strategic Objective 2: Assist and protect people affected by crisis, including refugees and migrants as well as returning Yemenis Indicator Baseline and target Mid-year result % participation of women, marginalized group and youth in the community-based protection networks, the camp management committees and other influential fora Baseline: n/a Target: 30% 30% Extent to which the capacity to monitor and report human rights violations has improved, including grave violations against children and GVB Baseline: n/a Target: 50% 20% % of reported cases of human rights violations (including child) addressed and responded to in a gender sensitive manner Baseline: n/a Target: 20% 20% Cluster objectives S.O. 1 High-priority activity Indicator(s) Target As of 1 July Timely humanitarian assistance in violation incident cases is provided to the most vulnerable groups, such as IDPs, returnees, conflict-affected communities # of vulnerable individuals(sex disaggregated), including children, identified and assisted with protection services (psychosocial support/violence prevention, legal aid and counseling, etc.). 90% 90% (39,293 people) No disaggregated data has been provided Child protection Life saving Mine Risk Education (MRE) reached over exceeded double its mid-year goal of 125,000 beneficiaries by reaching over 230,000 children (41% girls and 59% boys) and over 90,000 adults/parents (40% women and 60% men). 2014 YHRP mid-year monitoring | Gender Equality Performance | 12 78 staff (35% male and 65 % female) from various governmental organisations have been trained in MRE: more stress has been put in female MRE training, to compensate their underrepresentation among MRE educators Psychosocial Support Services (PSS) through Child Friendly Spaces (CFS) or group or individual counselling sessions, as part of the strategy to protect children and the community in affected areas, were able to reach 45% of the 200,000 mid-year target. 45% were girls and 56% boys. GBV Estimated 5.250 cases received referral and response services through 13 referral mechanisms in the first half of the year. Services include health, clinical management of rape, psychosocial support, legal redress and safe shelter, as well as livelihood activities for survivors. Partners have received very minor numbers of GBV male cases (estimated 1% men and 3% boys of total GBV reported cases) – where survivors are not willing to file their case. In such circumstances, it is very hard to grasp the needs of males when it comes to GBV. Partners raised awareness on all these issues in the first half of the year, including periodic workshops on reintegration of GBV survivors and training for 640 service providers and health workers (39% male). Multisector S.O. 2 High-priority activity Indicator(s) Target As of 1 July Provision of life-saving food # of African migrants provided with food for a period of up to one week (sex and age disaggregated) 51,000 Total: 4,994 Men: 78% (3,891) Women: 4% (206) Boys: 17% (851) Girls: 1% (46) # of Yemeni returnees assisted with one meal at points of arrival (sex and age disaggregated) 136,500 Total: 152,000 Men: 92% (140,057) Women: 3% (4,754) Boys: 3% (4,283) Girls: 2% (2,906) # of refugees and asylum seekers assisted with food for one year (sex and age disaggregated) 60,000 Total: 26,821 Men: 90% (24,293) Women: 3% (741) Boys: 5% (1,347) Girls: 2% (440) Provision of life-saving health care (emergency, primary, MISP – including HIV management, psychological first-aid, health education) # of vulnerable migrants, refugees and asylum seekers assisted with health care (sex and age disaggregated) 48,000 Total: 26,821 Men: 90% (24,293) Women: 3% (741) Boys: 5% (1,347) Girls: 2% (440) Installation of water tanks, rehabilitation of water infrastructure, water trucking # of migrants provided access to safe and clean water (sex and age disaggregated) 187,500 Total: 255,257 Men: 94% (239,454) Women: 2% (5,797) Boys: 3% (6,838) Girls: 1% (3,168) Construction and/ or rehabilitation of emergency latrines, and maintenance of these latrine facilities # of migrants provided access to emergency latrine facilities (sex and age disaggregated) 248,700 Total: 255,257 Men: 94% (239,454) Women: 2% (5,797) Boys: 3% (6,838) Girls: 1% (3,168) 2014 YHRP mid-year monitoring | Gender Equality Performance | 13 Procurement and distribution of shelter materials and NFI kits # of migrants provided with shelter materials and NFI kits (sex and age disaggregated) 187,500 Total: 28,733 Men: 79% (22,836) Women: 10% (2,742) Boys: 7% (2,102) Girls: 4% (1,053) Extremely vulnerable migrants (women, boys, girls, medical cases and those with special needs) are provided with voluntary return assistance to their countries of origin # of migrants provided with AVR (sex and age disaggregated) 5,100 Total IOM: 432 Men: 64% (277) Women: 4% (15) Boys: 30% (130) Girls: 2% (10) Total GoY: 1,084 Men: 90% (976) Women: 7% (76) Boys: 3% (32) Girls: 0% (0) Education S.O. 2 4 High-priority activity(ies) Indicator(s) Target As of 1 July Rehabilitate conflict-affected schools, including separate latrines for girls in mixed schools (Amran, Sa'ada and Abyan) # of rehabilitated schools 88 37 # of children (sex disaggregated) with access to safe and child-friendly schools 25,000 10,508 No disaggregated data has been provided # of out-of-school children enrolled in education (sex disaggregated) 10,500 Total: 7,800 Girls: 83% (6480) Boys: 17% (1320) Provide access through formal or non-formal education for the most vulnerable out-of-school girls and boys Early Recovery S.O. High-priority activity(ies) Indicator(s) Target As of 1 July 3 Capacity building and mentoring programmes # of National NGOs staff trained on defined capacitybuilding modules (sex disaggregated) 130 Total: 171 Female: 41 % (71) Male: 59% (100)